2001-07-13 21:09:55 +00:00

1030 lines
33 KiB

/* $NetBSD: lfs.c,v 1.23 2001/07/13 21:09:55 thorpej Exp $ */
* Copyright (c) 1991, 1993
* The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
* must display the following acknowledgement:
* This product includes software developed by the University of
* California, Berkeley and its contributors.
* 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
* may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
* without specific prior written permission.
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#ifndef lint
#if 0
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)lfs.c 8.5 (Berkeley) 5/24/95";
__RCSID("$NetBSD: lfs.c,v 1.23 2001/07/13 21:09:55 thorpej Exp $");
#endif /* not lint */
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/disklabel.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/mount.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <ufs/ufs/dir.h>
#include <ufs/ufs/quota.h>
#include <ufs/ufs/dinode.h>
#include <ufs/lfs/lfs.h>
#include <err.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "extern.h"
extern int Nflag; /* Don't write anything */
daddr_t **ifibp = NULL; /* Ifile single indirect blocks */
int ifibc; /* Number of indirect blocks */
* This table is indexed by the log base 2 of the block size.
* It returns the maximum file size allowed in a file system
* with the specified block size. For block sizes smaller than
* 8K, the size is limited by the maximum number of blocks that
* can be reached by triply indirect blocks:
* NDADDR + INOPB(bsize) + INOPB(bsize)^2 + INOPB(bsize)^3
* For block size of 8K or larger, the file size is limited by the
* number of blocks that can be represented in the file system. Since
* we use negative block numbers to represent indirect blocks, we can
* have a maximum of 2^31 blocks.
u_quad_t maxtable[] = {
/* 1 */ -1,
/* 2 */ -1,
/* 4 */ -1,
/* 8 */ -1,
/* 16 */ -1,
/* 32 */ -1,
/* 64 */ -1,
/* 128 */ -1,
/* 256 */ -1,
/* 512 */ NDADDR + 128 + 128 * 128 + 128 * 128 * 128,
/* 1024 */ NDADDR + 256 + 256 * 256 + 256 * 256 * 256,
/* 2048 */ NDADDR + 512 + 512 * 512 + 512 * 512 * 512,
/* 4096 */ NDADDR + 1024 + 1024 * 1024 + 1024 * 1024 * 1024,
/* 8192 */ 1 << 31,
/* 16 K */ 1 << 31,
/* 32 K */ 1 << 31,
static struct lfs lfs_default = {
{ /* lfs_dlfs */
/* dlfs_magic */ LFS_MAGIC,
/* dlfs_version */ LFS_VERSION,
/* dlfs_size */ 0,
/* dlfs_ssize */ DFL_LFSSEG,
/* dlfs_dsize */ 0,
/* dlfs_bsize */ DFL_LFSBLOCK,
/* dlfs_fsize */ DFL_LFSFRAG,
/* dlfs_free */ LFS_FIRST_INUM,
/* dlfs_bfree */ 0,
/* dlfs_nfiles */ 0,
/* dlfs_avail */ 0,
/* dlfs_uinodes */ 0,
/* dlfs_idaddr */ 0,
/* dlfs_ifile */ LFS_IFILE_INUM,
/* dlfs_lastseg */ 0,
/* dlfs_nextseg */ 0,
/* dlfs_curseg */ 0,
/* dlfs_offset */ 0,
/* dlfs_lastpseg */ 0,
/* dlfs_inopf */ 0,
/* dlfs_minfree */ MINFREE,
/* dlfs_maxfilesize */ 0,
/* dlfs_fsbpseg */ 0,
/* dlfs_inopb */ DFL_LFSBLOCK/sizeof(struct dinode),
/* dlfs_ifpb */ DFL_LFSBLOCK/sizeof(IFILE),
/* dlfs_sepb */ DFL_LFSBLOCK/sizeof(SEGUSE),
/* dlfs_nindir */ DFL_LFSBLOCK/sizeof(daddr_t),
/* dlfs_nseg */ 0,
/* dlfs_nspf */ 0,
/* dlfs_cleansz */ 0,
/* dlfs_segtabsz */ 0,
/* dlfs_segmask */ DFL_LFSSEG_MASK,
/* dlfs_segshift */ DFL_LFSSEG_SHIFT,
/* dlfs_bshift */ DFL_LFSBLOCK_SHIFT,
/* dlfs_ffshift */ DFL_LFS_FFSHIFT,
/* dlfs_fbshift */ DFL_LFS_FBSHIFT,
/* dlfs_bmask */ DFL_LFSBLOCK_MASK,
/* dlfs_ffmask */ DFL_LFS_FFMASK,
/* dlfs_fbmask */ DFL_LFS_FBMASK,
/* dlfs_blktodb */ 0,
/* dlfs_sushift */ 0,
/* dlfs_maxsymlinklen */ MAXSYMLINKLEN,
/* dlfs_sboffs */ { 0 },
/* dlfs_nclean */ 0,
/* dlfs_fsmnt */ { 0 },
/* dlfs_pflags */ 0,
/* dlfs_dmeta */ 0,
/* dlfs_minfreeseg */ 0,
/* dlfs_sumsize */ 0,
/* dlfs_serial */ 0,
/* dlfs_ibsize */ DFL_LFSFRAG,
/* dlfs_start */ 0,
/* dlfs_inodefmt */ LFS_44INODEFMT,
/* dlfs_tstamp */ 0,
/* dlfs_interleave */ 0,
/* dlfs_ident */ 0,
/* dlfs_fsbtodb */ 0,
/* dlfs_pad */ { 0 },
