parents would be get remade, even if children were not really updated by the commands executed for them. It also makes all the children have the real modification time set if possible, so it should fix some other timing weirdnesses... - collapse childMade and make fields into flags and convert them to bits CHILDMADE and REMAKE - introduce FORCE flag that gets set in all the parents of a child that has no sources and does not exist. - set oodate if the FORCE flag is set, and not if CHILDMADE - centralize the RECHECK into Make_Recheck() and use this in make.c and compat.c - use Make_TimeStamp for all child -> parent timestamp propagations
1291 lines
36 KiB
1291 lines
36 KiB
/* $NetBSD: arch.c,v 1.29 1998/11/11 19:37:06 christos Exp $ */
* Copyright (c) 1988, 1989, 1990, 1993
* The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 1989 by Berkeley Softworks
* All rights reserved.
* This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
* Adam de Boor.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
* must display the following acknowledgement:
* This product includes software developed by the University of
* California, Berkeley and its contributors.
* 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
* may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
* without specific prior written permission.
static char rcsid[] = "$NetBSD: arch.c,v 1.29 1998/11/11 19:37:06 christos Exp $";
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#ifndef lint
#if 0
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)arch.c 8.2 (Berkeley) 1/2/94";
__RCSID("$NetBSD: arch.c,v 1.29 1998/11/11 19:37:06 christos Exp $");
#endif /* not lint */
* arch.c --
* Functions to manipulate libraries, archives and their members.
* Once again, cacheing/hashing comes into play in the manipulation
* of archives. The first time an archive is referenced, all of its members'
* headers are read and hashed and the archive closed again. All hashed
* archives are kept on a list which is searched each time an archive member
* is referenced.
* The interface to this module is:
* Arch_ParseArchive Given an archive specification, return a list
* of GNode's, one for each member in the spec.
* FAILURE is returned if the specification is
* invalid for some reason.
* Arch_Touch Alter the modification time of the archive
* member described by the given node to be
* the current time.
* Arch_TouchLib Update the modification time of the library
* described by the given node. This is special
* because it also updates the modification time
* of the library's table of contents.
* Arch_MTime Find the modification time of a member of
* an archive *in the archive*. The time is also
* placed in the member's GNode. Returns the
* modification time.
* Arch_MemTime Find the modification time of a member of
* an archive. Called when the member doesn't
* already exist. Looks in the archive for the
* modification time. Returns the modification
* time.
* Arch_FindLib Search for a library along a path. The
* library name in the GNode should be in
* -l<name> format.
* Arch_LibOODate Special function to decide if a library node
* is out-of-date.
* Arch_Init Initialize this module.
* Arch_End Cleanup this module.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <ar.h>
#include <utime.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "make.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "dir.h"
#include "config.h"
#undef MACHINE
static Lst archives; /* Lst of archives we've already examined */
typedef struct Arch {
char *name; /* Name of archive */
Hash_Table members; /* All the members of the archive described
* by <name, struct ar_hdr *> key/value pairs */
char *fnametab; /* Extended name table strings */
size_t fnamesize; /* Size of the string table */
} Arch;
static int ArchFindArchive __P((ClientData, ClientData));
static void ArchFree __P((ClientData));
static struct ar_hdr *ArchStatMember __P((char *, char *, Boolean));
static FILE *ArchFindMember __P((char *, char *, struct ar_hdr *, char *));
#if defined(__svr4__) || defined(__SVR4) || defined(__ELF__)
static int ArchSVR4Entry __P((Arch *, char *, size_t, FILE *));
* ArchFree --
* Free memory used by an archive
* Results:
* None.
* Side Effects:
* None.
static void
ClientData ap;
Arch *a = (Arch *) ap;
Hash_Search search;
Hash_Entry *entry;
/* Free memory from hash entries */
for (entry = Hash_EnumFirst(&a->members, &search);
entry != (Hash_Entry *)NULL;
entry = Hash_EnumNext(&search))
free((Address) Hash_GetValue (entry));
if (a->fnametab)
free((Address) a);
* Arch_ParseArchive --
* Parse the archive specification in the given line and find/create
* the nodes for the specified archive members, placing their nodes
* on the given list.
