1994-06-05 07:48:42 +00:00

693 lines
25 KiB

* $Id: grf_rhreg.h,v 1.1 1994/06/05 07:48:45 chopps Exp $
#ifndef _GRF_RHREG_H
#define _GRF_RHREG_H
* Written & Copyright by Lutz Vieweg. As for missing comments: see
* grf_rt.*
* Lutz provided these sources in C++, I tried to keep as much of it when
* converting to C. -mw-
#define EMPTY_ALPHA 0x2010 /* this is the char and the attribute
that AlphaErase will fill into the
text-screen */
#define MEMCLK 65000000 /* this is the memory clock value, you shouldn't
set it to less than 65000000, higher values may
speed up blits a little bit, if you raise this
value too much, some trash will appear on your
screen. */
#define MEMSIZE 4 /* Set this to 1 or 4 (MB), according to the
RAM on your Retina BLT Z3 board */
* The following definitions are places in the frame-buffer memory
* which are used for special purposes. While the displayed screen
* itself is always beginning at the start of the frame-buffer
* memory, the following special places are located at the end
* of the memory to keep free as much space as possible for the
* screen - the user might want to use monitor-definitions with
* huge logical dimensions (e.g. 2048x2000 ?). This way of defining
* special locations in the frame-buffer memory is far from being
* elegant - you may want to use you own, real memory-management...
* but remember that some routines in REALLY NEED those
* memory locations to function properly, so if you manage the
* frame-buffer memory on your own, make sure to change those
* definitions appropriately.
/* reserve some space for one pattern line */
#define PAT_MEM_SIZE 16*3
#define PAT_MEM_OFF (MEMSIZE*1024*1024 - PAT_MEM_SIZE)
/* reserve some space for the hardware cursor (up to 64x64 pixels) */
#define HWC_MEM_SIZE 1024
#define HWC_MEM_OFF ((PAT_MEM_OFF - HWC_MEM_SIZE) & 0xffffff00)
* The following structure is passed to RZ3Init() and holds the
* monitor-definition. You may either use one of the ready-made
* definitions in or you can define them on your
* own, take a look at for more information.
struct MonDef {
/* first the general monitor characteristics */
unsigned long FQ;
unsigned char FLG;
unsigned short MW; /* physical screen width in pixels */
/* has to be at least a multiple of 8 */
unsigned short MH; /* physical screen height in pixels */
unsigned short HBS;
unsigned short HSS;
unsigned short HSE;
unsigned short HBE;
unsigned short HT;
unsigned short VBS;
unsigned short VSS;
unsigned short VSE;
unsigned short VBE;
unsigned short VT;
unsigned short DEP; /* Color-depth, 4 enables text-mode */
/* 8 enables 256-color graphics-mode, */
/* 16 and 24bit gfx not supported yet */
unsigned char * PAL; /* points to 16*3 byte RGB-palette data */
/* use LoadPalette() to set colors 0..255 */
/* in 256-color-gfx mode */
* all following entries are font-specific in
* text-mode. Make sure your monitor
* parameters are calculated for the
* appropriate font width and height!
unsigned short TX; /* Text-mode (DEP=4): */
/* screen-width in characters */
/* Gfx-mode (DEP > 4) */
/* "logical" screen-width, */
/* use values > MW to allow */
/* hardware-panning */
unsigned short TY; /* Text-mode: */
/* screen-height in characters */
/* Gfx-mode: "logical" screen */
/* height for panning */
/* the following values are currently unused for gfx-mode */
unsigned short XY; /* TX*TY (speeds up some calcs.) */
unsigned short FX; /* font-width (valid values: 4,7-16) */
unsigned short FY; /* font-height (valid range: 1-32) */
unsigned char * FData; /* pointer to the font-data */
* The font data is simply an array of bytes defining
* the chars in ascending order, line by line. If your
* font is wider than 8 pixel, FData has to be an
* array of words.
unsigned short FLo; /* lowest character defined */
unsigned short FHi; /* highest char. defined */
* The following are the prototypes for the low-level
* routines you may want to call.
