
479 lines
16 KiB

1 - Purpose of this document
This document describes how to build, install and configure a
Postfix system so that it can do one of the following:
- Send mail only, without changing an existing sendmail
- Send and receive mail via a virtual host interface, still
without any change to an existing sendmail installation.
- Replace sendmail altogether.
2 - Typographical conventions
In the instructions below, a command written as
# command
should be executed as the superuser.
A command written as
% command
should be executed as an unprivileged user.
3 - Documentation
Documentation is available as HTML web pages (point your browser
to html/index.html) and as UNIX-style manpages (point your MANPATH
environment variable to the `man' subdirectory; be sure to use an
absolute path).
The sample configuration files in the `conf' directory have extensive
comments, but they may not describe every nuance of every feature.
Many files have their own built-in manual page. Tools to extract
those embedded manual pages are available in the mantools directory.
4 - Building on a supported system
If your system is supported, it is one of
AIX 3.2.5
AIX 4.1.x
AIX 4.2.0
BSD/OS 2.x
BSD/OS 3.x
BSD/OS 4.x
FreeBSD 2.x
FreeBSD 3.x
FreeBSD 4.x
HP-UX 9.x
HP-UX 10.x
HP-UX 11.x
IRIX 5.x
IRIX 6.x
Linux Debian 1.3.1
Linux Debian 2.x
Linux RedHat 4.x
Linux RedHat 5.x
Linux RedHat 6.x
Linux Slackware 3.5
Linux Slackware 4.0
Linux Slackware 7.0
Linux SuSE 5.x
Linux SuSE 6.x
Mac OS X server
NetBSD 1.x
OSF1.V3 (Digital UNIX)
OSF1.V4 aka Digital UNIX V4
OSF1.V5 aka Digital UNIX V5
OpenBSD 2.x
Reliant UNIX 5.x
Rhapsody 5.x
SunOS 4.1.x
SunOS 5.4..5.7 (Solaris 2.4..7)
Ultrix 4.x
or something closely resemblant.
If at any time in the build process you get messages like: "make:
don't know how to ..." you should be able to recover by running
the following command from the Postfix top-level directory:
% make -f Makefile.init makefiles
If you copied the Postfix source code after building it on another
machine, it is a good idea to cd into the top-level directory and
% make tidy
first. This will get rid of any system dependencies left over from
compiling the software elsewhere.
To build with GCC, or with the native compiler if people told me
that is better for your system, just cd into the top-level Postfix
directory of the source tree and type:
% make
To build with a non-default compiler, you need to specify the name
of the compiler:
% make makefiles CC=/opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc (Solaris)
% make
% make makefiles CC="/opt/ansic/bin/cc -Ae" (HP-UX)
% make
% make makefiles CC="purify cc"
% make
and so on. In some cases, optimization is turned off automatically.
In order to build with non-default settings, for example, with a
configuration directory other than /etc/postfix, use:
% make makefiles CCARGS=-DDEF_CONFIG_DIR=\\\\\\\"/some/where\\\\\\\"
% make
That's seven backslashes :-) But at least this works with sh and csh.
In any case, if the command
% make
produces compiler error messages, it may be time to examine the
FAQ document.
5 - Porting to on an unsupported system
- Choose a SYSTEMTYPE name for the new system. Please use a name
that includes the major version of the operating system (such as
SUNOS4 or LINUX2), so that different releases of the same system
can be supported without confusion.
- Add a case statement to the "makedefs" shell script in the
top-level directory that recognizes the new system reliably, and
that emits the right system-specific information. Be sure to make
the code robust against user PATH settings; if the system offers
multiple UNIX flavors (e.g. BSD and SYSV) be sure to build for the
native flavor, not the emulated one.
- Add an #ifdef SYSTEMTYPE section to the central util/sys_defs.h
include file. You may have to invent new feature macros. Please
choose sensible feature macro names such as HAS_DBM or
FIONREAD_IN_SYS_FILIO_H. I strongly recommend against #ifdef
SYSTEMTYPE dependencies in individual source files. This may seem
to be the quickest solution, but it will create a mess that becomes
increasingly difficult to maintain over time. Moreover, with the
next port you'd have to place #ifdefs all over the source code
6 - Installing the software after successful compilation
IMPORTANT: if you are REPLACING an existing sendmail installation
with Postfix, you may need to keep the old sendmail program running
for some time in order to flush the mail queue. As superuser,
execute the following commands (your sendmail, newaliases and mailq
programs may be in a different place):
# mv /usr/sbin/sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail.OFF
# mv /usr/bin/newaliases /usr/bin/newaliases.OFF
# mv /usr/bin/mailq /usr/bin/mailq.OFF
# chmod 755 /usr/sbin/sendmail.OFF /usr/bin/newaliases.OFF \
In order to install or upgrade Postfix:
- Create a user "postfix" with a unique user id and group id.
