
830 lines
28 KiB

/* $NetBSD: pdc.h,v 1.19 2011/06/30 20:09:30 wiz Exp $ */
/* $OpenBSD: pdc.h,v 1.35 2007/07/15 20:03:48 kettenis Exp $ */
* Copyright (c) 1990 mt Xinu, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 1990,1991,1992,1994 University of Utah. All rights reserved.
* Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software is hereby
* granted provided that (1) source code retains these copyright, permission,
* and disclaimer notices, and (2) redistributions including binaries
* reproduce the notices in supporting documentation, and (3) all advertising
* materials mentioning features or use of this software display the following
* acknowledgement: ``This product includes software developed by the
* Computer Systems Laboratory at the University of Utah.''
* Copyright (c) 1990 mt Xinu, Inc.
* This file may be freely distributed in any form as long as
* this copyright notice is included.
* CSL requests users of this software to return to any
* improvements that they make and grant CSL redistribution rights.
* Utah $Hdr: pdc.h 1.12 94/12/14$
* Author: Jeff Forys (CSS), Dave Slattengren (mtXinu)
#ifndef _MACHINE_PDC_H_
#define _MACHINE_PDC_H_
* Definitions for interaction with "Processor Dependent Code",
* which is a set of ROM routines used to provide information to the OS.
* Also includes definitions for the layout of "Page Zero" memory when
* boot code is invoked.
* Glossary:
* PDC: Processor Dependent Code (ROM or copy of ROM).
* IODC: I/O Dependent Code (module-type dependent code).
* IPL: Boot program (loaded into memory from boot device).
* HPA: Hard Physical Address (hardwired address).
* SPA: Soft Physical Address (reconfigurable address).
* Definitions for talking to IODC (I/O Dependent Code).
* The PDC is used to load I/O Dependent Code from a particular module.
* I/O Dependent Code is module-type dependent software which provides
* a uniform way to identify, initialize, and access a module (and in
* some cases, their devices).
* Our Initial Memory Module is laid out as follows.
* 0x000 +--------------------+
* | Page Zero (iomod.h)|
* 0x800 +--------------------+
* | |
* | |
* | PDC |
* | |
* | |
* MEM_FREE +--------------------+
* | |
* | Console IODC |
* | |
* MEM_FREE+64k +--------------------+
* | |
* | Boot Device IODC |
* | |
* IPL_START +--------------------+
* | |
* | IPL Code or Kernel |
* | |
* +--------------------+
* Restrictions:
* MEM_FREE (pagezero.mem_free) can be no greater than 32K.
* The PDC may use up to MEM_FREE + 32K (for Console & Boot IODC).
* IPL_START must be less than or equal to 64K.
* The IPL (boot) Code is immediately relocated to RELOC (check
* "../stand/Makefile") to make way for the Kernel.
#define IODC_MAXSIZE (64 * 1024) /* maximum size of IODC */
#define IODC_MINIOSIZ 64 /* minimum buffer size for IODC call */
#define IODC_MAXIOSIZ (64 * 1024) /* maximum buffer size for IODC call */
#define PDC_ALIGNMENT __attribute__ ((__aligned__(64)))
#define PDC_STACKSIZE (2*NBPG) /* PDC spec says 7K. */
* The PDC Entry Points and their arguments...
