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$NetBSD: install,v 1.3 1998/01/09 18:46:51 perry Exp $
Installing NetBSD is a relatively complex process, but if you have
this document in hand it should not be too difficult.
There are several ways to install NetBSD onto your disk. If your
machine has a tape drive the easiest way is "Installing from tape"
(details below). If your machine is on a network with a suitable
NFS server, then "Installing from NFS" is the next best method.
Otherwise, if you have another VME147 machine running NetBSD you can
initialize the disk on that machine and then move the disk.
* Installing from tape:
Create the NetBSD/mvme68k _VER boot tape as described in the section
entitled "Preparing a boot tape". Then, with the tape in the drive,
type the following at the 147Bug prompt:
--> 147-Bug> bo 5
As mentioned earlier, this assumes your tape is jumpered for SCSI-id 5.
As the tape loads (which may take 20 to 30 seconds), you will see a
series of status messages. It may be useful if you can capture these
messages to a file, or a scrollable xterm window. In particular, you
should make a note of the lines which describe the geometry of the
SCSI disks detected by NetBSD. They are of the form:
sd0 at scsibus0 targ 0 lun 0: <CDC, 94161-9, 2506> SCSI1 0/direct fixed
sd0: 148MB, 967 cyl, 9 head, 35 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 304605 sectors
The information of most interest is the number of sectors; here it's
304605. You will need this number when you come to create a disklabel
for that drive.
RAM address from VMEbus = $00000000
Booting from: VME147, Controller 5, Device 0
Loading: Operating System
Volume: NBSD
IPL loaded at: $003F0000
>> BSD MVME147 tapeboot [$Revision: 1.3 $]
Start @ 0x8000 ...
Copyright (c) 1996, 1997 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
NetBSD 1.3 (RAMDISK) #1: Sun Dec 21 16:19:04 GMT 1997
Motorola MVME-147S: 25MHz MC68030 CPU+MMU, MC68882 FPU
real mem = 7237632
avail mem = 6381568
using 88 buffers containing 360448 bytes of memory
mainbus0 (root)
pcc0 at mainbus0: Peripheral Channel Controller, rev 0, vecbase 0x40
clock0 at pcc0 offset 0x0 ipl 5: Mostek MK48T02, 2048 bytes of NVRAM
Note that the exact text of the messages will vary depending on which
MVME147 variant you're using.
Finally, you will see the following "welcome" message:
Welcome to the NetBSD/mvme68k RAMDISK root!
This environment is designed to do only four things:
1: Partititon your disk (use the command: edlabel /dev/rsd0c)
2: Copy a miniroot image into the swap partition (/dev/rsd0b)
3: Make that partition bootable (using 'installboot')
4: Reboot (using the swap partition, i.e. /dev/sd0b).
Copying the miniroot can be done several ways, allowing the source
of the miniroot image to be on any of these:
boot tape, NFS server, TFTP server, rsh server
The easiest is loading from tape, which is done as follows:
mt -f /dev/nrst0 rewind
mt -f /dev/nrst0 fsf 3
dd bs=8k if=/dev/nrst0 of=/dev/rsd0b
(For help with other methods, please see the install notes.)
To reboot using the swap partition after running installboot, first
use "halt", then at the Bug monitor prompt use a command like:
bo 0,,b:
To view this message again, type: cat /.welcome
You must now create a disklabel on the disk you wish to use for the
root filesystem. This will usually be 'sd0'. The disklabel is used by
NetBSD to identify the starting block and size of each partition on
the disk.
Partitions are named 'sd0a', 'sd0b', 'sd0c' etc, up to 'sd0h'. The
mvme68k port of NetBSD makes some assumptions about the first three
partitions on a boot disk:
sd0a The root filesystem.
sd0b The swap partition.
sd0c The whole disk. Also known as the Raw Partition.
The 'Raw Partition' is special; NetBSD is able to use it even if the
disk has no label. You should never create a filesystem on the Raw
Partition, even on a non-boot disk.
It is good practice to put /usr on a different partition than / (sd0a).
So, the first available partition for /usr is 'sd0d'. Refer to the
section entitled "NetBSD System Requirements and Supported Devices" for
information on the recommended sizes of the /, /usr and swap partitions.
