make -V FILES from being useful (and given that every other variable can be extracted using make -V, the behaviour was unusually inconsistent given that the original reason for clearing it doesn't seem to be relevant anymore) - use <bsd.prog.mk> instead of directly including <bsd.files.mk> (and possibly <bsd.man.mk> or <bsd.own.mk>) - remove obsolete NOPROG
278 lines
7.6 KiB
278 lines
7.6 KiB
# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.21 2002/04/24 08:18:51 lukem Exp $
NOLINT= # defined
.include <bsd.own.mk>
DIST= ${.CURDIR}/../../crypto/dist
.PATH: ${DIST}/heimdal/lib/krb5 ${DIST}/heimdal/doc
LIB= krb5
.if ${USETOOLS} != "yes"
COMPILEETOBJ!= cd ${.CURDIR}/../libcom_err/compile_et && ${PRINTOBJDIR}
krb5_err.c krb5_err.h: krb5_err.et
${COMPILE_ET} ${DIST}/heimdal/lib/krb5/krb5_err.et
heim_err.c heim_err.h: heim_err.et
${COMPILE_ET} ${DIST}/heimdal/lib/krb5/heim_err.et
k524_err.c k524_err.h: k524_err.et
${COMPILE_ET} ${DIST}/heimdal/lib/krb5/k524_err.et
ERR_FILES= krb5_err.c heim_err.c k524_err.c
DPSRCS= krb5_err.h heim_err.h k524_err.h
acl.c \
add_et_list.c \
addr_families.c \
aname_to_localname.c \
appdefault.c \
asn1_glue.c \
auth_context.c \
build_ap_req.c \
build_auth.c \
cache.c \
changepw.c \
codec.c \
config_file.c \
config_file_netinfo.c \
convert_creds.c \
constants.c \
context.c \
copy_host_realm.c \
crc.c \
creds.c \
crypto.c \
data.c \
eai_to_heim_errno.c \
error_string.c \
expand_hostname.c \
fcache.c \
free.c \
free_host_realm.c \
generate_seq_number.c \
generate_subkey.c \
get_addrs.c \
get_cred.c \
get_default_principal.c \
get_default_realm.c \
get_for_creds.c \
get_host_realm.c \
get_in_tkt.c \
get_in_tkt_pw.c \
get_in_tkt_with_keytab.c \
get_in_tkt_with_skey.c \
get_port.c \
init_creds.c \
init_creds_pw.c \
keyblock.c \
keytab.c \
keytab_any.c \
keytab_file.c \
keytab_memory.c \
keytab_keyfile.c \
keytab_krb4.c \
krbhst.c \
kuserok.c \
log.c \
mcache.c \
misc.c \
mk_error.c \
mk_priv.c \
mk_rep.c \
mk_req.c \
mk_req_ext.c \
mk_safe.c \
net_read.c \
net_write.c \
n-fold.c \
padata.c \
principal.c \
prog_setup.c \
prompter_posix.c \
rd_cred.c \
rd_error.c \
rd_priv.c \
rd_rep.c \
rd_req.c \
rd_safe.c \
read_message.c \
recvauth.c \
replay.c \
send_to_kdc.c \
sendauth.c \
set_default_realm.c \
sock_principal.c \
store.c \
store_emem.c \
store_fd.c \
store_mem.c \
ticket.c \
time.c \
transited.c \
verify_init.c \
verify_user.c \
version.c \
warn.c \
write_message.c \
INCS= krb5.h \
krb5-protos.h \
krb5-private.h \
krb5_err.h \
heim_err.h \
k524_err.h \
MAN= \
kerberos.8 \
krb5.conf.5 \
krb5.3 \
krb5_425_conv_principal.3 \
krb5_appdefault.3 \
krb5_auth_context.3 \
krb5_build_principal.3 \
krb5_config.3 \
krb5_context.3 \
krb5_free_principal.3 \
krb5_init_context.3 \
krb5_keytab.3 \
krb5_openlog.3 \
krb5_parse_name.3 \
krb5_sname_to_principal.3 \
krb5_unparse_name.3 \
krb5_warn.3 \
verify_krb5_conf.8 \
krb5_425_conv_principal.3 krb5_425_conv_principal_ext.3 \
krb5_425_conv_principal.3 krb5_524_conv_principal.3 \
krb5_appdefault.3 krb5_appdefault_boolean.3 \
krb5_appdefault.3 krb5_appdefault_string.3 \
krb5_appdefault.3 krb5_appdefault_time.3 \
krb5_auth_context.3 krb5_auth_con_init.3 \
krb5_auth_context.3 krb5_auth_con_free.3 \
krb5_auth_context.3 krb5_auth_con_setflags.3 \
krb5_auth_context.3 krb5_auth_con_getflags.3 \
krb5_auth_context.3 krb5_auth_con_setaddrs.3 \
krb5_auth_context.3 krb5_auth_con_setaddrs_from_fd.3 \
krb5_auth_context.3 krb5_auth_con_getaddrs.3 \
krb5_auth_context.3 krb5_auth_con_genaddrs.3 \
krb5_auth_context.3 krb5_auth_con_getkey.3 \