Preferably, this is an account that no-one can log into. The
account does not need an executable login shell, and needs no
existing home directory. My password file entry looks like this:
- Make sure there is a corresponding alias in /etc/aliases:
postfix: root
- Review section 12 of this file, and decide if a world-writable
maildrop is OK, or if Postfix needs a set-gid posting agent.
- Run the script as the super-user:
# sh
The script offers suggestions for pathnames that you
can override, either by editing or by specifying your
preferences interactively. stores your preferences in
the Postfix configuration directory in order to ease future installs.
- Proceed to the section on how you wish to run Postfix on your
particular machine:
- Send mail only, without changing an existing sendmail
installation (section 7).
- Send and receive mail via a virtual host interface, still
without any change to an existing sendmail installation
(section 8).
- Replace sendmail altogether (section 9).
7 - Configuring Postfix to send mail only
If you are going to use Postfix to send mail only, there is no need
to change your existing sendmail setup. Instead, set up your mail
user agent so that it calls the Postfix sendmail program directly.
Follow the instructions in the "Mandatory configuration file edits"
in section 10, review the "To chroot or not to chroot" text in
section 11, and choose a security model according to section 12.
You MUST comment out the `smtp inet' entry in /etc/postfix/,
in order to avoid conflicts with the real sendmail.
Start the Postfix system:
# postfix start
or, if you feel nostalgic, use the Postfix sendmail command:
# sendmail -bd -qwhatever
and watch your syslog file for any error messages.
When it is run for the first time, the Postfix startup shell script
will create a bunch of subdirectories below the Postfix spool
In order to inspect the mail queue, use
% sendmail -bp
See also the "Care and feeding" section 13 below.
8 - Configuring Postfix to send and receive mail (virtual interface)
Alternatively, you can use the Postfix system to send AND receive
mail while leaving your sendmail setup intact, by running Postfix
on a virtual interface address. Simply configure your mail user
agent to directly invoke the Postfix sendmail program.
The examples/virtual-setup directory gives instructions for setting
up virtual interfaces for a variety of UNIX versions.
In the /etc/postfix/ file, I would specify
myhostname =
inet_interfaces = $myhostname
mydestination = $myhostname
Follow the instructions in the "Mandatory configuration file edits"
in section 10, review the "To chroot or not to chroot" text in
section 11, and choose a security model according to section 12.
Start the mail system:
# postfix start
or, if you feel nostalgic, use the Postfix sendmail program:
# sendmail -bd -qwhatever
and watch your syslog file for any error messages.
When it is run for the first time, the Postfix startup shell script
will create a bunch of subdirectories below the Postfix spool
In order to inspect the mail queue, use
% sendmail -bp
See also the "Care and feeding" section 13 below.
9 - Turning off sendmail forever
Prior to installing Postfix you should save the existing sendmail
program files as described in section 6.
Be sure to keep the old sendmail running for at least a couple
days to flush any unsent mail. To do so, stop the sendmail daemon
and restart it as:
# /usr/sbin/sendmail.OFF -q
After you have visited the "Mandatory configuration file edits"
section below, you can start the Postfix system with
# postfix start
But the good old sendmail way works just as well:
# sendmail -bd -qwhatever
and watch the syslog file for any complaints from the mail system.
When it is run for the first time, the Postfix startup shell script
will create a bunch of subdirectories below the Postfix spool
See also the "Care and feeding" section 13 below.
10 - Mandatory configuration file edits
By default, Postfix configuration files are in /etc/postfix, and
must be owned by root. Giving someone else write permission to or means giving root privileges to that person.
