
769 lines
19 KiB

/* flex - tool to generate fast lexical analyzers */
* Copyright (c) 1990 The Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved.
* This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
* Vern Paxson.
* The United States Government has rights in this work pursuant
* to contract no. DE-AC03-76SF00098 between the United States
* Department of Energy and the University of California.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted provided
* that: (1) source distributions retain this entire copyright notice and
* comment, and (2) distributions including binaries display the following
* acknowledgement: ``This product includes software developed by the
* University of California, Berkeley and its contributors'' in the
* documentation or other materials provided with the distribution and in
* all advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software.
* Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors may
* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
* specific prior written permission.
#ifndef lint
char copyright[] =
"@(#) Copyright (c) 1990 The Regents of the University of California.\n\
All rights reserved.\n";
#endif /* not lint */
#ifndef lint
static char rcsid[] =
"@(#) $Header: /cvsroot/src/gnu/usr.bin/lex/Attic/main.c,v 1.2 1993/05/04 07:45:05 cgd Exp $ (LBL)";
#include "flexdef.h"
static char flex_version[] = "2.3";
/* declare functions that have forward references */
void flexinit PROTO((int, char**));
void readin PROTO(());
void set_up_initial_allocations PROTO(());
/* these globals are all defined and commented in flexdef.h */
int printstats, syntaxerror, eofseen, ddebug, trace, spprdflt;
int interactive, caseins, useecs, fulltbl, usemecs;
int fullspd, gen_line_dirs, performance_report, backtrack_report, csize;
int yymore_used, reject, real_reject, continued_action;
int yymore_really_used, reject_really_used;
int datapos, dataline, linenum;
FILE *skelfile = NULL;
char *infilename = NULL;
int onestate[ONE_STACK_SIZE], onesym[ONE_STACK_SIZE];
int onenext[ONE_STACK_SIZE], onedef[ONE_STACK_SIZE], onesp;
int current_mns, num_rules, current_max_rules, lastnfa;
int *firstst, *lastst, *finalst, *transchar, *trans1, *trans2;
int *accptnum, *assoc_rule, *state_type, *rule_type, *rule_linenum;
int current_state_type;
int variable_trailing_context_rules;
int numtemps, numprots, protprev[MSP], protnext[MSP], prottbl[MSP];
int protcomst[MSP], firstprot, lastprot, protsave[PROT_SAVE_SIZE];
int numecs, nextecm[CSIZE + 1], ecgroup[CSIZE + 1], nummecs, tecfwd[CSIZE + 1];
int tecbck[CSIZE + 1];
int *xlation = (int *) 0;
int num_xlations;
int lastsc, current_max_scs, *scset, *scbol, *scxclu, *sceof, *actvsc;
char **scname;
int current_max_dfa_size, current_max_xpairs;
int current_max_template_xpairs, current_max_dfas;
int lastdfa, *nxt, *chk, *tnxt;
int *base, *def, *nultrans, NUL_ec, tblend, firstfree, **dss, *dfasiz;
union dfaacc_union *dfaacc;
int *accsiz, *dhash, numas;
int numsnpairs, jambase, jamstate;
int lastccl, current_maxccls, *cclmap, *ccllen, *cclng, cclreuse;
int current_max_ccl_tbl_size;
Char *ccltbl;
char *starttime, *endtime, nmstr[MAXLINE];
int sectnum, nummt, hshcol, dfaeql, numeps, eps2, num_reallocs;
int tmpuses, totnst, peakpairs, numuniq, numdup, hshsave;
int num_backtracking, bol_needed;
FILE *temp_action_file;