#define PDC_POW_FAIL 1 /* prepare for power failure */
#define PDC_CHASSIS 2 /* update chassis display (see below) */
#define PDC_CHASSIS_DISP 0 /* update display */
#define PDC_CHASSIS_WARN 1 /* return warnings */
#define PDC_CHASSIS_ALL 2 /* update display & return warnings */
#define PDC_CHASSIS_INFO 128 /* return led/lcd info */
#define PDC_PIM 3 /* access Processor Internal Memory */
#define PDC_PIM_HPMC 0 /* read High Pri Mach Chk data */
#define PDC_PIM_SIZE 1 /* return size */
#define PDC_PIM_LPMC 2 /* read Low Pri Mach Chk data */
#define PDC_PIM_SBD 3 /* read soft boot data */
#define PDC_PIM_TOC 4 /* read TOC data (used to use HPMC) */
#define PDC_MODEL 4 /* processor model number info */
#define PDC_MODEL_INFO 0 /* processor model number info */
#define PDC_MODEL_BOOTID 1 /* set BOOT_ID of processor */
#define PDC_MODEL_COMP 2 /* return component version numbers */
#define PDC_MODEL_MODEL 3 /* return system model information */
#define PDC_MODEL_ENSPEC 4 /* enable product-specific instrs */
#define PDC_MODEL_DISPEC 5 /* disable product-specific instrs */
#define PDC_MODEL_CPUID 6 /* return CPU versions */
#define PDC_MODEL_CAPABILITIES 7 /* return capabilites */
#define PDC_MODEL_GETBOOTSTOPTS 8 /* return boot test options */
#define PDC_MODEL_SETBOOTSTOPTS 9 /* set boot test options */
#define PDC_CACHE 5 /* return cache and TLB params */
#define PDC_CACHE_DFLT 0 /* return parameters */
#define PDC_CACHE_SETCS 1 /* set coherence state */
#define PDC_CACHE_GETSPIDB 2 /* get space-id bits */
#define PDC_HPA 6 /* return HPA of processor */
#define PDC_HPA_DFLT 0
#define PDC_COPROC 7 /* return co-processor configuration */
#define PDC_IODC 8 /* talk to IODC */
#define PDC_IODC_READ 0 /* read IODC entry point */
#define IODC_DATA 0 /* get first 16 bytes from mod IODC */
#define IODC_INIT 3 /* initialize (see options below) */
#define IODC_INIT_FIRST 2 /* find first device on module */
#define IODC_INIT_NEXT 3 /* find subsequent devices on module */
#define IODC_INIT_ALL 4 /* initialize module and device */
#define IODC_INIT_DEV 5 /* initialize device */
#define IODC_INIT_MOD 6 /* initialize module */
#define IODC_INIT_MSG 9 /* return error message(s) */
#define IODC_INIT_STR 20 /* find device w/ spec in string */
#define IODC_IO 4 /* perform I/O (see options below) */
#define IODC_IO_READ 0 /* read from boot device */
#define IODC_IO_WRITE 1 /* write to boot device */
#define IODC_IO_CONSIN 2 /* read from console */
#define IODC_IO_CONSOUT 3 /* write to conosle */
#define IODC_IO_CLOSE 4 /* close device */
#define IODC_IO_MSG 9 /* return error message(s) */
#define IODC_SPA 5 /* get extended SPA information */
#define IODC_SPA_DFLT 0 /* return SPA information */
#define IODC_TEST 8 /* perform self tests */
#define IODC_TEST_INFO 0 /* return test information */
#define IODC_TEST_STEP 1 /* execute a particular test */
#define IODC_TEST_TEST 2 /* describe a test section */
#define IODC_TEST_MSG 9 /* return error message(s) */
#define PDC_IODC_NINIT 2 /* non-destructive init */
#define PDC_IODC_DINIT 3 /* destructive init */
#define PDC_IODC_MEMERR 4 /* check for memory errors */
#define PDC_IODC_IMEMMASTER 5 /* interlieved memory master ID */
#define PDC_TOD 9 /* access time-of-day clock */
#define PDC_TOD_READ 0 /* read TOD clock */
#define PDC_TOD_WRITE 1 /* write TOD clock */
#define PDC_TOD_ITIMER 2 /* calibrate Interval Timer (CR16) */
#define PDC_STABLE 10 /* access Stable Storage (SS) */
#define PDC_STABLE_READ 0 /* read SS */
#define PDC_STABLE_WRITE 1 /* write SS */
#define PDC_STABLE_SIZE 2 /* return size of SS */
#define PDC_STABLE_VRFY 3 /* verify contents of SS */
#define PDC_STABLE_INIT 4 /* initialize SS */
#define PDC_NVM 11 /* access Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) */
