Instead use CPPFLAGS.file to add the relevant directory for each file. Removes about 4000000 failed open() system calls from the libcrypto build, and reduces the compile time (on my system) from 154 seconds to 115 seconds. The arch/*/*.inc files need similar treatment.
29 lines
1.1 KiB
29 lines
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# $NetBSD: asn1.inc,v 1.7 2006/03/17 20:47:45 dsl Exp $
# @(#) Copyright (c) 1995 Simon J. Gerraty
# SRCS extracted from /home/current/src/lib/libcrypto/../../crypto/dist/openssl/crypto/asn1/Makefile.ssl
.PATH: ${OPENSSLSRC}/crypto/asn1
ASN1_SRCS = a_object.c a_bitstr.c a_utctm.c a_gentm.c a_time.c a_int.c a_octet.c \
a_print.c a_type.c a_set.c a_dup.c a_d2i_fp.c a_i2d_fp.c \
a_enum.c a_utf8.c a_sign.c a_digest.c a_verify.c a_mbstr.c a_strex.c \
x_algor.c x_val.c x_pubkey.c x_sig.c x_req.c x_attrib.c x_bignum.c \
x_long.c x_name.c x_x509.c x_x509a.c x_crl.c x_info.c x_spki.c nsseq.c \
d2i_pu.c d2i_pr.c i2d_pu.c i2d_pr.c\
t_req.c t_x509.c t_x509a.c t_crl.c t_pkey.c t_spki.c t_bitst.c \
tasn_new.c tasn_fre.c tasn_enc.c tasn_dec.c tasn_utl.c tasn_typ.c \
f_int.c f_string.c n_pkey.c \
f_enum.c a_hdr.c x_pkey.c a_bool.c x_exten.c \
asn1_par.c asn1_lib.c asn1_err.c a_meth.c a_bytes.c a_strnid.c \
evp_asn1.c asn_pack.c p5_pbe.c p5_pbev2.c p8_pkey.c asn_moid.c \
.for cryptosrc in ${ASN1_SRCS}
CPPFLAGS.${cryptosrc} = -I${OPENSSLSRC}/crypto/asn1