FILE *backtrack_file;
int end_of_buffer_state;
char *action_file_name = NULL;
char **input_files;
int num_input_files;
char *program_name;
static char *outfile = "lex.yy.c";
static char *outfile = "lexyy.c";
static int outfile_created = 0;
static int use_stdout;
static char *skelname = NULL;
int main( argc, argv )
int argc;
char **argv;
flexinit( argc, argv );
if ( syntaxerror )
flexend( 1 );
if ( yymore_really_used == REALLY_USED )
yymore_used = true;
else if ( yymore_really_used == REALLY_NOT_USED )
yymore_used = false;
if ( reject_really_used == REALLY_USED )
reject = true;
else if ( reject_really_used == REALLY_NOT_USED )
reject = false;
if ( performance_report )
if ( interactive )
fprintf( stderr,
"-I (interactive) entails a minor performance penalty\n" );
if ( yymore_used )
fprintf( stderr, "yymore() entails a minor performance penalty\n" );
if ( reject )
fprintf( stderr, "REJECT entails a large performance penalty\n" );
if ( variable_trailing_context_rules )
fprintf( stderr,
"Variable trailing context rules entail a large performance penalty\n" );
if ( reject )
real_reject = true;
if ( variable_trailing_context_rules )
reject = true;
if ( (fulltbl || fullspd) && reject )
if ( real_reject )
flexerror( "REJECT cannot be used with -f or -F" );
"variable trailing context rules cannot be used with -f or -F" );
/* generate the C state transition tables from the DFA */
/* note, flexend does not return. It exits with its argument as status. */
flexend( 0 );
/* flexend - terminate flex
* synopsis
* int status;
* flexend( status );
* status is exit status.
* note
* This routine does not return.
void flexend( status )
int status;
int tblsiz;
char *flex_gettime();
if ( skelfile != NULL )
if ( ferror( skelfile ) )
flexfatal( "error occurred when writing skeleton file" );
else if ( fclose( skelfile ) )
flexfatal( "error occurred when closing skeleton file" );
if ( temp_action_file )
if ( ferror( temp_action_file ) )
flexfatal( "error occurred when writing temporary action file" );
else if ( fclose( temp_action_file ) )
flexfatal( "error occurred when closing temporary action file" );
else if ( unlink( action_file_name ) )
flexfatal( "error occurred when deleting temporary action file" );
if ( status != 0 && outfile_created )
if ( ferror( stdout ) )
flexfatal( "error occurred when writing output file" );
else if ( fclose( stdout ) )
flexfatal( "error occurred when closing output file" );
else if ( unlink( outfile ) )
flexfatal( "error occurred when deleting output file" );
if ( backtrack_report && backtrack_file )
if ( num_backtracking == 0 )
fprintf( backtrack_file, "No backtracking.\n" );
else if ( fullspd || fulltbl )
fprintf( backtrack_file,
"%d backtracking (non-accepting) states.\n",
num_backtracking );
fprintf( backtrack_file, "Compressed tables always backtrack.\n" );
if ( ferror( backtrack_file ) )
flexfatal( "error occurred when writing backtracking file" );
else if ( fclose( backtrack_file ) )
flexfatal( "error occurred when closing backtracking file" );
if ( printstats )
endtime = flex_gettime();
fprintf( stderr, "%s version %s usage statistics:\n", program_name,
flex_version );
fprintf( stderr, " started at %s, finished at %s\n",
starttime, endtime );
fprintf( stderr, " scanner options: -" );
if ( backtrack_report )
putc( 'b', stderr );
if ( ddebug )
putc( 'd', stderr );
if ( interactive )
