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This file contains installation information for the GNU Fortran
compiler. Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc. You
may copy, distribute, and modify it freely as long as you preserve this
copyright notice and permission notice.
Installing GNU Fortran
The following information describes how to install `g77'.
Note that, for `egcs' users, much of this information is obsolete,
and is superceded by the `egcs' installation procedures. Such
information is explicitly flagged as such.
The information in this file generally pertains to dealing with
*source* distributions of `g77' and `gcc'. It is possible that some of
this information will be applicable to some *binary* distributions of
these products--however, since these distributions are not made by the
maintainers of `g77', responsibility for binary distributions rests with
whoever built and first distributed them.
Nevertheless, efforts to make `g77' easier to both build and install
from source and package up as a binary distribution are ongoing.
*Version info:* For `egcs' users, the following information is
superceded by the `egcs' installation instructions.
The procedures described to unpack, configure, build, and install
`g77' assume your system has certain programs already installed.
The following prerequisites should be met by your system before you
follow the `g77' installation instructions:
`gzip' and `tar'
To unpack the `gcc' and `g77' distributions, you'll need the
`gunzip' utility in the `gzip' distribution. Most UNIX systems
already have `gzip' installed. If yours doesn't, you can get it
from the FSF.
Note that you'll need `tar' and other utilities as well, but all
UNIX systems have these. There are GNU versions of all these
available--in fact, a complete GNU UNIX system can be put together
on most systems, if desired.
The version of GNU `gzip' used to package this release is
1.2.4. (The version of GNU `tar' used to package this release is
You need to have this, or some other applicable, version of `gcc'
on your system. The version should be an exact copy of a
distribution from the FSF. Its size is approximately 8.4MB.
If you've already unpacked `gcc-2.8.1.tar.gz' into a directory
(named `gcc-2.8.1') called the "source tree" for `gcc', you can
delete the distribution itself, but you'll need to remember to
skip any instructions to unpack this distribution.
Without an applicable `gcc' source tree, you cannot build `g77'.
You can obtain an FSF distribution of `gcc' from the FSF.
You probably have already unpacked this package, or you are
reading an advance copy of these installation instructions, which
are contained in this distribution. The size of this package is
approximately 1.4MB.
You can obtain an FSF distribution of `g77' from the FSF, the same
way you obtained `gcc'.
Enough disk space
The amount of disk space needed to unpack, build, install, and use
`g77' depends on the type of system you're using, how you build
`g77', and how much of it you install (primarily, which languages
you install).
The sizes shown below assume all languages distributed in
`gcc-2.8.1', plus `g77', will be built and installed. These sizes
are indicative of GNU/Linux systems on Intel x86 running COFF and
on Digital Alpha (AXP) systems running ELF. These should be
fairly representative of 32-bit and 64-bit systems, respectively.
Note that all sizes are approximate and subject to change without
notice! They are based on preliminary releases of g77 made shortly
before the public beta release.
-- `gcc' and `g77' distributions occupy 10MB packed, 40MB
unpacked. These consist of the source code and documentation,
plus some derived files (mostly documentation), for `gcc' and
`g77'. Any deviations from these numbers for different kinds
of systems are likely to be very minor.
-- A "bootstrap" build requires an additional 91MB for a total
of 132MB on an ix86, and an additional 136MB for a total of
177MB on an Alpha.
-- Removing `gcc/stage1' after the build recovers 13MB for a
total of 119MB on an ix86, and recovers 21MB for a total of
155MB on an Alpha.
After doing this, the integrity of the build can still be
verified via `make compare', and the `gcc' compiler modified
and used to build itself for testing fairly quickly, using
the copy of the compiler kept in `gcc/stage2'.
-- Removing `gcc/stage2' after the build further recovers 39MB
for a total of 80MB, and recovers 57MB for a total of 98MB on
an Alpha.
After doing this, the compiler can still be installed,
especially if GNU `make' is used to avoid gratuitous rebuilds
(or, the installation can be done by hand).
-- Installing `gcc' and `g77' copies 23MB onto the `--prefix'
disk for a total of 103MB on an ix86, and copies 31MB onto
the `--prefix' disk for a total of 130MB on an Alpha.
After installation, if no further modifications and builds of
`gcc' or `g77' are planned, the source and build directory may be
removed, leaving the total impact on a system's disk storage as
that of the amount copied during installation.
Systems with the appropriate version of `gcc' installed don't
require the complete bootstrap build. Doing a "straight build"
requires about as much space as does a bootstrap build followed by
removing both the `gcc/stage1' and `gcc/stage2' directories.
Installing `gcc' and `g77' over existing versions might require
less *new* disk space, but note that, unlike many products, `gcc'
installs itself in a way that avoids overwriting other installed
versions of itself, so that other versions may easily be invoked
(via `gcc -V VERSION').
So, the amount of space saved as a result of having an existing
version of `gcc' and `g77' already installed is not
much--typically only the command drivers (`gcc', `g77', `g++', and
so on, which are small) and the documentation is overwritten by
the new installation. The rest of the new installation is done
without replacing existing installed versions (assuming they have
different version numbers).
Your system must have `make', and you will probably save yourself
a lot of trouble if it is GNU `make' (sometimes referred to as
`gmake'). In particular, you probably need GNU `make' to build
outside the source directory (with `configure''s `--srcdir'
The version of GNU `make' used to develop this release is
Your system must have a working C compiler. If it doesn't, you
might be able to obtain a prebuilt binary of some version of `gcc'
from the network or on CD-ROM, perhaps from the FSF. The best
source of information about binaries is probably a system-specific
Usenet news group, initially via its FAQ.
*Note Installing GNU CC: (gcc)Installation, for more information
on prerequisites for installing `gcc'.
All UNIX systems have `sed', but some have a broken version that
cannot handle configuring, building, or installing `gcc' or `g77'.
The version of GNU `sed' used to develop this release is
2.05. (Note that GNU `sed' version 3.0 was withdrawn by the
FSF--if you happen to have this version installed, replace it with
version 2.05 immediately. See a GNU distribution site for further
`root' access or equivalent
To perform the complete installation procedures on a system, you
need to have `root' access to that system, or equivalent access to
the `--prefix' directory tree specified on the `configure' command
Portions of the procedure (such as configuring and building `g77')
can be performed by any user with enough disk space and virtual
However, these instructions are oriented towards less-experienced
users who want to install `g77' on their own personal systems.
System administrators with more experience will want to determine
for themselves how they want to modify the procedures described
below to suit the needs of their installation.
