exitType to either vEARLY_EXIT, or vESCAPE_HIT when returning from a bound function. This had the unfortunate effect that when you hit F2 to refresh the screen in sushi, it would exit out immediately after refreshing the screen. This modification allows the programmer to still create an exit-causing bound function, by simply setting the exitType in the function, as was likely intended by the author. Many thanks to Charles Hannum for helping me figure this out. This should fix problems noted by itojun on tech-userlevel with the function keys.
1110 lines
26 KiB
1110 lines
26 KiB
#include <cdk.h>
* $Author: garbled $
* $Date: 2001/01/09 18:41:54 $
* $Revision: 1.3 $
* Declare file local prototypes.
static void drawCDKSwindowList (CDKSWINDOW *swindow);
* This function creates a scrolling window widget.
CDKSWINDOW *newCDKSwindow (CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen, int xplace, int yplace, int height, int width, char *title, int saveLines, boolean Box, boolean shadow)
/* Declare local variables. */
CDKSWINDOW *swindow = newCDKObject(CDKSWINDOW, &my_funcs);
chtype *holder = 0;
int parentWidth = getmaxx(cdkscreen->window);
int parentHeight = getmaxy(cdkscreen->window);
int boxWidth = width;
int boxHeight = height;
int maxWidth = INT_MIN;
int xpos = xplace;
int ypos = yplace;
char **temp = 0;
int x, len, junk2;
* If the height is a negative value, the height will
* be ROWS-height, otherwise, the height will be the
* given height.
boxHeight = setWidgetDimension (parentHeight, height, 0);
* If the width is a negative value, the width will
* be COLS-width, otherwise, the width will be the
* given width.
boxWidth = setWidgetDimension (parentWidth, width, 0);
/* Translate the char * items to chtype * */
if (title != 0)
temp = CDKsplitString (title, '\n');
swindow->titleLines = CDKcountStrings (temp);
/* We need to determine the widest title line. */
for (x=0; x < swindow->titleLines; x++)
holder = char2Chtype (temp[x], &len, &junk2);
maxWidth = MAXIMUM (maxWidth, len);
freeChtype (holder);
boxWidth = MAXIMUM (boxWidth, maxWidth + 2);
/* For each line in the title, convert from char * to chtype * */
for (x=0; x < swindow->titleLines; x++)
swindow->title[x] = char2Chtype (temp[x],
swindow->titlePos[x] = justifyString (boxWidth - 2,
/* No title? Set the required variables. */
swindow->titleLines = 0;
swindow->fieldWidth = boxWidth - 2;
swindow->viewSize = boxHeight - 2 - swindow->titleLines;
* Make sure we didn't extend beyond the dimensions of the window.
boxWidth = MINIMUM (boxWidth, parentWidth);
boxHeight = MINIMUM (boxHeight, parentHeight);
/* Rejustify the x and y positions if we need to. */
alignxy (cdkscreen->window, &xpos, &ypos, boxWidth, boxHeight);
/* Make the scrolling window */
swindow->win = newwin (boxHeight + !!shadow, boxWidth + !!shadow, ypos, xpos);
/* Is the window null?? */
if (swindow->win == 0)
/* Clean up. */
for (x=0; x < swindow->titleLines; x++)
freeChtype (swindow->title[x]);
/* Return a null pointer. */
return (0);
keypad (swindow->win, TRUE);
leaveok (swindow->win, TRUE);
if (swindow->titleLines > 0)
/* Make the title window. */
swindow->titleWin = subwin (swindow->win,
swindow->titleLines, boxWidth - 2,
ypos + 1, xpos + 1);
/* Create the viewing window. */
swindow->fieldWin = subwin (swindow->win,
swindow->viewSize, swindow->fieldWidth,
ypos + swindow->titleLines + 1,
xpos + 1);
/* Set the rest of the variables */
ScreenOf(swindow) = cdkscreen;
swindow->parent = cdkscreen->window;
swindow->boxHeight = boxHeight;
swindow->boxWidth = boxWidth;
swindow->currentTop = 0;
swindow->maxTopLine = 0;
swindow->leftChar = 0;
swindow->maxLeftChar = 0;
swindow->itemCount = 0;
swindow->saveLines = saveLines;
swindow->exitType = vNEVER_ACTIVATED;
ObjOf(swindow)->box = Box;
swindow->shadow = shadow;
swindow->preProcessFunction = 0;
swindow->preProcessData = 0;
swindow->postProcessFunction = 0;
swindow->postProcessData = 0;
swindow->ULChar = ACS_ULCORNER;
swindow->URChar = ACS_URCORNER;
swindow->LLChar = ACS_LLCORNER;
swindow->LRChar = ACS_LRCORNER;
swindow->HChar = ACS_HLINE;
swindow->VChar = ACS_VLINE;
swindow->BoxAttrib = A_NORMAL;
/* For each line in the window, set the value to null. */
for (x=0; x < MAX_LINES; x++)
swindow->info[x] = 0;
/* Clean the key bindings. */
cleanCDKObjectBindings (vSWINDOW, swindow);
/* Register this baby. */
registerCDKObject (cdkscreen, vSWINDOW, swindow);
/* Return the scrolling window */
return (swindow);
* This sets the lines and the box attribute of the scrolling window.