/* dlfs_cksum */ 0
/* lfs_sp */ NULL,
/* lfs_ivnode */ NULL,
/* lfs_seglock */ 0,
/* lfs_lockpid */ 0,
/* lfs_iocount */ 0,
/* lfs_writer */ 0,
/* lfs_dirops */ 0,
/* lfs_doifile */ 0,
/* lfs_nactive */ 0,
/* lfs_fmod */ 0,
/* lfs_ronly */ 0,
/* lfs_flags */ 0
#define UMASK 0755
struct direct lfs_root_dir[] = {
{ ROOTINO, sizeof(struct direct), DT_DIR, 1, "."},
{ ROOTINO, sizeof(struct direct), DT_DIR, 2, ".."},
{ LFS_IFILE_INUM, sizeof(struct direct), DT_REG, 5, "ifile"},
{ LOSTFOUNDINO, sizeof(struct direct), DT_DIR, 10, "lost+found"},
struct direct lfs_lf_dir[] = {
{ LOSTFOUNDINO, sizeof(struct direct), DT_DIR, 1, "." },
{ ROOTINO, sizeof(struct direct), DT_DIR, 2, ".." },
static daddr_t make_dinode(ino_t, struct dinode *, int, daddr_t, struct lfs *);
static void make_dir( void *, struct direct *, int);
static void put(int, off_t, void *, size_t);
make_lfs(int fd, struct disklabel *lp, struct partition *partp, int minfree,
int block_size, int frag_size, int seg_size, int minfreeseg,
int version, daddr_t start, int ibsize, int interleave,
u_int32_t roll_id)
struct dinode *dip; /* Pointer to a disk inode */
struct dinode *dpagep; /* Pointer to page of disk inodes */
CLEANERINFO *cleaninfo; /* Segment cleaner information table */
FINFO file_info; /* File info structure in summary blocks */
IFILE *ifile; /* Pointer to array of ifile structures */
IFILE *ip; /* Pointer to array of ifile structures */
IFILE_V1 *ifile_v1, *ip_v1;
struct lfs *lfsp; /* Superblock */
SEGUSE *segp; /* Segment usage table */
SEGUSE *segtable; /* Segment usage table */
SEGSUM summary; /* Segment summary structure */
SEGSUM *sp; /* Segment summary pointer */
daddr_t last_sb_addr; /* Address of superblocks */
daddr_t sb_addr; /* Address of superblocks */
daddr_t seg_addr; /* Address of current segment */
char *ipagep; /* Pointer to the page we use to write stuff */
char *sump; /* Used to copy stuff into segment buffer */
ufs_daddr_t *block_array; /* Array of logical block nos to put in sum */
u_long blocks_used; /* Number of blocks in first segment */
u_long *dp; /* Used to computed checksum on data */
u_long *datasump; /* Used to computed checksum on data */
int block_array_size; /* How many entries in block array */
int bsize; /* Block size */
int fsize; /* Fragment size */
int db_per_blk; /* Disk blocks per file block */
int i, j;
off_t off, startoff; /* Offset at which to write */
int sb_interval; /* number of segs between super blocks */
off_t seg_seek; /* Seek offset for a segment */
int ssize; /* Segment size */
int sum_size; /* Size of the summary block */
int warned_segtoobig=0;
double fssize;
int label_fsb, sb_fsb;
int curw, ww;
char tbuf[BUFSIZ];
lfsp = &lfs_default;
lfsp->lfs_version = version;
/* If partition is not an LFS partition, warn that that is the case */
if(partp->p_fstype != FS_BSDLFS) {
fatal("partition label indicated fs type \"%s\", expected \"%s\"",
fstypenames[partp->p_fstype], fstypenames[FS_BSDLFS]);
if (!(bsize = block_size))
if (!(bsize = partp->p_fsize * partp->p_frag))
if (!(fsize = frag_size))
if (!(fsize = partp->p_fsize))
fsize = DFL_LFSFRAG;
if (!(ssize = seg_size)) {
ssize = DFL_LFSSEG;
if (partp->p_sgs == 0 ||
!(ssize = (partp->p_fsize * partp->p_frag) << partp->p_sgs))
ssize = DFL_LFSSEG;
if (version > 1) {
if (ibsize == 0)
ibsize = fsize;
if (ibsize <= 0 || ibsize % fsize)
fatal("illegal inode block size: %d\n", ibsize);
} else if (ibsize && ibsize != bsize)
fatal("cannot specify inode block size when version == 1\n");
/* Sanity check: fsize<=bsize<ssize */
if (fsize > bsize) {
/* Only complain if fsize was explicitly set */
fatal("fragment size must be <= block size %d", bsize);
fsize = bsize;
if (bsize >= ssize) {
/* Only fatal if ssize was explicitly set */
fatal("block size must be < segment size");
warnx("%s: disklabel segment size (%d) too small, using default (%d)",
progname, ssize, DFL_LFSSEG);