#define PDC_NVM_READ 0 /* read NVM */
#define PDC_NVM_WRITE 1 /* write NVM */
#define PDC_NVM_SIZE 2 /* return size of NVM */
#define PDC_NVM_VRFY 3 /* verify contents of NVM */
#define PDC_NVM_INIT 4 /* initialize NVM */
#define PDC_ADD_VALID 12 /* check address for validity */
#define PDC_BUS_BAD 13 /* verify Error Detection Circuitry (EDC) */
#define PDC_BUS_BAD_DLFT 0
#define PDC_DEBUG 14 /* return address of PDC debugger */
#define PDC_DEBUG_DFLT 0
#define PDC_INSTR 15 /* return instr that invokes PDCE_CHECK */
#define PDC_INSTR_DFLT 0
#define PDC_PROC 16 /* stop currently executing processor */
#define PDC_PROC_STOP 0
#define PDC_CONF 17 /* (de)configure a module */
#define PDC_CONF_DECONF 0 /* deconfigure module */
#define PDC_CONF_RECONF 1 /* reconfigure module */
#define PDC_CONF_INFO 2 /* get config informaion */
#define PDC_BLOCK_TLB 18 /* Manage Block TLB entries (BTLB) */
#define PDC_BTLB_DEFAULT 0 /* Return BTLB configuration info */
#define PDC_BTLB_INSERT 1 /* Insert a BTLB entry */
#define PDC_BTLB_PURGE 2 /* Purge a BTLB entry */
#define PDC_BTLB_PURGE_ALL 3 /* Purge all BTLB entries */
#define PDC_TLB 19 /* Manage Hardware TLB handling */
#define PDC_TLB_INFO 0 /* Return HW-TLB configuration info */
#define PDC_TLB_CONFIG 1 /* Set HW-TLB pdir base and size */
#define PDC_TLB_CURRPDE 1 /* cr28 points to current pde on miss */
#define PDC_TLB_RESERVD 3 /* reserved */
#define PDC_TLB_NEXTPDE 5 /* cr28 points to next pde on miss */
#define PDC_TLB_WORD3 7 /* cr28 is word 3 of 16 byte pde */
#define PDC_PSW 21 /* manage default values of configurable psw bits */
#define PDC_PSW_GETMASK 0 /* get mask */
#define PDC_PSW_DEFAULTS 1 /* get default bits values */
#define PDC_PSW_SETDEFAULTS 2 /* set default bits values */
#define PDC_SYSTEM_MAP 22 /* map system modules */
#define PDC_SYSTEM_MAP_FIND_MOD 0 /* find module by index */
#define PDC_SYSTEM_MAP_FIND_ADDR 1 /* fetch list of addresses */
#define PDC_SYSTEM_MAP_TRANS_PATH 2 /* get hpa from devpath */
#define PDC_SOFT_POWER 23 /* support for soft power switch */
#define PDC_SOFT_POWER_INFO 0 /* get info about soft power switch */
#define PDC_SOFT_POWER_ENABLE 1 /* enable/disable soft power switch */
#define PDC_PAT_CELL 64 /* cell operations */
#define PDC_PAT_CELL_GETID 0 /* get cell id number */
#define PDC_PAT_CELL_GETINFO 1 /* get cell info */
#define PDC_PAT_CELL_MODULE 2 /* get module info */
#define PDC_PAT_IOVIEW 0
#define PDC_PAT_PAVIEW 1
#define PDC_PAT_CHASSIS 65 /* chassis log ops */
#define PDC_PAT_CPU 67
#define PDC_PAT_EVENT 68
#define PDC_PAT_HPMC 70
#define PDC_PAT_IO 71 /* online services for IO modules */
#define PDC_PAT_IO_GET_PCI_RT 16
#define PDC_PAT_MEM 72
#define PDC_PAT_NVRAM 73
#define PDC_PAT_PROTDOM 74
#define PDC_MEMMAP 128 /* hp700: return page information */
#define PDC_MEMMAP_HPA 0 /* map module # to HPA */
#define PDC_EEPROM 129 /* Hversion dependent */
#define PDC_IO 135
#define PDC_IO_RESET 1
#define PDC_DO_RESET 0
#define PDC_LAN_STATION_ID 138 /* Hversion dependent mechanism for */
#define PDC_LAN_STATION_ID_READ 0 /* getting the lan station address */
#define PDC_PCI_INDEX 147 /* PCI rt access */
#define PDC_PCI_GET_INT_TBL 14
#define PDC_ERR_OK 0 /* operation complete */
#define PDC_ERR_WARNING 3 /* OK, but warning */
#define PDC_ERR_NOPROC -1 /* no such procedure */
#define PDC_ERR_NOPT -2 /* no such option */
#define PDC_ERR_COMPL -3 /* unable to complete w/o error */
#define PDC_ERR_NMOD -5 /* module not found */
#define PDC_ERR_EOD -9 /* end of device list */
#define PDC_ERR_INVAL -10 /* invalid argument */
#define PDC_ERR_PFAIL -12 /* aborted by powerfail */
#if !defined(_LOCORE)
struct iomod;
typedef int (*pdcio_t)(int, int, ...);
typedef int (*iodcio_t)(struct iomod *, int, ...);
* Commonly used PDC calls and the structures they return.