putc( 'I', stderr );
if ( caseins )
putc( 'i', stderr );
if ( ! gen_line_dirs )
putc( 'L', stderr );
if ( performance_report )
putc( 'p', stderr );
if ( spprdflt )
putc( 's', stderr );
if ( use_stdout )
putc( 't', stderr );
if ( trace )
putc( 'T', stderr );
if ( printstats )
putc( 'v', stderr ); /* always true! */
if ( csize == 256 )
putc( '8', stderr );
fprintf( stderr, " -C" );
if ( fulltbl )
putc( 'f', stderr );
if ( fullspd )
putc( 'F', stderr );
if ( useecs )
putc( 'e', stderr );
if ( usemecs )
putc( 'm', stderr );
if ( skelname && strcmp( skelname, DEFAULT_SKELETON_FILE ) )
fprintf( stderr, " -S%s", skelname );
putc( '\n', stderr );
fprintf( stderr, " %d/%d NFA states\n", lastnfa, current_mns );
fprintf( stderr, " %d/%d DFA states (%d words)\n", lastdfa,
current_max_dfas, totnst );
fprintf( stderr,
" %d rules\n", num_rules - 1 /* - 1 for def. rule */ );
if ( num_backtracking == 0 )
fprintf( stderr, " No backtracking\n" );
else if ( fullspd || fulltbl )
fprintf( stderr, " %d backtracking (non-accepting) states\n",
num_backtracking );
fprintf( stderr, " compressed tables always backtrack\n" );
if ( bol_needed )
fprintf( stderr, " Beginning-of-line patterns used\n" );
fprintf( stderr, " %d/%d start conditions\n", lastsc,
current_max_scs );
fprintf( stderr, " %d epsilon states, %d double epsilon states\n",
numeps, eps2 );
if ( lastccl == 0 )
fprintf( stderr, " no character classes\n" );
fprintf( stderr,
" %d/%d character classes needed %d/%d words of storage, %d reused\n",
lastccl, current_maxccls,
cclmap[lastccl] + ccllen[lastccl],
current_max_ccl_tbl_size, cclreuse );
fprintf( stderr, " %d state/nextstate pairs created\n", numsnpairs );
fprintf( stderr, " %d/%d unique/duplicate transitions\n",
numuniq, numdup );
if ( fulltbl )
tblsiz = lastdfa * numecs;
fprintf( stderr, " %d table entries\n", tblsiz );
tblsiz = 2 * (lastdfa + numtemps) + 2 * tblend;
fprintf( stderr, " %d/%d base-def entries created\n",
lastdfa + numtemps, current_max_dfas );
fprintf( stderr, " %d/%d (peak %d) nxt-chk entries created\n",
tblend, current_max_xpairs, peakpairs );
fprintf( stderr,
" %d/%d (peak %d) template nxt-chk entries created\n",
numtemps * nummecs, current_max_template_xpairs,
numtemps * numecs );
fprintf( stderr, " %d empty table entries\n", nummt );
fprintf( stderr, " %d protos created\n", numprots );
fprintf( stderr, " %d templates created, %d uses\n",
numtemps, tmpuses );
if ( useecs )
tblsiz = tblsiz + csize;
fprintf( stderr, " %d/%d equivalence classes created\n",
numecs, csize );
if ( usemecs )
tblsiz = tblsiz + numecs;
fprintf( stderr, " %d/%d meta-equivalence classes created\n",
nummecs, csize );
fprintf( stderr, " %d (%d saved) hash collisions, %d DFAs equal\n",
hshcol, hshsave, dfaeql );
fprintf( stderr, " %d sets of reallocations needed\n", num_reallocs );
fprintf( stderr, " %d total table entries needed\n", tblsiz );
#ifndef VMS
exit( status );
exit( status + 1 );
/* flexinit - initialize flex
* synopsis
* int argc;
* char **argv;
* flexinit( argc, argv );
void flexinit( argc, argv )
int argc;
char **argv;
int i, sawcmpflag;
char *arg, *flex_gettime(), *mktemp();
printstats = syntaxerror = trace = spprdflt = interactive = caseins = false;
backtrack_report = performance_report = ddebug = fulltbl = fullspd = false;
yymore_used = continued_action = reject = false;