You are not required to define any partitions beyond sd0d, but if you
have a large disk drive, you might want to create several other partitions
for filesystems such as /home or /usr/src. Note that at this time you
are only required to partition the root/boot disk; you will get the
opportunity to partition any other disks in your system from the main
'miniroot' installation program.
To create the disklabel and partitions, use the 'edlabel' program,
passing it the name of the Raw Partition of your root/boot disk. Note
that '-->' at the start of a line in the following examples indicates
you are being prompted to enter some information. Obviously, you won't
see this when you run the program for real.
--> ssh: edlabel /dev/rsd0c
edlabel menu:
print - display the current disk label
modify - prompt for changes to the label
write - write the new label to disk
quit - terminate program
The program shows what commands it recognises; "print", "modify",
"write" and "quit". It will accept the first letter of a command if
you don't feel like typing each one in full.
To start creating the basic partitions, you should enter 'm' (modify)
at the edlabel prompt, then enter the letter corresponding to the first
partition, 'a'.
--> edlabel> m
modify subcommands:
@ : modify disk parameters
a-h : modify partition
s : standarize geometry
q : quit this subcommand
--> edlabel/modify> a
a (root) 0 (0/00/00) 0 (0/00/00) unused
--> start as <blkno> or <cyls/trks/sects> : 0
--> length as <nblks> or <cyls/trks/sects> : 38000
--> type: 4.2BSD
When you enter the start and length of a partition, you can use either
blocks or cylinder/track/sector notation. If this is the first time
you've partitioned a disk for NetBSD, it's probably easiest to use block
notation. The above example creates partition 'a', starting at block zero
and with a size of 38000 blocks. Note that the usual size of a block is
512 bytes, so this creates a 19Mb partition.
The 'type' of the partition should be "4.2BSD", otherwise you won't
be able to create a filesystem on it.
Next, create a swap partition (b). Note that the minimum size of this
swap partition should be 8Mb, otherwise you won't be able to use a
miniroot to complete the NetBSD installation!
--> edlabel/modify> b
b (swap) 0 (0/00/00) 0 (0/00/00) unused
--> start as <blkno> or <cyls/trks/sects> : 38000
--> length as <nblks> or <cyls/trks/sects> : 32768
--> type: swap
Here, we specify a value for 'start' such that the swap partition follows
immediately after partition 'a', i.e. 38000. The length of the swap
partition should be a multiple of the amount of RAM you have in your
system. Here, I've chosen 32768, or 16Mb. The next available block on the
drive is thus 38000 + 32768. We will use this to create partition 'd' for
our /usr filesystem. (Note that for a busy system, or a system with more
than 8Mb of RAM, you'll be better off with a 32 or 64Mb swap partition.)
--> edlabel/modify> d
d (user) 0 (0/00/00) 0 (0/00/00) unused
--> start as <blkno> or <cyls/trks/sects> : 70768
--> length as <nblks> or <cyls/trks/sects> : 233837
--> type: 4.2BSD
--> edlabel/modify> q
As you can see, I've chosen to assign the remainder of the disk to /usr.
Since there are 304605 sectors on the example disk (did you remember to
note down the number of sectors on your disk during boot?), and partition
'd' starts at sector 70768, a simple bit of arithmetic (304605 - 70768)
gives 'd' a size of 233837.
You now need to write this new disklabel, together with the partition
details you've just entered, to disk. You might also try the 'p' command
to view the partitions. Once written, you can quit back to ssh using 'q'.
--> edlabel> p
type_num: 4
sub_type: 0
type_name: SCSI disk
pack_name: fictitious
bytes/sector: 512
sectors/track: 35
tracks/cylinder: 9
cylinders: 967
sectors/cylinder: 315
partition start (c/t/s) nblks (c/t/s) type
a (root) 0 (0/00/00) 38000 (120/05/25)* 4.2BSD
b (swap) 38000 (120/05/25)* 32768 (104/00/08)* swap
c (disk) 0 (0/00/00) 304605 (967/00/00) unused
d (user) 70768 (224/05/33)* 233837 (742/03/02)* 4.2BSD
--> edlabel> w
--> edlabel> q
Now that your disk's partitioned, you need to get the proper installation
miniroot image onto it. The miniroot image is designed to be copied into
the swap partition of your disk. This is a safe place which won't be
overwritten by the installation procedure. From the ssh prompt, use the
following commands to copy the miniroot image from tape to swap (b).
