Carnegie Mellon University. Full RAID implementation, including levels 0, 1, 4, 5, 6, parity logging, and a few other goodies. Ported to NetBSD by Greg Oster.
258 lines
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258 lines
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/* $NetBSD: rf_reconstruct.h,v 1.1 1998/11/13 04:20:34 oster Exp $ */
* Copyright (c) 1995 Carnegie-Mellon University.
* All rights reserved.
* Author: Mark Holland
* Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and
* its documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright
* notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the
* software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions
* thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation.
* Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to
* Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU
* School of Computer Science
* Carnegie Mellon University
* Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
* any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the
* rights to redistribute these changes.
* rf_reconstruct.h -- header file for reconstruction code
/* :
* Log: rf_reconstruct.h,v
* Revision 1.25 1996/08/01 15:57:24 jimz
* minor cleanup
* Revision 1.24 1996/07/22 19:52:16 jimz
* switched node params to RF_DagParam_t, a union of
* a 64-bit int and a void *, for better portability
* attempted hpux port, but failed partway through for
* lack of a single C compiler capable of compiling all
* source files
* Revision 1.23 1996/07/15 05:40:41 jimz
* some recon datastructure cleanup
* better handling of multiple failures
* added undocumented double-recon test
* Revision 1.22 1996/07/13 00:00:59 jimz
* sanitized generalized reconstruction architecture
* cleaned up head sep, rbuf problems
* Revision 1.21 1996/07/11 19:08:00 jimz
* generalize reconstruction mechanism
* allow raid1 reconstructs via copyback (done with array
* quiesced, not online, therefore not disk-directed)
* Revision 1.20 1996/06/11 10:57:30 jimz
* add rf_RegisterReconDoneProc
* Revision 1.19 1996/06/10 11:55:47 jimz
* Straightened out some per-array/not-per-array distinctions, fixed
* a couple bugs related to confusion. Added shutdown lists. Removed
* layout shutdown function (now subsumed by shutdown lists).
* Revision 1.18 1996/06/07 21:33:04 jimz
* begin using consistent types for sector numbers,
* stripe numbers, row+col numbers, recon unit numbers
* Revision 1.17 1996/06/05 18:06:02 jimz
* Major code cleanup. The Great Renaming is now done.
* Better modularity. Better typing. Fixed a bunch of
* synchronization bugs. Made a lot of global stuff
* per-desc or per-array. Removed dead code.
* Revision 1.16 1996/06/03 23:28:26 jimz
* more bugfixes
* check in tree to sync for IPDS runs with current bugfixes
* there still may be a problem with threads in the script test
* getting I/Os stuck- not trivially reproducible (runs ~50 times
* in a row without getting stuck)
* Revision 1.15 1996/06/02 17:31:48 jimz
* Moved a lot of global stuff into array structure, where it belongs.
* Fixed up paritylogging, pss modules in this manner. Some general
* code cleanup. Removed lots of dead code, some dead files.
* Revision 1.14 1996/05/31 22:26:54 jimz
* fix a lot of mapping problems, memory allocation problems
* found some weird lock issues, fixed 'em
* more code cleanup
* Revision 1.13 1996/05/30 11:29:41 jimz
* Numerous bug fixes. Stripe lock release code disagreed with the taking code
* about when stripes should be locked (I made it consistent: no parity, no lock)
* There was a lot of extra serialization of I/Os which I've removed- a lot of
* it was to calculate values for the cache code, which is no longer with us.
* More types, function, macro cleanup. Added code to properly quiesce the array
* on shutdown. Made a lot of stuff array-specific which was (bogusly) general
* before. Fixed memory allocation, freeing bugs.
* Revision 1.12 1996/05/27 18:56:37 jimz
* more code cleanup
* better typing
* compiles in all 3 environments
* Revision 1.11 1996/05/23 21:46:35 jimz
* checkpoint in code cleanup (release prep)
* lots of types, function names have been fixed
* Revision 1.10 1996/05/18 19:51:34 jimz
* major code cleanup- fix syntax, make some types consistent,
* add prototypes, clean out dead code, et cetera
* Revision 1.9 1995/12/06 15:04:55 root
* added copyright info
#include "rf_types.h"
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "rf_reconmap.h"
#include "rf_psstatus.h"
/* reconstruction configuration information */
struct RF_ReconConfig_s {
unsigned numFloatingReconBufs; /* number of floating recon bufs to use */
RF_HeadSepLimit_t headSepLimit; /* how far apart the heads are allow to become, in parity stripes */
/* a reconstruction buffer */
struct RF_ReconBuffer_s {
RF_Raid_t *raidPtr; /* void * to avoid recursive includes */
caddr_t buffer; /* points to the data */
RF_StripeNum_t parityStripeID; /* the parity stripe that this data relates to */
