scottr fc9da5f33b If a valid file system type is found for a particular partition but no
mount point was specified, make sure to add only a commented-out entry for
that partition when building fstab. This prevents sysinst from generating
an otherwise invalid fstab. This problem was originally reported by
Frederick Bruckman and fixed by Bob Nestor.
2002-06-30 04:02:47 +00:00
2002-05-26 00:02:06 +00:00

#	$NetBSD: README,v 1.4 2002/03/25 07:39:50 lukem Exp $

From: "Gordon W. Ross" <gwr>
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 95 16:37:39 EDT
Subject: New ramdisk, tiny shell, etc.
[ edited since the original mail ]

As part of my efforts to build a RAM-disk root kernel for the
sun3 port, I've developed some things that others may want:

New RAM-disk: [ see sys/dev/ramdisk.c ]

New "small/tiny" tools, to replace some of the larger
programs that one usually wants on a ramdisk root:

ssh: (small shell)
  * Consumes only about 8K of memory on an m68k!
    (saves about 100K in the ramdisk...)
  * Can run programs, possibly with I/O redirection
  * Just enough to let you run the programs needed
    while partitioning and copying miniroot to swap.

tls: (tiny ls)
  * Consumes only about 4K of memory on an m68k!
    (saves about 10K in the ramdisk...)
  * Long format only, nothing fancy.

Also, in the new "src/distrib/utils" area, I've made build
directories for some programs that build smaller versions,
usually by adding special CFLAGS

init_s:  (built with -DLETS_GET_SMALL)
  * Forces single-user mode
  * Eliminates unnecessary code

libhack:   small implementation of some libc functions
  * Needs only /etc/master.passwd (not pwd.db, spwd.db)
  * Reduces size of an m68k crunched binary by about 64K

x_dd:  built with -DNO_CONV (no conv=* options)

x_ifconfig:  supports inet only

The x_ prefix on the above is to make the names unique so
crunchgen will not confuse them with the real sources.