The version of GNU `autoconf' used to develop this release is
`autoconf' is not needed in the typical case of installing `gcc'
and `g77'. *Note Missing tools?::, for information on when it
might be needed and how to work around not having it.
The version of GNU `bison' used to develop this release is
`bison' is not needed in the typical case of installing `gcc' and
`g77'. *Note Missing tools?::, for information on when it might
be needed and how to work around not having it.
The version of GNU `gperf' used to develop this release is
`gperf' is not needed in the typical case of installing `gcc' and
`g77'. *Note Missing tools?::, for information on when it might
be needed and how to work around not having it.
The version of GNU `makeinfo' used to develop this release is
`makeinfo' is part of the GNU `texinfo' package; `makeinfo'
version 1.68 is distributed as part of GNU `texinfo' version
`makeinfo' is not needed in the typical case of installing `gcc'
and `g77'. *Note Missing tools?::, for information on when it
might be needed and how to work around not having it.
An up-to-date version of GNU `makeinfo' is still convenient when
obtaining a new version of a GNU distribution such as `gcc' or
`g77', as it allows you to obtain the `.diff.gz' file instead of
the entire `.tar.gz' distribution (assuming you have installed
The version of GNU `patch' used to develop this release is
Beginning with `g77' version 0.5.23, it is no longer necessary to
patch the `gcc' back end to build `g77'.
An up-to-date version of GNU `patch' is still convenient when
obtaining a new version of a GNU distribution such as `gcc' or
`g77', as it allows you to obtain the `.diff.gz' file instead of
the entire `.tar.gz' distribution (assuming you have installed the
tools needed to rebuild derived files, such as `makeinfo').
Problems Installing
This is a list of problems (and some apparent problems which don't
really mean anything is wrong) that show up when configuring, building,
installing, or porting GNU Fortran.
*Note Installation Problems: (gcc)Installation Problems, for more
information on installation problems that can afflict either `gcc' or
General Problems
These problems can occur on most or all systems.
GNU C Required
Compiling `g77' requires GNU C, not just ANSI C. Fixing this
wouldn't be very hard (just tedious), but the code using GNU extensions
to the C language is expected to be rewritten for 0.6 anyway, so there
are no plans for an interim fix.
This requirement does not mean you must already have `gcc' installed
to build `g77'. As long as you have a working C compiler, you can use a
bootstrap build to automate the process of first building `gcc' using
the working C compiler you have, then building `g77' and rebuilding
`gcc' using that just-built `gcc', and so on.
Patching GNU CC
`g77' no longer requires application of a patch file to the `gcc'
compiler tree. In fact, no such patch file is distributed with `g77'.
This is as of version 0.5.23 and `egcs' version 1.0.
Building GNU CC Necessary
It should be possible to build the runtime without building `cc1'
and other non-Fortran items, but, for now, an easy way to do that is
not yet established.
Missing strtoul or bsearch
*Version info:* The following information does not apply to the
`egcs' version of `g77'.
On SunOS4 systems, linking the `f771' program used to produce an
error message concerning an undefined symbol named `_strtoul', because
the `strtoul' library function is not provided on that system.
Other systems have, in the past, been reported to not provide their
own `strtoul' or `bsearch' function.
Some versions `g77' tried to default to providing bare-bones
versions of `bsearch' and `strtoul' automatically, but every attempt at
this has failed for at least one kind of system.
To limit the failures to those few systems actually missing the
required routines, the bare-bones versions are still provided, in
`gcc/f/proj.c', if the appropriate macros are defined. These are
`NEED_BSEARCH' for `bsearch' and `NEED_STRTOUL' for `NEED_STRTOUL'.
Therefore, if you are sure your system is missing `bsearch' or
`strtoul' in its library, define the relevant macro(s) before building
`g77'. This can be done by editing `gcc/f/proj.c' and inserting either
or both of the following `#define' statements before the comment shown:
/* Insert #define statements here. */
Then, continue configuring and building `g77' as usual.
Or, you can define these on the `make' command line. To build with
the bundled `cc' on SunOS4, for example, try:
make bootstrap BOOT_CFLAGS='-O2 -g -DNEED_STRTOUL'
If you then encounter problems compiling `gcc/f/proj.c', it might be
due to a discrepancy between how `bsearch' or `strtoul' are defined by
that file and how they're declared by your system's header files.
In that case, you'll have to use some basic knowledge of C to work
around the problem, perhaps by editing `gcc/f/proj.c' somewhat.
Cleanup Kills Stage Directories
It'd be helpful if `g77''s `' or `' would
create the various `stageN' directories and their subdirectories, so
developers and expert installers wouldn't have to reconfigure after
cleaning up.
That help has arrived as of version 0.5.23 of `g77' and version 1.1
of `egcs'. Configuration itself no longer creates any particular
directories that are unique to `g77'. The build procedures in
`' take care of that, on demand.
LANGUAGES Macro Ignored
Prior to version 0.5.23 of `g77' and version 1.1 of `egcs', `g77'
would sometimes ignore the absence of `f77' and `F77' in the
`LANGUAGES' macro definition used for the `make' command being
As of `g77' version 0.5.23 and `egcs' version 1.1, `g77' now obeys
this macro in all relevant situations.
However, in versions of `gcc' through 2.8.1, non-`g77' portions of
`gcc', such as `g++', are known to go ahead and perform various
language-specific activities when their respective language strings do
not appear in the `LANGUAGES' macro in effect during that invocation of
It is expected that these remaining problems will be fixed in a
future version of `gcc'.
System-specific Problems
A linker bug on some versions of AIX 4.1 might prevent building when
`g77' is built within `gcc'. It might also occur when building within
`egcs'. *Note LINKFAIL::.
Cross-compiler Problems
`g77' has been in alpha testing since September of 1992, and in
public beta testing since February of 1995. Alpha testing was done by
a small number of people worldwide on a fairly wide variety of
machines, involving self-compilation in most or all cases. Beta
testing has been done primarily via self-compilation, but in more and
more cases, cross-compilation (and "criss-cross compilation", where a
version of a compiler is built on one machine to run on a second and
generate code that runs on a third) has been tried and has succeeded,
to varying extents.
Generally, `g77' can be ported to any configuration to which `gcc',
`f2c', and `libf2c' can be ported and made to work together, aside from
the known problems described in this manual. If you want to port `g77'
to a particular configuration, you should first make sure `gcc' and
`libf2c' can be ported to that configuration before focusing on `g77',
because `g77' is so dependent on them.