#if 0
#ifdef __GNUG__
/* The prototypes for C++, prototypes for C (with explanations) below */
"C" unsigned char * RZ3Init (volatile void * HardWareAdress, struct MonDef * md);
"C" void RZ3SetCursorPos (unsigned short pos);
"C" void RZ3AlphaErase (unsigned short xd, unsigned short yd,
unsigned short w, unsigned short h );
"C" void RZ3AlphaCopy (unsigned short xs, unsigned short ys,
unsigned short xd, unsigned short yd,
unsigned short w, unsigned short h );
"C" void RZ3BitBlit (struct grf_bitblt * gbb );
"C" void RZ3BitBlit16 (struct grf_bitblt * gbb );
"C" void RZ3LoadPalette (unsigned char * pal, unsigned char firstcol, unsigned char colors);
"C" void RZ3SetPalette (unsigned char colornum, unsigned char red, unsigned char green, unsigned char blue);
"C" void RZ3SetPanning (unsigned short xoff, unsigned short yoff);
"C" void RZ3SetupHWC (unsigned char col1, unsigned col2,
unsigned char hsx, unsigned char hsy,
const unsigned long * data);
"C" void RZ3DisableHWC (void);
"C" void RZ3SetHWCloc (unsigned short x, unsigned short y);
/* The prototypes for C */
/* with a little explanation */
unsigned char * RZ3Init(volatile void * BoardAdress, struct MonDef * md);
* This routine initialises the Retina Z3 hardware, opens a
* text- or gfx-mode screen, depending on the the value of
* MonDef.DEP, and sets the cursor to position 0.
* It takes as arguments a pointer to the hardware-base
* address as it is denoted in the DevConf structure
* of the AmigaDOS, and a pointer to a struct MonDef
* which describes the screen-mode parameters.
* The routine returns 0 if it was unable to open the screen,
* or an unsigned char * to the display memory when it
* succeeded.
* The organisation of the display memory in text-mode is a
* little strange (Intel-typically...) :
* Byte 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 etc.
* Char0 Attr0 -- -- Char1 Attr1 -- etc.
* You may set a character and its associated attribute byte
* with a single word-access, or you may perform to byte writes
* for the char and attribute. Each 2. word has no meaning,
* and writes to theese locations are ignored.
* The attribute byte for each character has the following
* structure:
* Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
* Were FORE is the foreground-color index (0-15) and
* BACK is the background color index (0-7). BLINK
* enables blinking for the associated character.
* The higher 8 colors in the standard palette are
* lighter than the lower 8, so you may see FORE3 as
* an intensity bit. If FORE == 1 or FORE == 9 and
* BACK == 0 the character is underlined. Since I don't
* think this looks good, it will probably change in a
* future release.
* There's no routine "SetChar" or "SetAttr" provided,
* because I think it's so trivial... a function call
* would be pure overhead. As an example, a routine
* to set the char code and attribute at position x,y:
* (assumed the value returned by RZ3Init was stored
* into "DispMem", the actual MonDef struct * is hold
* in "MDef")
* void SetChar(unsigned char chr, unsigned char attr,
* unsigned short x, unsigned short y) {
* unsigned struct MonDef * md = MDef;
* unsigned char * c = DispMem + x*4 + y*md->TX*4;
* *c++ = chr;
* *c = attr;
* }
* In gfx-mode, the memory organisation is rather simple,
* 1 byte per pixel in 256-color mode, one pixel after
* each other, line by line.
* When 16-bits per pixel are used, each two bytes represent
* one pixel. The meaning of the bits is the following:
* Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
* Component g2 g1 g0 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 r4 r3 r2 r1 r0 g5 g4 g3
* Please note that the memory layout in gfx-mode depends
* on the logical screen-size, panning does only affect
* the appearance of the physical screen.
* Currently, RZ3Init() disables the Retina Z3 VBLANK IRQ,
* but beware: When running the Retina WB-Emu under
* AmigaDOS, the VBLANK IRQ is ENABLED...
void RZ3LoadPalette(unsigned char * pal, unsigned char firstcol, unsigned char colors);
* Loads the palette-registers. "pal" points to an array of unsigned char
* triplets, for the red, green and blue component. "firstcol" determines the
* number of the first palette-register to load (256 available). "colors" is
* the number of colors you want to put in the palette registers.
void RZ3SetPalette(unsigned char colornum, unsigned char red, unsigned char green, unsigned char blue);
* Allows you to set a single color in the palette, "colornum" is the number
* of the palette entry (256 available), "red", "green" and "blue" are the
* three components.
void RZ3SetCursorPos(unsigned short pos);
* This routine sets the text-mode hardware-cursor position to the screen
* location pos. pos can be calculated as (x + y * md->TY).
