
908 lines
26 KiB

/* File : main.c
Author : Ozan Yigit
Updated: 4 May 1992
Defines: M4 macro processor.
#include "mdef.h"
#include "extr.h"
#include "ourlims.h"
char chtype[1 - EOF + UCHAR_MAX];
#define is_sym1(c) (chtype[(c)-EOF] > 10)
#define is_sym2(c) (chtype[(c)-EOF] > 0)
#define is_blnk(c) ((unsigned)((c)-1) < ' ')
* m4 - macro processor
* PD m4 is based on the macro tool distributed with the software
* tools (VOS) package, and described in the "SOFTWARE TOOLS" and
* "SOFTWARE TOOLS IN PASCAL" books. It has been expanded to include
* most of the command set of SysV m4, the standard UN*X macro processor.
* Since both PD m4 and UN*X m4 are based on SOFTWARE TOOLS macro,
* there may be certain implementation similarities between
* the two. The PD m4 was produced without ANY references to m4
* sources.
* References:
* Software Tools distribution: macro
* Kernighan, Brian W. and P. J. Plauger, SOFTWARE
* TOOLS IN PASCAL, Addison-Wesley, Mass. 1981
* Kernighan, Brian W. and P. J. Plauger, SOFTWARE
* TOOLS, Addison-Wesley, Mass. 1976
* Kernighan, Brian W. and Dennis M. Ritchie,
* THE M4 MACRO PROCESSOR, Unix Programmer's Manual,
* Seventh Edition, Vol. 2, Bell Telephone Labs, 1979
* System V man page for M4
* Modification History:
* Mar 26 1992 RAOK 1. Eliminated magic numbers 8, 255, 256 in favour
* of the standard limits CHAR_BIT, UCHAR_MAX, which
* are in the new header ourlims.h. This is part of
* the "8-bit-clean M4" project. To the best of my
* belief, all of the code should work in EBCDIC,
* ASCII, DEC MNCS, ISO 8859/n, or the Mac character
* set, as long as chars are unsigned. There are
* still some places where signed bytes can cause
* trouble.
* 2. Changed expr() to use long int rather than int.
* This is so that we'd get 32-bit arithmetic on a Sun,
* Encore, PC, Mac &c. As part of this, the code for
* shifts has been elaborated to yield signed shifts
* on all machines. The charcon() function didn't work
* with multi-character literals, although it was meant
* to. Now it does. pbrad() has been changed so that
* eval('abcd',0) => abcd, not dcba, which was useless.
* 3. I finally got sick of the fact that &&, ||, and
* ?: always evaluate all their arguments. This is
* consistent with UNIX System V Release 3, but I for
* one don't see anything to gain by having eval(0&&1/0)
* crash when it would simply yield 0 in C. Now these
* operators are more consistent with the C preprocessor.
* Nov 13 1992 RAOK Added the quoter facility. The purpose of this is
* to make it easier to generate data for a variety of
* programming languages, including sh, awk, Lisp, C.
* There are two holes in the implementation: dumpdef
* prints junk and undefine doesn't release everything.
* This was mainly intended as a prototype to show that
* it could be done.
* Jun 16 1992 RAOK Added vquote and gave changequote a 3rd argument.
* The idea of this is to make it possible to quote
* ANY string, including one with unbalanced ` or '.
* I also made eval(c,0) convert decimal->ASCII, so
* that eval(39,0) yields ' and eval(96,0) yields `.
* Apr 28 1992 RAOK Used gcc to find and fix ANSI clashes, so that
* PD M4 could be ported to MS-DOS (Turbo C 3).
* Main known remaining problem: use of mktemp().
* Also, command line handling needs to be worked out.
* Mar 26 1992 RAOK PD M4 now accepts file names on the command line
* just like UNIX M4. Warning: macro calls must NOT
* cross file boundaries. UNIX M4 doesn't mind;
* (m4 a b c) and (cat a b c | m4) are just the same
* except for error messages. PD M4 will report an
* unexpected EOF if a file ends while a macro call or
* string is still being parsed. When there is one
* file name argument, or none, you can't tell the
* difference, and that's all I need.
* May 15 1991 RAOK DIVNAM was a string constant, but was changed!
* Fixed that and a couple of other things to make
* GCC happy. (Also made "foo$bar" get through.)
