(currently only CD-ROM drives on i386). The sys/dev/scsipi system provides 2 busses to which devices can attach (scsibus and atapibus). This needed to change some include files and structure names in the low level scsi drivers.
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# $NetBSD: files.sun3,v 1.41 1997/08/27 11:26:02 bouyer Exp $
# sun3-specific configuration info
# maxpartitions must be first item in files.${ARCH}.newconf
maxpartitions 8
maxusers 2 8 64
# Standard stuff
file arch/sun3/sun3/autoconf.c
file arch/sun3/sun3/bus_subr.c
file arch/sun3/sun3/cache.c havecache
file arch/sun3/sun3/conf.c
file arch/sun3/sun3/control.c
file arch/sun3/sun3/ctrlsp.S
file arch/sun3/sun3/db_machdep.c ddb
file arch/sun3/sun3/db_memrw.c ddb | kgdb
file arch/sun3/sun3/disksubr.c
file arch/sun3/sun3/dvma.c
file arch/sun3/sun3/fpu.c
file arch/sun3/sun3/isr.c
file arch/sun3/sun3/kgdb_machdep.c kgdb
file arch/sun3/sun3/leds.c
file arch/sun3/sun3/machdep.c
file arch/sun3/sun3/mem.c
file arch/sun3/sun3/pmap.c
file arch/sun3/sun3/stub.c
file arch/sun3/sun3/sun3_startup.c
file arch/sun3/sun3/sunmon.c
file arch/sun3/sun3/sys_machdep.c
file arch/sun3/sun3/trap.c
file arch/sun3/sun3/vector.c
file arch/sun3/sun3/vm_machdep.c
file arch/sun3/dev/idprom.c
include "arch/m68k/fpe/files.fpe"
file arch/m68k/m68k/sig_machdep.c
file dev/cons.c
# Bus types
device mainbus {}
attach mainbus at root
file arch/sun3/sun3/mainbus.c mainbus
# On-board I/O space
device obio {addr = -1, [level = -1]}
attach obio at mainbus
file arch/sun3/dev/obio.c obio
# On-board MEMory space
device obmem {addr = -1, [level = -1]}
attach obmem at mainbus
file arch/sun3/dev/obmem.c obmem
# VME Short space (D16)
device vmes {addr = -1, [level = -1], [vect = -1]}
attach vmes at mainbus
# VME Long space (D32)
device vmel {addr = -1, [level = -1], [vect = -1]}
attach vmel at mainbus
file arch/sun3/dev/vme.c vmes | vmel
# Machine-independent SCSI drivers
include "../../../dev/scsipi/files.scsipi"
# On-Board I/O (OBIO)
device zsc {channel = -1}
attach zsc at obio
file arch/sun3/dev/zs.c zsc needs-flag
file dev/ic/z8530sc.c zsc
device eeprom
attach eeprom at obio
file arch/sun3/dev/eeprom.c eeprom
device clock
attach clock at obio
file arch/sun3/sun3/clock.c clock
file dev/clock_subr.c clock
device memerr
attach memerr at obio
file arch/sun3/dev/memerr.c memerr
device intreg
attach intreg at obio
file arch/sun3/sun3/intreg.c intreg
device ie: ifnet, ether, arp
attach ie at obio with ie_obio
attach ie at vmes with ie_vmes
file arch/sun3/dev/if_ie_obio.c ie_obio
file arch/sun3/dev/if_ie_vmes.c ie_vmes
file arch/sun3/dev/if_ie.c ie
# device defined in sys/conf/files
attach le at obio
file arch/sun3/dev/if_le.c le
device si: scsi, ncr5380sbc
file arch/sun3/dev/si.c si
attach si at obio with si_obio
file arch/sun3/dev/si_obio.c si_obio
attach si at vmes with si_vmes
file arch/sun3/dev/si_vme.c si_vmes
# Sun-compatible Frame Buffers (?)
define sunfb
file arch/sun3/dev/fb.c # sunfb needs-flag
# On-Board MEMory (OBMEM)
device bwtwo: sunfb
attach bwtwo at obmem
file arch/sun3/dev/bw2.c bwtwo needs-flag
device cgtwo: sunfb
attach cgtwo at vmes
file arch/sun3/dev/cg2.c cgtwo needs-flag
device cgfour: sunfb
attach cgfour at obmem
file arch/sun3/dev/cg4.c cgfour needs-flag
device xdc {drive = -1}
attach xdc at vmel
device xd: disk
attach xd at xdc
file arch/sun3/dev/xd.c xd needs-flag
device xyc {drive = -1}
attach xyc at vmes
device xy: disk
attach xy at xyc
file arch/sun3/dev/xy.c xy needs-flag
# Console (zs) related stuff
device zstty: tty
attach zstty at zsc
file dev/ic/z8530tty.c zstty needs-flag
file arch/sun3/dev/zs_kgdb.c kgdb
define zsevent
file dev/sun/event.c zsevent
device kbd: zsevent
attach kbd at zsc
file dev/sun/kbd.c kbd needs-flag
file dev/sun/kbd_tables.c kbd
file arch/sun3/dev/kd.c kbd
device ms: zsevent
attach ms at zsc
file dev/sun/ms.c ms needs-flag
# Memory Disk for boot tape
file arch/sun3/dev/md_root.c memory_disk_hooks
# Major numbers for root/swap device configuration
major {xy=3} # Xylogics 450 and 451
major {vnd=5} # vnode pseudo-device
major {sd=7} # SCSI disk
major {xd=10} # Xylogics 7053
major {md=13} # Memory disk (for mini-kernel)
# Compatibility modules
# SunOS Binary Compatibility (COMPAT_SUNOS)
include "../../../compat/sunos/files.sunos"
file arch/m68k/m68k/sunos_machdep.c compat_sunos