void setCDKSwindow (CDKSWINDOW *swindow, char **info, int lines, boolean Box)
setCDKSwindowContents (swindow, info, lines);
setCDKSwindowBox (swindow, Box);
* This sets all the lines inside the scrolling window.
void setCDKSwindowContents (CDKSWINDOW *swindow, char **info, int lines)
/* Declare local variables. */
int widestItem, x;
/* First lets clean all the lines in the window. */
/* Now lets set all the lines inside the window. */
for (x=0; x < lines; x++)
swindow->info[x] = char2Chtype (info[x],
swindow->infoPos[x] = justifyString (swindow->fieldWidth,
widestItem = MAXIMUM (widestItem, swindow->infoLen[x]);
/* Set some of the more important members of the scrolling window. */
swindow->itemCount = lines;
swindow->maxTopLine = MAXIMUM (0, lines - swindow->viewSize);
swindow->maxLeftChar = MAXIMUM (0, widestItem - swindow->fieldWidth);
swindow->currentTop = 0;
swindow->leftChar = 0;
chtype **getCDKSwindowContents (CDKSWINDOW *swindow, int *size)
(*size) = swindow->itemCount;
return swindow->info;
* This sets the box attribute for the widget.
void setCDKSwindowBox (CDKSWINDOW *swindow, boolean Box)
ObjOf(swindow)->box = Box;
boolean getCDKSwindowBox (CDKSWINDOW *swindow)
return ObjOf(swindow)->box;
* This adds a line to the scrolling window.
void addCDKSwindow (CDKSWINDOW *swindow, char *info, int insertPos)
/* Declare variables. */
int x = 0;
* If we are at the maximum number of save lines. Erase
* the first position and bump everything up one spot.
if (swindow->itemCount == swindow->saveLines)
/* Free up the memory. */
freeChtype (swindow->info[0]);
/* Bump everything up one spot. */
for (x=0; x < swindow->itemCount; x++)
swindow->info[x] = swindow->info[x + 1];
swindow->infoPos[x] = swindow->infoPos[x + 1];
swindow->infoLen[x] = swindow->infoLen[x + 1];
/* Clean out the last position. */
swindow->info[x] = 0;
swindow->infoLen[x] = 0;
swindow->infoPos[x] = 0;
/* Determine where the line is being added. */
if (insertPos == TOP)
/* We need to 'bump' everything down one line... */
for (x=swindow->itemCount; x > 0; x--)
/* Copy in the new row. */
swindow->info[x] = swindow->info[x - 1];
swindow->infoPos[x] = swindow->infoPos[x - 1];
swindow->infoLen[x] = swindow->infoLen[x - 1];
/* Add it into the scrolling window. */
swindow->info[0] = char2Chtype (info, &swindow->infoLen[0], &swindow->infoPos[0]);
swindow->infoPos[0] = justifyString (swindow->fieldWidth, swindow->infoLen[0], swindow->infoPos[0]);
/* Set some variables. */
swindow->maxLeftChar = MAXIMUM (swindow->maxLeftChar, swindow->infoLen[0] - swindow->fieldWidth);
swindow->maxTopLine = MAXIMUM (0, swindow->itemCount - swindow->viewSize);
swindow->currentTop = 0;
/* Add to the bottom. */
swindow->info[swindow->itemCount] = char2Chtype (info, &swindow->infoLen[swindow->itemCount], &swindow->infoPos[swindow->itemCount]);
swindow->infoPos[swindow->itemCount] = justifyString (swindow->fieldWidth, swindow->infoLen[swindow->itemCount], swindow->infoPos[swindow->itemCount]);
/* Set some variables. */
swindow->maxLeftChar = MAXIMUM (swindow->maxLeftChar, swindow->infoLen[swindow->itemCount] - swindow->fieldWidth);
swindow->maxTopLine = MAXIMUM (0, swindow->itemCount - swindow->viewSize);
swindow->currentTop = swindow->maxTopLine;
/* Draw in the list. */
drawCDKSwindowList (swindow);
* This jumps to a given line.