* Device path specifications used by PDC.
struct device_path {
u_char dp_flags; /* see bit definitions below */
#define PZF_AUTOBOOT 0x80 /* These two are PDC flags for how to locate */
#define PZF_AUTOSEARCH 0x40 /* the "boot device" */
#define PZF_TIMER 0x0f /* power of 2 # secs "boot timer" (0 == dflt) */
#define PZF_BITS "\020\010autoboot\07autosearch"
char dp_bc[6]; /* Bus Converter routing info to a specific */
/* I/O adaptor (< 0 means none, > 63 resvd) */
char dp_mod; /* fixed field of specified module */
int dp_layers[6]; /* device-specific info (ctlr #, unit # ...) */
#define PZL_BITS(l) (((l) & 0x03) + 5)
#define PZL_PARITY(l) (((l) & 0x18) >> 3)
#define PZL_SPEED(l) (((l) & 0x3c0) >> 6)
#define PZL_ENCODE(bits, parity, speed) \
(((bits) - 5) & 0x03) | (((parity) & 0x3) << 3) | \
(((speed) & 0x0f) << 6)
struct pdc_result { /* general result buffer */
u_int result[32];
struct pdc_pim { /* PDC_PIM */
u_int count; /* actual (HPMC, LPMC) or total (SIZE) count */
u_int archsize; /* size of architected regions (see "pim.h") */
struct pdc_model { /* PDC_MODEL */
u_int res1 : 16; /* reserved */
u_int hwmodel : 12; /* hardware model. */
u_int hv : 4;
u_int rev : 4; /* zero for all native processors */
u_int model : 20; /* 4 for all native processors */
u_int sh : 1; /* shadow registers are present */
u_int reserved : 2; /* reserved */
u_int mc : 1; /* module category (A - 0, B - 1) */
u_int reserved1 : 2; /* reserved */
u_int pa_lvl : 2; /* PA-RISC level */
u_int hw_id; /* unique processor hardware identifier */
u_int boot_id; /* same as hw_id */
u_int sw_id; /* software security and licensing */
u_int sw_cap; /* OS capabilities of processor */
u_int arch_rev; /* architecture revision */
u_int pot_key; /* potential key */
u_int curr_key; /* current key */
struct pdc_cpuid { /* PDC_MODEL, PDC_CPUID */
u_int reserved : 20;
u_int version : 7; /* CPU version */
u_int revision : 5; /* CPU revision */
struct pdc_getbootopts { /* PDC_MODEL_GETBOOTOPTS */
u_int cur_test; /* current enabled tests */
u_int sup_test; /* supported tests */
u_int def_test; /* default enabled tests */
struct cache_cf { /* PDC_CACHE (for "struct pdc_cache") */
u_int cc_alias: 4, /* virtual address aliasing boundary */
cc_block: 4, /* used to determine most efficient stride */
cc_line : 3, /* max data written by store (16-byte mults) */
cc_resv1: 2, /* (reserved) */
cc_wt : 1, /* D-cache: write-to = 0, write-through = 1 */
cc_sh : 2, /* separate I and D = 0, shared I and D = 1 */
cc_cst : 3, /* D-cache: incoherent = 0, coherent = 1 */
cc_resv2:11, /* (reserved) */
cc_hvers: 2; /* H-VERSION dependent */
struct itlb_cf { /* PDC_CACHE (for "struct pdc_cache") */
u_int tc_resv1:12, /* (reserved) */
tc_sh : 2, /* separate I and D = 0, shared I and D = 1 */
tc_hvers: 1, /* H-VERSION dependent */
tc_page : 1, /* 2K page size = 0, 4k page size = 1 */
tc_cst : 3, /* incoherent = 0, coherent = 1 */
tc_aid : 5, /* access id width = 15 + aid */
tc_sr : 6, /* space id width */
tc_hv2 : 2; /* H-VERSION dependent */
struct dtlb_cf { /* PDC_CACHE (for "struct pdc_cache") */
u_int tc_resv1:12, /* (reserved) */
tc_sh : 2, /* separate I and D = 0, shared I and D = 1 */
tc_hvers: 1, /* H-VERSION dependent */