Even for cases where `gcc' and `libf2c' work, you might run into
problems with cross-compilation on certain machines, for several
* There is one known bug (a design bug to be fixed in 0.6) that
prevents configuration of `g77' as a cross-compiler in some cases,
though there are assumptions made during configuration that
probably make doing non-self-hosting builds a hassle, requiring
manual intervention.
* `gcc' might still have some trouble being configured for certain
combinations of machines. For example, it might not know how to
handle floating-point constants.
* Improvements to the way `libg2c' is built could make building
`g77' as a cross-compiler easier--for example, passing and using
`$(LD)' and `$(AR)' in the appropriate ways. (This is improved in
the `egcs' version of `g77', especially as of version 1.1.)
* There are still some challenges putting together the right
run-time libraries (needed by `libg2c') for a target system,
depending on the systems involved in the configuration. (This is
a general problem with cross-compilation, and with `gcc' in
Changing Settings Before Building
Here are some internal `g77' settings that can be changed by editing
source files in `gcc/f/' before building.
This information, and perhaps even these settings, represent
stop-gap solutions to problems people doing various ports of `g77' have
encountered. As such, none of the following information is expected to
be pertinent in future versions of `g77'.
Larger File Unit Numbers
As distributed, whether as part of `f2c' or `g77', `libf2c' accepts
file unit numbers only in the range 0 through 99. For example, a
statement such as `WRITE (UNIT=100)' causes a run-time crash in
`libf2c', because the unit number, 100, is out of range.
If you know that Fortran programs at your installation require the
use of unit numbers higher than 99, you can change the value of the
`MXUNIT' macro, which represents the maximum unit number, to an
appropriately higher value.
To do this, edit the file `f/runtime/libI77/fio.h' in your `g77'
source tree, changing the following line:
#define MXUNIT 100
Change the line so that the value of `MXUNIT' is defined to be at
least one *greater* than the maximum unit number used by the Fortran
programs on your system.
(For example, a program that does `WRITE (UNIT=255)' would require
`MXUNIT' set to at least 256 to avoid crashing.)
Then build or rebuild `g77' as appropriate.
*Note:* Changing this macro has *no* effect on other limits your
system might place on the number of files open at the same time. That
is, the macro might allow a program to do `WRITE (UNIT=100)', but the
library and operating system underlying `libf2c' might disallow it if
many other files have already been opened (via `OPEN' or implicitly via
`READ', `WRITE', and so on). Information on how to increase these
other limits should be found in your system's documentation.
Always Flush Output
Some Fortran programs require output (writes) to be flushed to the
operating system (under UNIX, via the `fflush()' library call) so that
errors, such as disk full, are immediately flagged via the relevant
`ERR=' and `IOSTAT=' mechanism, instead of such errors being flagged
later as subsequent writes occur, forcing the previously written data
to disk, or when the file is closed.
Essentially, the difference can be viewed as synchronous error
reporting (immediate flagging of errors during writes) versus
asynchronous, or, more precisely, buffered error reporting (detection
of errors might be delayed).
`libg2c' supports flagging write errors immediately when it is built
with the `ALWAYS_FLUSH' macro defined. This results in a `libg2c' that
runs slower, sometimes quite a bit slower, under certain
circumstances--for example, accessing files via the networked file
system NFS--but the effect can be more reliable, robust file I/O.
If you know that Fortran programs requiring this level of precision
of error reporting are to be compiled using the version of `g77' you
are building, you might wish to modify the `g77' source tree so that
the version of `libg2c' is built with the `ALWAYS_FLUSH' macro defined,
enabling this behavior.
To do this, find this line in `f/runtime/f2c.h' in your `g77' source
/* #define ALWAYS_FLUSH */
Remove the leading `/* ', so the line begins with `#define', and the
trailing ` */'.
Then build or rebuild `g77' as appropriate.
Maximum Stackable Size
`g77', on most machines, puts many variables and arrays on the stack
where possible, and can be configured (by changing
`FFECOM_sizeMAXSTACKITEM' in `gcc/f/com.c') to force smaller-sized
entities into static storage (saving on stack space) or permit
larger-sized entities to be put on the stack (which can improve
run-time performance, as it presents more opportunities for the GBE to
optimize the generated code).
*Note:* Putting more variables and arrays on the stack might cause
problems due to system-dependent limits on stack size. Also, the value
of `FFECOM_sizeMAXSTACKITEM' has no effect on automatic variables and
arrays. *Note But-bugs::, for more information.
Floating-point Bit Patterns
The `g77' build will crash if an attempt is made to build it as a
cross-compiler for a target when `g77' cannot reliably determine the
bit pattern of floating-point constants for the target. Planned
improvements for version 0.6 of `g77' will give it the capabilities it
needs to not have to crash the build but rather generate correct code
for the target. (Currently, `g77' would generate bad code under such
circumstances if it didn't crash during the build, e.g. when compiling
a source file that does something like `EQUIVALENCE (I,R)' and `DATA
Initialization of Large Aggregate Areas
A warning message is issued when `g77' sees code that provides
initial values (e.g. via `DATA') to an aggregate area (`COMMON' or
`EQUIVALENCE', or even a large enough array or `CHARACTER' variable)
that is large enough to increase `g77''s compile time by roughly a
factor of 10.
This size currently is quite small, since `g77' currently has a
known bug requiring too much memory and time to handle such cases. In
`gcc/f/data.c', the macro `FFEDATA_sizeTOO_BIG_INIT_' is defined to the
minimum size for the warning to appear. The size is specified in
storage units, which can be bytes, words, or whatever, on a
case-by-case basis.
After changing this macro definition, you must (of course) rebuild
and reinstall `g77' for the change to take effect.
Note that, as of version 0.5.18, improvements have reduced the scope
of the problem for *sparse* initialization of large arrays, especially
those with large, contiguous uninitialized areas. However, the warning
is issued at a point prior to when `g77' knows whether the
initialization is sparse, and delaying the warning could mean it is
produced too late to be helpful.
Therefore, the macro definition should not be adjusted to reflect
sparse cases. Instead, adjust it to generate the warning when densely
initialized arrays begin to cause responses noticeably slower than
linear performance would suggest.
Alpha Problems Fixed
`g77' used to warn when it was used to compile Fortran code for a
target configuration that is not basically a 32-bit machine (such as an
Alpha, which is a 64-bit machine, especially if it has a 64-bit
operating system running on it). That was because `g77' was known to
not work properly on such configurations.
