simonb e0f6bf08fd Pick up some changes from FreeBSD- adding "sizeableness" but leaving out
Proper Nouns like country names.  The notable addition is "add".

Also add the remaining atomic elements that weren't in the list - we had
most of them anyway (but leave out the unclassified names).
2002-02-20 04:13:56 +00:00

#	$NetBSD: README,v 1.2 1997/03/26 07:14:32 mikel Exp $
#	@(#)README	8.1 (Berkeley) 6/5/93

WEB ---- (introduction provided by jaw@riacs) -------------------------

Welcome to web2 (Webster's Second International) all 234,936 words worth.
The 1934 copyright has elapsed, according to the supplier.  The
supplemental 'web2a' list contains hyphenated terms as well as assorted
noun and adverbial phrases.  The wordlist makes a dandy 'grep' victim.

     -- James A. Woods    {ihnp4,hplabs}!ames!jaw    (or jaw@riacs)