tc_u : 1, /* TLB U bit implemented */
tc_cst : 3, /* incoherent = 0, coherent = 1 */
tc_resv2: 11, /* (reserved) */
tc_hv2 : 2; /* H-VERSION dependent */
struct pdc_cache { /* PDC_CACHE */
/* Instruction cache */
u_int ic_size; /* size of I-cache (in bytes) */
struct cache_cf ic_conf;/* cache configuration (see above) */
u_int ic_base; /* start addr of I-cache (for FICE flush) */
u_int ic_stride; /* addr incr per i_count iteration (flush) */
u_int ic_count; /* number of i_loop iterations (flush) */
u_int ic_loop; /* number of FICE's per addr stride (flush) */
/* Data cache */
u_int dc_size; /* size of D-cache (in bytes) */
struct cache_cf dc_conf;/* cache configuration (see above) */
u_int dc_base; /* start addr of D-cache (for FDCE flush) */
u_int dc_stride; /* addr incr per d_count iteration (flush) */
u_int dc_count; /* number of d_loop iterations (flush) */
u_int dc_loop; /* number of FDCE's per addr stride (flush) */
/* Instruction TLB */
u_int it_size; /* number of entries in I-TLB */
struct itlb_cf it_conf; /* I-TLB configuration (see above) */
u_int it_sp_base; /* start space of I-TLB (for PITLBE flush) */
u_int it_sp_stride; /* space incr per sp_count iteration (flush) */
u_int it_sp_count; /* number of off_count iterations (flush) */
u_int it_off_base; /* start offset of I-TLB (for PITLBE flush) */
u_int it_off_stride; /* offset incr per off_count iteration (flush)*/
u_int it_off_count; /* number of it_loop iterations/space (flush) */
u_int it_loop; /* number of PITLBE's per off_stride (flush) */
/* Data TLB */
u_int dt_size; /* number of entries in D-TLB */
struct dtlb_cf dt_conf; /* D-TLB configuration (see above) */
u_int dt_sp_base; /* start space of D-TLB (for PDTLBE flush) */
u_int dt_sp_stride; /* space incr per sp_count iteration (flush) */
u_int dt_sp_count; /* number of off_count iterations (flush) */
u_int dt_off_base; /* start offset of D-TLB (for PDTLBE flush) */
u_int dt_off_stride; /* offset incr per off_count iteration (flush)*/
u_int dt_off_count; /* number of dt_loop iterations/space (flush) */
u_int dt_loop; /* number of PDTLBE's per off_stride (flush) */
struct pdc_spidb { /* PDC_CACHE, PDC_CACHE_GETSPIDB */
u_int spidR1 : 4;
u_int spidbits : 12;
u_int spidR2 : 16;
struct pdc_cst {
u_int cstR1 : 16;
u_int cst : 3;
u_int cstR2 : 13;
struct pdc_coherence { /* PDC_CACHE, PDC_CACHE_SETCS */
struct pdc_cst ia;
#define ia_cst ia.cst
struct pdc_cst da;
#define da_cst da.cst
struct pdc_cst ita;
#define ita_cst ita.cst
struct pdc_cst dta;
#define dta_cst dta.cst
struct pdc_hpa { /* PDC_HPA */
hppa_hpa_t hpa; /* HPA of processor */
struct pdc_coproc { /* PDC_COPROC */
u_int ccr_enable; /* same format as CCR (CR 10) */
u_int ccr_present; /* which co-proc's are present (bitset) */
u_int pad[15];
u_int fpu_revision;
u_int fpu_model;
struct pdc_tod { /* PDC_TOD, PDC_TOD_READ */
u_int sec; /* elapsed time since 00:00:00 GMT, 1/1/70 */
u_int usec; /* accurate to microseconds */
struct pdc_itimer { /* PDC_TOD_ITIMER */
u_int calib0; /* double giving itmr freq */
u_int calib1;
u_int tod_acc; /* TOD accuracy in 1e-9 part */
u_int cr_acc; /* itmr accuracy in 1e-9 parts */
struct pdc_nvm { /* PDC_NVM */
u_int hv[9]; /* 0x00: HV dependent */
struct device_path bootpath; /* 0x24: boot path */
