christos 5850b2d2cf Remove extra -c. -c has been the default behavior since 2003, and
the comment why it is needed was introduced in 2001. We don't want
to duplicate -c which is set in ${COPY} because someone might want
to override that.
2018-12-26 22:57:22 +00:00

57 lines
1.4 KiB

# $NetBSD:,v 1.33 2018/12/26 22:57:22 christos Exp $
.include <>
##### Basic targets
includes: ${INCS} incinstall inclinkinstall
##### Default values
##### Install rules
incinstall:: # ensure existence
.PHONY: incinstall
__incinstall: .USE
@cmp -s ${.ALLSRC} ${.TARGET} > /dev/null 2>&1 || \
-m ${NONBINMODE} ${.ALLSRC} ${.TARGET}" && \
.for F in ${INCS:O:u}
_FDIR:= ${INCSDIR_${F:C,/,_,g}:U${INCSDIR}} # dir override
_FNAME:= ${INCSNAME_${F:C,/,_,g}:U${INCSNAME:U${F}}} # name override
_F:= ${DESTDIR}${_FDIR}/${_FNAME} # installed path
.if ${MKUPDATE} == "no"
${_F}! ${F} __incinstall # install rule
${_F}: ${F} __incinstall # install rule
incinstall:: ${_F}
.PRECIOUS: ${_F} # keep if install fails
.undef _FDIR
.undef _FNAME
.undef _F
inclinkinstall: .PHONY
.if !empty(INCSYMLINKS)
@(set ${INCSYMLINKS}; \
while test $$# -ge 2; do \
l=$$1; shift; \
t=${DESTDIR}$$1; shift; \
if ttarg=`${TOOL_STAT} -qf '%Y' $$t` && \
[ "$$l" = "$$ttarg" ]; then \
continue ; \
fi ; \
${INSTALL_SYMLINK} $$l $$t; \
done; )