bjh21 b59e2e1320 Beginnings of support for the Simtec Hydra multiprocessor board.
So far, the Hydra is detected and initialised, and each slave CPU is
spun up briefly to check that it works.
2002-09-30 23:22:05 +00:00

193 lines
4.6 KiB

# $NetBSD: files.acorn32,v 1.15 2002/09/30 23:22:06 bjh21 Exp $
# First try for arm-specific configuration info
maxpartitions 8
maxusers 2 8 64
# Maintain Interrupt statistics
defflag IRQSTATS
# predefine some variables ... not that we have one but the arm framework
# needs it to compile ... esp. the isadma bothers me (used by pmap.c)
# it is never included but i need the isadma.h it generates
define isadma
file dev/isa/isadma.c isadma needs-flag
# Simtec Hydra multiprocessor system
device hydra { slave = -1 }
attach hydra at mainbus
file arch/acorn32/acorn32/hydra.c hydra needs-flag
file arch/acorn32/acorn32/hydra_boot.S hydra needs-flag
# Machine-independent ATA drivers
include "dev/ata/files.ata"
# PIOC (Peripheral IO Controller) device
# parent to wdc, fdc, com and lpt
device pioc { [offset = -1], [dack = -1], [irq = -1] }
attach pioc at mainbus
file arch/acorn32/mainbus/pioc.c
# Standard NetBSD wdc driver
attach wdc at pioc with wdc_pioc
file arch/acorn32/mainbus/wdc_pioc.c wdc_pioc
# Standard parallel driver
# including dev/ic/lpt.c from the ISA file ... this sux
device lpt
file dev/ic/lpt.c lpt needs-flag
attach lpt at pioc with lpt_pioc
file arch/acorn32/mainbus/lpt_pioc.c lpt_pioc needs-flag
# Standard NetBSD fd driver
device fdc {drive = -1}
attach fdc at pioc
device fd: disk
attach fd at fdc
file arch/acorn32/mainbus/fd.c fdc needs-flag
# Standard serial driver
attach com at pioc with com_pioc
file arch/acorn32/mainbus/com_pioc.c com_pioc
# Memory disk driver
file arch/acorn32/dev/md_hooks.c md & memory_disk_hooks
include "arch/arm/iomd/files.iomd"
# Podule bus device
include "dev/podulebus/files.podulebus"
attach podulebus at root
file arch/acorn32/podulebus/podulebus.c podulebus needs-flag
file arch/acorn32/podulebus/podulebus_io.c podulebus
file arch/acorn32/podulebus/podulebus_io_asm.S podulebus
file arch/acorn32/podulebus/netslot.c podulebus
# Ethernet devices
# Novell NE1000 and NE2000 clones (EtherM, EtherH)
attach ne at podulebus with ne_pbus: dp83905, mx98905
file arch/acorn32/podulebus/if_ne_pbus.c ne_pbus
device ie: ether, ifnet, arp
attach ie at podulebus
file arch/acorn32/podulebus/if_ie.c ie
#define ipkdb
#device kie: ipkdb
#attach kie at podule
#file arch/acorn32/podulebus/ipkdb_ie.c kie
#file arch/arm32/arm32/ipkdb_glue.c ipkdb
#file arch/arm32/arm32/ipkdb_step.c ipkdb
# Machine-independent SCSI drivers
include "dev/scsipi/files.scsipi"
# Miscelanious podulebus devices not moved yet to dev/podules
# Generic sbic (WD3393) driver
define sbic
file arch/acorn32/podulebus/sbic.c sbic
# Acorn SCSI I specific layer for sbic
device asc: scsi, sbic, podloader
attach asc at podulebus
file arch/acorn32/podulebus/asc.c asc needs-flag
# Generic AMD AM53C94 driver
define esc
file arch/acorn32/podulebus/esc.c esc
# Connect32 specific layer for esc
device cosc: scsi, esc
attach cosc at podulebus
file arch/acorn32/podulebus/cosc.c cosc
# Generic fas216 + esp216 driver
define sfas
file arch/acorn32/podulebus/sfas.c sfas
device ptsc: scsi, sfas, podloader
attach ptsc at podulebus
file arch/acorn32/podulebus/ptsc.c ptsc
device csc: scsi, sfas, podloader
attach csc at podulebus
file arch/acorn32/podulebus/csc.c csc
# Cumana SCSI1 specific layer for ncr5380
device csa: scsi, ncr5380sbc, podloader
attach csa at podulebus
file arch/acorn32/podulebus/csa.c csa
# ICS IDE driver
device icside {[channel = -1]}: wdc_base, ata, atapi
attach icside at podulebus
file arch/acorn32/podulebus/icside.c icside
file arch/acorn32/podulebus/icside_io_asm.S icside
# Yellowstone RapIDE driver
device rapide {[channel = -1]}: wdc_base, ata, atapi
attach rapide at podulebus
file arch/acorn32/podulebus/rapide.c rapide
file arch/acorn32/podulebus/rapide_io_asm.S rapide
# Simtec IDE driver
device simide {[channel = -1]}: wdc_base, ata, atapi
attach simide at podulebus
file arch/acorn32/podulebus/simide.c simide
file arch/acorn32/podulebus/simide_io_asm.S simide
# Atomwide Multi-Port Serial driver
device amps {}
attach amps at podulebus
attach com at amps with com_amps
file arch/acorn32/podulebus/amps.c amps
# Generic MD files
file arch/acorn32/acorn32/autoconf.c
file arch/acorn32/acorn32/conf.c
file arch/arm/arm/disksubr.c disk
file arch/arm/arm/disksubr_acorn.c disk
file arch/arm/arm/disksubr_mbr.c disk
file arch/arm/arm32/intr.c
file arch/arm/arm32/spl.S
# RiscPC specific files
file arch/acorn32/acorn32/rpc_machdep.c
file arch/acorn32/acorn32/rpc_kbd_map.c
# Machine-independent I2O drivers.
include "dev/i2o/files.i2o"
# maybe we will use these later one time :
# Include USB stuff
#include "dev/usb/files.usb"
include "arch/acorn32/conf/majors.acorn32"