hubertf 684450bffb current is not a release - s/release/version,
as suggested by Christian Hattemer <>
on tech-userlevel.
2006-08-15 22:35:01 +00:00

17 lines
696 B

Welcome to NetBSD!
This system is running a development snapshot of the NetBSD operating system,
also known as NetBSD-current. It is highly possible for it to contain serious
bugs, regressions, broken features and any other kind of problem. Please bear
this in mind and use the system with care.
You are encouraged to test this version as thoroughly as possible. Should you
encounter any problem, please report it back to the development team using the
send-pr(1) utility (requires a working MTA). If yours is not properly set up,
use the web interface at:
Thank you for testing this NetBSD version and helping us improve it.