ssize = DFL_LFSSEG;
if (start < 0 || start >= partp->p_size)
fatal("filesystem offset %ld out of range", (long)start);
if (version == 1) {
if (start)
warnx("filesystem offset ignored for version 1 filesystem");
start = LFS_LABELPAD / lp->d_secsize;
/* Modify parts of superblock overridden by command line arguments */
if (bsize != DFL_LFSBLOCK || fsize != DFL_LFSFRAG) {
lfsp->lfs_bshift = log2(bsize);
if (1 << lfsp->lfs_bshift != bsize)
fatal("%d: block size not a power of 2", bsize);
lfsp->lfs_bsize = bsize;
lfsp->lfs_fsize = fsize;
lfsp->lfs_bmask = bsize - 1;
lfsp->lfs_ffmask = fsize - 1;
lfsp->lfs_ffshift = log2(fsize);
if (1 << lfsp->lfs_ffshift != fsize)
fatal("%d: frag size not a power of 2", fsize);
lfsp->lfs_frag = numfrags(lfsp, bsize);
lfsp->lfs_fbmask = lfsp->lfs_frag - 1;
lfsp->lfs_fbshift = log2(lfsp->lfs_frag);
lfsp->lfs_ifpb = bsize / sizeof(IFILE);
lfsp->lfs_nindir = bsize / sizeof(daddr_t);
if (lfsp->lfs_version == 1) {
lfsp->lfs_sumsize = LFS_V1_SUMMARY_SIZE;
lfsp->lfs_segshift = log2(ssize);
if (1 << lfsp->lfs_segshift != ssize)
fatal("%d: segment size not power of 2", ssize);
lfsp->lfs_segmask = ssize - 1;
lfsp->lfs_ifpb = lfsp->lfs_bsize / sizeof(IFILE_V1);
lfsp->lfs_ibsize = lfsp->lfs_bsize;
lfsp->lfs_sepb = bsize / sizeof(SEGUSE_V1);
lfsp->lfs_ssize = ssize >> lfsp->lfs_bshift;
} else {
if (ssize % fsize) {
"Segment size %d is not a multiple of frag size; ",
ssize = roundup(ssize, fsize);
fprintf(stderr, "trying size %d.\n", ssize);
goto tryagain;
lfsp->lfs_sumsize = fsize;
lfsp->lfs_segshift = 0;
lfsp->lfs_segmask = 0;
lfsp->lfs_sepb = bsize / sizeof(SEGUSE);
lfsp->lfs_ssize = ssize;
lfsp->lfs_ibsize = ibsize;
lfsp->lfs_inopb = lfsp->lfs_ibsize / sizeof(struct dinode);
lfsp->lfs_minfree = minfree;
if (version > 1) {
lfsp->lfs_inopf = lp->d_secsize/DINODE_SIZE;
lfsp->lfs_interleave = interleave;
if (roll_id == 0) {
/* Pick one; even time(NULL) would almost do */
roll_id = random();
lfsp->lfs_ident = roll_id;
* Fill in parts of superblock that can be computed from file system
* size, disk geometry and current time.
db_per_blk = bsize/lp->d_secsize;
lfsp->lfs_blktodb = log2(db_per_blk);
lfsp->lfs_fsbtodb = log2(fsize / lp->d_secsize);
if (version == 1) {
lfsp->lfs_sushift = log2(lfsp->lfs_sepb);
lfsp->lfs_fsbtodb = 0;
lfsp->lfs_size = partp->p_size >> lfsp->lfs_blktodb;
label_fsb = btofsb(lfsp, roundup(LFS_LABELPAD, fsize));
sb_fsb = btofsb(lfsp, roundup(LFS_SBPAD, fsize));
lfsp->lfs_fsbpseg = dbtofsb(lfsp, ssize / lp->d_secsize);
lfsp->lfs_size = partp->p_size >> lfsp->lfs_fsbtodb;
lfsp->lfs_dsize = dbtofsb(lfsp, partp->p_size) -
MAX(label_fsb, dbtofsb(lfsp, start));
lfsp->lfs_nseg = lfsp->lfs_dsize / segtod(lfsp, 1);
lfsp->lfs_nclean = lfsp->lfs_nseg - 1;
lfsp->lfs_maxfilesize = maxtable[lfsp->lfs_bshift] << lfsp->lfs_bshift;
if (minfreeseg == 0)
lfsp->lfs_minfreeseg = lfsp->lfs_nseg / DFL_MIN_FREE_SEGS;
lfsp->lfs_minfreeseg = minfreeseg;
if (lfsp->lfs_minfreeseg < MIN_FREE_SEGS)
lfsp->lfs_minfreeseg = MIN_FREE_SEGS;
if(lfsp->lfs_nseg < lfsp->lfs_minfreeseg + 1
|| lfsp->lfs_nseg < LFS_MIN_SBINTERVAL + 1)
if(seg_size == 0 && ssize > (bsize<<1)) {
if(!warned_segtoobig) {
fprintf(stderr,"Segment size %d is too large; "
"trying smaller sizes.\n", ssize);
if (ssize == (bsize << 16)) {
fprintf(stderr, "(Did you perhaps "
"accidentally leave \"16\" "
"in the disklabel's sgs "
ssize >>= 1;
goto tryagain;
fatal("Could not allocate enough segments with segment "
"size %d and block size %d;\nplease decrease the "
"segment size.\n", ssize, lfsp->lfs_bsize);
* The number of free blocks is set from the number of segments
* times the segment size - lfs_minfreesegs (that we never write
* because we need to make sure the cleaner can run). Then
* we'll subtract off the room for the superblocks ifile entries
* and segment usage table, and half a block per segment that can't
* be written due to fragmentation.