* Text-mode only!
void RZ3AlphaCopy (unsigned short xs, unsigned short ys,
unsigned short xd, unsigned short yd,
unsigned short w, unsigned short h );
* This Routine utilizes the blitter to perform fast copies
* in the text-display. The paramters are:
* xs - source x-coordinate
* ys - source y-coordinate
* xd - destination x-coordinate
* yd - destination y-coordinate
* w - the width of the area to copy
* h - the height of the area to copy
* All coordinates are in characters. RZ3AlphaCopy does not
* check for boundaries - you've got to make sure that the
* parameters have sensible values. Text-mode only!
void RZ3AlphaErase (unsigned short xd, unsigned short yd,
unsigned short w, unsigned short h );
* RZ3AlphaErase utilizes the blitter to erase portions of
* the text-display. The parameters are:
* xd - destination x-coordinate
* yd - destination y-coordinate
* w - the width of the area to erase
* h - the height of the area to erase
* All coordinates are in characters. RZ3AlphaCopy does not
* check for boundaries - you've got to make sure that the
* parameters have sensible values. Text-mode only!
* Since the blitter is unable to use a mask-pattern and a
* certain fill-value at the same time, this routine uses
* a simple trick: RZ3Init() clears a memory area twice as
* large as the text-display needs, and RZ3AlphaErase then
* simply uses RZ3AlphaCopy to copy the desired area from
* the empty text-screen to the actually displayed screen.
void RZ3BitBlit (struct grf_bitblt * gbb );
* RZ3BitBlit utilizes the blitter to perform one of 16
* available logical operations on the display memory,
* among them ordinary fill- and copy operations.
* The only parameter is a pointer to a struct grf_bitblt:
* struct grf_bitblt {
* unsigned short op; see above definitions of GRFBBOPxxx
* unsigned short src_x, src_y; upper left corner of source-region
* unsigned short dst_x, dst_y; upper left corner of dest-region
* unsigned short w, h; width, height of region
* unsigned short mask; bitmask to apply
* };
* All coordinates are in pixels. RZ3BitBlit does not
* check for boundaries - you've got to make sure that the
* parameters have sensible values. 8 bit gfx-mode only!
* The blitter has a lot more capabilities, which aren't
* currently used by theese routines, among them color-expanded
* and text-blits, which can speed up GUIs like X11 a lot.
* If you've got any idea how to make use of them within
* your routines, contact me, and I'll implement the necessary
* blit-operations.
void RZ3BitBlit16( struct grf_bitblt * gbb );
/* Does the same as RZ3BitBlit(), but for 16-bit screens */
void RZ3SetPanning(unsigned short xoff, unsigned short yoff);
* Moves the logical coordinate (xoff, yoff) to the upper left corner
* of your screen. Of course, you shouldn't specify excess values that would
* show garbage in the lower right area of your screen... SetPanning()
* does NOT check for boundaries.
* Please read the documentation of RZ3SetHWCloc, too.
void RZ3SetupHWC (unsigned char col1, unsigned col2,
unsigned char hsx, unsigned char hsy,
const unsigned long * data);
* Initializes and switches on the hardware-cursor sprite.
* The parameters are:
* col1 - the first color
* col2 - the second color
* hsx - hot-spot location offset x
* hsy - hot-spot location offset y
* data - a pointer to the bitmap data to be used for the sprite
* The organization of the data is - as always with MSDOS related
* products - rather strange: The first and the second long-word
* represent bitplane0 for the first 64 pixels. The following two
* long-words represent bitplane1 for the first 64 pixels. But
* the long-words are organized in Intel-fashion, beginning with
* the least significant byte, ending with the most significant
* one. The most significant bit of each byte is the leftmost,
* as one would expect it. Now the weird color-assignments:
* bitplane0 bitplane1 result
* 0 0 col2
* 0 1 col1
* 1 0 transparent
* 1 1 background-color XOR 0xff
* The size of the data has to be 64*64*2/8 = 1024 byte,
* obviously, the size of the sprite is 64x64 pixels.
void RZ3DisableHWC (void);
/* simply disables the hardware-cursor sprite */
void RZ3SetHWCloc (unsigned short x, unsigned short y);
* sets the location of the hardwar-cursor sprite to x,y
* relative to the logical screen beginning.
* IMPORTANT: If you use RZ3SetHWCloc() to set the position
* of the hardware-cursor sprite, all necessary panning is
* done automatically - you can treat the display without
* even knowing about the physical screen size that is
* displayed.