void jumpToLineCDKSwindow (CDKSWINDOW *swindow, int line)
* Make sure the line is in bounds.
if (line == BOTTOM || line >= swindow->itemCount)
/* We are moving to the last page. */
swindow->currentTop = swindow->maxTopLine;
else if (line == TOP || line <= 0)
/* We are moving to the top of the page. */
swindow->currentTop = 0;
/* We are moving in the middle somewhere. */
swindow->currentTop = MINIMUM (line, swindow->maxTopLine);
/* Redraw the window. */
drawCDKSwindow (swindow, ObjOf(swindow)->box);
* This removes all the lines inside the scrolling window.
void cleanCDKSwindow (CDKSWINDOW *swindow)
/* Declare local variables. */
int x;
/* Clean up the memory used ... */
for (x=0; x < swindow->itemCount; x++)
freeChtype (swindow->info[x]);
/* Reset some variables. */
swindow->maxLeftChar = 0;
swindow->itemCount = 0;
swindow->maxTopLine = 0;
swindow->currentTop = 0;
/* Redraw the window. */
drawCDKSwindow (swindow, ObjOf(swindow)->box);
* This trims lines from the scrolling window.
void trimCDKSwindow (CDKSWINDOW *swindow, int begin, int end)
int start, finish, x;
/* Check the value of begin. */
if (begin < 0)
start = 0;
else if (begin >= swindow->itemCount)
start = swindow->itemCount-1;
start = begin;
/* Check the value of end. */
if (end < 0)
finish = 0;
else if (end >= swindow->itemCount)
finish = swindow->itemCount-1;
finish = end;
/* Make sure the start is lower than the end. */
if (start > finish)
/* Start nuking elements from the window. */
for (x=start; x <=finish; x++)
freeChtype (swindow->info[x]);
swindow->info[x] = copyChtype (swindow->info[x + 1]);
swindow->infoPos[x] = swindow->infoPos[x + 1];
swindow->infoLen[x] = swindow->infoLen[x + 1];
/* Adjust the item count correctly. */
swindow->itemCount = swindow->itemCount - (end - begin + 1);
/* Redraw the window. */
drawCDKSwindow (swindow, ObjOf(swindow)->box);
* This allows the user to play inside the scolling window.
void activateCDKSwindow (CDKSWINDOW *swindow, chtype *actions)
/* Draw the scrolling list */
drawCDKSwindow (swindow, ObjOf(swindow)->box);
/* Check if actions is null. */
if (actions == 0)
/* Declare some local variables. */
chtype input;
int ret;
for (;;)
/* Get the input. */
wrefresh (swindow->win);
input = wgetch (swindow->win);
/* Inject the character into the widget. */
ret = injectCDKSwindow (swindow, input);
if (swindow->exitType != vEARLY_EXIT)
/* Declare some local variables. */
int length = chlen (actions);
int x, ret;
/* Inject each character one at a time. */
for (x=0; x < length; x++)
ret = injectCDKSwindow (swindow, actions[x]);
if (swindow->exitType != vEARLY_EXIT)
/* Set the exit type and return. */
swindow->exitType = vEARLY_EXIT;
* This injects a single character into the widget.