u_int isl_ver; /* 0x44: ISL revision */
u_int timestamp; /* 0x48: timestamp */
u_int lif_ue[12]; /* 0x4c: LIF utility entries */
u_int eptr; /* 0x7c: entry pointer */
u_int os_panic[32]; /* 0x80: OS panic info */
struct pdc_instr { /* PDC_INSTR */
u_int instr; /* instruction that invokes PDC mchk entry pt */
struct pdc_iodc_read { /* PDC_IODC, PDC_IODC_READ */
int size; /* number of bytes in selected entry point */
int filler1;
u_int filler2[30];
struct pdc_iodc_minit { /* PDC_IODC, PDC_IODC_NINIT or PDC_IODC_DINIT */
u_int stat; /* HPA.io_status style error returns */
u_int max_spa; /* size of SPA (in bytes) > max_mem+map_mem */
u_int max_mem; /* size of "implemented" memory (in bytes) */
u_int map_mem; /* size of "mappable-only" memory (in bytes) */
struct btlb_info { /* for "struct pdc_btlb" (PDC_BTLB) */
u_int resv0: 8, /* (reserved) */
num_i: 8, /* Number of instruction slots */
num_d: 8, /* Number of data slots */
num_c: 8; /* Number of combined slots */
struct pdc_btlb { /* PDC_BLOCK_TLB */
u_int min_size; /* Min size in pages */
u_int max_size; /* Max size in pages */
struct btlb_info finfo; /* Fixed range info */
struct btlb_info vinfo; /* Variable range info */
struct pdc_hwtlb { /* PDC_TLB */
u_int min_size; /* What do these mean? */
u_int max_size;
struct pdc_power_info { /* PDC_SOFT_POWER_INFO */
u_int addr; /* power register address */
struct pdc_pat_cell_id { /* PDC_PAT_CELL_GETID */
u_long id; /* cell id */
u_long loc; /* cell location */
struct pdc_pat_cell_module { /* PDC_PAT_CELL_MODULE */
u_long chpa; /* config space HPA */
u_long info; /* module info */
#define PDC_PAT_CELL_MODTYPE(t) (((t) >> 56) & 0xff)
#define PDC_PAT_CELL_MODDVI(t) (((t) >> 48) & 0xff)
#define PDC_PAT_CELL_MODIOC(t) (((t) >> 40) & 0xff)
#define PDC_PAT_CELL_MODSIZE(t) (((t) & 0xffffff) << PAGE_SHIFT)
u_long loc; /* module location */
struct device_path dp; /* module path */
u_long pad[508]; /* cell module gedoens */
struct pdc_pat_io_num { /* PDC_PAT_IO */
u_int num;
struct pdc_pat_pci_rt { /* PDC_PAT_IO_GET_PCI_RT */
uint8_t type; /* 0x8b */
uint8_t len;
uint8_t itype; /* 0 -- vectored int */
uint8_t trigger; /* polarity/level */
uint8_t pin; /* PCI pin number */
uint8_t bus;
uint8_t seg; /* reserved */
uint8_t line;
uint64_t addr; /* io sapic address */
struct pdc_memmap { /* PDC_MEMMAP */
u_int hpa; /* HPA for module */
u_int morepages; /* additional IO pages */
struct pdc_system_map_find_mod { /* PDC_SYSTEM_MAP_FIND_MOD */
u_int hpa;
u_int size; /* pages */
u_int naddrs;
u_int mod_index;
struct pdc_system_map_find_addr { /* PDC_SYSTEM_MAP_FIND_ADDR */
u_int hpa;
u_int size; /* pages */
struct pdc_lan_station_id { /* PDC_LAN_STATION_ID */
uint8_t addr[6];
* The PDC_CHASSIS is a strange bird. The format for updating the display
* is as follows:
* 0 11 12 14 15 16 19 20 23 24 27 28 31
* +-------+----------+-------+--------+--------+--------+--------+
* | R | OS State | Blank | Hex1 | Hex2 | Hex3 | Hex4 |
* +-------+----------+-------+--------+--------+--------+--------+
* Unfortunately, someone forgot to tell the hardware designers that
* there was supposed to be a hex display somewhere. The result is,
* you can only toggle 5 LED's and the fault light.
