- Update TCB for the initial thread in pthread__initthread, not pthread__init to get it valid as soon as possible. - Don't overwrite the pt_tls field in pthread__initthread. - Don't deallocate pt_tls in pthread__scrubthread. This worked more by chance than by design. - Handle freeing the TLS area in pthread_create after removing the thread instance from the dead queue.
$NetBSD: README,v 1.6 2009/04/16 18:37:30 wiz Exp $ When making changes to libpthread, please ensure that libpthread_dbg still compiles. Due to limitations in the current pthread implementation, makecontext(3) and sigaltstack(2) should not be used in programs which link against libpthread (whether threads are used or not). This has been noted in the makecontext(3), sigaltstack(2), and pthread(3) man pages.