int injectCDKSwindow (CDKSWINDOW *swindow, chtype input)
/* Declare local variables. */
int ppReturn = 1;
/* Set the exit type */
swindow->exitType = vEARLY_EXIT;
/* Draw the window.... */
drawCDKSwindow (swindow, ObjOf(swindow)->box);
/* Check if there is a pre-process function to be called. */
if (swindow->preProcessFunction != 0)
/* Call the pre-process function. */
ppReturn = ((PROCESSFN)(swindow->preProcessFunction)) (vSWINDOW, swindow, swindow->preProcessData, input);
/* Should we continue? */
if (ppReturn != 0)
/* Check for a key binding. */
if (checkCDKObjectBind (vSWINDOW, swindow, input) != 0)
return -1;
switch (input)
case KEY_UP :
if (swindow->currentTop > 0)
case KEY_DOWN :
if (swindow->currentTop < swindow->maxTopLine)
case KEY_RIGHT :
if (swindow->leftChar < swindow->maxLeftChar)
case KEY_LEFT :
if (swindow->leftChar > 0)
case KEY_PPAGE :
case CONTROL('B') :
case 'b' :
case 'B' :
if (swindow->currentTop > 0)
if (swindow->currentTop - (swindow->viewSize - 1) >= 0)
swindow->currentTop -= (swindow->viewSize - 1);
swindow->currentTop = 0;
case KEY_NPAGE :
case CONTROL('F') :
case ' ' :
case 'f' :
case 'F' :
if (swindow->currentTop < swindow->maxTopLine)
if (swindow->currentTop + (swindow->viewSize + 1) <= swindow->maxTopLine)
swindow->currentTop += (swindow->viewSize - 1);
swindow->currentTop = swindow->maxTopLine;
case 'g' :
case '1' :
case KEY_HOME :
swindow->currentTop = 0;
case 'G' :
case KEY_END :
swindow->currentTop = swindow->maxTopLine;
case '|' :
swindow->leftChar = 0;
case '$' :
swindow->leftChar = swindow->maxLeftChar;
case 'l' :
case 'L' :
loadCDKSwindowInformation (swindow);
case 's' :
case 'S' :
saveCDKSwindowInformation (swindow);
case KEY_ESC :
swindow->exitType = vESCAPE_HIT;
return -1;
case KEY_TAB :
case KEY_ENTER :
case KEY_CR :
swindow->exitType = vNORMAL;
return 1;
eraseCDKScreen (ScreenOf(swindow));
refreshCDKScreen (ScreenOf(swindow));
default :
/* Should we call a post-process? */
if (swindow->postProcessFunction != 0)
((PROCESSFN)(swindow->postProcessFunction)) (vSWINDOW, swindow, swindow->postProcessData, input);
/* Redraw the list */
drawCDKSwindowList (swindow);
/* Set the exit type and return. */
swindow->exitType = vEARLY_EXIT;
return -1;
* This moves the swindow field to the given location.
static void _moveCDKSwindow (CDKOBJS *object, int xplace, int yplace, boolean relative, boolean refresh_flag)
CDKSWINDOW *swindow = (CDKSWINDOW *)object;
* If this is a relative move, then we will adjust where we want
* to move to.
if (relative)
xplace += getbegx(swindow->win);
yplace += getbegy(swindow->win);
/* Adjust the window if we need to. */
alignxy (WindowOf(swindow), &xplace, &yplace, swindow->boxWidth, swindow->boxHeight);
/* Move the window to the new location. */
moveCursesWindow(swindow->win, xplace, yplace);
/* Redraw the window, if they asked for it. */
if (refresh_flag)
drawCDKSwindow (swindow, ObjOf(swindow)->box);
* This function draws the swindow window widget.
static void _drawCDKSwindow (CDKOBJS *object, boolean Box)
CDKSWINDOW *swindow = (CDKSWINDOW *)object;
int x;
/* Box the widget if needed */
if (Box)
attrbox (swindow->win,
swindow->ULChar, swindow->URChar,
swindow->LLChar, swindow->LRChar,
swindow->HChar, swindow->VChar,
if (swindow->titleLines > 0)
/* Draw in the title if there is one */
for (x=0; x < swindow->titleLines; x++)
writeChtype (swindow->titleWin,
swindow->titlePos[x], x,
wnoutrefresh (swindow->titleWin);
/* Draw in the list. */
drawCDKSwindowList (swindow);
* This draws in the contents of the scrolling window.
static void drawCDKSwindowList (CDKSWINDOW *swindow)
/* Declare local variables. */
int screenPos, x;
werase (swindow->fieldWin);
/* Start drawing in each line. */
for (x=0; x < swindow->viewSize; x++)
if (x + swindow->currentTop >= swindow->itemCount)
screenPos = swindow->infoPos[x + swindow->currentTop] - swindow->leftChar;
/* Write in the correct line. */
if (screenPos >= 0)
writeChtype (swindow->fieldWin,
screenPos, x,
swindow->info[x + swindow->currentTop],
swindow->infoLen[x + swindow->currentTop]);
writeChtype (swindow->fieldWin,
0, x,
swindow->info[x + swindow->currentTop],
HORIZONTAL, -screenPos,
swindow->infoLen[x + swindow->currentTop]);
/* Refresh the window. */
wnoutrefresh (swindow->fieldWin);
wnoutrefresh (swindow->win);
* These functions set the drawing characters of the widget.
