mrg dc74fbbf85 merge the jmcneill-usbmp branch. many thanks to jared for the
initial work, and every one else who has tested things for me.
this is largely my fault at this point :-)

the main changes are something like:

        - usbd_bus_methods{} gains a get_lock() to enable the
          host controller to provide a lock for the USB code.
          if the lock isn't provided, old-style protection is
          (partially) applied.

        - ehci/ohci/uhci have been converted to the new
          interfaces, including mutex/cv/etc conversion.

        - usbdivar.h contains a discussion about locking and
          what locks are held for which method calls.  more
          to come for usbdi(9) here.

        - audio drivers (uaudio, umidi, auvitek) have been
          properly SMPified now that USB is ready.

        - scsi drivers have been modified to take the kernel
          lock explicitly before calling into scsi code.

        - usb pipes are associated with a lock, that is the
          same as the controller lock.  (this could be split
          up further in the future.)

        - several usbfoo_locked() or usbfoo_unlocked()
          functions have been added to the usbdi(9) to
          enable functionality with or without the USB
          lock (per controller) already being held.

the TODO.usbmp file has specific details on what is left to
do, including what device-specific changes should be done now
that the whole framework is ready.
2012-06-10 06:15:52 +00:00

	$NetBSD: README.dirs,v 1.11 2010/05/11 11:58:14 pooka Exp $

The following is a quick rundown of the current directory structure.
First, components in the kernel namespace, i.e. compiled with -D_KERNEL

sys/rump/librump - kernel runtime emulation
  /rumpkern	- kernel core, e.g. syscall, interrupt and lock support

  /rumpcrypto	- kernel cryptographic routines
  /rumpdev	- device support, e.g. autoconf subsystem
  /rumpnet	- networking support and sockets layer
  /rumpvfs	- file system support

  /machine - used for architectures where the rump ABI is not yet the
	     same as the kernel module ABI.  will eventually disappear
  /rump    - rump headers installed to userspace

sys/rump/dev - device components, e.g. audio, raidframe, usb drivers

sys/rump/fs - file system components
  /lib/lib${fs}  - kernel file system code

sys/rump/net - networking components
  /lib/libnet	  - subroutines from sys/net, e.g. route and if_ethersubr
  /lib/libnetinet - TCP/IP
  /lib/libvirtif  - a virtual interface which uses host tap(4) to shovel
		    packets.  This is used by netinet and if_ethersubr.
  /lib/libsockin  - implements PF_INET using host kernel sockets.  This is
		    mutually exclusive with net, netinet and virtif.

The rest are out-of-kernel components (i.e. no -D_KERNEL)
related to rump.

hypercall interface:
  The "rumpuser" set of interfaces is used by rump to communicate
  with the host.

  /libp2k  - puffs-to-vfs adaption layer, userspace namespace
  /libukfs - user kernel file system, a library to access file system
	     images (or devices) directly in userspace without going
	     through a system call and puffs.  It provides a slightly
	     higher interface than pure rump syscalls.

  rump_$fs - userspace file system daemons using the kernel fs code

  Various examples detailing use of rump in different scenarios.
  These are provided source-only.