* Interesting values for Hex1-Hex4 and the resulting LED displays:
* FnFF CnFF:
* 0 - - - - - Counts in binary from 0x0 - 0xF
* 2 o - - - - for corresponding values of `n'.
* 4 o o - - -
* 6 o o o - -
* 8 o o o o -
* A o o o o o
* If the "Blank" bit is set, the display should be made blank.
* The values for "OS State" are defined below.
#define PDC_CHASSIS_BAR 0xF0FF /* create a bar graph with LEDs */
#define PDC_CHASSIS_CNT 0xC0FF /* count with LEDs */
#define PDC_OSTAT(os) (((os) & 0x7) << 17)
#define PDC_OSTAT_OFF 0x0 /* all off */
#define PDC_OSTAT_FAULT 0x1 /* the red LED of death */
#define PDC_OSTAT_TEST 0x2 /* self test */
#define PDC_OSTAT_BOOT 0x3 /* boot program running */
#define PDC_OSTAT_SHUT 0x4 /* shutdown in progress */
#define PDC_OSTAT_WARN 0x5 /* battery dying, etc */
#define PDC_OSTAT_RUN 0x6 /* OS running */
#define PDC_OSTAT_ON 0x7 /* all on */
struct pdc_chassis_info {
u_int size;
u_int max_size;
struct pdc_chassis_lcd {
u_int model : 16,
width : 16;
u_int cmd_addr;
u_int data_addr;
u_int delay;
uint8_t line[2];
uint8_t enabled;
uint8_t heartbeat[3];
uint8_t disk[3];
* A processors Stable Storage is accessed through the PDC. There are
* at least 96 bytes of stable storage (the device path information may
* or may not exist). However, as far as I know, processors provide at
* least 192 bytes of stable storage.
struct stable_storage {
struct device_path ss_pri_boot; /* (see above) */
char ss_filenames[32];
u_short ss_os_version; /* 0 == none, 1 == HP-UX, 2 == MPE-XL */
char ss_os[22]; /* OS-dependent information */
char ss_pdc[7]; /* reserved */
char ss_fast_size; /* how much memory to test. 0xf == all, or */
/* else it's (256KB << ss_fast_size) */
struct device_path ss_console;
struct device_path ss_alt_boot;
struct device_path ss_keyboard;
* Recoverable error indications provided to boot code by the PDC.
* Any non-zero value indicates error.
struct boot_err {
u_int be_resv : 10, /* (reserved) */
be_fixed : 6, /* module that produced error */
be_chas : 16; /* error code (interpret as 4 hex digits) */
#define HPBE_HBOOT_CORRECTABLE 0 /* hard-boot corrctable error */
#define HPBE_HBOOT_UNCORRECTBL 1 /* hard-boot uncorrectable error */
#define HPBE_SBOOT_CORRECTABLE 2 /* soft-boot correctable error */
#define HPBE_SBOOT_UNCORRECTBL 3 /* soft-boot uncorrectable error */
#define HPBE_ETEST_MODUNUSABLE 4 /* ENTRY_TEST err: module's unusable */
#define HPBE_ETEST_MODDEGRADED 5 /* ENTRY_TEST err: module in degraded mode */
* The PDC uses the following structure to completely define an I/O
* module and the interface to its IODC.
struct pz_device {
struct device_path pz_dp;
#define pz_flags pz_dp.dp_flags
#define pz_bc pz_dp.dp_bc
#define pz_mod pz_dp.dp_mod
#define pz_layers pz_dp.dp_layers
struct iomod *pz_hpa; /* HPA base address of device */
void * pz_spa; /* SPA base address (zero if no SPA exists) */
iodcio_t pz_iodc_io; /* entry point of device's driver routines */
short pz_resv; /* (reserved) */
u_short pz_class; /* (see below) */
} pz_device_t;
/* pz_class */
#define PCL_NULL 0 /* illegal */
#define PCL_RANDOM 1 /* random access (disk) */
#define PCL_SEQU 2 /* sequential access (tape) */
#define PCL_DUPLEX 7 /* full-duplex point-to-point (RS-232, Net) */
#define PCL_KEYBD 8 /* half-duplex input (HIL Keyboard) */
#define PCL_DISPL 9 /* half-duplex ouptput (display) */
#define PCL_FC 10 /* fibre channel access media */
#define PCL_CLASS_MASK 0xf /* XXX class mask */
#define PCL_NET_MASK 0x1000 /* mask for bootp/tftp device */
* The following structure defines what a particular IODC returns when
* given the IODC_DATA argument.
