rtr 892163b8e9 split PRU_DISCONNECT, PRU_SHUTDOWN and PRU_ABORT function out of
pr_generic() usrreq switches and put into separate functions

   xxx_disconnect(struct socket *)
   xxx_shutdown(struct socket *)
   xxx_abort(struct socket *)

   - always KASSERT(solocked(so)) even if not implemented
   - replace calls to pr_generic() with req =
     with calls to pr_{disconnect,shutdown,abort}() respectively

rename existing internal functions used to implement above functionality
to permit use of the names for xxx_{disconnect,shutdown,abort}().

   - {l2cap,sco,rfcomm}_disconnect() ->
   - {unp,rip,tcp}_disconnect() -> {unp,rip,tcp}_disconnect1()
   - unp_shutdown() -> unp_shutdown1()

patch reviewed by rmind
2014-07-31 03:39:35 +00:00

	$NetBSD: README.dirs,v 1.12 2013/01/08 13:12:26 pooka Exp $

The following is a quick rundown of the current directory structure.
First, components in the kernel namespace, i.e. compiled with -D_KERNEL

sys/rump/librump - rump kernel base and factions
  /rumpkern	- kernel core, e.g. syscall, interrupt and lock support

  /rumpdev	- device support, e.g. autoconf subsystem
  /rumpnet	- networking support and sockets layer
  /rumpvfs	- file system support

  /machine - used for architectures where the rump kernel ABI is not yet the
	     same as the kernel module ABI.  will eventually disappear
  /rump    - kernel headers installed to userspace

sys/rump/dev - device components, e.g. audio, raidframe, usb drivers

sys/rump/fs - file system components
  /lib/lib${fs}  - kernel file system code

sys/rump/net - networking components
  /lib/libnet	  - subroutines from sys/net, e.g. route and if_ethersubr
  /lib/libnetinet - TCP/IP
  /lib/libvirtif  - a virtual interface which uses host tap(4) to shovel
		    packets.  This is used by netinet and if_ethersubr.
  /lib/libshmif   - a virtual interface which uses a memory mapped file
		    as an ethernet bus.  works completely unprivileged.
  /lib/libsockin  - implements PF_INET using host kernel sockets.  This is
		    mutually exclusive with net, netinet and virtif.

The rest are out-of-kernel components (i.e. no -D_KERNEL).

hypercall interface:
  The "rumpuser" hypercall interfaces are used by a rump kernel to
  access host resources.

remote client interface:
  The rumpclient library provides remote access to rump kernel servers.

system call hijacking:
  The rumphijack library allows intercepting system calls and redirecting
  them to a rump kernel server instead of the host kernel.  In other
  words, it allows existing binaries to request indicated services from
  a rump kernel instead of from the host kernel.

  /libp2k  - puffs-to-vfs adaption layer, userspace namespace
  /libukfs - user kernel file system, a library to access file system
	     images (or devices) directly in userspace without going
	     through a system call and puffs.  It provides a slightly
	     higher interface than syscalls.

  rump_$fs - userspace file system daemons using the kernel fs code

  Various examples detailing use of rump kernels in different scenarios.
  These are provided source-only.