revision 1.17 date: 2009/03/29 19:50:17; author: mrg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 drm_addmap(): - for _DRM_CONSISTENT mappings, keep the handle. - use DRM_HANDLE_NEEDS_MASK() drm_mapbufs(): - use DRM_HANDLE_NEEDS_MASK() drm_mmap(): - use DRM_HANDLE_NEEDS_MASK() - for _DRM_SCATTER_GATHER and _DRM_SHM, use vtophys() on the adjusted offset. XXX this is gets radeon working on amd64 with an older PCI 9250 card. XXX: need to excise vtophys() usage. XXX: need to finish porting these fixes to external. yay! this takes care of one of the XXX's. still not quite working.