lfsp->lfs_dsize = (lfsp->lfs_nseg - lfsp->lfs_minfreeseg) *
segtod(lfsp, 1);
lfsp->lfs_bfree = lfsp->lfs_dsize;
lfsp->lfs_bfree -= dbtofsb(lfsp, ((lfsp->lfs_nseg / 2) <<
lfsp->lfs_segtabsz = SEGTABSIZE_SU(lfsp);
lfsp->lfs_cleansz = CLEANSIZE_SU(lfsp);
if ((lfsp->lfs_tstamp = time(NULL)) == -1)
fatal("time: %s", strerror(errno));
if (version == 1)
lfsp->lfs_otstamp = lfsp->lfs_tstamp;
if ((sb_interval = lfsp->lfs_nseg / LFS_MAXNUMSB) < LFS_MIN_SBINTERVAL)
sb_interval = LFS_MIN_SBINTERVAL;
/* To start, one inode block and one segsum are dirty metadata */
lfsp->lfs_dmeta = btofsb(lfsp, lfsp->lfs_sumsize + lfsp->lfs_ibsize);
* Now, lay out the file system. We need to figure out where
* the superblocks go, initialize the checkpoint information
* for the first two superblocks, initialize the segment usage
* information, put the segusage information in the ifile, create
* the first block of IFILE structures, and link all the IFILE
* structures into a free list.
/* Figure out where the superblocks are going to live */
lfsp->lfs_sboffs[0] = label_fsb;
if (version == 1)
lfsp->lfs_start = lfsp->lfs_sboffs[0];
lfsp->lfs_start = dbtofsb(lfsp, start);
lfsp->lfs_dsize -= sb_fsb;
for (i = 1; i < LFS_MAXNUMSB; i++) {
sb_addr = ((i * sb_interval) * segtod(lfsp, 1))
+ lfsp->lfs_sboffs[0];
/* Segment 0 eats the label, except for version 1 */
if (lfsp->lfs_version > 1 && lfsp->lfs_start < label_fsb)
sb_addr -= label_fsb - start;
if (sb_addr > dbtofsb(lfsp, partp->p_size))
lfsp->lfs_sboffs[i] = sb_addr;
lfsp->lfs_dsize -= sb_fsb;
/* We need >= 2 superblocks */
if(lfsp->lfs_sboffs[1] == 0x0) {
fatal("Could not assign a disk adress for the second "
"superblock.\nPlease decrease the segment size.\n");
last_sb_addr = lfsp->lfs_sboffs[i - 1];
lfsp->lfs_lastseg = sntod(lfsp, 0);
lfsp->lfs_nextseg = sntod(lfsp, 1);
lfsp->lfs_curseg = lfsp->lfs_lastseg;
* Initialize the segment usage table. The first segment will
* contain the superblock, the cleanerinfo (cleansz), the segusage
* table (segtabsz), 1 block's worth of IFILE entries, the root
* directory, the lost+found directory and one block's worth of
* inodes (containing the ifile, root, and l+f inodes).
if (!(cleaninfo = malloc(lfsp->lfs_cleansz << lfsp->lfs_bshift)))
fatal("%s", strerror(errno));
cleaninfo->clean = lfsp->lfs_nseg - 1;
cleaninfo->dirty = 1;
if (version > 1) {
cleaninfo->free_head = LFS_FIRST_INUM;
cleaninfo->free_tail = lfsp->lfs_ifpb - 1;
if (!(segtable = malloc(lfsp->lfs_segtabsz << lfsp->lfs_bshift)))
fatal("%s", strerror(errno));
memset(segtable, 0, lfsp->lfs_segtabsz << lfsp->lfs_bshift);
segp = segtable;
blocks_used = lfsp->lfs_segtabsz + lfsp->lfs_cleansz + 4;
segp->su_nbytes = ((lfsp->lfs_segtabsz + lfsp->lfs_cleansz + 1) <<
lfsp->lfs_bshift) +
2 * roundup(DIRBLKSIZ, lfsp->lfs_fsize) +
if (version == 1)
segp->su_olastmod = lfsp->lfs_tstamp;
segp->su_lastmod = lfsp->lfs_tstamp;
segp->su_nsums = 1; /* 1 summary blocks */
segp->su_ninos = 1; /* 1 inode block */
lfsp->lfs_bfree -= btofsb(lfsp, lfsp->lfs_sumsize);
lfsp->lfs_bfree -= fragstofsb(lfsp, blkstofrags(lfsp,
(lfsp->lfs_cleansz + lfsp->lfs_segtabsz + 4)));
* Now figure out the address of the ifile inode. The inode block
* appears immediately after the segment summary.