As of version 0.5.20, `g77' is believed to work well enough on such
systems. So, the warning is no longer needed or provided.
However, support for 64-bit systems, especially in areas such as
cross-compilation and handling of intrinsics, is still incomplete. The
symptoms are believed to be compile-time diagnostics rather than the
generation of bad code. It is hoped that version 0.6 will completely
support 64-bit systems.
Quick Start
*Version info:* For `egcs' users, the following information is
superceded by the `egcs' installation instructions.
This procedure configures, builds, and installs `g77' "out of the
box" and works on most UNIX systems. Each command is identified by a
unique number, used in the explanatory text that follows. For the most
part, the output of each command is not shown, though indications of
the types of responses are given in a few cases.
To perform this procedure, the installer must be logged in as user
`root'. Much of it can be done while not logged in as `root', and
users experienced with UNIX administration should be able to modify the
procedure properly to do so.
Following traditional UNIX conventions, it is assumed that the
source trees for `g77' and `gcc' will be placed in `/usr/src'. It also
is assumed that the source distributions themselves already reside in
`/usr/FSF', a naming convention used by the author of `g77' on his own
If you vary *any* of the steps below, you might run into trouble,
including possibly breaking existing programs for other users of your
system. Before doing so, it is wise to review the explanations of some
of the steps. These explanations follow this list of steps.
sh[ 1]# cd /usr/src
sh[ 2]# gunzip -c < /usr/FSF/gcc-2.8.1.tar.gz | tar xf -
[Might say "Broken pipe"...that is normal on some systems.]
sh[ 3]# gunzip -c < /usr/FSF/g77-0.5.24.tar.gz | tar xf -
["Broken pipe" again possible.]
sh[ 4]# ln -s gcc-2.8.1 gcc
sh[ 5]# ln -s g77-0.5.24 g77
sh[ 6]# mv -i g77/* gcc
[No questions should be asked by mv here; or, you made a mistake.]
sh[ 7]# cd gcc
sh[ 8]# ./configure --prefix=/usr
[Do not do the above if gcc is not installed in /usr/bin.
You might need a different --prefix=..., as
described below.]
sh[ 9]# make bootstrap
[This takes a long time, and is where most problems occur.]
sh[10]# make compare
[This verifies that the compiler is `sane'.
If any files are printed, you have likely found a g77 bug.]
sh[11]# rm -fr stage1
sh[12]# make -k install
[The actual installation.]
sh[13]# g77 -v
[Verify that g77 is installed, obtain version info.]
*Note Updating Your Info Directory: Updating Documentation, for
information on how to update your system's top-level `info' directory
to contain a reference to this manual, so that users of `g77' can
easily find documentation instead of having to ask you for it.
Elaborations of many of the above steps follows:
Step 1: `cd /usr/src'
You can build `g77' pretty much anyplace. By convention, this
manual assumes `/usr/src'. It might be helpful if other users on
your system knew where to look for the source code for the
installed version of `g77' and `gcc' in any case.
Step 3: `gunzip -d < /usr/FSF/g77-0.5.24.tar.gz | tar xf -'
It is not always necessary to obtain the latest version of `g77'
as a complete `.tar.gz' file if you have a complete, earlier
distribution of `g77'. If appropriate, you can unpack that earlier
version of `g77', and then apply the appropriate patches to
achieve the same result--a source tree containing version
0.5.24 of `g77'.
Step 4: `ln -s gcc-2.8.1 gcc'
Step 5: `ln -s g77-0.5.24 g77'
These commands mainly help reduce typing, and help reduce visual
clutter in examples in this manual showing what to type to install
*Note Unpacking::, for information on using distributions of `g77'
made by organizations other than the FSF.
Step 6: `mv -i g77/* gcc'
After doing this, you can, if you like, type `rm g77' and `rmdir
g77-0.5.24' to remove the empty directory and the symbol link to
it. But, it might be helpful to leave them around as quick
reminders of which version(s) of `g77' are installed on your
*Note Unpacking::, for information on the contents of the `g77'
directory (as merged into the `gcc' directory).
Step 8: `./configure --prefix=/usr'
This is where you specify that the `g77' and `gcc' executables are
to be installed in `/usr/bin/', the `g77' and `gcc' documentation
is to be installed in `/usr/info/' and `/usr/man/', and so on.
You should ensure that any existing installation of the `gcc'
executable is in `/usr/bin/'.
However, if that existing version of `gcc' is not 2.8.1, or if you
simply wish to avoid risking overwriting it with a newly built
copy of the same version, you can specify `--prefix=/usr/local'
(which is the default) or some other path, and invoke the newly
installed version directly from that path's `bin' directory.
*Note Where in the World Does Fortran (and GNU CC) Go?: Where to
Install, for more information on determining where to install
`g77'. *Note Configuring gcc::, for more information on the
configuration process triggered by invoking the `./configure'
Step 9: `make bootstrap'
*Note Installing GNU CC: (gcc)Installation, for information on the
kinds of diagnostics you should expect during this procedure.
*Note Building gcc::, for complete `g77'-specific information on
this step.
Step 10: `make compare'
*Note Where to Port Bugs: Bug Lists, for information on where to
report that you observed files having different contents during
this phase.
*Note How to Report Bugs: Bug Reporting, for information on *how*
to report bugs like this.
Step 11: `rm -fr stage1'
You don't need to do this, but it frees up disk space.
Step 12: `make -k install'
If this doesn't seem to work, try:
make -k install install-libf77
Or, make sure you're using GNU `make'.
*Note Installation of Binaries::, for more information.
*Note Updating Your Info Directory: Updating Documentation, for
information on entering this manual into your system's list of
texinfo manuals.
Step 13: `g77 -v'
If this command prints approximately 25 lines of output, including
the GNU Fortran Front End version number (which should be the same
as the version number for the version of `g77' you just built and
installed) and the version numbers for the three parts of the
`libf2c' library (`libF77', `libI77', `libU77'), and those version
numbers are all in agreement, then there is a high likelihood that
the installation has been successfully completed.
You might consider doing further testing. For example, log in as
a non-privileged user, then create a small Fortran program, such
DO 10 I=1, 10
PRINT *, 'Hello World #', I
Compile, link, and run the above program, and, assuming you named
the source file `smtest.f', the session should look like this:
sh# g77 -o smtest smtest.f
sh# ./smtest
Hello World # 1
Hello World # 2
Hello World # 3
Hello World # 4
Hello World # 5
Hello World # 6
Hello World # 7
Hello World # 8
Hello World # 9
Hello World # 10
If invoking `g77' doesn't seem to work, the problem might be that
you've installed it in a location that is not in your shell's
search path. For example, if you specified `--prefix=/gnu', and
`/gnu/bin' is not in your `PATH' environment variable, you must
explicitly specify the location of the compiler via `/gnu/bin/g77
-o smtest smtest.f'.