#endif /* RZ3_BSD_h */
/* -------------- START OF CODE -------------- */
/* read VGA register */
#define vgar(ba, reg) (*(((volatile unsigned char *)ba)+reg))
/* write VGA register */
#define vgaw(ba, reg, val) \
*(((volatile unsigned char *)ba)+reg) = val
* defines for the used register addresses (mw)
* NOTE: there are some registers that have different addresses when
* in mono or color mode. We only support color mode, and thus
* some addresses won't work in mono-mode!
/* General Registers: */
#define GREG_STATUS0_R 0x03C2
#define GREG_STATUS1_R 0x03DA
#define GREG_MISC_OUTPUT_W 0x03C2
#define GREG_POS 0x0102
/* Attribute Controller: */
#define ACT_ADDRESS 0x03C0
#define ACT_ADDRESS_R 0x03C0
#define ACT_ADDRESS_W 0x03C0
#define ACT_ID_PALETTE0 0x00
#define ACT_ID_PALETTE1 0x01
#define ACT_ID_PALETTE2 0x02
#define ACT_ID_PALETTE3 0x03
#define ACT_ID_PALETTE4 0x04
#define ACT_ID_PALETTE5 0x05
#define ACT_ID_PALETTE6 0x06
#define ACT_ID_PALETTE7 0x07
#define ACT_ID_PALETTE8 0x08
#define ACT_ID_PALETTE9 0x09
#define ACT_ID_PALETTE10 0x0A
#define ACT_ID_PALETTE11 0x0B
#define ACT_ID_PALETTE12 0x0C
#define ACT_ID_PALETTE13 0x0D
#define ACT_ID_PALETTE14 0x0E
#define ACT_ID_PALETTE15 0x0F
#define ACT_ID_ATTR_MODE_CNTL 0x10
#define ACT_ID_COLOR_SELECT 0x14
/* Graphics Controller: */
#define GCT_ADDRESS 0x03CE
#define GCT_ADDRESS_R 0x03CE
#define GCT_ADDRESS_W 0x03CF
#define GCT_ID_SET_RESET 0x00
#define GCT_ID_DATA_ROTATE 0x03
#define GCT_ID_MISC 0x06
#define GCT_ID_COLOR_XCARE 0x07
#define GCT_ID_BITMASK 0x08
/* Sequencer: */
#define SEQ_ADDRESS 0x03C4
#define SEQ_ADDRESS_R 0x03C4
#define SEQ_ADDRESS_W 0x03C5
#define SEQ_ID_RESET 0x00
#define SEQ_ID_MAP_MASK 0x02
#define SEQ_ID_MEMORY_MODE 0x04
#define SEQ_ID_EXTENDED_ENABLE 0x05 /* down from here, all seq registers are NCR extensions */
#define SEQ_ID_UNKNOWN1 0x06
#define SEQ_ID_UNKNOWN2 0x07
#define SEQ_ID_CHIP_ID 0x08
#define SEQ_ID_UNKNOWN3 0x09
#define SEQ_ID_CURSOR_Y_LOC_LO 0x10
#define SEQ_ID_CURSOR_X_INDEX 0x11
#define SEQ_ID_CURSOR_Y_INDEX 0x12
#define SEQ_ID_CURSOR_STORE_HI 0x13 /* manual still wrong here.. argl! */
#define SEQ_ID_CURSOR_STORE_LO 0x14 /* downto 0x16 */
#define SEQ_ID_CURSOR_ST_OFF_HI 0x15
#define SEQ_ID_CURSOR_ST_OFF_LO 0x16
#define SEQ_ID_PRIM_HOST_OFF_HI 0x18
#define SEQ_ID_PRIM_HOST_OFF_LO 0x19
#define SEQ_ID_LINEAR_0 0x1A
#define SEQ_ID_LINEAR_1 0x1B
#define SEQ_ID_EXT_VIDEO_ADDR 0x20
#define SEQ_ID_EXT_PIXEL_CNTL 0x21
#define SEQ_ID_PERF_SELECT 0x23
#define SEQ_ID_COLOR_EXP_WFG 0x24
#define SEQ_ID_COLOR_EXP_WBG 0x25
#define SEQ_ID_EXT_RW_CONTROL 0x26
#define SEQ_ID_COLOR_KEY_CNTL 0x28
#define SEQ_ID_COLOR_KEY_MATCH0 0x29
#define SEQ_ID_UNKNOWN6 0x2C
#define SEQ_ID_CRC_DATA_LOW 0x2E
#define SEQ_ID_ACM_APERTURE_1 0x31
#define SEQ_ID_ACM_APERTURE_2 0x32
#define SEQ_ID_ACM_APERTURE_3 0x33
#define SEQ_ID_BIOS_UTILITY_0 0x3e