lfsp->lfs_idaddr = label_fsb + sb_fsb +
btofsb(lfsp, lfsp->lfs_sumsize);
for (i = 1, j = 1; i < lfsp->lfs_nseg; i++) {
segp = (SEGUSE *)(((char *)segtable) +
((i / lfsp->lfs_sepb) << lfsp->lfs_bshift) +
(i % lfsp->lfs_sepb) * (version == 1 ?
sizeof(SEGUSE_V1) :
if ((i % sb_interval) == 0 && j < LFS_MAXNUMSB) {
segp->su_flags = SEGUSE_SUPERBLOCK;
lfsp->lfs_bfree -= sb_fsb;
} else
segp->su_flags = 0;
segp->su_lastmod = 0;
segp->su_nbytes = 0;
segp->su_ninos = 0;
segp->su_nsums = 0;
* Initialize dynamic accounting.
lfsp->lfs_uinodes = 0;
* Ready to start writing segments. The first segment is different
* because it contains the segment usage table and the ifile inode
* as well as a superblock. For the rest of the segments, set the
* time stamp to be 0 so that the first segment is the most recent.
* For each segment that is supposed to contain a copy of the super
* block, initialize its first few blocks and its segment summary
* to indicate this.
lfsp->lfs_nfiles = LFS_FIRST_INUM - 1;
/* Now create a block of disk inodes */
if (!(dpagep = malloc(lfsp->lfs_ibsize)))
fatal("%s", strerror(errno));
dip = (struct dinode *)dpagep;
memset(dip, 0, lfsp->lfs_ibsize);
/* Create a block of IFILE structures. */
if (!(ipagep = (char *)malloc(lfsp->lfs_bsize)))
fatal("%s", strerror(errno));
if (version == 1)
ifile_v1 = (IFILE_V1 *)ipagep;
ifile = (IFILE *)ipagep;
* Initialize IFILE. It is the next block following the
* block of inodes (whose address has been calculated in
* lfsp->lfs_idaddr;
ifibc = 0;
sb_addr = lfsp->lfs_idaddr + btofsb(lfsp, lfsp->lfs_ibsize);
sb_addr = make_dinode(LFS_IFILE_INUM, dip,
blkstofrags(lfsp, lfsp->lfs_cleansz + lfsp->lfs_segtabsz+1),
sb_addr, lfsp);
dip->di_mode = IFREG|IREAD|IWRITE;
dip->di_flags = SF_IMMUTABLE; /* XXX KS */
if (version == 1) {
ip_v1 = &ifile_v1[LFS_IFILE_INUM];
ip_v1->if_version = 1;
ip_v1->if_daddr = lfsp->lfs_idaddr;
} else {
ip = &ifile[LFS_IFILE_INUM];
ip->if_version = 1;
ip->if_daddr = lfsp->lfs_idaddr;
/* Initialize the ROOT Directory */
sb_addr = make_dinode(ROOTINO, ++dip, howmany(DIRBLKSIZ,lfsp->lfs_fsize), sb_addr, lfsp);
dip->di_mode = IFDIR | UMASK;
dip->di_size = DIRBLKSIZ;
dip->di_blocks = btofsb(lfsp, roundup(DIRBLKSIZ,lfsp->lfs_fsize));
dip->di_nlink = 3;
if (version == 1) {
ip_v1 = &ifile_v1[ROOTINO];
ip_v1->if_version = 1;
ip_v1->if_daddr = lfsp->lfs_idaddr;
} else {
ip = &ifile[ROOTINO];
ip->if_version = 1;
ip->if_daddr = lfsp->lfs_idaddr;
/* Initialize the lost+found Directory */
sb_addr = make_dinode(LOSTFOUNDINO, ++dip, howmany(DIRBLKSIZ,lfsp->lfs_fsize), sb_addr, lfsp);
dip->di_mode = IFDIR | UMASK;
dip->di_size = DIRBLKSIZ;
dip->di_blocks = btofsb(lfsp, roundup(DIRBLKSIZ,lfsp->lfs_fsize));
dip->di_nlink = 2;
if (version == 1) {
ip_v1 = &ifile_v1[LOSTFOUNDINO];
ip_v1->if_version = 1;
ip_v1->if_daddr = lfsp->lfs_idaddr;
} else {
ip = &ifile[LOSTFOUNDINO];
ip->if_version = 1;
ip->if_daddr = lfsp->lfs_idaddr;
/* Make all the other dinodes invalid */
for (i = INOPB(lfsp)-3, dip++; i; i--, dip++)
dip->di_inumber = LFS_UNUSED_INUM;
/* Link remaining IFILE entries in free list */
if (version == 1) {
for (ip_v1 = &ifile_v1[LFS_FIRST_INUM], i = LFS_FIRST_INUM;
i < lfsp->lfs_ifpb; ++ip_v1) {
ip_v1->if_version = 1;
ip_v1->if_daddr = LFS_UNUSED_DADDR;
ip_v1->if_nextfree = ++i;
ifile_v1[lfsp->lfs_ifpb - 1].if_nextfree = LFS_UNUSED_INUM;
} else {
for (ip = &ifile[LFS_FIRST_INUM], i = LFS_FIRST_INUM;
i < lfsp->lfs_ifpb; ++ip) {
ip->if_version = 1;
ip->if_daddr = LFS_UNUSED_DADDR;
ip->if_nextfree = ++i;
ifile[lfsp->lfs_ifpb - 1].if_nextfree = LFS_UNUSED_INUM;
/* XXX Check to make sure it will all fit in one segment. */
/* XXX When we have a partial-segment writer this can go away. */