After proper installation, you don't need to keep your gcc and g77
source and build directories around anymore. Removing them can
free up a lot of disk space.
Complete Installation
*Version info:* For `egcs' users, the following information is
mostly superceded by the `egcs' installation instructions.
Here is the complete `g77'-specific information on how to configure,
build, and install `g77'.
The `gcc' source distribution is a stand-alone distribution. It is
designed to be unpacked (producing the `gcc' source tree) and built as
is, assuming certain prerequisites are met (including the availability
of compatible UNIX programs such as `make', `cc', and so on).
However, before building `gcc', you will want to unpack and merge
the `g77' distribution in with it, so that you build a Fortran-capable
version of `gcc', which includes the `g77' command, the necessary
run-time libraries, and this manual.
Unlike `gcc', the `g77' source distribution is *not* a stand-alone
distribution. It is designed to be unpacked and, afterwards,
immediately merged into an applicable `gcc' source tree. That is, the
`g77' distribution *augments* a `gcc' distribution--without `gcc',
generally only the documentation is immediately usable.
A sequence of commands typically used to unpack `gcc' and `g77' is:
sh# cd /usr/src
sh# gunzip -c /usr/FSF/gcc-2.8.1.tar.gz | tar xf -
sh# gunzip -c /usr/FSF/g77-0.5.24.tar.gz | tar xf -
sh# ln -s gcc-2.8.1 gcc
sh# ln -s g77-0.5.24 g77
sh# mv -i g77/* gcc
*Notes:* The commands beginning with `gunzip...' might print `Broken
pipe...' as they complete. That is nothing to worry about, unless you
actually *hear* a pipe breaking. The `ln' commands are helpful in
reducing typing and clutter in installation examples in this manual.
Hereafter, the top level of `gcc' source tree is referred to as `gcc',
and the top level of just the `g77' source tree (prior to issuing the
`mv' command, above) is referred to as `g77'.
There are three top-level names in a `g77' distribution:
All three entries should be moved (or copied) into a `gcc' source
tree (typically named after its version number and as it appears in the
FSF distributions--e.g. `gcc-2.8.1').
`g77/f' is the subdirectory containing all of the code,
documentation, and other information that is specific to `g77'. The
other two files exist to provide information on `g77' to someone
encountering a `gcc' source tree with `g77' already present, who has
not yet read these installation instructions and thus needs help
understanding that the source tree they are looking at does not come
from a single FSF distribution. They also help people encountering an
unmerged `g77' source tree for the first time.
*Note:* Please use *only* `gcc' and `g77' source trees as
distributed by the FSF. Use of modified versions is likely to result
in problems that appear to be in the `g77' code but, in fact, are not.
Do not use such modified versions unless you understand all the
differences between them and the versions the FSF distributes--in which
case you should be able to modify the `g77' (or `gcc') source trees
appropriately so `g77' and `gcc' can coexist as they do in the stock
FSF distributions.
Merging Distributions
After merging the `g77' source tree into the `gcc' source tree, you
have put together a complete `g77' source tree.
As of version 0.5.23, `g77' no longer modifies the version number of
`gcc', nor does it patch `gcc' itself.
`g77' still depends on being merged with an appropriate version of
`gcc'. For version 0.5.24 of `g77', the specific version of `gcc'
supported is 2.8.1.
However, other versions of `gcc' might be suitable "hosts" for this
version of `g77'.
GNU version numbers make it easy to figure out whether a particular
version of a distribution is newer or older than some other version of
that distribution. The format is, generally, MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, with
each field being a decimal number. (You can safely ignore leading
zeros; for example, 1.5.3 is the same as 1.5.03.) The MAJOR field only
increases with time. The other two fields are reset to 0 when the
field to their left is incremented; otherwise, they, too, only increase
with time. So, version 2.6.2 is newer than version 2.5.8, and version
3.0 is newer than both. (Trailing `.0' fields often are omitted in
announcements and in names for distributions and the directories they
If your version of `gcc' is older than the oldest version supported
by `g77' (as casually determined by listing the contents of
`gcc/f/INSTALL/', which contains these installation instructions in
plain-text format), you should obtain a newer, supported version of
`gcc'. (You could instead obtain an older version of `g77', or try and
get your `g77' to work with the old `gcc', but neither approach is
recommended, and you shouldn't bother reporting any bugs you find if you
take either approach, because they're probably already fixed in the
newer versions you're not using.)
If your version of `gcc' is newer than the newest version supported
by `g77', it is possible that your `g77' will work with it anyway. If
the version number for `gcc' differs only in the PATCH field, you might
as well try that version of `gcc'. Since it has the same MAJOR and
MINOR fields, the resulting combination is likely to work.
So, for example, if a particular version of `g77' has support for
`gcc' versions 2.8.0 and 2.8.1, it is likely that `gcc-2.8.2' would
work well with `g77'.
However, `gcc-2.9.0' would almost certainly not work with that
version of `g77' without appropriate modifications, so a new version of
`g77' would be needed (and you should wait for it rather than bothering
the maintainers--*note User-Visible Changes: Changes.).
This complexity is the result of `gcc' and `g77' being separate
distributions. By keeping them separate, each product is able to be
independently improved and distributed to its user base more frequently.
However, the GBE interface defined by `gcc' typically undergoes some
incompatible changes at least every time the MINOR field of the version
number is incremented, and such changes require corresponding changes to
the `g77' front end (FFE).
Where in the World Does Fortran (and GNU CC) Go?
Before configuring, you should make sure you know where you want the
`g77' and `gcc' binaries to be installed after they're built, because
this information is given to the configuration tool and used during the
build itself.
A `g77' installation normally includes installation of a
Fortran-aware version of `gcc', so that the `gcc' command recognizes
Fortran source files and knows how to compile them.
For this to work, the version of `gcc' that you will be building as
part of `g77' *must* be installed as the "active" version of `gcc' on
the system.
Sometimes people make the mistake of installing `gcc' as
`/usr/local/bin/gcc', leaving an older, non-Fortran-aware version in
`/usr/bin/gcc'. (Or, the opposite happens.) This can result in `gcc'
being unable to compile Fortran source files, because when the older
version of `gcc' is invoked, it complains that it does not recognize
the language, or the file name suffix.