void setCDKSwindowULChar (CDKSWINDOW *swindow, chtype character)
swindow->ULChar = character;
void setCDKSwindowURChar (CDKSWINDOW *swindow, chtype character)
swindow->URChar = character;
void setCDKSwindowLLChar (CDKSWINDOW *swindow, chtype character)
swindow->LLChar = character;
void setCDKSwindowLRChar (CDKSWINDOW *swindow, chtype character)
swindow->LRChar = character;
void setCDKSwindowVerticalChar (CDKSWINDOW *swindow, chtype character)
swindow->VChar = character;
void setCDKSwindowHorizontalChar (CDKSWINDOW *swindow, chtype character)
swindow->HChar = character;
void setCDKSwindowBoxAttribute (CDKSWINDOW *swindow, chtype character)
swindow->BoxAttrib = character;
* This sets the background color of the widget.
void setCDKSwindowBackgroundColor (CDKSWINDOW *swindow, char *color)
chtype *holder = 0;
int junk1, junk2;
/* Make sure the color isn't null. */
if (color == 0)
/* Convert the value of the environment variable to a chtype. */
holder = char2Chtype (color, &junk1, &junk2);
/* Set the widgets background color. */
wbkgd (swindow->win, holder[0]);
/* Clean up. */
freeChtype (holder);
* This function destroys the scrolling window widget.
void destroyCDKSwindow (CDKSWINDOW *swindow)
/* Declare local variables. */
int x;
/* Erase the object. */
eraseCDKSwindow (swindow);
/* Clear out the character pointers. */
for (x=0; x <= swindow->itemCount; x++)
freeChtype (swindow->info[x]);
for (x=0; x < swindow->titleLines; x++)
freeChtype (swindow->title[x]);
/* Delete the windows. */
deleteCursesWindow (swindow->win);
/* Unregister this object. */
unregisterCDKObject (vSWINDOW, swindow);
/* Finish cleaning up. */
free (swindow);
* This function erases the scrolling window widget.
static void _eraseCDKSwindow (CDKOBJS *object)
CDKSWINDOW *swindow = (CDKSWINDOW *)object;
eraseCursesWindow (swindow->win);
* This exec's a command and redirects the output to the scrolling window.
int execCDKSwindow (CDKSWINDOW *swindow, char *command, int insertPos)
/* Declare local variables. */
FILE *ps;
char temp[BUFSIZ];
int count = 0;
size_t len;
/* Try to open the command. */
if ((ps = popen (command, "r")) == 0)
return -1;
/* Start reading. */
while (fgets (temp, sizeof(temp), ps) != 0)
len = strlen (temp);
if (temp[len-1] == '\n')
temp[len-1] = '\0';
/* Add the line to the scrolling window. */
addCDKSwindow (swindow, temp, insertPos);
/* Close the pipe. */
pclose (ps);
return count;
* This function allows the user to dump the information from the
* scrollong window to a file.
void saveCDKSwindowInformation (CDKSWINDOW *swindow)
/* Declare local variables. */
CDKENTRY *entry = 0;
char *filename = 0;
char temp[256], *mesg[10];
int linesSaved;
/* Create the entry field to get the filename. */
entry = newCDKEntry (ScreenOf(swindow), CENTER, CENTER,
"<C></B/5>Enter the filename of the save file.",
"Filename: ",
20, 1, 256,
/* Get the filename. */
filename = activateCDKEntry (entry, 0);
/* Did they hit escape? */
if (entry->exitType == vESCAPE_HIT)
/* Popup a message. */
mesg[0] = "<C></B/5>Save Canceled.";
mesg[1] = "<C>Escape hit. Scrolling window information not saved.";
mesg[2] = " ";
mesg[3] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
popupLabel (ScreenOf(swindow), mesg, 4);
/* Clean up and exit. */
destroyCDKEntry (entry);
/* Write the contents of the scrolling window to the file. */
linesSaved = dumpCDKSwindow (swindow, filename);
/* Was the save successful? */
if (linesSaved == -1)
/* Nope, tell 'em. */
mesg[0] = copyChar ("<C></B/16>Error");
mesg[1] = copyChar ("<C>Could not save to the file.");
sprintf (temp, "<C>(%s)", filename);
mesg[2] = copyChar (temp);
mesg[3] = copyChar (" ");
mesg[4] = copyChar ("<C>Press any key to continue.");
popupLabel (ScreenOf(swindow), mesg, 5);
freeCharList (mesg, 5);
/* Yep, let them know how many lines were saved. */
mesg[0] = copyChar ("<C></B/5>Save Successful");
sprintf (temp, "<C>There were %d lines saved to the file", linesSaved);
mesg[1] = copyChar (temp);
sprintf (temp, "<C>(%s)", filename);
mesg[2] = copyChar (temp);
mesg[3] = copyChar (" ");
mesg[4] = copyChar ("<C>Press any key to continue.");
popupLabel (ScreenOf(swindow), mesg, 5);
freeCharList (mesg, 5);
/* Clean up and exit. */
destroyCDKEntry (entry);
eraseCDKScreen (ScreenOf(swindow));
drawCDKScreen (ScreenOf(swindow));
* This function allows the user to load new informatrion into the scrolling
* window.