* Apr 17 1991 RAOK There was a major mistake. If you did
* define(foo, `1 include(bar) 2') where
* file bar held "-bar-" you would naturally
* expect "1 -bar- 2" as the output, but you
* got "1 2-bar-". That is, include file
* processing was postponed until all macros
* had been expanded. The macro gpbc() was
* at fault. I added bb, bbstack[], and the
* code in main.c and serv.c that maintains
* them, in order to work around this bug.
* Apr 12 1991 RAOK inspect() didn't handle overflow well.
* Added the automatically maintained macro
* __FILE__, just as in C. To suppress it,
* define NO__FILE. At some point, $# had
* been made to return a value that was off
* by one; it now agrees with SysV M4.
* Aug 13 1990 RAOK The System V expr() has three arguments:
* expression [, radix:10 [, mindigits: 1]]
* Brought in my int2str() and wrote pbrad()
* to make this work here. With the wrong #
* of args, acts like System V.
* Aug 11 1990 RAOK Told expr.c about the Pascal operators
* not, div, mod, and, or
* so that Pascal constant expressions could
* be evaluated. (It still doesn't handle
* floats.) Fixed a mistake in 'character's.
* Apr 23 1988 RAOK Sped it up, mainly by making putback() and
* chrsave() into macros.
* Finished the -o option (was half done).
* Added the System V -e (interactive) option.
* Jan 28 1986 Oz Break the whole thing into little
* pieces, for easier (?) maintenance.
* Dec 12 1985 Oz Optimize the code, try to squeeze
* few microseconds out.. [didn't try very hard]
* Dec 05 1985 Oz Add getopt interface, define (-D),
* undefine (-U) options.
* Oct 21 1985 Oz Clean up various bugs, add comment handling.
* June 7 1985 Oz Add some of SysV m4 stuff (m4wrap, pushdef,
* popdef, decr, shift etc.).
* June 5 1985 Oz Initial cut.
* Implementation Notes:
* [1] PD m4 uses a different (and simpler) stack mechanism than the one
* described in Software Tools and Software Tools in Pascal books.
* The triple stack nonsense is replaced with a single stack containing
* the call frames and the arguments. Each frame is back-linked to a
* previous stack frame, which enables us to rewind the stack after
* each nested call is completed. Each argument is a character pointer
* to the beginning of the argument string within the string space.
* The only exceptions to this are (*) arg 0 and arg 1, which are
* the macro definition and macro name strings, stored dynamically
* for the hash table.
* . .
* | . | <-- sp | . |
* +-------+ +-----+
* | arg 3 ------------------------------->| str |
* +-------+ | . |
* | arg 2 --------------+ .
* +-------+ |
* * | | |
* +-------+ | +-----+
* | plev | <-- fp +---------------->| str |
* +-------+ | . |
* | type | .
* +-------+
* | prcf -----------+ plev: paren level
* +-------+ | type: call type
* | . | | prcf: prev. call frame
* . |
* +-------+ |
* | <----------+
* +-------+
* [2] We have three types of null values:
* nil - nodeblock pointer type 0
* null - null string ("")
* NULL - Stdio-defined NULL
char buf[BUFSIZE]; /* push-back buffer */
char *bp = buf; /* first available character */
char *bb = buf; /* buffer beginning */
char *endpbb = buf+BUFSIZE; /* end of push-back buffer */
stae mstack[STACKMAX+1]; /* stack of m4 machine */
char strspace[STRSPMAX+1]; /* string space for evaluation */
char *ep = strspace; /* first free char in strspace */
char *endest= strspace+STRSPMAX;/* end of string space */
int sp; /* current m4 stack pointer */
int fp; /* m4 call frame pointer */
char *bbstack[MAXINP]; /* stack where bb is saved */
FILE *infile[MAXINP]; /* input file stack (0=stdin) */
FILE *outfile[MAXOUT]; /* diversion array(0=bitbucket)*/
FILE *active; /* active output file pointer */
int ilevel = 0; /* input file stack pointer */
int oindex = 0; /* diversion index.. */
char *null = ""; /* as it says.. just a null.. */
char *m4wraps = ""; /* m4wrap string default.. */
char lquote = LQUOTE; /* left quote character (`) */
char rquote = RQUOTE; /* right quote character (') */
char vquote = VQUOTE; /* verbatim quote character ^V */
char scommt = SCOMMT; /* start character for comment */
char ecommt = ECOMMT; /* end character for comment */
int strip = 0; /* throw away comments? */
/* Definitions of diversion files. The last 6 characters MUST be
"XXXXXX" -- that is a requirement of mktemp(). The character
'0' is to be replaced by the diversion number; we assume here
that it is just before the Xs. If not, you will have to alter
the definition of UNIQUE.
