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pipe - Postfix delivery to external command
<b>pipe</b> [generic Postfix daemon options] command_attributes...
The <b>pipe</b> daemon processes requests from the Postfix queue
manager to deliver messages to external commands. This
program expects to be run from the <a href="master.8.html"><b>master</b>(8)</a> process man-
The <b>pipe</b> daemon updates queue files and marks recipients
as finished, or it informs the queue manager that delivery
should be tried again at a later time. Delivery problem
reports are sent to the <a href="bounce.8.html"><b>bounce</b>(8)</a> or <a href="defer.8.html"><b>defer</b>(8)</a> daemon as
Some external commands cannot handle more than one recipi-
ent per delivery request. Examples of such transports are
pagers, fax machines, and so on.
To prevent Postfix from sending multiple recipients per
delivery request, specify
<i>transport_</i><b>destination</b><i>_</i><b>recipient</b><i>_</i><b>limit</b> <b>=</b> <b>1</b>
in the Postfix <b></b> file, where <i>transport</i> is the name
in the first column of the Postfix <b></b> entry for the
pipe-based delivery transport.
<b>COMMAND</b> <b>ATTRIBUTE</b> <b>SYNTAX</b>
The external command attributes are given in the <b></b>
file at the end of a service definition. The syntax is as
<b>flags=BFR.</b>&gt; (optional)
Optional message processing flags. By default, a
message is copied unchanged.
<b>B</b> Append a blank line at the end of each mes-
sage. This is required by some mail user
agents that recognize "<b>From</b> " lines only
when preceded by a blank line.
<b>F</b> Prepend a "<b>From</b> <i>sender</i> <i>time_stamp</i>" envelope
header to the message content. This is
expected by, for example, <b>UUCP</b> software.
<b>R</b> Prepend a <b>Return-Path:</b> message header with
the envelope sender address.
<b>.</b> Prepend <b>.</b> to lines starting with "<b>.</b>". This
is needed by, for example, <b>BSMTP</b> software.
&gt; Prepend &gt; to lines starting with "<b>From</b> ".
This is expected by, for example, <b>UUCP</b> soft-
<b>user</b>=<i>username</i> (required)
The external command is executed with the rights of
the specified <i>username</i>. The software refuses to
execute commands with root privileges, or with the
privileges of the mail system owner. If <i>groupname</i>
is specified, the corresponding group ID is used
instead of the group ID of <i>username</i>.
<b>eol=string</b> (default: <b>\n</b>)
The output record delimiter. Typically one would
use either <b>\r\n</b> or <b>\n</b>. The usual C-style backslash
escape sequences are recognized: <b>\a</b> <b>\b</b> <b>\f</b> <b>\n</b> <b>\r</b> <b>\t</b>
<b>\v</b> <b>\</b><i>octal</i> and <b>\\</b>.
<b>size</b>=<i>size_limit</i> (optional)
Messages greater in size than this limit (in bytes)
will be bounced back to the sender.
<b>argv</b>=<i>command</i>... (required)
The command to be executed. This must be specified
as the last command attribute. The command is exe-
cuted directly, i.e. without interpretation of
shell meta characters by a shell command inter-
In the command argument vector, the following
macros are recognized and replaced with correspond-
ing information from the Postfix queue manager
delivery request:
This macro expands to the extension part of
a recipient address. For example, with an
address <i>user+foo@domain</i> the extension is
A command-line argument that contains
<b>${extension</b>} expands into as many command-
line arguments as there are recipients.
This macro expands to the complete local
part of a recipient address. For example,
with an address <i>user+foo@domain</i> the mailbox
is <i>user+foo</i>.
A command-line argument that contains
<b>${mailbox</b>} expands into as many command-line
arguments as there are recipients.
This macro expands to the next-hop hostname.
This macro expands to the complete recipient
A command-line argument that contains
<b>${recipient</b>} expands into as many command-
line arguments as there are recipients.
This macro expands to the envelope sender
This macro expands to Postfix's idea of the
message size, which is an approximation of
the size of the message as delivered.
This macro expands to the username part of a
recipient address. For example, with an
address <i>user+foo@domain</i> the username part is
A command-line argument that contains
<b>${user</b>} expands into as many command-line
arguments as there are recipients.
In addition to the form ${<i>name</i>}, the forms $<i>name</i> and
$(<i>name</i>) are also recognized. Specify <b>$$</b> where a single <b>$</b>
is wanted.
Command exit status codes are expected to follow the con-
ventions defined in &lt;<b>sysexits.h</b>&gt;.
Problems and transactions are logged to <b>syslogd</b>(8). Cor-
rupted message files are marked so that the queue manager
can move them to the <b>corrupt</b> queue for further inspection.
This program needs a dual personality 1) to access the
private Postfix queue and IPC mechanisms, and 2) to exe-
cute external commands as the specified user. It is there-
fore security sensitive.
The following <b></b> parameters are especially relevant
to this program. See the Postfix <b></b> file for syntax
details and for default values. Use the <b>postfix</b> <b>reload</b>
command after a configuration change.
List of names of environment parameters that can be
exported to non-Postfix processes.
The process privileges used while not running an
external command.
<b>Resource</b> <b>controls</b>
In the text below, <i>transport</i> is the first field in a <b>mas-</b>
<b></b> entry.
Limit the number of parallel deliveries to the same
destination, for delivery via the named <i>transport</i>.
The default limit is taken from the <b>default</b><i>_</i><b>desti-</b>
<b>nation</b><i>_</i><b>concurrency</b><i>_</i><b>limit</b> parameter. The limit is
enforced by the Postfix queue manager.
Limit the number of recipients per message deliv-
ery, for delivery via the named <i>transport</i>. The
default limit is taken from the <b>default</b><i>_</i><b>destina-</b>
<b>tion</b><i>_</i><b>recipient</b><i>_</i><b>limit</b> parameter. The limit is
enforced by the Postfix queue manager.
Limit the time for delivery to external command,
for delivery via the named <b>transport</b>. The default
limit is taken from the <b>command</b><i>_</i><b>time</b><i>_</i><b>limit</b> parame-
ter. The limit is enforced by the Postfix queue
<b>SEE</b> <b>ALSO</b>
<a href="bounce.8.html">bounce(8)</a> non-delivery status reports
<a href="master.8.html">master(8)</a> process manager
<a href="qmgr.8.html">qmgr(8)</a> queue manager
syslogd(8) system logging
The Secure Mailer license must be distributed with this
Wietse Venema
IBM T.J. Watson Research
P.O. Box 704
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA
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