* Results:
* SUCCESS if it was a valid specification. The linePtr is updated
* to point to the first non-space after the archive spec. The
* nodes for the members are placed on the given list.
* Side Effects:
* Some nodes may be created. The given list is extended.
Arch_ParseArchive (linePtr, nodeLst, ctxt)
char **linePtr; /* Pointer to start of specification */
Lst nodeLst; /* Lst on which to place the nodes */
GNode *ctxt; /* Context in which to expand variables */
register char *cp; /* Pointer into line */
GNode *gn; /* New node */
char *libName; /* Library-part of specification */
char *memName; /* Member-part of specification */
char nameBuf[MAKE_BSIZE]; /* temporary place for node name */
char saveChar; /* Ending delimiter of member-name */
Boolean subLibName; /* TRUE if libName should have/had
* variable substitution performed on it */
libName = *linePtr;
subLibName = FALSE;
for (cp = libName; *cp != '(' && *cp != '\0'; cp++) {
if (*cp == '$') {
* Variable spec, so call the Var module to parse the puppy
* so we can safely advance beyond it...
int length;
Boolean freeIt;
char *result;
result=Var_Parse(cp, ctxt, TRUE, &length, &freeIt);
if (result == var_Error) {
} else {
subLibName = TRUE;
if (freeIt) {
cp += length-1;
*cp++ = '\0';
if (subLibName) {
libName = Var_Subst(NULL, libName, ctxt, TRUE);
for (;;) {
* First skip to the start of the member's name, mark that
* place and skip to the end of it (either white-space or
* a close paren).
Boolean doSubst = FALSE; /* TRUE if need to substitute in memName */
while (*cp != '\0' && *cp != ')' && isspace ((unsigned char)*cp)) {
memName = cp;
while (*cp != '\0' && *cp != ')' && !isspace ((unsigned char)*cp)) {
if (*cp == '$') {
* Variable spec, so call the Var module to parse the puppy
* so we can safely advance beyond it...
int length;
Boolean freeIt;
char *result;
result=Var_Parse(cp, ctxt, TRUE, &length, &freeIt);
if (result == var_Error) {
} else {
doSubst = TRUE;
if (freeIt) {
cp += length;
} else {
* If the specification ends without a closing parenthesis,
* chances are there's something wrong (like a missing backslash),
* so it's better to return failure than allow such things to happen
if (*cp == '\0') {
printf("No closing parenthesis in archive specification\n");
return (FAILURE);
* If we didn't move anywhere, we must be done
if (cp == memName) {
saveChar = *cp;
*cp = '\0';
* XXX: This should be taken care of intelligently by
* SuffExpandChildren, both for the archive and the member portions.
* If member contains variables, try and substitute for them.
* This will slow down archive specs with dynamic sources, of course,
* since we'll be (non-)substituting them three times, but them's
* the breaks -- we need to do this since SuffExpandChildren calls
* us, otherwise we could assume the thing would be taken care of
* later.
if (doSubst) {
char *buf;
char *sacrifice;
char *oldMemName = memName;
memName = Var_Subst(NULL, memName, ctxt, TRUE);
* Now form an archive spec and recurse to deal with nested
* variables and multi-word variable values.... The results
* are just placed at the end of the nodeLst we're returning.
buf = sacrifice = emalloc(strlen(memName)+strlen(libName)+3);
sprintf(buf, "%s(%s)", libName, memName);
if (strchr(memName, '$') && strcmp(memName, oldMemName) == 0) {
* Must contain dynamic sources, so we can't deal with it now.