#define SEQ_ID_BIOS_UTILITY_1 0x3f
/* CRT Controller: */
#define CRT_ADDRESS 0x03D4
#define CRT_ADDRESS_R 0x03D5
#define CRT_ADDRESS_W 0x03D5
#define CRT_ID_HOR_TOTAL 0x00
#define CRT_ID_HOR_DISP_ENA_END 0x01
#define CRT_ID_END_HOR_BLANK 0x03
#define CRT_ID_START_HOR_RETR 0x04
#define CRT_ID_END_HOR_RETR 0x05
#define CRT_ID_VER_TOTAL 0x06
#define CRT_ID_OVERFLOW 0x07
#define CRT_ID_MAX_SCAN_LINE 0x09
#define CRT_ID_CURSOR_END 0x0B
#define CRT_ID_START_VER_RETR 0x10
#define CRT_ID_END_VER_RETR 0x11
#define CRT_ID_VER_DISP_ENA_END 0x12
#define CRT_ID_OFFSET 0x13
#define CRT_ID_END_VER_BLANK 0x16
#define CRT_ID_MODE_CONTROL 0x17
#define CRT_ID_LINE_COMPARE 0x18
#define CRT_ID_UNKNOWN1 0x19 /* are these register really void ? */
#define CRT_ID_UNKNOWN2 0x1A
#define CRT_ID_UNKNOWN3 0x1B
#define CRT_ID_UNKNOWN4 0x1C
#define CRT_ID_UNKNOWN5 0x1D
#define CRT_ID_UNKNOWN6 0x1E
#define CRT_ID_UNKNOWN7 0x1F
#define CRT_ID_UNKNOWN8 0x20
#define CRT_ID_UNKNOWN9 0x21
#define CRT_ID_UNKNOWN10 0x22
#define CRT_ID_UNKNOWN11 0x23
#define CRT_ID_UNKNOWN12 0x24
#define CRT_ID_UNKNOWN13 0x25
#define CRT_ID_UNKNOWN14 0x26
#define CRT_ID_UNKNOWN15 0x27
#define CRT_ID_UNKNOWN16 0x28
#define CRT_ID_UNKNOWN17 0x29
#define CRT_ID_UNKNOWN18 0x2A
#define CRT_ID_UNKNOWN19 0x2B
#define CRT_ID_UNKNOWN20 0x2C
#define CRT_ID_UNKNOWN21 0x2D
#define CRT_ID_UNKNOWN22 0x2E
#define CRT_ID_UNKNOWN23 0x2F
#define CRT_ID_EXT_HOR_TIMING1 0x30 /* down from here, all crt registers are NCR extensions */
#define CRT_ID_EXT_START_ADDR 0x31
#define CRT_ID_EXT_HOR_TIMING2 0x32
#define CRT_ID_EXT_VER_TIMING 0x33
/* PLL chip (clock frequency synthesizer) I'm guessing here... */
#define PLL_ADDRESS 0x83c8
#define PLL_ADDRESS_W 0x83c9
/* Video DAC */
#define VDAC_ADDRESS 0x03c8
#define VDAC_ADDRESS_W 0x03c8
#define VDAC_ADDRESS_R 0x03c7
#define VDAC_STATE 0x03c7
#define VDAC_DATA 0x03c9
#define VDAC_MASK 0x03c6
/* Accelerator Control Menu (memory mapped registers, includes blitter) */
#define ACM_MODE_CONTROL 0x08
#define ACM_START_STATUS 0x30
#define ACM_CONTROL 0x34
#define ACM_DESTINATION 0x40
#define ACM_SOURCE 0x44
#define ACM_PATTERN 0x48
#define ACM_FOREGROUND 0x4c
#define ACM_BACKGROUND 0x50
#define WGfx(ba, idx, val) \
do { vgaw(ba, GCT_ADDRESS, idx); vgaw(ba, GCT_ADDRESS_W , val); } while (0)
#define WSeq(ba, idx, val) \
do { vgaw(ba, SEQ_ADDRESS, idx); vgaw(ba, SEQ_ADDRESS_W , val); } while (0)
#define WCrt(ba, idx, val) \
do { vgaw(ba, CRT_ADDRESS, idx); vgaw(ba, CRT_ADDRESS_W , val); } while (0)
#define WAttr(ba, idx, val) \
do { vgaw(ba, ACT_ADDRESS, idx); vgaw(ba, ACT_ADDRESS_W, val); } while (0)
#define Map(m) \
do { WGfx(ba, GCT_ID_READ_MAP_SELECT, m & 3 ); WSeq(ba, SEQ_ID_MAP_MASK, (1 << (m & 3))); } while (0)
#define WPLL(ba, idx, val) \
do { vgaw(ba, PLL_ADDRESS, idx);\
vgaw(ba, PLL_ADDRESS_W, (val & 0xff));\