yymore_really_used = reject_really_used = false;
gen_line_dirs = usemecs = useecs = true;
sawcmpflag = false;
use_stdout = false;
starttime = flex_gettime();
program_name = argv[0];
/* read flags */
for ( --argc, ++argv; argc ; --argc, ++argv )
if ( argv[0][0] != '-' || argv[0][1] == '\0' )
arg = argv[0];
for ( i = 1; arg[i] != '\0'; ++i )
switch ( arg[i] )
case 'b':
backtrack_report = true;
case 'c':
fprintf( stderr,
"%s: Assuming use of deprecated -c flag is really intended to be -C\n",
program_name );
/* fall through */
case 'C':
if ( i != 1 )
flexerror( "-C flag must be given separately" );
if ( ! sawcmpflag )
useecs = false;
usemecs = false;
fulltbl = false;
sawcmpflag = true;
for ( ++i; arg[i] != '\0'; ++i )
switch ( arg[i] )
case 'e':
useecs = true;
case 'F':
fullspd = true;
case 'f':
fulltbl = true;
case 'm':
usemecs = true;
lerrif( "unknown -C option '%c'",
(int) arg[i] );
goto get_next_arg;
case 'd':
ddebug = true;
case 'f':
useecs = usemecs = false;
fulltbl = true;
case 'F':
useecs = usemecs = false;
fullspd = true;
case 'I':
interactive = true;
case 'i':
caseins = true;
case 'L':
gen_line_dirs = false;
case 'n':
/* stupid do-nothing deprecated option */
case 'p':
performance_report = true;
case 'S':
if ( i != 1 )
flexerror( "-S flag must be given separately" );
skelname = arg + i + 1;
goto get_next_arg;
case 's':
spprdflt = true;
case 't':
use_stdout = true;
case 'T':
trace = true;
case 'v':
printstats = true;
case '8':
csize = CSIZE;
lerrif( "unknown flag '%c'", (int) arg[i] );
get_next_arg: /* used by -C and -S flags in lieu of a "continue 2" control */
if ( (fulltbl || fullspd) && usemecs )
flexerror( "full table and -Cm don't make sense together" );
if ( (fulltbl || fullspd) && interactive )
flexerror( "full table and -I are (currently) incompatible" );
if ( fulltbl && fullspd )
flexerror( "full table and -F are mutually exclusive" );
if ( ! skelname )
static char skeleton_name_storage[400];
skelname = skeleton_name_storage;
(void) strcpy( skelname, DEFAULT_SKELETON_FILE );
if ( ! use_stdout )
FILE *prev_stdout = freopen( outfile, "w", stdout );
if ( prev_stdout == NULL )
lerrsf( "could not create %s", outfile );
outfile_created = 1;
num_input_files = argc;
input_files = argv;
set_input_file( num_input_files > 0 ? input_files[0] : NULL );
if ( backtrack_report )
backtrack_file = fopen( "lex.backtrack", "w" );
backtrack_file = fopen( "lex.bck", "w" );
if ( backtrack_file == NULL )
flexerror( "could not create lex.backtrack" );
backtrack_file = NULL;
lastccl = 0;
lastsc = 0;
/* initialize the statistics */
if ( (skelfile = fopen( skelname, "r" )) == NULL )
lerrsf( "can't open skeleton file %s", skelname );
#ifdef SYS_V
action_file_name = tmpnam( NULL );
if ( action_file_name == NULL )
static char temp_action_file_name[32];
(void) strcpy( temp_action_file_name, "/tmp/flexXXXXXX" );
(void) strcpy( temp_action_file_name, "flexXXXXXX.tmp" );
(void) mktemp( temp_action_file_name );
action_file_name = temp_action_file_name;
if ( (temp_action_file = fopen( action_file_name, "w" )) == NULL )
lerrsf( "can't open temporary action file %s", action_file_name );
lastdfa = lastnfa = num_rules = numas = numsnpairs = tmpuses = 0;
numecs = numeps = eps2 = num_reallocs = hshcol = dfaeql = totnst = 0;
numuniq = numdup = hshsave = eofseen = datapos = dataline = 0;
num_backtracking = onesp = numprots = 0;
