descriptive comments. The guts of hostprog, lib, and prog are mostly unchanged; this will be done in another pass. Make several things work properly with UNPRIVILEGED set, and make the install-time "cmp" logic work for MANZ. Also reimplement INCS{DIR,NAME}_foo (requested by wiz) in a backwards compatible way. Reviewed by christos.
56 lines
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56 lines
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# $NetBSD: bsd.subdir.mk,v 1.46 2001/11/02 05:21:51 tv Exp $
# @(#)bsd.subdir.mk 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/8/93
.include <bsd.init.mk>
.for dir in ${SUBDIR}
.if exists(${dir}.${MACHINE})
__recurse: .USE
@targ=${.TARGET:C/-.*$//};dir=${.TARGET:C/^[^-]*-//}; \
case "$$dir" in /*) \
echo "$$targ ===> $$dir"; \
cd "$$dir"; \
${MAKE} "_THISDIR_=$$dir/" $$targ; \
;; \
*) \
echo "$$targ ===> ${_THISDIR_}$$dir"; \
cd "${.CURDIR}/$$dir"; \
${MAKE} "_THISDIR_=${_THISDIR_}$$dir/" $$targ; \
;; \
.if make(cleandir)
# for obscure reasons, we can't do a simple .if ${dir} == ".WAIT"
# but have to assign to __TARGDIR first.
.for targ in ${__RECURSETARG}
.for dir in ${__REALSUBDIR}
__TARGDIR := ${dir}
.if ${__TARGDIR} == ".WAIT"
SUBDIR_${targ} += .WAIT
.elif !commands(${targ}-${dir})
.PHONY: ${targ}-${dir}
${targ}-${dir}: .MAKE __recurse
SUBDIR_${targ} += ${targ}-${dir}
.if defined(__REALSUBDIR)
.PHONY: subdir-${targ}
subdir-${targ}: ${SUBDIR_${targ}}
${targ}: subdir-${targ}
${TARGETS}: # ensure existence