vgaw(ba, PLL_ADDRESS_W, (val >> 8)); } while (0)
static inline unsigned char RAttr(volatile void * ba, short idx) {
vgaw (ba, ACT_ADDRESS, idx);
return vgar (ba, ACT_ADDRESS_R);
static inline unsigned char RSeq(volatile void * ba, short idx) {
vgaw (ba, SEQ_ADDRESS, idx);
return vgar (ba, SEQ_ADDRESS_R);
static inline unsigned char RCrt(volatile void * ba, short idx) {
vgaw (ba, CRT_ADDRESS, idx);
return vgar (ba, CRT_ADDRESS_R);
static inline unsigned char RGfx(volatile void * ba, short idx) {
vgaw(ba, GCT_ADDRESS, idx);
return vgar (ba, GCT_ADDRESS_R);
void RZ3DisableHWC __P((struct grf_softc *gp));
void RZ3SetupHWC __P((struct grf_softc *gp, unsigned char col1, unsigned int col2, unsigned char hsx, unsigned char hsy, const long unsigned int *data));
void RZ3AlphaErase __P((struct grf_softc *gp, short unsigned int xd, short unsigned int yd, short unsigned int w, short unsigned int h));
void RZ3AlphaCopy __P((struct grf_softc *gp, short unsigned int xs, short unsigned int ys, short unsigned int xd, short unsigned int yd, short unsigned int w, short unsigned int h));
void RZ3BitBlit __P((struct grf_softc *gp, struct grf_bitblt *gbb));
void RZ3BitBlit16 __P((struct grf_softc *gp, struct grf_bitblt *gbb));
void RZ3SetCursorPos __P((struct grf_softc *gp, short unsigned int pos));
void RZ3LoadPalette __P((struct grf_softc *gp, unsigned char *pal, unsigned char firstcol, unsigned char colors));
void RZ3SetPalette __P((struct grf_softc *gp, unsigned char colornum, unsigned char red, unsigned char green, unsigned char blue));
void RZ3SetPanning __P((struct grf_softc *gp, short unsigned int xoff, short unsigned int yoff));
void RZ3SetHWCloc __P((struct grf_softc *gp, short unsigned int x, short unsigned int y));
int rh_mode __P((register struct grf_softc *gp, int cmd, void *arg, int a2, int a3));
int rh_ioctl __P((register struct grf_softc *gp, int cmd, void *data));
int rh_getcmap __P((struct grf_softc *gfp, struct grf_colormap *cmap));
int rh_putcmap __P((struct grf_softc *gfp, struct grf_colormap *cmap));
int rh_getspritepos __P((struct grf_softc *gp, struct grf_position *pos));
int rh_setspritepos __P((struct grf_softc *gp, struct grf_position *pos));
int rh_getspriteinfo __P((struct grf_softc *gp, struct grf_spriteinfo *info));
int rh_setspriteinfo __P((struct grf_softc *gp, struct grf_spriteinfo *info));
int rh_getspritemax __P((struct grf_softc *gp, struct grf_position *pos));
int rh_bitblt __P((struct grf_softc *gp, struct grf_bitblt *bb));
struct ite_softc;
void rh_init __P((struct ite_softc *));
void rh_cursor __P((struct ite_softc *, int));
void rh_deinit __P((struct ite_softc *));
void rh_putc __P((struct ite_softc *, int, int, int, int));
void rh_clear __P((struct ite_softc *, int, int, int, int));
void rh_scroll __P((struct ite_softc *, int, int, int, int));
#endif /* _GRF_RHREG_H */