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trivial-rewrite - Postfix address rewriting and resolving
<b>trivial-rewrite</b> [generic Postfix daemon options]
The <b>trivial-rewrite</b> daemon processes two types of client
service requests:
Rewrite an address to standard form. The <b>trivial-</b>
<b>rewrite</b> daemon by default appends local domain
information to unqualified addresses, swaps bang
paths to domain form, and strips source routing
information. This process is under control of sev-
eral configuration parameters (see below).
Resolve an address to a (<i>transport</i>, <i>nexthop</i>, <i>recip-</i>
<i>ient</i>) triple. The meaning of the results is as fol-
The delivery agent to use. This is the first
field of an entry in the <b></b> file.
The host to send to. For local delivery this
is an empty string.
The envelope recipient address that is
passed on to <i>nexthop</i>.
The <b>trivial-rewrite</b> daemon by default only distin-
guishes between local and non-local mail. For finer
control over mail routing, use the optional <a href="transport.5.html"><b>trans-</b></a>
<a href="transport.5.html"><b>port</b>(5)</a> lookup table.
This program expects to be run from the <a href="master.8.html"><b>master</b>(8)</a> process
None. The command does not interact with the outside
The <b>trivial-rewrite</b> daemon is not security sensitive. By
default, this daemon does not talk to remote or local
users. It can run at a fixed low privilege in a chrooted
Problems and transactions are logged to <b>syslogd</b>(8).
The following <b></b> parameters are especially relevant
to this program. See the Postfix <b></b> file for syntax
details and for default values. Use the <b>postfix</b> <b>reload</b>
command after a configuration change.
The network interfaces that this mail system
receives mail on. This information is used to
determine if <i>user</i>@[<i></i>] is local or
List of domains that this machine considers local.
The domain that locally-posted mail appears to come
Rewrite <i>user</i>%<i>domain</i> to <i>user</i>@<i>domain</i>.
Rewrite <i>user</i> to <i>user</i>@$<b>myorigin</b>.
Rewrite <i>user</i>@<i>host</i> to <i>user</i>@<i>host</i>.$<b>mydomain</b>.
Rewrite <i>site</i>!<i>user</i> to <i>user</i>@<i>site</i>.
Where to deliver mail for destinations that match
$<b>mydestination</b> or $<b>inet</b><i>_</i><b>interfaces</b>. The default
transport is <b>local</b>.
Syntax is <i>transport</i>:<i>nexthop</i>; see <a href="transport.5.html"><b>transport</b>(5)</a> for
details. The :<i>nexthop</i> part is optional.
Where to deliver non-local mail when no information
is explicitly given in the <a href="transport.5.html"><b>transport</b>(5)</a> table. The
default transport is <b>smtp</b>.
Syntax is <i>transport</i>:<i>nexthop</i>; see <a href="transport.5.html"><b>transport</b>(5)</a> for
details. The :<i>nexthop</i> part is optional.
The default host to send non-local mail to when no
entry is matched in the <a href="transport.5.html"><b>transport</b>(5)</a> table.
When no <b>relayhost</b> is specified, mail is routed
directly to the destination's mail exchanger.
List of tables with <i>domain</i> to (<i>transport,</i> <i>nexthop</i>)
<b>SEE</b> <b>ALSO</b>
<a href="master.8.html">master(8)</a> process manager
syslogd(8) system logging
<a href="transport.5.html">transport(5)</a> transport table format
The Secure Mailer license must be distributed with this
Wietse Venema
IBM T.J. Watson Research
P.O. Box 704
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA
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