int which_ru; /* which reconstruction unit within the PSS */
RF_SectorNum_t failedDiskSectorOffset;/* the offset into the failed disk */
RF_RowCol_t row, col; /* which disk this buffer belongs to or is targeted at */
RF_StripeCount_t count; /* counts the # of SUs installed so far */
int priority; /* used to force hi priority recon */
RF_RbufType_t type; /* FORCED or FLOATING */
char *arrived; /* [x] = 1/0 if SU from disk x has/hasn't arrived */
RF_ReconBuffer_t *next; /* used for buffer management */
void *arg; /* generic field for general use */
RF_RowCol_t spRow, spCol; /* spare disk to which this buf should be written */
/* if dist sparing off, always identifies the replacement disk */
RF_SectorNum_t spOffset; /* offset into the spare disk */
/* if dist sparing off, identical to failedDiskSectorOffset */
RF_ReconParityStripeStatus_t *pssPtr; /* debug- pss associated with issue-pending write */
/* a reconstruction event descriptor. The event types currently are:
* RF_REVENT_READDONE -- a read operation has completed
* RF_REVENT_WRITEDONE -- a write operation has completed
* RF_REVENT_BUFREADY -- the buffer manager has produced a full buffer
* RF_REVENT_BLOCKCLEAR -- a reconstruction blockage has been cleared
* RF_REVENT_BUFCLEAR -- the buffer manager has released a process blocked on submission
* RF_REVENT_SKIP -- we need to skip the current RU and go on to the next one, typ. b/c we found recon forced
* RF_REVENT_FORCEDREADONE- a forced-reconstructoin read operation has completed
typedef enum RF_Revent_e {
} RF_Revent_t;
struct RF_ReconEvent_s {
RF_Revent_t type; /* what kind of event has occurred */
RF_RowCol_t col; /* row ID is implicit in the queue in which the event is placed */
void *arg; /* a generic argument */
RF_ReconEvent_t *next;
* Reconstruction control information maintained per-disk
* (for surviving disks)
struct RF_PerDiskReconCtrl_s {
RF_ReconCtrl_t *reconCtrl;
RF_RowCol_t row, col; /* to make this structure self-identifying */
RF_StripeNum_t curPSID; /* the next parity stripe ID to check on this disk */
RF_HeadSepLimit_t headSepCounter; /* counter used to control maximum head separation */
RF_SectorNum_t diskOffset; /* the offset into the indicated disk of the current PU */
RF_ReconUnitNum_t ru_count; /* this counts off the recon units within each parity unit */
RF_ReconBuffer_t *rbuf; /* the recon buffer assigned to this disk */
/* main reconstruction control structure */
struct RF_ReconCtrl_s {
RF_RaidReconDesc_t *reconDesc;
RF_RowCol_t fcol; /* which column has failed */
RF_PerDiskReconCtrl_t *perDiskInfo; /* information maintained per-disk */
RF_ReconMap_t *reconMap; /* map of what has/has not been reconstructed */
RF_RowCol_t spareRow; /* which of the spare disks we're using */
RF_RowCol_t spareCol;
RF_StripeNum_t lastPSID; /* the ID of the last parity stripe we want reconstructed */
int percentComplete; /* percentage completion of reconstruction */
/* reconstruction event queue */
RF_ReconEvent_t *eventQueue; /* queue of pending reconstruction events */
RF_DECLARE_MUTEX(eq_mutex) /* mutex for locking event queue */
RF_DECLARE_COND(eq_cond) /* condition variable for signalling recon events */
int eq_count; /* debug only */
/* reconstruction buffer management */
RF_DECLARE_MUTEX(rb_mutex) /* mutex for messing around with recon buffers */
RF_ReconBuffer_t *floatingRbufs; /* available floating reconstruction buffers */
RF_ReconBuffer_t *committedRbufs; /* recon buffers that have been committed to some waiting disk */
RF_ReconBuffer_t *fullBufferList; /* full buffers waiting to be written out */
RF_ReconBuffer_t *priorityList; /* full buffers that have been elevated to higher priority */
RF_CallbackDesc_t *bufferWaitList; /* disks that are currently blocked waiting for buffers */
/* parity stripe status table */
RF_PSStatusHeader_t *pssTable; /* stores the reconstruction status of active parity stripes */
/* maximum-head separation control */
RF_HeadSepLimit_t minHeadSepCounter; /* the minimum hs counter over all disks */
RF_CallbackDesc_t *headSepCBList; /* list of callbacks to be done as minPSID advances */
/* performance monitoring */
struct timeval starttime; /* recon start time */
void (*continueFunc)(void *); /* function to call when io returns*/
void *continueArg; /* argument for Func */
/* the default priority for reconstruction accesses */
int rf_ConfigureReconstruction(RF_ShutdownList_t **listp);
int rf_ReconstructFailedDisk(RF_Raid_t *raidPtr, RF_RowCol_t row,
RF_RowCol_t col);
int rf_ReconstructFailedDiskBasic(RF_Raid_t *raidPtr, RF_RowCol_t row,
RF_RowCol_t col);
int rf_ContinueReconstructFailedDisk(RF_RaidReconDesc_t *reconDesc);
int rf_ForceOrBlockRecon(RF_Raid_t *raidPtr, RF_AccessStripeMap_t *asmap,
void (*cbFunc)(RF_Raid_t *,void *), void *cbArg);
int rf_UnblockRecon(RF_Raid_t *raidPtr, RF_AccessStripeMap_t *asmap);
int rf_RegisterReconDoneProc(RF_Raid_t *raidPtr, void (*proc)(RF_Raid_t *, void *), void *arg,
RF_ReconDoneProc_t **handlep);
#endif /* !_RF__RF_RECONSTRUCT_H_ */