fvdl 5421c40146 Strip the kernel. Nothing on the bootfloppy uses them (except DDB, but
that's rare), and currently it's likely that you need to seek back
in the bootprocess to get the symbols, confusing ustarfs.
1999-07-02 22:00:17 +00:00

114 lines
3.4 KiB

# $NetBSD:,v 1.6 1999/07/02 22:00:17 fvdl Exp $
# TOP is assumed to be defined by Makefile including this one.
COMMONDIR= ${TOP}/fdset-common
VND?= vnd0
VND_DEV= /dev/${VND}a
VND_RDEV= /dev/r${VND}a
VND_CDEV= /dev/${VND}d
VND_CRDEV= /dev/r${VND}d
FSTMP= ustar.tmp
KERN?= netbsd-xxx
MDEC= ${DESTDIR}/usr/mdec
BOOTCODE= ${MDEC}/biosboot.sym
STRIP?= strip
RAMDISK !=cd $(.CURDIR)/../ramdisk/; \
printf "xxx: .MAKE\n\t@echo \$${.OBJDIR}/ramdisk.fs\n" | \
${MAKE} -s -f-
DISKTYPE?= floppy3
BLOCK8K?= 179
CLEANFILES+= netbsd.ram.gz netbsd boot ustar.tmp
all: netbsd boot
@echo Making disk number one
tar cvf ${FSTMP} boot netbsd
@ echo ''
@ls -l ${FSTMP} | (read mode links uid gid size junk; \
disks=$$((($$size / (${DISKSIZE} * 512 - 8 * 1024)) + 1)); \
bytes=$$((${DISKSIZE} * 512 * $$disks - $$size)); \
echo There are $$bytes \($$(($$bytes / 1024))K\) bytes free\
on disk $$disks.)
@ echo ''
dd if=/dev/zero of=${IMAGE1} count=${DISKSIZE}
vnconfig -t ${DISKTYPE} -v -c ${VND_CDEV} ${IMAGE1}
dd bs=8k seek=1 count=${BLOCK8K} if=${FSTMP} of=${VND_CDEV}
disklabel -rw ${VND_CDEV} ${DISKTYPE}
@echo "installing new bootblocks"
${MDEC}/installboot -b 17 -v ${BOOTCODE} ${VND_RDEV}
vnconfig -u ${VND_CDEV}
@ls -l ${FSTMP} | (read mode links uid gid size junk; \
dksize=$$((${DISKSIZE} * 512 - 8 * 1024)); \
if test $$size -gt $$dksize; then \
disks=$$((($$size / (${DISKSIZE} * 512 - 8 * 1024)) \
+ 1)); \
d=2; \
while test $$d -le $$disks; do \
echo Making disk number $$d.; \
IMAGE=${BASENAME}$${d}.fs; \
PIMAGE=${BASENAME}$$(($$d - 1)).fs; \
echo USTARFS $$d > $${IMAGE}; \
(echo 'Prototype image created on: '; \
echo -n ' '; date; \
echo -n ' '; date -u) \
>> $${IMAGE}; \
(echo Hash value of corresponding volume:; \
md5 $${PIMAGE}) >> $${IMAGE}; \
skip=$$((($$d - 1) * ${BLOCK8K})); \
if test $$d -eq $$disks; then \
dd bs=8k seek=1 skip=$${skip} \
conv=sync \
if=${FSTMP} of=$${IMAGE}; \
else \
dd bs=8k seek=1 skip=$${skip} \
conv=sync count=${BLOCK8K} \
if=${FSTMP} of=$${IMAGE}; \
fi; \
d=$$(($$d + 1)); \
done; \
fi; )
netbsd.ram.gz: ${KERN} ${RAMDISK}
cp ${KERN} netbsd.tmp
${DESTDIR}/usr/sbin/mdsetimage -v netbsd.tmp ${RAMDISK}
${STRIP} netbsd.tmp
gzip -9 netbsd.tmp
mv netbsd.tmp.gz ${.TARGET}
# Let the kernel on the diskette be called "netbsd" although
# it is compressed. This is because the boot code will search
# for "netbsd" first, and calling it "netbsd" instead of "netbsd.gz"
# we avoid scanning all the diskettes before reading the file.
netbsd: netbsd.ram.gz
rm -f netbsd
ln netbsd.ram.gz netbsd
# This is "cheating", just so that we have the available
# space at the start of the tar file. Installboot will overwrite
# the start of the bootcode with the tail end of the "real", aligned
# second-stage boot loader when it is run (which is quite a bit shorter
# than the entire ${BOOTCODE} file, even when symbols are removed.
# (the first 15*512 bytes are put into the first 8K filesystem block,
# around the disklabel)
boot: ${BOOTCODE}
rm -f boot
cp ${BOOTCODE} boot
strip boot
clean cleandir distclean:
/bin/rm -f *.core ${CLEANFILES} ${BASENAME}?.fs
.include <>
.include <>
.include <>