Defaults to the directory determined by the _SRC_TOP_ logic (if != ""), and the BSDSRCDIR. NETBSDSRCDIR has been provided for use by the various NetBSD source Makefiles to find the top of the NetBSD source tree, and isn't affected by the inheritance properties of _SRC_TOP_, nor does it have the magic BSDOBJDIR baggage that BSDSRCDIR is stuck with.
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# $NetBSD: bsd.kernobj.mk,v 1.9 2002/04/26 15:02:02 lukem Exp $
# KERNSRCDIR Is the location of the top of the kernel src.
# It defaults to ${NETBSDSRCDIR}/sys
# KERNARCHDIR Is the location of the machine dependent kernel
# sources. It defaults to arch/${MACHINE}
# KERNCONFDIR Is where the configuration files for kernels are
# found; default is ${KERNSRCDIR}/${KERNARCHDIR}/conf.
# KERNOBJDIR Is the kernel build directory. The kernel GENERIC for
# instance will be compiled in ${KERNOBJDIR}/GENERIC.
# The default value is
# If MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX or _SRC_TOP_OBJ is set than the value will
# be either
# or
# ${_SRC_TOP_OBJ_}/sys/${KERNARCHDIR}/compile
# with MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX taking priority over _SRC_TOP_OBJ_
.include <bsd.own.mk>
# just incase ${MACHINE} is not always correct
# XXX It's ugly but it does what we need here. If making objects use the above
# rules for trying to figure out a KERNOBJDIR.
# When coming back through here in rules (such as building kernels for
# a release), check which vars we're using and which directory base has been
# made in the previous obj stage to figure out which one to expose.
# All cases will fall through to the ${KERNSRCDIR}/${KERNARCHDIR}/compile case
# if nothing ends up setting this.
.if make(obj) || \
(defined(_SRC_TOP_OBJ_) && exists(${_SRC_TOP_OBJ_}/sys/${KERNARCHDIR}/compile))
.if defined(_SRC_TOP_OBJ_) && ${_SRC_TOP_OBJ_} != ""