christos fb5e0a80e2 Add docs back the best way we can:
1. Don't add changelog and other implementation specific nvi files because
   this have changed from 1.79 and are probably not relevant in 1.81
2. Put back virecover.
3. Descend regularly to subdirs instead of Makefile hacks
4. Use USD.doc stuff from the 1.81 docs except for vi.ref which has
   unfortunately been converted to texinfo. For that, we preserve
   the original documents because we want to still be able to make
   section 13 (building texinfo is not acceptable because it will not
   have the same look and feel as the rest of the book)
5. Since the texinfo reference is probably better maintained, build
   that too as a texinfo document.
2008-09-02 09:25:39 +00:00

231 lines
8.0 KiB

k - cursor up ^F - page forward /<pattern><CR> - search forward
j - cursor down ^B - page backward ?<pattern><CR> - search backward
h - cursor left w - move forward a "word" n - repeat the last search
l - cursor right b - move backward a "word"
a - append after the cursor. Use the <escape> key to return to
i - insert before the cursor. command mode.
o - open a new line below the cursor.
O - open new line above the cursor.
:w<Enter> - write the file
:q<Enter> - exit the file
:q!<Enter> - exit without writing the file
:#<Enter> - move to a line (e.g., :35<Enter> moves to line 35)
^G - display the file name
J - join two lines (use i<Enter><escape> to split a line)
u - undo the last change (enter . after a 'u' to undo more than one change)
^A search forward for cursor word
^B scroll up by screens
^C interrupt an operation (e.g. read, write, search)
^D scroll down by half screens (setting count)
^E scroll down by lines
^F scroll down by screens
^G file status
^H move left by characters
^J move down by lines
^L redraw screen
^M move down by lines (to first non-blank)
^N move down by lines
^P move up by lines
^R redraw screen
^T tag pop
^U half page up (set count)
^V input a literal character
^W move to next screen
^Y page up by lines
^Z suspend editor
^[ <escape> exit input mode, cancel partial commands
^\ switch to ex mode
^] tag push cursor word
^^ switch to previous file
<space> move right by columns
! filter through command(s) to motion
# number increment/decrement
$ move to last column
% move to match
& repeat substitution
' move to mark (to first non-blank)
( move back sentence
) move forward sentence
+ move down by lines (to first non-blank)
, reverse last F, f, T or t search
- move up by lines (to first non-blank)
. repeat the last command
/ search forward
0 move to first character
: ex command
; repeat last F, f, T or t search
< shift lines left to motion
> shift lines right to motion
? search backward
@ execute buffer
A append to the line
B move back bigword
C change to end-of-line
D delete to end-of-line
E move to end of bigword
F character in line backward search
G move to line
H move to count lines from screen top
I insert before first nonblank
J join lines
L move to screen bottom
M move to screen middle
N reverse last search
O insert above line
P insert before cursor from buffer
Q switch to ex mode
R replace characters
S substitute for the line(s)
T before character in line backward search
U Restore the current line
W move to next bigword
X delete character before cursor
Y copy line
ZZ save file and exit
[[ move back section
]] move forward section
^ move to first non-blank
_ move to first non-blank
` move to mark
a append after cursor
b move back word
c change to motion
d delete to motion
e move to end of word
f character in line forward search
h move left by columns
i insert before cursor
j move down by lines
k move up by lines
l move right by columns
m set mark
n repeat last search
o append after line
p insert after cursor from buffer
r replace character
s substitute character
t before character in line forward search
u undo last change
w move to next word
x delete character
y copy text to motion into a cut buffer
z reposition the screen
{ move back paragraph
| move to column
} move forward paragraph
~ reverse case
^D: scroll lines
!: filter lines through commands or run commands
#: display numbered lines
&: repeat the last subsitution
*: execute a buffer
<: shift lines left
=: display line number
>: shift lines right
@: execute a buffer
append: append input to a line
abbreviate: specify an input abbreviation
args: display file argument list
bg: background the current screen
change: change lines to input
cd: change the current directory
chdir: change the current directory
copy: copy lines elsewhere in the file
cscope: create a set of tags using a cscope command
delete: delete lines from the file
display: display buffers, screens or tags
[Ee]dit: begin editing another file
[Ee]x: begin editing another file
exusage: display ex command usage statement
file: display (and optionally set) file name
fg: switch the current screen and a backgrounded screen
global: execute a global command on lines matching an RE
help: display help statement
insert: insert input before a line
join: join lines into a single line
k: mark a line position
list: display lines in an unambiguous form
move: move lines elsewhere in the file
mark: mark a line position
map: map input or commands to one or more keys
mkexrc: write a .exrc file
[Nn]ext: edit (and optionally specify) the next file
number: change display to number lines
open: enter "open" mode (not implemented)
print: display lines
perl: run the perl interpreter with the command
perldo: run the perl interpreter with the command, on each line
preserve: preserve an edit session for recovery
[Pp]revious: edit the previous file in the file argument list
put: append a cut buffer to the line
quit: exit ex/vi
read: append input from a command or file to the line
recover: recover a saved file
resize: grow or shrink the current screen
rewind: re-edit all the files in the file argument list
s: substitute on lines matching an RE
script: run a shell in a screen
set: set options (use ":set all" to see all options)
shell: suspend editing and run a shell
source: read a file of ex commands
stop: suspend the edit session
suspend: suspend the edit session
t: copy lines elsewhere in the file
[Tt]ag: edit the file containing the tag
tagnext: move to the next tag
tagpop: return to the previous group of tags
tagprev: move to the previous tag
tagtop: discard all tags
tcl: run the tcl interpreter with the command
undo: undo the most recent change
unabbreviate: delete an abbreviation
unmap: delete an input or command map
v: execute a global command on lines NOT matching an RE
version: display the program version information
visual: enter visual (vi) mode from ex mode
[Vv]isual: edit another file (from vi mode only)
viusage: display vi key usage statement
write: write the file
wn: write the file and switch to the next file
wq: write the file and exit
xit: exit
yank: copy lines to a cut buffer
z: display different screens of the file
~: replace previous RE with previous replacement string,
Edit options:
noaltwerase filec="" nomodeline scroll=17 notildeop
autoindent flash msgcat="./" nosearchincr timeout
autoprint hardtabs=0 noprint="" nosecure nottywerase
noautowrite noiclower nonumber shiftwidth=8 noverbose
backup="" noignorecase nooctal noshowmatch warn
nobeautify keytime=6 open noshowmode window=35
cedit="" noleftright optimize sidescroll=16 nowindowname
columns=80 lines=36 print="" noslowopen wraplen=0
comment nolisp prompt nosourceany wrapmargin=0
noedcompatible nolist readonly tabstop=8 wrapscan
escapetime=1 lock noredraw taglength=0 nowriteany
noerrorbells magic remap tags="tags"
exrc matchtime=7 report=5 term="xterm"
noextended mesg ruler noterse
paragraphs="IPLPPPQPP LIpplpipbp"
sections="NHSHH HUnhsh"