
317 lines
10 KiB

.\" $Id: cdk_misc.3,v 1.2 2001/04/08 14:13:38 tron Exp $
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.TH cdk_misc 3 "28 June 1996"
Cdk - \f2Curses Development Kit\f1 Miscellaneous Routines
.B cc
.RI "[ " "flag" " \|.\|.\|. ] " "file" " \|.\|.\|."
.B \-lcdk
.RI "[ " "library" " \|.\|.\|. ]"
#include <cdk.h>
.BI "void Beep()" "";
.BI "char * baseName (char *" "pathname");
.B unsigned CDKcountStrings (char **\fIlist\fP);
.B void CDKfreeStrings (char **\fIlist\fP);
.B char ** CDKsplitString (char *\fIstring\fP, char \fIsplitChar\fP);
.BI "chtype * char2Chtype (char *" "string",
.BI "int *" "length",
.BI "int *" "align");
.BI "int chlen (chtype *" "string");
.BI "char *chtype2Char (chtype *" "string");
.BI "void cleanChar (char *" "string",
.BI "int " "length",
.BI "char " "character");
.BI "void cleanChtype (chtype *" "string",
.BI "int " "length",
.BI "chtype " "character");
.BI "char *copyChar (char *" "string");
.BI "chtype *copyChtype (chtype *" "string");
.BI "void freeChar (char *" "string");
.BI "void freeChtype (chtype *" "string");
.BI "int getDirectoryContents (char *" "directory",
.BI "char **" "list",
.BI "int " "maxListSize");
.BI "int intlen (int " "value");
.BI "int mode2Char (char *" "string",
.BI "mode_t " "fileMode");
.BI "int popupDialog (CDKSCREEN *" "screen",
.BI "char **" "mesg",
.BI "int " "mesgCount",
.BI "char **" "buttons",
.BI "int " "buttonCount");
.BI "void popupLabel (CDKSCREEN *" "win",
.BI "char **" "mesg",
.BI "int " "count");
.BI "int getListIndex (CDKSCREEN *" "win",
.BI "char *" "title",
.BI "char **" "list",
.BI "int " "listSize",
.BI "boolean " "numbers");
.BI "char *getString (CDKSCREEN *" "win",
.BI "char *" "title",
.BI "char *" "label",
.BI "char *" "inititalValue");
.BI "int viewFile (CDKSCREEN *" "win",
.BI "char *" "title",
.BI "char *" "filename",
.BI "char **" "buttons",
.BI "int " "buttonCount");
.BI "void quickSort (char **", "list",
.BI "int " "left",
.BI "int " "right");
.BI "int readFile (char *" "filename",
.BI "char **" "info",
.BI "int " "maxlines");
.BI "int searchList (char **" "list",
.BI "int " "listSize",
.BI "char *" "pattern");
.BI "void stripWhiteSpace (EStripType " "stripType",
.BI "char *" "string");
The functions provided in this manual page are miscellaneous functions
which may be required when using the Cdk widget set.
void Beep();
.RS 3
This function makes an audible beep. The difference between this one and
the \f4beep\f1 function in the curses library is this one flushes the STDOUT
char *baseName (char *\f2pathname\f1);
.RS 3
This function returns a pointer to the first character of the filename in
the given pathname.
unsigned CDKcountStrings (char **\fIlist\fP);
.RS 3
Return the number of strings in the given \fIlist\fP.
void CDKfreeStrings (char **\fIlist\fP);
.RS 3
Free the strings in the list, and the given \fIlist\fP itself.
char ** CDKsplitString (char *\f2string\f1, char \f2splitChar\f1);
.RS 3
Split the given \f2string\f1 into strings based on the split
character in \f2splitChar\f1.
The return value is a null-terminated list of the strings.
chtype *char2Chtype (char *\f2string\f1, int *\f2length\f1, int *\f2align\f1);
.RS 3
This function takes a string in the form of "</X/Y>Blah Blah" and returns
a chtype * of the correct type. The \f2length\f1 parameter is the length of
the chtype * and the \f2align\f1 parameter contains justification information.
int chlen (chtype *\f2string\f1);
.RS 3
This function returns the length of the chtype * given.
char *chtype2Char (chtype *\f2string\f1);
.RS 3
This function takes a chtype * and returns the equivalent char *.
void cleanChar (char *\f2string\f1, int \f2length\f1, char \f2character\f1);
.RS 3
This function is analogous to \f4bzero\f1 or \f4memcopy\f1. The \f2length\f1
parameter states how many characters to write, and \f2character\f1 is the
character which will be written.
void cleanChtype (chtype *\f2string\f1, int \f2length\f1, chtype \f2character\f1);
.RS 3
This function is analogous to \f4bzero\f1 or \f4memcopy\f1. The \f2length\f1
parameter states how many characters to write, and \f2character\f1 is the
character which will be written.
char *copyChar (char *\f2string\f1);
.RS 3
This function copies the string passed in. It is safer than \f4strdup\f1 because
it checks to see if the string is NULL before copying, and it forces a NULL
character on the end of the string after the copy is complete.
chtype *copyChtype (chtype *\f2string\f1);
.RS 3
This function copies the string passed in. It is safer than \f4strdup\f1 because
it checks to see if the string is NULL before copying, and it forces a NULL
character on the end of the string after the copy is complete.