if (dtosn(lfsp, sb_addr - 1) != 0) {
if (!warned_segtoobig) {
fprintf(stderr, "Segment size %d is too small; ",
if (version == 1)
while(ssize < fsbtob(lfsp, sb_addr))
ssize <<= 1;
ssize = fsbtob(lfsp, sb_addr);
fprintf(stderr, "trying size %d.\n", ssize);
goto tryagain;
fatal("Can't fit %d bytes into one segment sized %d",
fsbtob(lfsp, sb_addr), ssize);
/* Now, write the segment */
printf("Creating a version %d LFS", lfsp->lfs_version);
if (lfsp->lfs_version > 1)
printf(" with roll-forward ident 0x%x", lfsp->lfs_ident);
fssize = (double)lfsp->lfs_nseg;
fssize *= (double)ssize;
fssize /= 1048576.0;
printf("%.1fMB in %d segments of size %d\n", fssize,
lfsp->lfs_nseg, ssize);
/* Adjust blocks_used to take indirect block into account */
blocks_used += ifibc;
segtable[0].su_nbytes += ifibc * lfsp->lfs_bsize;
/* Compute a checksum across all the data you're writing */
dp = datasump = malloc (blocks_used * sizeof(u_long));
*dp++ = ((u_long *)dpagep)[0]; /* inode block */
for (i = 0; i < lfsp->lfs_cleansz; i++)
*dp++ = ((u_long *)cleaninfo)[(i << lfsp->lfs_bshift) /
sizeof(u_long)]; /* Cleaner info */
for (i = 0; i < lfsp->lfs_segtabsz; i++)
*dp++ = ((u_long *)segtable)[(i << lfsp->lfs_bshift) /
sizeof(u_long)]; /* Segusage table */
*dp++ = ((u_long *)ipagep)[0]; /* Ifile */
/* Still need the root and l+f bytes; get them later */
/* Write out the inode block */
startoff = fsbtob(lfsp, label_fsb + sb_fsb);
if (startoff < fsbtob(lfsp, lfsp->lfs_start))
startoff = fsbtob(lfsp, lfsp->lfs_start);
off = startoff + lfsp->lfs_sumsize;
put(fd, off, dpagep, lfsp->lfs_ibsize);
off += lfsp->lfs_ibsize;
/* Write out the ifile */
put(fd, off, cleaninfo, lfsp->lfs_cleansz << lfsp->lfs_bshift);
off += (lfsp->lfs_cleansz << lfsp->lfs_bshift);
put(fd, off, segtable, lfsp->lfs_segtabsz << lfsp->lfs_bshift);
off += (lfsp->lfs_segtabsz << lfsp->lfs_bshift);
put(fd, off, ipagep, lfsp->lfs_bsize);
off += lfsp->lfs_bsize;
/* Write the indirect blocks */
for (i = 0; i < ifibc; i++) {
*dp++ = ((u_long *)(ifibp[i]))[0];
put(fd, off, ifibp[i], lfsp->lfs_bsize);
off += lfsp->lfs_bsize;
* use ipagep for space for writing out other stuff. It used to
* contain the ifile, but we're done with it.
/* Write out the root and lost and found directories */
memset(ipagep, 0, lfsp->lfs_bsize);
make_dir(ipagep, lfs_root_dir,
sizeof(lfs_root_dir) / sizeof(struct direct));
*dp++ = ((u_long *)ipagep)[0];
dip = ((struct dinode *)dpagep) + 1;
put(fd, off, ipagep, dblksize(lfsp,dip,0));
off += dblksize(lfsp, dip, 0);
memset(ipagep, 0, lfsp->lfs_bsize);
make_dir(ipagep, lfs_lf_dir,
sizeof(lfs_lf_dir) / sizeof(struct direct));
*dp++ = ((u_long *)ipagep)[0];
dip = ((struct dinode *)dpagep) + 2;
put(fd, off, ipagep, dblksize(lfsp,dip,0));
off += dblksize(lfsp, dip, 0);
/* Write Superblock */
lfsp->lfs_offset = btofsb(lfsp, off);
lfsp->lfs_avail = lfsp->lfs_dsize - btofsb(lfsp, (off - startoff));
if (lfsp->lfs_start < label_fsb)
lfsp->lfs_avail -= label_fsb - lfsp->lfs_start;
lfsp->lfs_bfree = lfsp->lfs_avail; /* XXX */
/* Slop for an imperfect cleaner */
lfsp->lfs_avail += segtod(lfsp, lfsp->lfs_minfreeseg / 2);
lfsp->lfs_cksum = lfs_sb_cksum(&(lfsp->lfs_dlfs));
put(fd, (off_t)LFS_LABELPAD, &(lfsp->lfs_dlfs), sizeof(struct dlfs));
/* If that was different from lfs_sboffs[0], write the latter too */
if (LFS_LABELPAD < fsbtob(lfsp, (off_t)lfsp->lfs_sboffs[0])) {
printf("Writing 1st superblock at both %lld and %lld bytes\n",
(long long)LFS_LABELPAD,
fsbtob(lfsp, (long long)lfsp->lfs_sboffs[0]));
put(fd, (off_t)lfsp->lfs_sboffs[0], &(lfsp->lfs_dlfs),
sizeof(struct dlfs));
* Finally, calculate all the fields for the summary structure
* and write it.
