since if_wi_ieee.h does not depend for pcmcia, sys/dev/pcmcia/if_wi_ieee.h was moved to sys/dev/ic/wi_ieee.h .
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# $NetBSD: files.pcmcia,v 1.38 2001/05/06 03:26:39 ichiro Exp $
# Config.new file and device description for machine-independent PCMCIA code.
# Included by ports that need it.
device pcmcia {[function = -1], [irq = -1]}
file dev/pcmcia/pcmcia.c pcmcia
file dev/pcmcia/pcmcia_cis.c pcmcia
file dev/pcmcia/pcmcia_cis_quirks.c pcmcia
# device declaration in sys/conf/files
attach pcmcia at pcmciabus
# 3Com 3c589 Ethernet, 3c562 multifunction Ethernet, and 3CXEM556
# multifunction Ethernet controllers
# device declaration in sys/conf/files
attach ep at pcmcia with ep_pcmcia
file dev/pcmcia/if_ep_pcmcia.c ep_pcmcia
# National Semiconductor DS8390/WD83C690-based boards
# (NE[12]000, and clones)
attach ne at pcmcia with ne_pcmcia: rtl80x9, dl10019, mii_bitbang
file dev/pcmcia/if_ne_pcmcia.c ne_pcmcia
# Adaptec APA-1460 SCSI Host Adapter
attach aic at pcmcia with aic_pcmcia
file dev/pcmcia/aic_pcmcia.c aic_pcmcia
# NCR 53c80-based cards
attach nca at pcmcia with nca_pcmcia
file dev/pcmcia/nca_pcmcia.c nca_pcmcia
# NCR 53c406-based cards
attach esp at pcmcia with esp_pcmcia
file dev/pcmcia/esp_pcmcia.c esp_pcmcia
attach com at pcmcia with com_pcmcia
file dev/pcmcia/com_pcmcia.c com_pcmcia
# Digital RoamAbout / Lucent WaveLAN PCMCIA card
attach wl at pcmcia with wl_pcmcia
file dev/pcmcia/if_wl_pcmcia.c wl_pcmcia
# PCMCIA IDE controller
attach wdc at pcmcia with wdc_pcmcia
file dev/pcmcia/wdc_pcmcia.c wdc_pcmcia
# SMC91Cxx Ethernet Controllers (i.e. Megahertz X-Jack)
attach sm at pcmcia with sm_pcmcia
file dev/pcmcia/if_sm_pcmcia.c sm_pcmcia
# MB8696x Ethernet Controllers (i.e. TDK LAK CD021BX)
attach mbe at pcmcia with mbe_pcmcia
file dev/pcmcia/if_mbe_pcmcia.c mbe_pcmcia
# PCMCIA Floppy controller
attach fdc at pcmcia with fdc_pcmcia
file dev/pcmcia/fdc_pcmcia.c fdc_pcmcia
# PCMCIA multi-port serial cards
device pcmcom {[slave = -1]}
attach pcmcom at pcmcia
attach com at pcmcom with com_pcmcom
file dev/pcmcia/pcmcom.c pcmcom | com_pcmcom needs-flag
# Xircom Netwave
device cnw: arp, ether, ifnet
attach cnw at pcmcia
file dev/pcmcia/if_cnw.c cnw
# Megaherz combo cards
device mhzc { }
attach mhzc at pcmcia
attach com at mhzc with com_mhzc
attach sm at mhzc with sm_mhzc
file dev/pcmcia/mhzc.c mhzc | com_mhzc | sm_mhzc
# Raylink/WebGear WLAN IEEE 802.11 FH
device ray: arp, ether, ifnet
attach ray at pcmcia
file dev/pcmcia/if_ray.c ray
# AMD 79c930-based 802.11 cards (including BayStack 650 FH card).
attach awi at pcmcia with awi_pcmcia
file dev/pcmcia/if_awi_pcmcia.c awi_pcmcia
# Lucent & Intersil WaveLan IEEE (802.11)
attach wi at pcmcia with wi_pcmcia
file dev/pcmcia/if_wi_pcmcia.c wi_pcmcia
# Xircom Ethernet cards
device xi: arp, ether, ifnet, mii
attach xi at pcmcia with xi_pcmcia
file dev/pcmcia/if_xi.c xi_pcmcia
# IBM Tropic-based Token Ring cards
attach tr at pcmcia with tr_pcmcia
file dev/pcmcia/if_tr_pcmcia.c tr_pcmcia
# Aironet PC4500/PC4800
attach an at pcmcia with an_pcmcia
file dev/pcmcia/if_an_pcmcia.c an_pcmcia
# ISDN devices
attach isic at pcmcia with isic_pcmcia
file dev/pcmcia/isic_pcmcia.c isic_pcmcia
file dev/pcmcia/isic_pcmcia_avm_fritz.c isic_pcmcia
file dev/pcmcia/isic_pcmcia_elsa_isdnmc.c isic_pcmcia
file dev/pcmcia/isic_pcmcia_elsa_mcall.c isic_pcmcia
file dev/pcmcia/isic_pcmcia_sbspeedstar2.c isic_pcmcia