So, determine whether `gcc' already is installed on your system,
and, if so, *where* it is installed, and prepare to configure the new
version of `gcc' you'll be building so that it installs over the
existing version of `gcc'.
You might want to back up your existing copy of `/usr/bin/gcc', and
the entire `/usr/lib' directory, before you perform the actual
installation (as described in this manual).
Existing `gcc' installations typically are found in `/usr' or
`/usr/local'. (This means the commands are installed in `/usr/bin' or
`/usr/local/bin', the libraries in `/usr/lib' or `/usr/local/lib', and
so on.)
If you aren't certain where the currently installed version of `gcc'
and its related programs reside, look at the output of this command:
gcc -v -o /tmp/delete-me -xc /dev/null -xnone
All sorts of interesting information on the locations of various
`gcc'-related programs and data files should be visible in the output
of the above command. (The output also is likely to include a
diagnostic from the linker, since there's no `main_()' function.)
However, you do have to sift through it yourself; `gcc' currently
provides no easy way to ask it where it is installed and where it looks
for the various programs and data files it calls on to do its work.
Just *building* `g77' should not overwrite any installed
programs--but, usually, after you build `g77', you will want to install
it, so backing up anything it might overwrite is a good idea. (This is
true for any package, not just `g77', though in this case it is
intentional that `g77' overwrites `gcc' if it is already installed--it
is unusual that the installation process for one distribution
intentionally overwrites a program or file installed by another
distribution, although, in this case, `g77' is an augmentation of the
`gcc' distribution.)
Another reason to back up the existing version first, or make sure
you can restore it easily, is that it might be an older version on
which other users have come to depend for certain behaviors. However,
even the new version of `gcc' you install will offer users the ability
to specify an older version of the actual compilation programs if
desired, and these older versions need not include any `g77' components.
*Note Specifying Target Machine and Compiler Version: (gcc)Target
Options, for information on the `-V' option of `gcc'.
Configuring GNU CC
`g77' is configured automatically when you configure `gcc'. There
are two parts of `g77' that are configured in two different
ways--`g77', which "camps on" to the `gcc' configuration mechanism, and
`libg2c', which uses a variation of the GNU `autoconf' configuration
Generally, you shouldn't have to be concerned with either `g77' or
`libg2c' configuration, unless you're configuring `g77' as a
cross-compiler. In this case, the `libg2c' configuration, and possibly
the `g77' and `gcc' configurations as well, might need special
attention. (This also might be the case if you're porting `gcc' to a
whole new system--even if it is just a new operating system on an
existing, supported CPU.)
To configure the system, see *Note Installing GNU CC:
(gcc)Installation, following the instructions for running `./configure'.
Pay special attention to the `--prefix=' option, which you almost
certainly will need to specify.
(Note that `gcc' installation information is provided as a
plain-text file in `gcc/INSTALL'.)
The information printed by the invocation of `./configure' should
show that the `f' directory (the Fortran language) has been configured.
If it does not, there is a problem.
*Note:* Configuring with the `--srcdir' argument, or by starting in
an empty directory and typing a command such as `../gcc/configure' to
build with separate build and source directories, is known to work with
GNU `make', but it is known to not work with other variants of `make'.
Irix5.2 and SunOS4.1 versions of `make' definitely won't work outside
the source directory at present.
`g77''s portion of the `configure' script used to issue a warning
message about this when configuring for building binaries outside the
source directory, but no longer does this as of version 0.5.23.
Instead, `g77' simply rejects most common attempts to build it using
a non-GNU `make' when the build directory is not the same as the source
directory, issuing an explanatory diagnostic.
Building GNU CC
Building `g77' requires building enough of `gcc' that these
instructions assume you're going to build all of `gcc', including
`g++', `protoize', and so on. You can save a little time and disk
space by changes the `LANGUAGES' macro definition in `gcc/'
or `gcc/Makefile', but if you do that, you're on your own. One change
is almost *certainly* going to cause failures: removing `c' or `f77'
from the definition of the `LANGUAGES' macro.
After configuring `gcc', which configures `g77' and `libg2c'
automatically, you're ready to start the actual build by invoking
*Note:* You *must* have run the `configure' script in `gcc' before
you run `make', even if you're using an already existing `gcc'
development directory, because `./configure' does the work to recognize
that you've added `g77' to the configuration.
There are two general approaches to building GNU CC from scratch:
This method uses minimal native system facilities to build a
barebones, unoptimized `gcc', that is then used to compile
("bootstrap") the entire system.
This method assumes a more complete native system exists, and uses
that just once to build the entire system.
On all systems without a recent version of `gcc' already installed,
the bootstrap method must be used. In particular, `g77' uses
extensions to the C language offered, apparently, only by `gcc'.
On most systems with a recent version of `gcc' already installed,
the straight method can be used. This is an advantage, because it
takes less CPU time and disk space for the build. However, it does
require that the system have fairly recent versions of many GNU
programs and other programs, which are not enumerated here.
Bootstrap Build
A complete bootstrap build is done by issuing a command beginning
with `make bootstrap ...', as described in *Note Installing GNU CC:
(gcc)Installation. This is the most reliable form of build, but it
does require the most disk space and CPU time, since the complete system
is built twice (in Stages 2 and 3), after an initial build (during
Stage 1) of a minimal `gcc' compiler using the native compiler and
You might have to, or want to, control the way a bootstrap build is
done by entering the `make' commands to build each stage one at a time,
as described in the `gcc' manual. For example, to save time or disk
space, you might want to not bother doing the Stage 3 build, in which
case you are assuming that the `gcc' compiler you have built is
basically sound (because you are giving up the opportunity to compare a
large number of object files to ensure they're identical).
To save some disk space during installation, after Stage 2 is built,
you can type `rm -fr stage1' to remove the binaries built during Stage
Also, *Note Installing GNU CC: (gcc)Installation, for important
information on building `gcc' that is not described in this `g77'
manual. For example, explanations of diagnostic messages and whether
they're expected, or indicate trouble, are found there.
Straight Build
If you have a recent version of `gcc' already installed on your
system, and if you're reasonably certain it produces code that is
object-compatible with the version of `gcc' you want to build as part
of building `g77', you can save time and disk space by doing a straight
To build just the compilers along with the necessary run-time
libraries, issue the following command:
make -k CC=gcc
If you run into problems using this method, you have two options:
* Abandon this approach and do a bootstrap build.