summary.ss_next = lfsp->lfs_nextseg;
if (version == 1)
/* ident is where create was in v1 */
summary.ss_ident = lfsp->lfs_tstamp;
else {
summary.ss_create = lfsp->lfs_tstamp;
summary.ss_ident = lfsp->lfs_ident;
summary.ss_nfinfo = 3;
summary.ss_ninos = 3;
summary.ss_magic = SS_MAGIC;
summary.ss_datasum = cksum(datasump, sizeof(u_long) * blocks_used);
* Make sure that we don't overflow a summary block. We have to
* record: FINFO structures for ifile, root, and l+f. The number
* of blocks recorded for the ifile is determined by the size of
* the cleaner info and the segments usage table. There is room
* for one block included in sizeof(FINFO) so we don't need to add
* any extra space for the ROOT and L+F, and one block of the ifile
* is already counted. Finally, we leave room for 1 inode block
* address.
sum_size = (version == 1 ? sizeof(SEGSUM_V1) : sizeof(SEGSUM));
sum_size += 3 * sizeof(FINFO) + 2 * sizeof(daddr_t) +
(lfsp->lfs_cleansz + lfsp->lfs_segtabsz) * sizeof(ufs_daddr_t);
if (sum_size > lfsp->lfs_sumsize)
fatal("Multiple summary blocks in segment 0 "
"not yet implemented\n"
"summary is %d bytes.", sum_size);
block_array_size = lfsp->lfs_cleansz + lfsp->lfs_segtabsz + 1;
if (block_array_size > NDADDR)
if (!(block_array = malloc(block_array_size *sizeof(int))))
fatal("%s: %s", special, strerror(errno));
/* fill in the array */
for (i = 0; i < block_array_size; i++)
block_array[i] = i;
if (block_array_size > NDADDR)
block_array[block_array_size-1] = -NDADDR;
/* copy into segment */
sump = ipagep;
memcpy(sump, &summary, sizeof(SEGSUM));
if (version == 1)
sump += sizeof(SEGSUM_V1);
sump += sizeof(SEGSUM);
/* Now, add the ifile */
file_info.fi_nblocks = block_array_size;
file_info.fi_version = 1;
file_info.fi_lastlength = lfsp->lfs_bsize;
file_info.fi_ino = LFS_IFILE_INUM;
memmove(sump, &file_info, sizeof(FINFO) - sizeof(ufs_daddr_t));
sump += sizeof(FINFO) - sizeof(ufs_daddr_t);
memmove(sump, block_array, sizeof(ufs_daddr_t) * file_info.fi_nblocks);
sump += sizeof(ufs_daddr_t) * file_info.fi_nblocks;
/* Now, add the root directory */
dip = ((struct dinode *)dpagep) + 1;
file_info.fi_nblocks = 1;
file_info.fi_version = 1;
file_info.fi_ino = ROOTINO;
file_info.fi_blocks[0] = 0;
file_info.fi_lastlength = dblksize(lfsp, dip, 0);
memmove(sump, &file_info, sizeof(FINFO));
sump += sizeof(FINFO);
/* Now, add the lost and found */
dip = ((struct dinode *)dpagep) + 2;
file_info.fi_ino = LOSTFOUNDINO;
file_info.fi_lastlength = dblksize(lfsp, dip, 0);
memmove(sump, &file_info, sizeof(FINFO));
((daddr_t *)ipagep)[lfsp->lfs_sumsize / sizeof(daddr_t) - 1] =
((SEGSUM *)ipagep)->ss_sumsum = cksum(ipagep+sizeof(summary.ss_sumsum),
lfsp->lfs_sumsize - sizeof(summary.ss_sumsum));
put(fd, (off_t)startoff, ipagep, lfsp->lfs_sumsize);
sp = (SEGSUM *)ipagep;
sp->ss_create = 0;
sp->ss_ident = 0;
sp->ss_nfinfo = 0;
sp->ss_ninos = 0;
sp->ss_datasum = 0;
sp->ss_magic = SS_MAGIC;
/* Now write the summary block for the next partial so it's invalid */
sp->ss_sumsum =
cksum(&sp->ss_datasum, lfsp->lfs_sumsize - sizeof(sp->ss_sumsum));
put(fd, off, sp, lfsp->lfs_sumsize);
/* Now, write the rest of the superblocks */
lfsp->lfs_cksum = lfs_sb_cksum(&(lfsp->lfs_dlfs));
printf("super-block backups (for fsck -b #) at:\n");
curw = 0;
ww = 0;
for (i = 0; i < LFS_MAXNUMSB; i++) {
seg_addr = lfsp->lfs_sboffs[i];
sprintf(tbuf, "%d%s ", fsbtodb(lfsp, seg_addr),
(i == LFS_MAXNUMSB - 1 ? "" : ","));
ww = strlen(tbuf);
curw += ww;
if (curw + ww > 78) {
printf("%s\n", tbuf);
curw = 0;
} else
printf("%s", tbuf);
/* Leave the time stamp on the alt sb, zero the rest */
if(i == 2) {
lfsp->lfs_tstamp = 0;
lfsp->lfs_cksum = lfs_sb_cksum(&(lfsp->lfs_dlfs));
seg_seek = fsbtob(lfsp, (off_t)seg_addr);
put(fd, seg_seek, &(lfsp->lfs_dlfs), sizeof(struct dlfs));
return (0);
static void
put(int fd, off_t off, void *p, size_t len)
int wbytes;
if (Nflag)
if (lseek(fd, off, SEEK_SET) < 0)
fatal("%s: seek %lld: %s", special, (long long)off,
if ((wbytes = write(fd, p, len)) < 0)
fatal("%s: write: %lu at %lld: %s", special, (u_long) len,
(long long)off, strerror(errno));
if (wbytes != len)
fatal("%s: short write (%d, not %ld)",
special, wbytes, (u_long) len);
* Create the root directory for this file system and the lost+found
* directory.