struct iodc_data {
u_int iodc_model: 8, /* hardware model number */
iodc_revision:8, /* software revision */
iodc_spa_io: 1, /* 0:memory, 1:device */
iodc_spa_pack:1, /* 1:packed multiplexor */
iodc_spa_enb:1, /* 1:has an spa */
iodc_spa_shift:5, /* power of two # bytes in SPA space */
iodc_more: 1, /* iodc_data is: 0:8-byte, 1:16-byte */
iodc_word: 1, /* iodc_data is: 0:byte, 1:word */
iodc_pf: 1, /* 1:supports powerfail */
iodc_type: 5; /* see below */
u_int iodc_sv_rev: 4, /* software version revision number */
iodc_sv_model:20, /* software interface model # */
iodc_sv_opt: 8; /* type-specific options */
u_char iodc_rev; /* revision number of IODC code */
u_char iodc_dep; /* module-dependent information */
u_char iodc_rsv[2]; /* reserved */
u_short iodc_cksum; /* 16-bit checksum of whole IODC */
u_short iodc_length; /* number of entry points in IODC */
/* IODC entry points follow... */
extern pdcio_t pdc;
#ifdef _KERNEL
struct consdev;
extern int kernelmapped;
enum pdc_type {
void pdc_init(void);
void pdc_settype(int);
enum pdc_type pdc_gettype(void);
int pdc_call(iodcio_t, int, ...);
void pdccnprobe(struct consdev *);
void pdccninit(struct consdev *);
int pdccngetc(dev_t);
void pdccnputc(dev_t, int);
void pdccnpollc(dev_t, int);
int pdcproc_chassis_display(unsigned long);
int pdcproc_chassis_info(struct pdc_chassis_info *, struct pdc_chassis_lcd *);
int pdcproc_pim(int, struct pdc_pim *, void **, size_t *);
int pdcproc_model_info(struct pdc_model *);
int pdcproc_model_cpuid(struct pdc_cpuid *);
int pdcproc_cache(struct pdc_cache *);
int pdcproc_cache_coherence(struct pdc_coherence *);
int pdcproc_cache_spidbits(struct pdc_spidb *);
int pdcproc_hpa_processor(hppa_hpa_t *);
int pdcproc_coproc(struct pdc_coproc *);
int pdcproc_iodc_read(hppa_hpa_t, int, int *, struct pdc_iodc_read *, size_t,
struct iodc_data *, size_t);
int pdcproc_iodc_ninit(struct pdc_iodc_minit *, hppa_hpa_t, int);
int pdcproc_instr(unsigned int *);
int pdcproc_block_tlb(struct pdc_btlb *);
int pdcproc_btlb_insert(pa_space_t, vaddr_t, paddr_t, vsize_t, u_int, int);
int pdcproc_btlb_purge(pa_space_t, vaddr_t, paddr_t, vsize_t);
int pdcproc_btlb_purgeall(void);
int pdcproc_tlb_info(struct pdc_hwtlb *);
int pdcproc_tlb_config(struct pdc_hwtlb *, vaddr_t, vsize_t, unsigned long);
int pdcproc_system_map_find_mod(struct pdc_system_map_find_mod *,
struct device_path *, int);
int pdcproc_system_map_find_addr(struct pdc_system_map_find_addr *, int, int);
int pdcproc_system_map_trans_path(struct pdc_memmap *, struct device_path *);
int pdcproc_soft_power_enable(int);
int pdcproc_soft_power_info(struct pdc_power_info *);
int pdcproc_memmap(struct pdc_memmap *, struct device_path *);
int pdcproc_ioclrerrors(void);
int pdcproc_ioreset(void);
int pdcproc_doreset(void);
int pdcproc_lan_station_id(char *, size_t, hppa_hpa_t);
int pdcproc_pci_inttblsz(int *);
int pdcproc_pci_gettable(int, size_t, void *);
#endif /* !(_LOCORE) */
#endif /* _MACHINE_PDC_H_ */