* Try to make this approach work by diagnosing the problems you're
running into and retrying.
Especially if you do the latter, you might consider submitting any
solutions as bug/fix reports. *Note Known Causes of Trouble with GNU
Fortran: Trouble.
However, understand that many problems preventing a straight build
from working are not `g77' problems, and, in such cases, are not likely
to be addressed in future versions of `g77'. Consider treating them as
`gcc' bugs instead.
Pre-installation Checks
Before installing the system, which includes installing `gcc', you
might want to do some minimum checking to ensure that some basic things
Here are some commands you can try, and output typically printed by
them when they work:
sh# cd /usr/src/gcc
sh# ./g77 -B./ -v
g77 version 0.5.24
Driving: ./g77 -B./ -v -c -xf77-version /dev/null -xnone
Reading specs from ./specs
gcc version 2.8.1
cpp -lang-c -v -isystem ./include -undef -D__GNUC__=2 ...
GNU CPP version 2.8.1 (Alpha GNU/Linux with ELF)
#include "..." search starts here:
#include <...> search starts here:
End of search list.
./f771 -fnull-version -quiet -dumpbase g77-version.f -version ...
GNU F77 version 2.8.1 (alpha-linux) compiled ...
GNU Fortran Front End version 0.5.24
as -nocpp -o /tmp/cca14485.o /tmp/cca14485.s
ld -m elf64alpha -G 8 -O1 -dynamic-linker /lib/ ...
__G77_LIBF77_VERSION__: 0.5.24
@(#)LIBF77 VERSION 19970919
__G77_LIBI77_VERSION__: 0.5.24
@(#) LIBI77 VERSION pjw,dmg-mods 19980405
__G77_LIBU77_VERSION__: 0.5.24
@(#) LIBU77 VERSION 19970919
sh# ./xgcc -B./ -v -o /tmp/delete-me -xc /dev/null -xnone
Reading specs from ./specs
gcc version 2.8.1
./cpp -lang-c -v -isystem ./include -undef ...
GNU CPP version 2.8.1 (Alpha GNU/Linux with ELF)
#include "..." search starts here:
#include <...> search starts here:
End of search list.
./cc1 /tmp/cca18063.i -quiet -dumpbase null.c -version ...
GNU C version 2.8.1 (alpha-linux) compiled ...
as -nocpp -o /tmp/cca180631.o /tmp/cca18063.s
ld -m elf64alpha -G 8 -O1 -dynamic-linker /lib/ ...
/usr/lib/crt1.o: In function `_start':
../sysdeps/alpha/elf/start.S:77: undefined reference to `main'
../sysdeps/alpha/elf/start.S:77: undefined reference to `main'
(Note that long lines have been truncated, and `...' used to
indicate such truncations.)
The above two commands test whether `g77' and `gcc', respectively,
are able to compile empty (null) source files, whether invocation of
the C preprocessor works, whether libraries can be linked, and so on.
If the output you get from either of the above two commands is
noticeably different, especially if it is shorter or longer in ways
that do not look consistent with the above sample output, you probably
should not install `gcc' and `g77' until you have investigated further.
For example, you could try compiling actual applications and seeing
how that works. (You might want to do that anyway, even if the above
tests work.)
To compile using the not-yet-installed versions of `gcc' and `g77',
use the following commands to invoke them.
To invoke `g77', type:
/usr/src/gcc/g77 -B/usr/src/gcc/ ...
To invoke `gcc', type:
/usr/src/gcc/xgcc -B/usr/src/gcc/ ...
Installation of Binaries
After configuring, building, and testing `g77' and `gcc', when you
are ready to install them on your system, type:
make -k CC=gcc install
As described in *Note Installing GNU CC: (gcc)Installation, the
values for the `CC' and `LANGUAGES' macros should be the same as those
you supplied for the build itself.
So, the details of the above command might vary if you used a
bootstrap build (where you might be able to omit both definitions, or
might have to supply the same definitions you used when building the
final stage) or if you deviated from the instructions for a straight
If the above command does not install `libg2c.a' as expected, try
make -k ... install install-libf77
We don't know why some non-GNU versions of `make' sometimes require
this alternate command, but they do. (Remember to supply the
appropriate definition for `CC' where you see `...' in the above
Note that using the `-k' option tells `make' to continue after some
installation problems, like not having `makeinfo' installed on your
system. It might not be necessary for your system.
*Note:* `g77' no longer installs files not directly part of `g77',
such as `/usr/bin/f77', `/usr/lib/libf2c.a', and `/usr/include/f2c.h',
or their `/usr/local' equivalents.
*Note Distributing Binaries::, for information on how to accommodate
systems with no existing non-`g77' `f77' compiler and systems with
`f2c' installed.
Updating Your Info Directory
As part of installing `g77', you should make sure users of `info'
can easily access this manual on-line.
`g77' does this automatically by invoking the `install-info' command
when you use `make install' to install `g77'.
If that fails, or if the `info' directory it updates is not the one
normally accessed by users, consider invoking it yourself. For example:
install-info --info-dir=/usr/info /usr/info/
The above example assumes the `g77' documentation already is
installed in `/usr/info' and that `/usr/info/dir' is the file you wish
to update. Adjust the command accordingly, if those assumptions are
Missing tools?
A build of `gcc' might fail due to one or more tools being called
upon by `make' (during the build or install process), when those tools
are not installed on your system.
This situation can result from any of the following actions
(performed by you or someone else):
* Changing the source code or documentation yourself (as a developer
or technical writer).
* Applying a patch that changes the source code or documentation
(including, sometimes, the official patches distributed by the
* Deleting the files that are created by the (missing) tools.
The `make maintainer-clean' command is supposed to delete these
files, so invoking this command without having all the appropriate
tools installed is not recommended.
* Creating the source directory using a method that does not
preserve the date-time-modified information in the original
For example, the UNIX `cp -r' command copies a directory tree
without preserving the date-time-modified information. Use `cp
-pr' instead.
The reason these activities cause `make' to try and invoke tools
that it probably wouldn't when building from a perfectly "clean" source
directory containing `gcc' and `g77' is that some files in the source
directory (and the corresponding distribution) aren't really source
files, but *derived* files that are produced by running tools with the
corresponding source files as input. These derived files "depend", in
`make' terminology, on the corresponding source files.
`make' determines that a file that depends on another needs to be
updated if the date-time-modified information for the source file shows
that it is newer than the corresponding information for the derived
If it makes that determination, `make' runs the appropriate commands
(specified in the "Makefile") to update the derived file, and this
process typically calls upon one or more installed tools to do the work.