#if unix
#include <sys/param.h>
#ifdef BSD
#include <paths.h>
#if __STDC__
static char DIVNAM[] = _PATH_VARTMP "m40XXXXXX";
static char DIVNAM[] = "/usr/tmp/m40XXXXXX";
static char DIVNAM[] = "/usr/tmp/m40XXXXXX";
#if vms
static char DIVNAM[] = "sys$login:m40XXXXXX";
static char DIVNAM[] = "M40XXXXXX"; /* was \M4, should it be \\M4? */
int UNIQUE = sizeof DIVNAM - 7; /* where to change m4temp. */
char *m4temp; /* filename for diversions */
extern char *mktemp();
void cantread(s)
char *s;
fprintf(stderr, "m4: %s: ", s);
error("cannot open for input.");
/* initkwds()
initialises the hash table to contain all the m4 built-in functions.
The original version breached module boundaries, but there did not
seem to be any benefit in that.
static void initkwds()
register int i;
static struct { char *name; int type; } keyword[] =
"include", INCLTYPE,
"sinclude", SINCTYPE,
"define", DEFITYPE,
"defn", DEFNTYPE,
"divert", DIVRTYPE,
"expr", EXPRTYPE,
"eval", EXPRTYPE,
"substr", SUBSTYPE,
"ifelse", IFELTYPE,
"ifdef", IFDFTYPE,
"len", LENGTYPE,
"incr", INCRTYPE,
"decr", DECRTYPE,
"dnl", DNLNTYPE,
"changequote", CHNQTYPE,
"changecom", CHNCTYPE,
"index", INDXTYPE,
"paste", PASTTYPE,
"spaste", SPASTYPE,
"m4trim", TRIMTYPE,
"defquote", DEFQTYPE,
"popdef", POPDTYPE,
"pushdef", PUSDTYPE,
"dumpdef", DUMPTYPE,
"shift", SHIFTYPE,
"translit", TRNLTYPE,
"undefine", UNDFTYPE,
"undivert", UNDVTYPE,
"divnum", DIVNTYPE,
"maketemp", MKTMTYPE,
"errprint", ERRPTYPE,
"m4wrap", M4WRTYPE,
"m4exit", EXITTYPE,
#if unix || vms
"syscmd", SYSCTYPE,
"sysval", SYSVTYPE,
#if unix
"unix", MACRTYPE,
#if vms
"vms", MACRTYPE,
(char*)0, 0
for (i = 0; keyword[i].type != 0; i++)
addkywd(keyword[i].name, keyword[i].type);
/* inspect(Name)
Build an input token.., considering only those which start with
[A-Za-z_]. This is fused with lookup() to speed things up.
name must point to an array of at least MAXTOK characters.
ndptr inspect(name)
char *name;
register char *tp = name;
register char *etp = name+(MAXTOK-1);
register int c;
register unsigned long h = 0;
register ndptr p;
while (is_sym2(c = gpbc())) {
if (tp == etp) error("m4: token too long");
*tp++ = c, h = (h << 5) + h + c;
*tp = EOS;
for (p = hashtab[h%HASHSIZE]; p != nil; p = p->nxtptr)
if (strcmp(name, p->name) == 0)
return p;
return nil;
* macro - the work horse..
