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Copyright (C) 1989 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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#include "krb_locl.h"
RCSID("$Id: read_service_key.c,v 2000/06/16 18:45:55 thorpej Exp $");
* The private keys for servers on a given host are stored in a
* "srvtab" file (typically "/etc/srvtab"). This routine extracts
* a given server's key from the file.
* read_service_key() takes the server's name ("service"), "instance",
* and "realm" and a key version number "kvno", and looks in the given
* "file" for the corresponding entry, and if found, returns the entry's
* key field in "key".
* If "instance" contains the string "*", then it will match
* any instance, and the chosen instance will be copied to that
* string. For this reason it is important that the there is enough
* space beyond the "*" to receive the entry.
* If "kvno" is 0, it is treated as a wild card and the first
* matching entry regardless of the "vno" field is returned.
* This routine returns KSUCCESS on success, otherwise KFAILURE.
* The format of each "srvtab" entry is as follows:
* Size Variable Field in file
* ---- -------- -------------
* string serv server name
* string inst server instance
* string realm server realm
* 1 byte vno server key version #
* 8 bytes key server's key
* ... ... ...
read_service_key(const char *service, /* Service Name */
char *instance, /* Instance name or "*" */
const char *realm, /* Realm */
int kvno, /* Key version number */
const char *file, /* Filename */
void *key) /* Pointer to key to be filled in */
char serv[SNAME_SZ];
char inst[INST_SZ];
char rlm[REALM_SZ];
unsigned char vno; /* Key version number */
int wcard;
int stab;
if ((stab = open(file, O_RDONLY, 0)) < 0)
wcard = (instance[0] == '*') && (instance[1] == '\0');
while (getst(stab,serv,SNAME_SZ) > 0) { /* Read sname */
getst(stab,inst,INST_SZ); /* Instance */
getst(stab,rlm,REALM_SZ); /* Realm */
/* Vers number */
if (read(stab, &vno, 1) != 1) {
/* Key */
if (read(stab,key,8) != 8) {
/* Is this the right service */
if (strcmp(serv,service))
/* How about instance */
if (!wcard && strcmp(inst,instance))
if (wcard) {
strlcpy (instance, inst, INST_SZ);
/* Is this the right realm */
if (strcmp(rlm,realm))
/* How about the key version number */
if (kvno && kvno != (int) vno)
/* Can't find the requested service */