void loadCDKSwindowInformation (CDKSWINDOW *swindow)
/* Declare local variables. */
CDKFSELECT *fselect = 0;
CDKDIALOG *dialog = 0;
char *filename = 0;
char temp[256], *mesg[15], *button[5], *fileInfo[MAX_LINES];
int lines, answer;
/* Create the file selector to choose the file. */
fselect = newCDKFselect (ScreenOf(swindow), CENTER, CENTER, 20, 55,
"<C>Load Which File",
"Filename: ",
A_NORMAL, '_',
"</5>", "</48>", "</N>", "</N>",
/* Get the filename to load. */
filename = activateCDKFselect (fselect, 0);
/* Make sure they selected a file. */
if (fselect->exitType == vESCAPE_HIT)
/* Popup a message. */
mesg[0] = "<C></B/5>Load Canceled.";
mesg[1] = " ";
mesg[2] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
popupLabel (ScreenOf(swindow), mesg, 3);
/* Clean up and exit. */
destroyCDKFselect (fselect);
/* Copy the filename and destroy the file selector. */
filename = copyChar (fselect->pathname);
destroyCDKFselect (fselect);
* Maye we should check before nuking all the information
* in the scrolling window...
if (swindow->itemCount > 0)
/* Create the dialog message. */
mesg[0] = "<C></B/5>Save Information First";
mesg[1] = "<C>There is information in the scrolling window.";
mesg[2] = "<C>Do you want to save it to a file first?";
button[0] = "(Yes)";
button[1] = "(No)";
/* Create the dialog widget. */
dialog = newCDKDialog (ScreenOf(swindow), CENTER, CENTER,
mesg, 2, button, 2,
/* Activate the widget. */
answer = activateCDKDialog (dialog, 0);
destroyCDKDialog (dialog);
/* Check the answer. */
if (answer == -1 || answer == 0)
/* Save the information. */
saveCDKSwindowInformation (swindow);
/* Open the file and read it in. */
lines = readFile (filename, fileInfo, MAX_LINES);
if (lines == -1)
/* The file read didn't work. */
mesg[0] = copyChar ("<C></B/16>Error");
mesg[1] = copyChar ("<C>Could not read the file");
sprintf (temp, "<C>(%s)", filename);
mesg[2] = copyChar (temp);
mesg[3] = copyChar (" ");
mesg[4] = copyChar ("<C>Press any key to continue.");
popupLabel (ScreenOf(swindow), mesg, 5);
freeCharList (mesg, 5);
freeChar (filename);
/* Clean out the scrolling window. */
cleanCDKSwindow (swindow);
/* Set the new information in the scrolling window. */
setCDKSwindow (swindow, fileInfo, lines, ObjOf(swindow)->box);
/* Clean up. */
freeCharList (fileInfo, lines);
freeChar (filename);
* This actually dumps the information from the scrolling window to a
* file.
int dumpCDKSwindow (CDKSWINDOW *swindow, char *filename)
/* Declare local variables. */
FILE *outputFile = 0;
char *rawLine = 0;
int x;
/* Try to open the file. */
if ((outputFile = fopen (filename, "w")) == 0)
return -1;
/* Start writing out the file. */
for (x=0; x < swindow->itemCount; x++)
rawLine = chtype2Char (swindow->info[x]);
fprintf (outputFile, "%s\n", rawLine);
freeChar (rawLine);
/* Close the file and return the number of lines written. */
fclose (outputFile);
return swindow->itemCount;
* This function sets the pre-process function.
void setCDKSwindowPreProcess (CDKSWINDOW *swindow, PROCESSFN callback, void *data)
swindow->preProcessFunction = callback;
swindow->preProcessData = data;
* This function sets the post-process function.
void setCDKSwindowPostProcess (CDKSWINDOW *swindow, PROCESSFN callback, void *data)
swindow->postProcessFunction = callback;
swindow->postProcessData = data;