void macro()
char token[MAXTOK];
register int t;
register FILE *op = active;
static char ovmsg[] = "m4: internal stack overflow";
for (;;) {
t = gpbc();
if (is_sym1(t)) {
register char *s;
register ndptr p;
if ((p = inspect(s = token)) == nil) {
if (sp < 0) {
while (t = *s++) putc(t, op);
} else {
while (t = *s++) chrsave(t);
} else {
/* real thing.. First build a call frame */
if (sp >= STACKMAX-6) error(ovmsg);
mstack[1+sp].sfra = fp; /* previous call frm */
mstack[2+sp].sfra = p->type; /* type of the call */
mstack[3+sp].sfra = 0; /* parenthesis level */
fp = sp+3; /* new frame pointer */
/* now push the string arguments */
mstack[4+sp].sstr = p->defn; /* defn string */
mstack[5+sp].sstr = p->name; /* macro name */
mstack[6+sp].sstr = ep; /* start next.. */
sp += 6;
t = gpbc();
if (t != LPAREN) { putback(RPAREN); putback(LPAREN); }
} else
if (t == EOF) {
if (sp >= 0) error("m4: unexpected end of input");
if (--ilevel < 0) break; /* all done thanks */
#ifndef NO__FILE
remhash("__FILE__", TOP);
bb = bbstack[ilevel+1];
(void) fclose(infile[ilevel+1]);
} else
/* non-alpha single-char token seen..
[the order of else if .. stmts is important.]
if (t == lquote) { /* strip quotes */
register int nlpar;
for (nlpar = 1; ; ) {
t = gpbc();
if (t == rquote) {
if (--nlpar == 0) break;
} else
if (t == lquote) {
} else {
if (t == vquote) t = gpbc();
if (t == EOF) {
error("m4: missing right quote");
if (sp < 0) {
putc(t, op);
} else {
} else
if (sp < 0) { /* not in a macro at all */
if (t != scommt) { /* not a comment, so */
putc(t, op); /* copy it to output */
} else
if (strip) { /* discard a comment */
do {
t = gpbc();
} while (t != ecommt && t != EOF);
} else { /* copy comment to output */
do {
putc(t, op);
t = gpbc();
} while (t != ecommt && t != EOF);
putc(t, op);
/* A note on comment handling: this is NOT robust.
| We should do something safe with comments that
| are missing their ecommt termination.
} else
switch (t) {
/* There is a peculiar detail to notice here.
Layout is _always_ discarded after left parentheses,
but it is only discarded after commas if they separate
arguments. For example,
foo( a, b) => |a|b|
foo(( a ), ( b )) => |(a )|(b )|
foo((a, x), (b, y)) => |(a, x)|(b, y)|
I find this counter-intuitive, and would expect the code
for LPAREN to read something like this:
if (PARLEV == 0) {
(* top level left parenthesis: skip layout *)
do t = gpbc(); while (is_blnk(t));
} else {
(* left parenthesis inside an argument *)
However, it turned out that Oz wrote the actual code
very carefully to mimic the behaviour of "real" m4;
UNIX m4 really does skip layout after all left parens
but only some commas in just this fashion. Sigh.
case LPAREN:
if (PARLEV > 0) chrsave(t);
do t = gpbc(); while (is_blnk(t)); /* skip layout */
case COMMA:
if (PARLEV == 1) {
chrsave(EOS); /* new argument */
if (sp >= STACKMAX) error(ovmsg);
do t = gpbc(); while (is_blnk(t)); /* skip layout */
mstack[++sp].sstr = ep;
} else {
case RPAREN:
if (--PARLEV > 0) {
} else {
char **argv = (char **)(mstack+fp+1);
int argc = sp-fp;
#if unix | vms
static int sysval;
chrsave(EOS); /* last argument */
if (sp >= STACKMAX) error(ovmsg);
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "argc = %d\n", argc);
for (t = 0; t < argc; t++)
fprintf(stderr, "argv[%d] = %s\n", t, argv[t]);
/* If argc == 3 and argv[2] is null, then we
have a call like `macro_or_builtin()'. We
adjust argc to avoid further checking..