* Just create an ARCHV node for the thing and let
* SuffExpandChildren handle it...
gn = Targ_FindNode(buf, TARG_CREATE);
if (gn == NILGNODE) {
} else {
gn->type |= OP_ARCHV;
(void)Lst_AtEnd(nodeLst, (ClientData)gn);
} else if (Arch_ParseArchive(&sacrifice, nodeLst, ctxt)!=SUCCESS) {
* Error in nested call -- free buffer and return FAILURE
* ourselves.
* Free buffer and continue with our work.
} else if (Dir_HasWildcards(memName)) {
Lst members = Lst_Init(FALSE);
char *member;
Dir_Expand(memName, dirSearchPath, members);
while (!Lst_IsEmpty(members)) {
member = (char *)Lst_DeQueue(members);
sprintf(nameBuf, "%s(%s)", libName, member);
gn = Targ_FindNode (nameBuf, TARG_CREATE);
if (gn == NILGNODE) {
return (FAILURE);
} else {
* We've found the node, but have to make sure the rest of
* the world knows it's an archive member, without having
* to constantly check for parentheses, so we type the
* thing with the OP_ARCHV bit before we place it on the
* end of the provided list.
gn->type |= OP_ARCHV;
(void) Lst_AtEnd (nodeLst, (ClientData)gn);
Lst_Destroy(members, NOFREE);
} else {
sprintf(nameBuf, "%s(%s)", libName, memName);
gn = Targ_FindNode (nameBuf, TARG_CREATE);
if (gn == NILGNODE) {
return (FAILURE);
} else {
* We've found the node, but have to make sure the rest of the
* world knows it's an archive member, without having to
* constantly check for parentheses, so we type the thing with
* the OP_ARCHV bit before we place it on the end of the
* provided list.
gn->type |= OP_ARCHV;
(void) Lst_AtEnd (nodeLst, (ClientData)gn);
if (doSubst) {
*cp = saveChar;
* If substituted libName, free it now, since we need it no longer.
if (subLibName) {
* We promised the pointer would be set up at the next non-space, so
* we must advance cp there before setting *linePtr... (note that on
* entrance to the loop, cp is guaranteed to point at a ')')
do {
} while (*cp != '\0' && isspace ((unsigned char)*cp));
*linePtr = cp;
return (SUCCESS);
* ArchFindArchive --
* See if the given archive is the one we are looking for. Called
* From ArchStatMember and ArchFindMember via Lst_Find.
* Results:
* 0 if it is, non-zero if it isn't.
* Side Effects:
* None.
static int
ArchFindArchive (ar, archName)
ClientData ar; /* Current list element */
ClientData archName; /* Name we want */
return (strcmp ((char *) archName, ((Arch *) ar)->name));
* ArchStatMember --
* Locate a member of an archive, given the path of the archive and
* the path of the desired member.
* Results:
* A pointer to the current struct ar_hdr structure for the member. Note
* That no position is returned, so this is not useful for touching
* archive members. This is mostly because we have no assurances that
* The archive will remain constant after we read all the headers, so
* there's not much point in remembering the position...
* Side Effects:
static struct ar_hdr *
ArchStatMember (archive, member, hash)
char *archive; /* Path to the archive */
char *member; /* Name of member. If it is a path, only the
* last component is used. */
Boolean hash; /* TRUE if archive should be hashed if not
* already so. */
#define AR_MAX_NAME_LEN (sizeof(arh.ar_name)-1)
FILE * arch; /* Stream to archive */
int size; /* Size of archive member */
char *cp; /* Useful character pointer */
char magic[SARMAG];
LstNode ln; /* Lst member containing archive descriptor */
Arch *ar; /* Archive descriptor */
Hash_Entry *he; /* Entry containing member's description */
struct ar_hdr arh; /* archive-member header for reading archive */
char memName[MAXPATHLEN+1];
/* Current member name while hashing. */
* Because of space constraints and similar things, files are archived
* using their final path components, not the entire thing, so we need
* to point 'member' to the final component, if there is one, to make
* the comparisons easier...