static daddr_t
make_dinode(ino_t ino, struct dinode *dip, int nfrags, daddr_t saddr, struct lfs *lfsp)
int fsb_per_blk, i;
int nblocks, bb, ibi, base, factor, lvl;
nblocks = howmany(nfrags, lfsp->lfs_frag);
if(nblocks >= NDADDR)
nfrags = roundup(nfrags, lfsp->lfs_frag);
dip->di_nlink = 1;
dip->di_blocks = fragstofsb(lfsp, nfrags);
dip->di_size = (nfrags << lfsp->lfs_ffshift);
dip->di_atime = dip->di_mtime = dip->di_ctime = lfsp->lfs_tstamp;
dip->di_atimensec = dip->di_mtimensec = dip->di_ctimensec = 0;
dip->di_inumber = ino;
dip->di_gen = 1;
fsb_per_blk = fragstofsb(lfsp, blkstofrags(lfsp, 1));
if (NDADDR < nblocks) {
/* Count up how many indirect blocks we need, recursively */
/* XXX We are only called with nblocks > 1 for Ifile */
bb = nblocks - NDADDR;
while (bb > 0) {
bb = howmany(bb, NINDIR(lfsp));
ifibc += bb;
/* printf("using %d indirect blocks for inode %d\n", ifibc, ino); */
ifibp = (daddr_t **)malloc(ifibc * sizeof(daddr_t *));
for (i = 0; i < ifibc ; i++) {
ifibp[i] = (daddr_t *)malloc(lfsp->lfs_bsize);
memset(ifibp[i], 0, lfsp->lfs_bsize);
dip->di_blocks += fragstofsb(lfsp, blkstofrags(lfsp, ifibc));
/* Assign the block addresses for the ifile */
for (i = 0; i < MIN(nblocks,NDADDR); i++, saddr += fsb_per_blk) {
dip->di_db[i] = saddr;
/* printf("direct block %d at 0x%x\n", i, saddr); */
if (nfrags & lfsp->lfs_fbmask) {
/* Last block is a fragment */
saddr -= fsb_per_blk - fragstofsb(lfsp, nfrags & lfsp->lfs_fbmask);
if(nblocks > NDADDR) {
for (i = 0; i < nblocks - NDADDR; i++, saddr += fsb_per_blk) {
ifibp[i / NINDIR(lfsp)][i % NINDIR(lfsp)] = saddr;
/* printf("direct block %d at 0x%x\n", i + NDADDR, saddr); */
/* printf("indir block ib[0] (%d) at 0x%x\n", -NDADDR, saddr);*/
dip->di_ib[0] = saddr;
saddr += fsb_per_blk;
bb = howmany(nblocks - NDADDR, NINDIR(lfsp)) - 1;
factor = NINDIR(lfsp);
base = -NDADDR - factor;
lvl = 1;
while (bb > 0) {
for (ibi = 0; ibi < bb; i++, ibi++, saddr += fsb_per_blk) {
ifibp[i / NINDIR(lfsp)][i % NINDIR(lfsp)] =
/* printf("indir block %d at 0x%x\n",
base - ibi * factor - lvl + 1, saddr); */
/* printf("indir block ib[%d] (%d) at 0x%x\n", lvl,
base - lvl, saddr); */
dip->di_ib[lvl] = saddr;
saddr += fsb_per_blk;
bb = howmany(bb, NINDIR(lfsp));
factor *= NINDIR(lfsp);
base -= factor;
return (saddr);
* Construct a set of directory entries in "bufp". We assume that all the
* entries in protodir fir in the first DIRBLKSIZ.
static void
make_dir(void *bufp, struct direct *protodir, int entries)
char *cp;
int i, spcleft;
spcleft = DIRBLKSIZ;
for (cp = bufp, i = 0; i < entries - 1; i++) {
protodir[i].d_reclen = DIRSIZ(NEWDIRFMT, &protodir[i], 0);
memmove(cp, &protodir[i], protodir[i].d_reclen);
cp += protodir[i].d_reclen;
if ((spcleft -= protodir[i].d_reclen) < 0)
fatal("%s: %s", special, "directory too big");
protodir[i].d_reclen = spcleft;
memmove(cp, &protodir[i], DIRSIZ(NEWDIRFMT, &protodir[i], 0));