if (argc == 3 && !argv[2][0]) argc--;
switch (CALTYP & ~STATIC) {
expand(argv, argc);
case DEFITYPE: /* define(..) */
for (; argc > 2; argc -= 2, argv += 2)
dodefine(argv[2], argc > 3 ? argv[3] : null);
case PUSDTYPE: /* pushdef(..) */
for (; argc > 2; argc -= 2, argv += 2)
dopushdef(argv[2], argc > 3 ? argv[3] : null);
dodump(argv, argc);
case EXPRTYPE: /* eval(Expr) */
{ /* evaluate arithmetic expression */
/* eval([val: 0[, radix:10 [,min: 1]]]) */
/* excess arguments are ignored */
/* eval() with no arguments returns 0 */
/* this is based on V.3 behaviour */
int min_digits = 1;
int radix = 10;
long int value = 0;
switch (argc) {
/* ignore excess arguments */
case 5:
min_digits = expr(argv[4]);
case 4:
radix = expr(argv[3]);
case 3:
value = expr(argv[2]);
case 2:
pbrad(value, radix, min_digits);
case IFELTYPE: /* ifelse(X,Y,IFX=Y,Else) */
doifelse(argv, argc);
case IFDFTYPE: /* ifdef(Mac,IfDef[,IfNotDef]) */
/* select one of two alternatives based on the existence */
/* of another definition */
if (argc > 3) {
if (lookup(argv[2]) != nil) {
} else
if (argc > 4) {
case LENGTYPE: /* len(Arg) */
/* find the length of the argument */
pbnum(argc > 2 ? strlen(argv[2]) : 0);
case INCRTYPE: /* incr(Expr) */
/* increment the value of the argument */
if (argc > 2) pbnum(expr(argv[2]) + 1);
case DECRTYPE: /* decr(Expr) */
/* decrement the value of the argument */
if (argc > 2) pbnum(expr(argv[2]) - 1);
#if unix || vms
case SYSCTYPE: /* syscmd(Command) */
/* execute system command */
/* Make sure m4 output is NOT interrupted */
if (argc > 2) sysval = system(argv[2]);
case SYSVTYPE: /* sysval() */
/* return value of the last system call. */
case INCLTYPE: /* include(File) */
for (t = 2; t < argc; t++)
if (!doincl(argv[t])) cantread(argv[t]);
case SINCTYPE: /* sinclude(File) */
for (t = 2; t < argc; t++)
(void) doincl(argv[t]);
case PASTTYPE: /* paste(File) */
for (t = 2; t < argc; t++)
if (!dopaste(argv[t])) cantread(argv[t]);
case SPASTYPE: /* spaste(File) */
for (t = 2; t < argc; t++)
(void) dopaste(argv[t]);
case TRIMTYPE: /* m4trim(Source,..) */
if (argc > 2) m4trim(argv, argc);
case DEFQTYPE: /* defquote(Mac,...) */
dodefqt(argv, argc);
case QUTRTYPE: /* <quote>(text...) */
doqutr(argv, argc);
case CHNQTYPE: /* changequote([Left[,Right]]) */
dochq(argv, argc);
case CHNCTYPE: /* changecom([Left[,Right]]) */
dochc(argv, argc);
case SUBSTYPE: /* substr(Source[,Offset[,Length]]) */
/* select substring */
if (argc > 3) dosub(argv, argc);
case SHIFTYPE: /* shift(~args~) */
/* push back all arguments except the first one */
/* (i.e. skip argv[2]) */
if (argc > 3) {
for (t = argc-1; t > 3; t--) {
case DIVRTYPE: /* divert(N) */
if (argc > 2 && (t = expr(argv[2])) != 0) {
} else {
active = stdout;
oindex = 0;
op = active;
case UNDVTYPE: /* undivert(N...) */
doundiv(argv, argc);
op = active;
case DIVNTYPE: /* divnum() */
/* return the number of current output diversion */
case UNDFTYPE: /* undefine(..) */
/* undefine a previously defined macro(s) or m4 keyword(s). */
for (t = 2; t < argc; t++) remhash(argv[t], ALL);
case POPDTYPE: /* popdef(Mac...) */
/* remove the topmost definitions of macro(s) or m4 keyword(s). */
for (t = 2; t < argc; t++) remhash(argv[t], TOP);
case MKTMTYPE: /* maketemp(Pattern) */
/* create a temporary file */
if (argc > 2) pbstr(mktemp(argv[2]));
case TRNLTYPE: /* translit(Source,Dom,Rng) */
/* replace all characters in the source string that */
/* appears in the "from" string with the corresponding */
/* characters in the "to" string. */
if (argc > 3) {
char temp[MAXTOK];
if (argc > 4)
map(temp, argv[2], argv[3], argv[4]);
map(temp, argv[2], argv[3], null);
} else if (argc > 2)
case INDXTYPE: /* index(Source,Target) */
/* find the index of the second argument string in */