cp = strrchr (member, '/');
if (cp != (char *) NULL) {
member = cp + 1;
ln = Lst_Find (archives, (ClientData) archive, ArchFindArchive);
if (ln != NILLNODE) {
ar = (Arch *) Lst_Datum (ln);
he = Hash_FindEntry (&ar->members, member);
if (he != (Hash_Entry *) NULL) {
return ((struct ar_hdr *) Hash_GetValue (he));
} else {
/* Try truncated name */
char copy[AR_MAX_NAME_LEN+1];
int len = strlen (member);
if (len > AR_MAX_NAME_LEN) {
strncpy(copy, member, AR_MAX_NAME_LEN);
copy[AR_MAX_NAME_LEN] = '\0';
if ((he = Hash_FindEntry (&ar->members, copy)) != NULL)
return ((struct ar_hdr *) Hash_GetValue (he));
return ((struct ar_hdr *) NULL);
if (!hash) {
* Caller doesn't want the thing hashed, just use ArchFindMember
* to read the header for the member out and close down the stream
* again. Since the archive is not to be hashed, we assume there's
* no need to allocate extra room for the header we're returning,
* so just declare it static.
static struct ar_hdr sarh;
arch = ArchFindMember(archive, member, &sarh, "r");
if (arch == (FILE *)NULL) {
return ((struct ar_hdr *)NULL);
} else {
return (&sarh);
* We don't have this archive on the list yet, so we want to find out
* everything that's in it and cache it so we can get at it quickly.
arch = fopen (archive, "r");
if (arch == (FILE *) NULL) {
return ((struct ar_hdr *) NULL);
* We use the ARMAG string to make sure this is an archive we
* can handle...
if ((fread (magic, SARMAG, 1, arch) != 1) ||
(strncmp (magic, ARMAG, SARMAG) != 0)) {
fclose (arch);
return ((struct ar_hdr *) NULL);
ar = (Arch *)emalloc (sizeof (Arch));
ar->name = estrdup (archive);
ar->fnametab = NULL;
ar->fnamesize = 0;
Hash_InitTable (&ar->members, -1);
memName[AR_MAX_NAME_LEN] = '\0';
while (fread ((char *)&arh, sizeof (struct ar_hdr), 1, arch) == 1) {
if (strncmp ( arh.ar_fmag, ARFMAG, sizeof (arh.ar_fmag)) != 0) {
* The header is bogus, so the archive is bad
* and there's no way we can recover...
goto badarch;
} else {
* We need to advance the stream's pointer to the start of the
* next header. Files are padded with newlines to an even-byte
* boundary, so we need to extract the size of the file from the
* 'size' field of the header and round it up during the seek.
arh.ar_size[sizeof(arh.ar_size)-1] = '\0';
size = (int) strtol(arh.ar_size, NULL, 10);
(void) strncpy (memName, arh.ar_name, sizeof(arh.ar_name));
for (cp = &memName[AR_MAX_NAME_LEN]; *cp == ' '; cp--) {
cp[1] = '\0';
* svr4 names are slash terminated. Also svr4 extended AR format.
if (memName[0] == '/') {
* svr4 magic mode; handle it
switch (ArchSVR4Entry(ar, memName, size, arch)) {
case -1: /* Invalid data */
goto badarch;
case 0: /* List of files entry */
default: /* Got the entry */
else {
if (cp[0] == '/')
cp[0] = '\0';
#ifdef AR_EFMT1
* BSD 4.4 extended AR format: #1/<namelen>, with name as the
* first <namelen> bytes of the file
if (strncmp(memName, AR_EFMT1, sizeof(AR_EFMT1) - 1) == 0 &&
isdigit(memName[sizeof(AR_EFMT1) - 1])) {
unsigned int elen = atoi(&memName[sizeof(AR_EFMT1)-1]);
if (elen > MAXPATHLEN)
goto badarch;
if (fread (memName, elen, 1, arch) != 1)
goto badarch;
memName[elen] = '\0';
fseek (arch, -elen, SEEK_CUR);
printf("ArchStat: Extended format entry for %s\n", memName);
he = Hash_CreateEntry (&ar->members, memName, (Boolean *)NULL);
Hash_SetValue (he, (ClientData)emalloc (sizeof (struct ar_hdr)));
memcpy ((Address)Hash_GetValue (he), (Address)&arh,
sizeof (struct ar_hdr));
fseek (arch, (size + 1) & ~1, SEEK_CUR);
fclose (arch);
(void) Lst_AtEnd (archives, (ClientData) ar);
* Now that the archive has been read and cached, we can look into
* the hash table to find the desired member's header.