void freeChar (char *\f2string\f1);
.RS 3
This function is safer to use than \f4free\f1. It checks to see if the string
is NULL before trying to free the string.
void freeChtype (chtype *\f2string\f1);
.RS 3
This function is safer to use than \f4free\f1. It checks to see if the string
is NULL before trying to free the string.
int getDirectoryContents (char *\f2directory\f1, char **\f2list\f1, int \f2maxListSize\f1);
.RS 3
This function opens and reads the contents of the given directory. It fills
the array \f2list\f1 with the sorted contents of the directory, and the parameter
\f2maxListSize\f1 states how many entries the array can hold. This function returns
the number of files read. If the directory could not be opened then it returns
a value of -1.
int intlen (int \f2value\f1);
.RS 3
This function returns the length of an integer value.
int mode2Char (char *\f2string\f1, mode_t \f2fileMode\f1);
.RS 3
This function takes the file-mode in the \f2fileMode\f1 parameter and returns
the octal equivalent. The \f2string\f1 parameter is a character string
of the permissions. (The string looks like the permissions of a file when the
command ls -l has been run on the file.)
int popupDialog (CDKSCREEN *\f2screen\f1, char **\f2mesg\f1, int \f2mesgCount\f1, char **\f2buttons\f1, int \f2buttonCount\f1);
.RS 3
This function creates a quick pop-up dialog box. Pass in the message in the
\f2mesg\f1 parameter, the size of the message in the \f2mesgCount\f1 parameter,
the button labels in the \f2buttons\f1 parameter and the number of buttons in
the \f2buttonCount\f1 parameter. The dialog box will be centered on the screen.
void popupLabel (CDKSCREEN *\f2win\f1, char **\f2mesg\f1, int \f2count\f1);
.RS 3
This function creates a quick pop-up label widget. The message and the size of
the message are passed in via the \f2mesg\f1 and \f2count\f1 parameters respectively.
The label widget will wait until the user hits a character and will be centered
on the screen.
int getListIndex (CDKSCREEN *\f2win\f1, char *\f2title\f1, char **\f2list\f1, int \f2listSize\f1, boolean \f2numbers\f1);
.RS 3
This function provides a popup scrolling list filled with the items passed in
via the \f2list\f1 parameter. It returns the index in the list selected, or -1
if no item was selected.
char *getString (CDKSCREEN *\f2screen\f1, char *\f2title\f1, char *\f2label\f1, char *\f2initialValue\f1);
.RS 3
This function pops up an entry widget with a title supplied by the value
of the \f2title\f1 parameter, a label supplied by the \f2label\f1 parameter,
and an initial value supplied by the \f2initialValue\f1 parameter. This returns
a pointer to the value typed in or NULL if the widget was exited early.
int viewFile (CDKSCREEN *\f2screen\f1, char *\f2title\f1, char *\f2filename\f1, char **\f2buttons\f1, int \f2buttonCount\f1);
.RS 3
This function pops up a viewer widget, with the contents of the viewer being
the contents of the file supplied by the \f2filename\f1 value. The buttons on
the file viewer are supplied by the \f2buttons\f1 parameter. This function returns
the integer value of the button selected. This function returns -1 if the file
does not exist, or the widget was exited early.
void quickSort (char **\f2list\f1, int \f2left\f1, int \f2right\f1);
.RS 3
This function performs a quick sort of the given list. The list will be sorted
alphabetically in increasing order.
int readFile (char *\f2filename\f1, char **\f2info\f1, int \f2maxlines\f1);
.RS 3
This function reads the contents of the given file and stores the contents
in the \f2info\f1 parameter. The \f2maxlines\f1 parameter states how many lines
can be stored in the \f2info\f1 array. This function returns the number of lines
read if the file could be opened, -1 otherwise.
int searchList (char **\f2list\f1, int \f2listSize\f1, char *\f2pattern\f1);
.RS 3
This function searches the array \f2list\f1 checking to see if each element
in the array starts with the given \f2pattern\f1. This function returns the
index of the first match or -1 if it can't find one.
void stripWhiteSpace (EStripType \f2stripType\f1, char *\f2string\f1);
.RS 3
This function strips the leading/trailing white space off of the given
string. The parameter \f2stripType\f1 takes the following values.
.RS 3
\f2Strip_Type Result\f1
vFRONT This tells the function to remove
all of the white space from the
front of the given string.
vBACK This tells the function to remove
all of the white space from the
back of the given string.
vBOTH This tells the function to remove
all of the white space from both
the front and the back of the given
.BR cdk (3),
.BR cdk_screen (3),
.BR cdk_display (3),
.BR cdk_binding (3)
The header file \f4<cdk.h>\f1 automatically includes the header files
\f4<curses.h>\f1, \f4<stdlib.h>\f1, \f4<string.h>\f1, \f4<ctype.h>\f1,
\f4<unistd.h>\f1, \f4<dirent.h>\f1, \f4<time.h>\f1, \f4<errno.h>\f1,
\f4<pwd.h>\f1, \f4<grp.h>\f1, \f4<sys/stat.h>\f1, and \f4<sys/types.h>\f1.
The \f4<curses.h>\f1 header file includes \f4<stdio.h>\f1 and \f4<unctrl.h>\f1.
If you have \f4Ncurses\f1 installed on your machine add -DNCURSES to the
compile line to include the Ncurses header files instead.