krb5_auth_context.3 krb5_auth_con_setkey.3 \
krb5_auth_context.3 krb5_auth_con_getuserkey.3 \
krb5_auth_context.3 krb5_auth_con_setuserkey.3 \
krb5_auth_context.3 krb5_auth_con_getlocalsubkey.3 \
krb5_auth_context.3 krb5_auth_con_setlocalsubkey.3 \
krb5_auth_context.3 krb5_auth_con_getremotesubkey.3 \
krb5_auth_context.3 krb5_auth_con_setremotesubkey.3 \
krb5_auth_context.3 krb5_auth_setcksumtype.3 \
krb5_auth_context.3 krb5_auth_getcksumtype.3 \
krb5_auth_context.3 krb5_auth_setkeytype.3 \
krb5_auth_context.3 krb5_auth_getkeytype.3 \
krb5_auth_context.3 krb5_auth_getlocalseqnumber.3 \
krb5_auth_context.3 krb5_auth_setlocalseqnumber.3 \
krb5_auth_context.3 krb5_auth_getremoteseqnumber.3 \
krb5_auth_context.3 krb5_auth_setremoteseqnumber.3 \
krb5_auth_context.3 krb5_auth_getauthenticator.3 \
krb5_auth_context.3 krb5_auth_con_getrcache.3 \
krb5_auth_context.3 krb5_auth_con_setrcache.3 \
krb5_auth_context.3 krb5_auth_con_initivector.3 \
krb5_auth_context.3 krb5_auth_con_setivector.3 \
krb5_build_principal.3 krb5_build_principal_ext.3 \
krb5_build_principal.3 krb5_build_principal_va.3 \
krb5_build_principal.3 krb5_build_principal_va_ext.3 \
krb5_build_principal.3 krb5_make_principal.3 \
krb5_config.3 krb5_config_get_bool_default.3 \
krb5_config.3 krb5_config_get_int_default.3 \
krb5_config.3 krb5_config_get_string_default.3 \
krb5_config.3 krb5_config_get_time_default.3 \
krb5_init_context.3 krb5_free_context.3 \
krb5_keytab.3 krb5_kt_ops.3 \
krb5_keytab.3 krb5_keytab_entry.3 \
krb5_keytab.3 krb5_kt_cursor.3 \
krb5_keytab.3 krb5_kt_add_entry.3 \
krb5_keytab.3 krb5_kt_close.3 \
krb5_keytab.3 krb5_kt_compare.3 \
krb5_keytab.3 krb5_kt_copy_entry_contents.3 \
krb5_keytab.3 krb5_kt_default.3 \
krb5_keytab.3 krb5_kt_default_name.3 \
krb5_keytab.3 krb5_kt_end_seq_get.3 \
krb5_keytab.3 krb5_kt_free_entry.3 \
krb5_keytab.3 krb5_kt_get_entry.3 \
krb5_keytab.3 krb5_kt_get_name.3 \
krb5_keytab.3 krb5_kt_next_entry.3 \
krb5_keytab.3 krb5_kt_read_service_key.3 \
krb5_keytab.3 krb5_kt_register.3 \
krb5_keytab.3 krb5_kt_remove_entry.3 \
krb5_keytab.3 krb5_kt_resolve.3 \
krb5_keytab.3 krb5_kt_start_seq_get.3 \
krb5_openlog.3 krb5_initlog.3 \
krb5_openlog.3 krb5_closelog.3 \
krb5_openlog.3 krb5_addlog_dest.3 \
krb5_openlog.3 krb5_addlog_func.3 \
krb5_openlog.3 krb5_log.3 \
krb5_openlog.3 krb5_vlog.3 \
krb5_openlog.3 krb5_log_msg.3 \
krb5_openlog.3 krb5_vlog_msg.3 \
krb5_sname_to_principal.3 krb5_sock_to_principal.3 \
krb5_warn.3 krb5_warnx.3 \
krb5_warn.3 krb5_vwarn.3 \
krb5_warn.3 krb5_vwarnx.3 \
krb5_warn.3 krb5_err.3 \
krb5_warn.3 krb5_errx.3 \
krb5_warn.3 krb5_verr.3 \
krb5_warn.3 krb5_verrx.3 \
krb5_warn.3 krb5_set_warn_dest.3
cp ${.CURDIR}/../../include/heimdal/$@ $@
INCSDIR= /usr/include/krb5
ASN1!= cd ${.CURDIR}/../libasn1 && ${PRINTOBJDIR}
-I${DIST}/heimdal/lib/krb5 \
-I${DIST}/openssl/crypto \
-I${ASN1} \
-I${DIST}/heimdal/lib/asn1 \
-I${DIST}/heimdal/lib/com_err \
-I${.CURDIR}/../../include/heimdal \
-I${.CURDIR}/../libroken \
-I${DIST}/heimdal/lib/roken \
CLEANFILES= ${ERR_FILES} krb5_err.h heim_err.h krb5-types.h k524_err.h
${SRCS:.c=.o}: krb5_err.h heim_err.h k524_err.h
TEXINFO= heimdal.texi
INFOFLAGS= -I${DIST}/heimdal/doc
# Prevent collision with old MIT Kerberos includes -- require manual
# intervention of the operator.
.ifmake includes
@if [ -f ${DESTDIR}${INCSDIR}/osconf.h ]; then \
echo "Error: you must first remove the MIT headers from ${DESTDIR}${INCSDIR}" >&2; \
false; \
.if ${MKSHARE} != "no"
FILES= ${DIST}/heimdal/krb5.conf
FILESDIR= /usr/share/examples/kerberos
.include <bsd.lib.mk>
.include <bsd.info.mk>