he = Hash_FindEntry (&ar->members, member);
if (he != (Hash_Entry *) NULL) {
return ((struct ar_hdr *) Hash_GetValue (he));
} else {
return ((struct ar_hdr *) NULL);
fclose (arch);
Hash_DeleteTable (&ar->members);
if (ar->fnametab)
free ((Address)ar);
return ((struct ar_hdr *) NULL);
* ArchSVR4Entry --
* Parse an SVR4 style entry that begins with a slash.
* If it is "//", then load the table of filenames
* If it is "/<offset>", then try to substitute the long file name
* from offset of a table previously read.
* Results:
* -1: Bad data in archive
* 0: A table was loaded from the file
* 1: Name was successfully substituted from table
* 2: Name was not successfully substituted from table
* Side Effects:
* If a table is read, the file pointer is moved to the next archive
* member
static int
ArchSVR4Entry(ar, name, size, arch)
Arch *ar;
char *name;
size_t size;
FILE *arch;
#define ARLONGNAMES1 "//"
size_t entry;
char *ptr, *eptr;
if (strncmp(name, ARLONGNAMES1, sizeof(ARLONGNAMES1) - 1) == 0 ||
strncmp(name, ARLONGNAMES2, sizeof(ARLONGNAMES2) - 1) == 0) {
if (ar->fnametab != NULL) {
if (DEBUG(ARCH)) {
printf("Attempted to redefine an SVR4 name table\n");
return -1;
* This is a table of archive names, so we build one for
* ourselves
ar->fnametab = emalloc(size);
ar->fnamesize = size;
if (fread(ar->fnametab, size, 1, arch) != 1) {
if (DEBUG(ARCH)) {
printf("Reading an SVR4 name table failed\n");
return -1;
eptr = ar->fnametab + size;
for (entry = 0, ptr = ar->fnametab; ptr < eptr; ptr++)
switch (*ptr) {
case '/':
*ptr = '\0';
case '\n':
if (DEBUG(ARCH)) {
printf("Found svr4 archive name table with %lu entries\n",
return 0;
if (name[1] == ' ' || name[1] == '\0')
return 2;
entry = (size_t) strtol(&name[1], &eptr, 0);
if ((*eptr != ' ' && *eptr != '\0') || eptr == &name[1]) {
if (DEBUG(ARCH)) {
printf("Could not parse SVR4 name %s\n", name);
return 2;
if (entry >= ar->fnamesize) {
if (DEBUG(ARCH)) {
printf("SVR4 entry offset %s is greater than %lu\n",
name, (u_long)ar->fnamesize);
return 2;
if (DEBUG(ARCH)) {
printf("Replaced %s with %s\n", name, &ar->fnametab[entry]);
(void) strncpy(name, &ar->fnametab[entry], MAXPATHLEN);
name[MAXPATHLEN] = '\0';
return 1;
* ArchFindMember --
* Locate a member of an archive, given the path of the archive and
* the path of the desired member. If the archive is to be modified,
* the mode should be "r+", if not, it should be "r".
* Results:
* An FILE *, opened for reading and writing, positioned at the
* start of the member's struct ar_hdr, or NULL if the member was
* nonexistent. The current struct ar_hdr for member.