Whenever you make a change to a config file, execute the following
command in order to refresh a running mail system:
# postfix reload
In /etc/postfix/ you will have to set up a minimal number of
configuration parameters. Postfix configuration parameters
resemble shell variables. You specify a variable as
parameter = value
and you use it by putting a $ in front of its name:
other_parameter = $parameter
You can use $parameter before it is given a value. The Postfix
configuration language uses lazy evaluation, and does not look at
a parameter value until it is needed at runtime.
First of all, you must specify what domain will be appended to a
local address. The "myorigin" parameter defaults to the local
hostname, but that is probably OK only for very small sites.
Some examples:
myorigin = $myhostname
myorigin = $mydomain
In the first case, local mail goes out as user@$myhostname, in
the second case the sender address is user@$mydomain.
Next you need to specify what mail addresses are local to the
Postfix system.
Some examples:
mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain
mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, $mydomain
mydestination = $myhostname
The first example is appropriate for a workstation, the second is
appropriate for the mailserver for an entire domain. The third
example should be used when running on a virtual host interface.
If you're behind a firewall, you should set up a relayhost. If
you can, specify the organizational domain name so that Postfix
can use DNS lookups, and so that it can fall back to a secondary
MX host when the primary MX host is down. Otherwise just specify
a hard-coded hostname.
Some examples:
relayhost = $mydomain
relayhost = mail.$mydomain
relayhost = [mail.$mydomain]
The form enclosed with [] eliminates DNS MX lookups.
By default, the SMTP client will do DNS lookups for sender and
recipient addresses even when you specify a relay host. If your
machine has no access to a DNS server, turn off SMTP client DNS
lookups like this:
disable_dns_lookups = yes
The FAQ (html/faq.html) has more hints and tips for firewalled
and/or dial-up networks.
Finally, if you haven't used Sendmail prior to using Postfix, you
will have to build the alias database (with: sendmail -bi, or:
newaliases). Be sure to set up aliases for root and postmaster that
forward mail to a real person.
11 - To chroot or not to chroot
Most Postfix daemons can run in a chroot jail, that is, in a chroot
environment at fixed low privilege. This provides a significant
barrier against intrusion. The barrier is not impenetrable, but
every little bit helps.
The file /etc/postfix/ by default runs no Postfix daemons
in a chroot jail. However, with the exception of the `local' and
`pipe' daemons, every Postfix daemon can run chrooted.
The examples/chroot-setup directory has a collection of scripts
for setting up chroot environments for Postfix systems.
12 - Security: writable versus protected maildrop directory
Postfix offers a choice of submission mechanims.
1 - Postfix can use a world-writable, sticky, mode 1733 maildrop
directory where local users can submit mail. This approach
avoids the need for set-uid or set-gid software. Mail can be
posted even while the mail system is down. Queue files in the
maildrop directory have no read/write/execute permission for
other users. The maildrop directory is not used for mail
received via the network.
With directory world write permission come opportunities for
annoyance: a local user can make hard links to someone else's
maildrop files so they don't go away and may be delivered
multiple times; a local user can fill the maildrop directory
with junk and try to crash the mail system; and a local user
can hard link someone else's files into the maildrop directory
and try to have them delivered as mail. However, Postfix queue
files have a specific format; less than one in 10^12 non-Postfix
files would be recognized as a valid Postfix queue file.
In order to enable maildrop world-write permission:
- Specify "no" when asked by the script whether
Postfix needs set-gid privileges.
2 - On systems with many users it may be desirable to revoke maildrop
directory world write permission, and to enable set-gid privileges
on a small "maildrop" command that is provided for this purpose.
In order to revoke maildrop world-write permission:
- Create a group "maildrop" that is unique and that does not
share its group ID with any other user, certainly not with
the postfix account,
- Specify "maildrop" when asked by the script whether
Postfix needs set-gid privileges.
The sendmail posting program will automatically invoke the
postdrop command when maildrop directory write permission is
13 - Care and feeding of the Postfix system
The Postfix programs log all problems to the syslog daemon. The
names of logfiles are specified in /etc/syslog.conf. Note: the
syslogd will not create files. You must create them ahead of time
before (re)starting syslogd. At the very least you need something
mail.err /dev/console
mail.debug /var/log/maillog
Hopefully, the number of problems will be small, but it is a good
idea to run every night before the syslog files are rotated:
# postfix check
# egrep '(reject|warning|error|fatal|panic):' /some/log/file
The second line looks for problem reports from the mail software,
and reports how effective the anti-relay and anti-UCE blocks are.