--> ssh: mt -f /dev/nrst0 rewind
--> ssh: mt -f /dev/nrst0 fsf 3
--> ssh: dd bs=8k if=/dev/nrst0 of=/dev/rsd0b
The disk and the miniroot must now be made bootable using the
'installboot' command, To do this, issue the following commands:
--> ssh: mount /dev/sd0b /mnt
--> ssh: installboot /mnt/usr/mdec/bootsd /bootxx /dev/rsd0b
--> ssh: umount /dev/sd0b
You can now shutdown the system.
--> ssh: halt
signal 15
ssh: syncing disks... done
unmounting /mnt (/dev/sd1b)...
unmounting / (root_device)...
--> 147-Bug>reset
--> Reset Local SCSI Bus [Y,N] N? y
--> Automatic reset of known SCSI Buses on RESET [Y,N] = Y?
--> Cold/Warm Reset flag [C,W] = C?
--> Execute Soft Reset [Y,N] N? y
You should now reboot from that just installed miniroot. See the section
entitled "Booting the miniroot" for details.
* Installing from NFS:
Before you can install from NFS, you must have already configured
your NFS server to support your machine as a bootable client.
Instructions for configuring the server are found in the section
entitled "Getting the NetBSD System onto Useful Media" above.
To get started, you need to download "sboot" into RAM (you will find
'sboot' in the "install" directory of the mvme68k distribution).
You can either do that through the console line or through a 2nd serial
connection. For example, a VME147 connected to a sun4/110 and accessed
via "tip" can be loaded as follows:
lo 0
~Ccat sboot
go 4000
Which will look like this:
--> 147-Bug>lo 0
--> ~CLocal command? cat sboot
away for 11 seconds
--> 147-Bug>g 4000
Effective address: 00004000
sboot: serial line bootstrap program (&end = 6018)
Now, if you want to do it through serial line 1, then connect serial
line one to a machine. At the "147-Bug> " prompt do this "tm 1".
You should then login to whatever machine it is connected to.
Then hit "^A" to escape to Bug. do "lo 1;x=cat sboot" ... then when
that is done you can reconnect "tm 1" and logout. Then do "go 4000"
and you've got ">>> " prompt of sboot.
Once you've got the ">>> " prompt, you can boot the RAMDISK kernel
from the server:
--> >>> b
le0: ethernet address: 8:0:3e:20:cb:87
My ip address is:
Server ip address is:
Download was a success!
Start @ 0x8000 ...
>> BSD MVME147 netboot (via sboot) [$Revision: 1.3 $]
device: le0 attached to 08:00:3e:20:cb:87
boot: client IP address:
boot: client name: soapy
root addr= path=/export/soapy
Start @ 0x8000 ...
Copyright (c) 1996, 1997 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
NetBSD 1.3 (RAMDISK) #1: Sun Dec 21 16:19:04 GMT 1997
Motorola MVME-147S: 25MHz MC68030 CPU+MMU, MC68882 FPU
real mem = 7237632
avail mem = 6381568
using 88 buffers containing 360448 bytes of memory
mainbus0 (root)
pcc0 at mainbus0: Peripheral Channel Controller, rev 0, vecbase 0x40
clock0 at pcc0 offset 0x0 ipl 5: Mostek MK48T02, 2048 bytes of NVRAM
After the boot program loads the RAMDISK kernel, you should see the
welcome screen as shown in the "tape boot" section above.
You now need to create a disklabel with partition information on the
SCSI disk on which you intend to create your root filesystem. Follow
the instructions in the previous section entitled "Installing from
tape" to do this. (But stop short of the part which describes how to
copy the miniroot from tape.)