* Side Effects:
* The passed struct ar_hdr structure is filled in.
static FILE *
ArchFindMember (archive, member, arhPtr, mode)
char *archive; /* Path to the archive */
char *member; /* Name of member. If it is a path, only the
* last component is used. */
struct ar_hdr *arhPtr; /* Pointer to header structure to be filled in */
char *mode; /* The mode for opening the stream */
FILE * arch; /* Stream to archive */
int size; /* Size of archive member */
char *cp; /* Useful character pointer */
char magic[SARMAG];
int len, tlen;
arch = fopen (archive, mode);
if (arch == (FILE *) NULL) {
return ((FILE *) NULL);
* We use the ARMAG string to make sure this is an archive we
* can handle...
if ((fread (magic, SARMAG, 1, arch) != 1) ||
(strncmp (magic, ARMAG, SARMAG) != 0)) {
fclose (arch);
return ((FILE *) NULL);
* Because of space constraints and similar things, files are archived
* using their final path components, not the entire thing, so we need
* to point 'member' to the final component, if there is one, to make
* the comparisons easier...
cp = strrchr (member, '/');
if (cp != (char *) NULL) {
member = cp + 1;
len = tlen = strlen (member);
if (len > sizeof (arhPtr->ar_name)) {
tlen = sizeof (arhPtr->ar_name);
while (fread ((char *)arhPtr, sizeof (struct ar_hdr), 1, arch) == 1) {
if (strncmp(arhPtr->ar_fmag, ARFMAG, sizeof (arhPtr->ar_fmag) ) != 0) {
* The header is bogus, so the archive is bad
* and there's no way we can recover...
fclose (arch);
return ((FILE *) NULL);
} else if (strncmp (member, arhPtr->ar_name, tlen) == 0) {
* If the member's name doesn't take up the entire 'name' field,
* we have to be careful of matching prefixes. Names are space-
* padded to the right, so if the character in 'name' at the end
* of the matched string is anything but a space, this isn't the
* member we sought.
if (tlen != sizeof(arhPtr->ar_name) && arhPtr->ar_name[tlen] != ' '){
goto skip;
} else {
* To make life easier, we reposition the file at the start
* of the header we just read before we return the stream.
* In a more general situation, it might be better to leave
* the file at the actual member, rather than its header, but
* not here...
fseek (arch, -sizeof(struct ar_hdr), SEEK_CUR);
return (arch);
} else
#ifdef AR_EFMT1
* BSD 4.4 extended AR format: #1/<namelen>, with name as the
* first <namelen> bytes of the file
if (strncmp(arhPtr->ar_name, AR_EFMT1,
sizeof(AR_EFMT1) - 1) == 0 &&
isdigit(arhPtr->ar_name[sizeof(AR_EFMT1) - 1])) {
unsigned int elen = atoi(&arhPtr->ar_name[sizeof(AR_EFMT1)-1]);
char ename[MAXPATHLEN];
if (elen > MAXPATHLEN) {
fclose (arch);
return NULL;
if (fread (ename, elen, 1, arch) != 1) {
fclose (arch);
return NULL;
ename[elen] = '\0';
printf("ArchFind: Extended format entry for %s\n", ename);
if (strncmp(ename, member, len) == 0) {
/* Found as extended name */
fseek (arch, -sizeof(struct ar_hdr) - elen, SEEK_CUR);
return (arch);
fseek (arch, -elen, SEEK_CUR);
goto skip;
} else
* This isn't the member we're after, so we need to advance the
* stream's pointer to the start of the next header. Files are
* padded with newlines to an even-byte boundary, so we need to
* extract the size of the file from the 'size' field of the
* header and round it up during the seek.
arhPtr->ar_size[sizeof(arhPtr->ar_size)-1] = '\0';
size = (int) strtol(arhPtr->ar_size, NULL, 10);
fseek (arch, (size + 1) & ~1, SEEK_CUR);
* We've looked everywhere, but the member is not to be found. Close the
* archive and return NULL -- an error.
fclose (arch);
return ((FILE *) NULL);
* Arch_Touch --
* Touch a member of an archive.
* Results:
* The 'time' field of the member's header is updated.