variable_trailing_context_rules = bol_needed = false;
linenum = sectnum = 1;
firstprot = NIL;
/* used in mkprot() so that the first proto goes in slot 1
* of the proto queue
lastprot = 1;
if ( useecs )
{ /* set up doubly-linked equivalence classes */
/* We loop all the way up to csize, since ecgroup[csize] is the
* position used for NUL characters
ecgroup[1] = NIL;
for ( i = 2; i <= csize; ++i )
ecgroup[i] = i - 1;
nextecm[i - 1] = i;
nextecm[csize] = NIL;
{ /* put everything in its own equivalence class */
for ( i = 1; i <= csize; ++i )
ecgroup[i] = i;
nextecm[i] = BAD_SUBSCRIPT; /* to catch errors */
/* readin - read in the rules section of the input file(s)
* synopsis
* readin();
void readin()
if ( ddebug )
puts( "#define FLEX_DEBUG" );
if ( csize == 256 )
puts( "#define YY_CHAR unsigned char" );
puts( "#define YY_CHAR char" );
line_directive_out( stdout );
if ( yyparse() )
pinpoint_message( "fatal parse error" );
flexend( 1 );
if ( xlation )
numecs = ecs_from_xlation( ecgroup );
useecs = true;
else if ( useecs )
numecs = cre8ecs( nextecm, ecgroup, csize );
numecs = csize;
/* now map the equivalence class for NUL to its expected place */
ecgroup[0] = ecgroup[csize];
NUL_ec = abs( ecgroup[0] );
if ( useecs )
/* set_up_initial_allocations - allocate memory for internal tables */
void set_up_initial_allocations()
current_mns = INITIAL_MNS;
firstst = allocate_integer_array( current_mns );
lastst = allocate_integer_array( current_mns );
finalst = allocate_integer_array( current_mns );
transchar = allocate_integer_array( current_mns );
trans1 = allocate_integer_array( current_mns );
trans2 = allocate_integer_array( current_mns );
accptnum = allocate_integer_array( current_mns );
assoc_rule = allocate_integer_array( current_mns );
state_type = allocate_integer_array( current_mns );
current_max_rules = INITIAL_MAX_RULES;
rule_type = allocate_integer_array( current_max_rules );
rule_linenum = allocate_integer_array( current_max_rules );
current_max_scs = INITIAL_MAX_SCS;
scset = allocate_integer_array( current_max_scs );
scbol = allocate_integer_array( current_max_scs );
scxclu = allocate_integer_array( current_max_scs );
sceof = allocate_integer_array( current_max_scs );
scname = allocate_char_ptr_array( current_max_scs );
actvsc = allocate_integer_array( current_max_scs );
current_maxccls = INITIAL_MAX_CCLS;
cclmap = allocate_integer_array( current_maxccls );
ccllen = allocate_integer_array( current_maxccls );
cclng = allocate_integer_array( current_maxccls );
current_max_ccl_tbl_size = INITIAL_MAX_CCL_TBL_SIZE;
ccltbl = allocate_character_array( current_max_ccl_tbl_size );
current_max_dfa_size = INITIAL_MAX_DFA_SIZE;
current_max_xpairs = INITIAL_MAX_XPAIRS;
nxt = allocate_integer_array( current_max_xpairs );
chk = allocate_integer_array( current_max_xpairs );
current_max_template_xpairs = INITIAL_MAX_TEMPLATE_XPAIRS;
tnxt = allocate_integer_array( current_max_template_xpairs );
current_max_dfas = INITIAL_MAX_DFAS;
base = allocate_integer_array( current_max_dfas );
def = allocate_integer_array( current_max_dfas );
dfasiz = allocate_integer_array( current_max_dfas );
accsiz = allocate_integer_array( current_max_dfas );
dhash = allocate_integer_array( current_max_dfas );
dss = allocate_int_ptr_array( current_max_dfas );
dfaacc = allocate_dfaacc_union( current_max_dfas );
nultrans = (int *) 0;