You must now configure the network interface before you can access the
NFS server containing the miniroot image. For example the command:
--> ssh: ifconfig le0 inet up
will bring up the network interface 'le0' with that address. The next
step is to copy the miniroot from your server. This can be done using
either NFS or remote shell. (In the examples that follow, the server has
IP address You may then need to add a default route if the
server is on a different subnet:
--> ssh: route add default 1
You can look at the route table using:
--> ssh: route show
Now mount the NFS filesystem containing the miniroot image:
--> ssh: mount -r /mnt
The procedure is simpler if you have space for an expanded (not
compressed) copy of the miniroot image. In that case:
--> ssh: dd bs=8k if=/mnt/miniroot of=/dev/rsd0b
Otherwise, you will need to use "zcat" to expand the miniroot image
while copying. This is tricky because the "ssh" program (small shell)
does not handle sh(1) pipeline syntax. Instead, you first run the reader
in the background with its input set to /dev/pipe and then run the other
program in the foreground with its output to /dev/pipe. The result looks
like this:
--> ssh: run -bg dd obs=8k if=/dev/pipe of=/dev/rsd0b
--> ssh: run -o /dev/pipe zcat /mnt/install/miniroot.gz
To load the miniroot using rsh to the server, you would use a pair
of commands similar to the above. Here is another example:
--> ssh: run -b dd obs=8k if=/dev/pipe of=/dev/rsd0b
--> ssh: run -o /dev/pipe rsh zcat miniroot.gz
You must now make the disk bootable. Refer to the previous section on
installing from tape, where it describes how to run 'installboot'.
This is immediately following the part which explains how to copy the
miniroot from tape.
* Booting the miniroot:
Assuming the miniroot is installed on partition 'b' of the disk with
SCSI-id 0, then the 147Bug boot command is:
147-Bug> bo 0,,b:
The command line parameters above are:
0 controller (usually zero)
,, bug argument separators
b: tell the bootstrap code to boot from partition 'b'
You should see a bunch of boot messages, followed by messages from
the miniroot kernel just as you did when the RAMDISK kernel booted.
You will then be prompted to enter the root device. Since the miniroot
was booted from the swap partition, you should enter 'sd0b'. You will
then be asked for the swap device and filesystem type. Just press
return twice to accept the defaults. When asked to enter a terminal
type, either accept the default, or use whatever the TERM environment
variable is set to in the shell of your host system:
vmel0 at vmechip0
boot device: sd0
--> root device (default sd0a): sd0b
--> dump device (default sd0b):
--> file system (default generic):
root on sd0b dumps on sd0b
mountroot: trying ffs...
root file system type: ffs
init: copying out path `/sbin/init' 11
erase ^H, werase ^W, kill ^U, intr ^C
--> Terminal type? [vt100]
Congratulations! The system should now be running the miniroot
installation program.
Miniroot install program:
The miniroot's install program is very simple to use. It will guide
you through the entire process, and is well automated. Additional
improvements are planned for future releases.
The miniroot's install program will:
* Allow you to place disklabels on additional disks.
The disk we are installing on should already have
been partitioned using the RAMDISK kernel.
Note that partition sizes and offsets are expressed
in sectors. When you fill out the disklabel, you will
need to specify partition types and filesystem parameters.
If you're unsure what the these values should be, use the
following defaults:
fstype: 4.2BSD
fsize: 1024
bsize: 4096
cpg: 16
If the partition will be a swap partition, use the following:
fstype: swap
fsize: 0 (or blank)
bsize: 0 (or blank)
cpg: 0 (or blank)
Note that partition 'c' is special; it covers then entire
disk and should not be assigned to a filesystem.
The number of partitions is currently fixed at 8.
* Create filesystems on target partitions.
* Allow you to set up your system's network configuration.
Remember to specify host names without the domain name
appended to the end. For example use `foo' instead of
`'. If, during the process of configuring
the network interfaces, you make a mistake, you will
be able to re-configure that interface by simply selecting
it for configuration again.
* Mount target filesystems. You will be given the opportunity
to manually edit the resulting /etc/fstab.
* Extract binary sets from the media of your choice.
* Copy configuration information gathered during the
installation process to your root filesystem.
* Make device nodes in your root filesystem.
* Copy a new kernel onto your root partition.
* Install a new boot block.
* Check your filesystems for integrity.
First-time installation on a system through a method other than the
installation program is possible, but strongly discouraged.