* Side Effects:
* The modification time of the entire archive is also changed.
* For a library, this could necessitate the re-ranlib'ing of the
* whole thing.
Arch_Touch (gn)
GNode *gn; /* Node of member to touch */
FILE * arch; /* Stream open to archive, positioned properly */
struct ar_hdr arh; /* Current header describing member */
char *p1, *p2;
arch = ArchFindMember(Var_Value (ARCHIVE, gn, &p1),
Var_Value (MEMBER, gn, &p2),
&arh, "r+");
if (p1)
if (p2)
sprintf(arh.ar_date, "%-12ld", (long) now);
if (arch != (FILE *) NULL) {
(void)fwrite ((char *)&arh, sizeof (struct ar_hdr), 1, arch);
fclose (arch);
* Arch_TouchLib --
* Given a node which represents a library, touch the thing, making
* sure that the table of contents also is touched.
* Results:
* None.
* Side Effects:
* Both the modification time of the library and of the RANLIBMAG
* member are set to 'now'.
Arch_TouchLib (gn)
GNode *gn; /* The node of the library to touch */
FILE * arch; /* Stream open to archive */
struct ar_hdr arh; /* Header describing table of contents */
struct utimbuf times; /* Times for utime() call */
arch = ArchFindMember (gn->path, RANLIBMAG, &arh, "r+");
sprintf(arh.ar_date, "%-12ld", (long) now);
if (arch != (FILE *) NULL) {
(void)fwrite ((char *)&arh, sizeof (struct ar_hdr), 1, arch);
fclose (arch);
times.actime = times.modtime = now;
utime(gn->path, ×);
* Arch_MTime --
* Return the modification time of a member of an archive.
* Results:
* The modification time (seconds).
* Side Effects:
* The mtime field of the given node is filled in with the value
* returned by the function.
Arch_MTime (gn)
GNode *gn; /* Node describing archive member */
struct ar_hdr *arhPtr; /* Header of desired member */
time_t modTime; /* Modification time as an integer */
char *p1, *p2;
arhPtr = ArchStatMember (Var_Value (ARCHIVE, gn, &p1),
Var_Value (MEMBER, gn, &p2),
if (p1)
if (p2)
if (arhPtr != (struct ar_hdr *) NULL) {
modTime = (time_t) strtol(arhPtr->ar_date, NULL, 10);
} else {
modTime = 0;
gn->mtime = modTime;
return (modTime);
* Arch_MemMTime --
* Given a non-existent archive member's node, get its modification
* time from its archived form, if it exists.
* Results:
* The modification time.
* Side Effects:
* The mtime field is filled in.
Arch_MemMTime (gn)
GNode *gn;
LstNode ln;
GNode *pgn;
char *nameStart,
if (Lst_Open (gn->parents) != SUCCESS) {
gn->mtime = 0;
return (0);
while ((ln = Lst_Next (gn->parents)) != NILLNODE) {
pgn = (GNode *) Lst_Datum (ln);
if (pgn->type & OP_ARCHV) {
* If the parent is an archive specification and is being made
* and its member's name matches the name of the node we were
* given, record the modification time of the parent in the
* child. We keep searching its parents in case some other
* parent requires this child to exist...
nameStart = strchr (pgn->name, '(') + 1;
nameEnd = strchr (nameStart, ')');
if ((pgn->flags & REMAKE) &&
strncmp(nameStart, gn->name, nameEnd - nameStart) == 0) {
gn->mtime = Arch_MTime(pgn);
} else if (pgn->flags & REMAKE) {
* Something which isn't a library depends on the existence of
* this target, so it needs to exist.
gn->mtime = 0;
Lst_Close (gn->parents);
return (gn->mtime);
* Arch_FindLib --
* Search for a library along the given search path.
* Results:
* None.
