
107 lines
2.4 KiB

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Move old mail messages between queues by calling
# [config-script]
# Default config script is /usr/local/etc/movemail.conf.
# Graeme Hewson <>, June 2000
use strict;
# Load external program as subroutine to avoid
# compilation overhead on each call
sub loadsub {
my $fn = shift
or die "Filename not specified";
my $len = (stat($fn))[7]
or die "Can't stat $fn: $!";
open PROG, "< $fn"
or die "Can't open $fn: $!";
my $prog;
read PROG, $prog, $len
or die "Can't read $fn: $!";
close PROG;
eval join "",
'return sub { my @ARGV = @_; $0 = $fn; no strict;',
my $progname = $0;
my $lastage = -1;
my $LOCK_EX = 2;
my $LOCK_NB = 4;
# Load and eval config script
my $conffile = shift || "/usr/local/etc/movemail.conf";
my $len = (stat($conffile))[7]
or die "Can't stat $conffile: $!";
open CONF, "< $conffile"
or die "Can't open $conffile: $!";
my $conf;
read CONF, $conf, $len
or die "Can't read $conffile: $!";
close CONF;
use vars qw(@queues $subqbase @ages $remqueue $lockfile);
eval $conf;
if ($#queues < 1) {
print "$progname: there must be at least two queues\n";
exit 1;
if ($#ages != ($#queues - 1)) {
print "$progname: wrong number of ages (should be one less than number of queues)\n";
exit 1;
# Get lock or exit quietly. Useful when running from cron.
if ($lockfile) {
open LOCK, ">>$lockfile"
or die "Can't open lock file: $!";
unless (flock LOCK, $LOCK_EX|$LOCK_NB) {
close LOCK;
exit 0;
my $remsub = loadsub($remqueue);
# Go through directories in reverse order so as to check spool files only once
for (my $n = $#queues - 1; $n >= 0; $n--) {
unless ($ages[$n] =~ /^\d+$/) {
print "$progname: invalid number $ages[$n] in ages array\n";
exit 1;
unless ($lastage < 0 || $ages[$n] < $lastage) {
print "$progname: age $lastage is not > previous value $ages[$n]\n";
exit 1;
$lastage = $ages[$n];
if ($subqbase) {
my $subdir;
opendir(DIR, $queues[$n])
or die "Can't open $queues[$n]: $!";
foreach $subdir ( grep { /^$subqbase/ } readdir DIR) {
&$remsub("$queues[$n]/$subdir", "$queues[$n+1]/$subdir",
} else {
# Not using subdirectories
&$remsub($queues[$n], $queues[$n+1], $ages[$n]);
if ($lockfile) {
unlink $lockfile;
close LOCK;