/* the first argument string. -1 if not present. */
pbnum(argc > 3 ? indx(argv[2], argv[3]) : -1);
case ERRPTYPE: /* errprint(W,...,W) */
/* print the arguments to stderr file */
for (t = 2; t < argc; t++) fprintf(stderr, "%s ", argv[t]);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
case DNLNTYPE: /* dnl() */
/* eat upto and including newline */
while ((t = gpbc()) != '\n' && t != EOF) ;
case M4WRTYPE: /* m4wrap(AtExit) */
/* set up for wrap-up/wind-down activity. */
/* NB: if there are several calls to m4wrap */
/* only the last is effective; strange, but */
/* that's what System V does. */
m4wraps = argc > 2 ? strsave(argv[2]) : null;
case EXITTYPE: /* m4exit(Expr) */
/* immediate exit from m4. */
killdiv(); /* mustn't forget that one! */
exit(argc > 2 ? expr(argv[2]) : 0);
case DEFNTYPE: /* defn(Mac) */
for (t = 2; t < argc; t++)
error("m4: major botch in eval.");
ep = PREVEP; /* flush strspace */
sp = PREVSP; /* previous sp.. */
fp = PREVFP; /* rewind stack... */
chrsave(t); /* stack the char */
int main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
register int c;
register int n;
char *p;
#ifdef SIGINT
if (signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN)
signal(SIGINT, onintr);
/* Initialise the chtype[] table.
'0' .. '9' -> 1..10
'A' .. 'Z' -> 11..37
'a' .. 'z' -> 11..37
'_' -> 38
all other characters -> 0
for (c = EOF; c <= UCHAR_MAX; c++) chtype[c - EOF] = 0;
for (c = 1, p = "0123456789"; *p; p++, c++)
chtype[*(unsigned char *)p - EOF] = c;
for (c = 11, p = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; *p; p++, c++)
chtype[*(unsigned char *)p - EOF] = c;
for (c = 11, p = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; *p; p++, c++)
chtype[*(unsigned char *)p - EOF] = c;
chtype['_' - EOF] = 38;
/* If your system does not initialise global variables to */
/* 0 bits, do it here. */
for (n = 0; n < HASHSIZE; n++) hashtab[n] = nil;
for (n = 0; n < MAXOUT; n++) outfile[n] = NULL;
while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "cetD:U:o:B:H:S:T:")) != EOF) {
switch (c) {
#if 0
case 's': /* enable #line sync in output */
fprintf(stderr, "m4: this version does not support -s\n");
case 'c': /* strip comments */
strip ^= 1;
case 'e': /* interactive */
(void) signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
setbuf(stdout, NULL);
case 'D': /* define something..*/
for (p = optarg; *p && *p != '='; p++) ;
if (*p) *p++ = EOS;
dodefine(optarg, p);
case 'U': /* undefine... */
remhash(optarg, TOP);
case 'B': case 'H': /* System V compatibility */
case 'S': case 'T': /* ignore them */
case 'o': /* specific output */
if (!freopen(optarg, "w", stdout)) {
case '?':
active = stdout; /* default active output */
m4temp = mktemp(DIVNAM); /* filename for diversions */
sp = -1; /* stack pointer initialized */
fp = 0; /* frame pointer initialized */
if (optind == argc) { /* no more args; read stdin */
infile[0] = stdin; /* default input (naturally) */
#ifndef NO__FILE
dodefine("__FILE__", "-"); /* Helas */
macro(); /* process that file */
} else /* file names in commandline */
for (; optind < argc; optind++) {
char *name = argv[optind]; /* next file name */
infile[0] = fopen(name, "r");
if (!infile[0]) cantread(name);
#ifndef NO__FILE
dodefine("__FILE__", name);
if (*m4wraps) { /* anything for rundown ?? */
ilevel = 0; /* in case m4wrap includes.. */
putback(EOF); /* eof is a must !! */
pbstr(m4wraps); /* user-defined wrapup act */
macro(); /* last will and testament */
} else { /* default wrap-up: undivert */
for (n = 1; n < MAXOUT; n++)
if (outfile[n] != NULL) getdiv(n);
if (outfile[0] != NULL) { /* remove bitbucket if used */
(void) fclose(outfile[0]);
m4temp[UNIQUE] = '0';
#if unix
(void) unlink(m4temp);
(void) remove(m4temp);
return 0;