* Side Effects:
* The node's 'path' field is set to the found path (including the
* actual file name, not -l...). If the system can handle the -L
* flag when linking (or we cannot find the library), we assume that
* the user has placed the .LIBRARIES variable in the final linking
* command (or the linker will know where to find it) and set the
* TARGET variable for this node to be the node's name. Otherwise,
* we set the TARGET variable to be the full path of the library,
* as returned by Dir_FindFile.
Arch_FindLib (gn, path)
GNode *gn; /* Node of library to find */
Lst path; /* Search path */
char *libName; /* file name for archive */
libName = (char *)emalloc (strlen (gn->name) + 6 - 2);
sprintf(libName, "lib%s.a", &gn->name[2]);
gn->path = Dir_FindFile (libName, path);
free (libName);
Var_Set (TARGET, gn->name, gn);
Var_Set (TARGET, gn->path == (char *) NULL ? gn->name : gn->path, gn);
#endif /* LIBRARIES */
* Arch_LibOODate --
* Decide if a node with the OP_LIB attribute is out-of-date. Called
* from Make_OODate to make its life easier.
* There are several ways for a library to be out-of-date that are
* not available to ordinary files. In addition, there are ways
* that are open to regular files that are not available to
* libraries. A library that is only used as a source is never
* considered out-of-date by itself. This does not preclude the
* library's modification time from making its parent be out-of-date.
* A library will be considered out-of-date for any of these reasons,
* given that it is a target on a dependency line somewhere:
* Its modification time is less than that of one of its
* sources (gn->mtime < gn->cmtime).
* Its modification time is greater than the time at which the
* make began (i.e. it's been modified in the course
* of the make, probably by archiving).
* The modification time of one of its sources is greater than
* the one of its RANLIBMAG member (i.e. its table of contents
* is out-of-date). We don't compare of the archive time
* vs. TOC time because they can be too close. In my
* opinion we should not bother with the TOC at all since
* this is used by 'ar' rules that affect the data contents
* of the archive, not by ranlib rules, which affect the
* TOC.
* Results:
* TRUE if the library is out-of-date. FALSE otherwise.
* Side Effects:
* The library will be hashed if it hasn't been already.
Arch_LibOODate (gn)
GNode *gn; /* The library's graph node */
Boolean oodate;
if (gn->type & OP_PHONY) {
oodate = TRUE;
} else if (OP_NOP(gn->type) && Lst_IsEmpty(gn->children)) {
oodate = FALSE;
} else if ((gn->mtime > now) || (gn->mtime < gn->cmtime)) {
oodate = TRUE;
} else {
struct ar_hdr *arhPtr; /* Header for __.SYMDEF */
int modTimeTOC; /* The table-of-contents's mod time */
arhPtr = ArchStatMember (gn->path, RANLIBMAG, FALSE);
if (arhPtr != (struct ar_hdr *)NULL) {
modTimeTOC = (int) strtol(arhPtr->ar_date, NULL, 10);
printf("%s modified %s...", RANLIBMAG, Targ_FmtTime(modTimeTOC));
oodate = (gn->cmtime > modTimeTOC);
} else {
* A library w/o a table of contents is out-of-date
printf("No t.o.c....");
oodate = TRUE;
oodate = FALSE;
return (oodate);
* Arch_Init --
* Initialize things for this module.
* Results:
* None.
* Side Effects:
* The 'archives' list is initialized.
Arch_Init ()
archives = Lst_Init (FALSE);
* Arch_End --
* Cleanup things for this module.
* Results:
* None.
* Side Effects:
* The 'archives' list is freed
Arch_End ()
Lst_Destroy(archives, ArchFree);
* Arch_IsLib --
* Check if the node is a library
* Results:
* True or False.
* Side Effects:
* None.
GNode *gn;
static const char armag[] = "!<arch>\n";
char buf[sizeof(armag)-1];
int fd;
if ((fd = open(gn->path, O_RDONLY)) == -1)
return FALSE;
if (read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)) != sizeof(buf)) {
(void) close(fd);
return FALSE;
(void) close(fd);
return memcmp(buf, armag, sizeof(buf)) == 0;