The "safest" approach to dealing with this situation is to recreate
the `gcc' and `g77' source directories from complete `gcc' and `g77'
distributions known to be provided by the FSF.
Another fairly "safe" approach is to simply install the tools you
need to complete the build process. This is especially appropriate if
you've changed the source code or applied a patch to do so.
However, if you're certain that the problem is limited entirely to
incorrect date-time-modified information, that there are no
discrepancies between the contents of source files and files derived
from them in the source directory, you can often update the
date-time-modified information for the derived files to work around the
problem of not having the appropriate tools installed.
On UNIX systems, the simplest way to update the date-time-modified
information of a file is to use the use the `touch' command.
How to use `touch' to update the derived files updated by each of
the tools is described below. *Note:* New versions of `g77' might
change the set of files it generates by invoking each of these tools.
If you cannot figure out for yourself how to handle such a situation,
try an older version of `g77' until you find someone who can (or until
you obtain and install the relevant tools).
Missing `autoconf'?
If you cannot install `autoconf', make sure you have started with a
*fresh* distribution of `gcc' and `g77', do *not* do `make
maintainer-clean', and, to ensure that `autoconf' is not invoked by
`make' during the build, type these commands:
sh# cd gcc/f/runtime
sh# touch configure libU77/configure
sh# cd ../../..
Missing `bison'?
If you cannot install `bison', make sure you have started with a
*fresh* distribution of `gcc', do *not* do `make maintainer-clean',
and, to ensure that `bison' is not invoked by `make' during the build,
type these commands:
sh# cd gcc
sh# touch bi-parser.c bi-parser.h c-parse.c c-parse.h cexp.c
sh# touch cp/parse.c cp/parse.h objc-parse.c
sh# cd ..
Missing `gperf'?
If you cannot install `gperf', make sure you have started with a
*fresh* distribution of `gcc', do *not* do `make maintainer-clean',
and, to ensure that `gperf' is not invoked by `make' during the build,
type these commands:
sh# cd gcc
sh# touch c-gperf.h
sh# cd ..
Missing `makeinfo'?
If `makeinfo' is needed but unavailable when installing (via `make
install'), some files, like `libg2c.a', might not be installed, because
once `make' determines that it cannot invoke `makeinfo', it cancels any
further processing.
If you cannot install `makeinfo', an easy work-around is to specify
`MAKEINFO=true' on the `make' command line, or to specify the `-k'
option (`make -k install').
Another approach is to force the relevant files to be up-to-date by
typing these commands and then re-trying the installation step:
sh# cd gcc
sh# touch f/ f/BUGS f/INSTALL f/NEWS
sh# cd ..
Distributing Binaries
If you are building `g77' for distribution to others in binary form,
first make sure you are aware of your legal responsibilities (read the
file `gcc/COPYING' thoroughly).
Then, consider your target audience and decide where `g77' should be
For systems like GNU/Linux that have no native Fortran compiler (or
where `g77' could be considered the native compiler for Fortran and
`gcc' for C, etc.), you should definitely configure `g77' for
installation in `/usr/bin' instead of `/usr/local/bin'. Specify the
`--prefix=/usr' option when running `./configure'.
You might also want to set up the distribution so the `f77' command
is a link to `g77', although a script that accepts "classic" UNIX `f77'
options and translates the command-line to the appropriate `g77'
command line would be more appropriate. If you do this, *please* also
provide a "man page" in `man/man1/f77.1' describing the command. (A
link to `man/man1/g77.1' is appropriate if `bin/f77' is a link to
For a system that might already have `f2c' installed, consider
whether inter-operation with `g77' will be important to users of `f2c'
on that system. If you want to improve the likelihood that users will
be able to use both `f2c' and `g77' to compile code for a single program
without encountering link-time or run-time incompatibilities, make sure
that, whenever they intend to combine `f2c'-produced code with
`g77'-produced code in an executable, they:
* Use the `lib/gcc-lib/.../include/g2c.h' file generated by the
`g77' build in place of the `f2c.h' file that normally comes with
`f2c' (or versions of `g77' prior to 0.5.23) when compiling *all*
of the `f2c'-produced C code
* Link to the `lib/gcc-lib/.../libg2c.a' library built by the `g77'
build instead of the `libf2c.a' library that normally comes with
`f2c' (or versions of `g77' prior to 0.5.23)
How you choose to effect the above depends on whether the existing
installation of `f2c' must be maintained.
In any case, it is important to try and ensure that the installation
keeps working properly even after subsequent re-installation of `f2c',
which probably involves overwriting `/usr/local/lib/libf2c.a' and
`/usr/local/include/f2c.h', or similar.
At least, copying `libg2c.a' and `g2c.h' into the appropriate
"public" directories allows users to more easily select the version of
`libf2c' they wish to use for a particular build. The names are
changed by `g77' to make this coexistence easier to maintain; even if
`f2c' is installed later, the `g77' files normally installed by its
installation process aren't disturbed. Use of symbolic links from one
set of files to another might result in problems after a subsequent
reinstallation of either `f2c' or `g77', so be sure to alert users of
your distribution accordingly.
(Make sure you clearly document, in the description of your
distribution, how installation of your distribution will affect
existing installations of `gcc', `f2c', `f77', `libf2c.a', and so on.
Similarly, you should clearly document any requirements you assume will
be met by users of your distribution.)
For other systems with native `f77' (and `cc') compilers, configure
`g77' as you (or most of your audience) would configure `gcc' for their
installations. Typically this is for installation in `/usr/local', and
would not include a new version of `/usr/bin/f77' or
`/usr/local/bin/f77', so users could still use the native `f77'.
In any case, for `g77' to work properly, you *must* ensure that the
binaries you distribute include:
This is the command most users use to compile Fortran.
This is the command some users use to compile Fortran, typically
when compiling programs written in other languages at the same
time. The `bin/gcc' executable file must have been built from a
`gcc' source tree into which a `g77' source tree was merged and
configured, or it will not know how to compile Fortran programs.
This is the documentation for `g77'. If it is not included, users
will have trouble understanding diagnostics messages and other
such things, and will send you a lot of email asking questions.
Please edit this documentation (by editing `gcc/f/*.texi' and
doing `make doc' from the `/usr/src/gcc' directory) to reflect any
changes you've made to `g77', or at least to encourage users of
your binary distribution to report bugs to you first.
Also, whether you distribute binaries or install `g77' on your own
system, it might be helpful for everyone to add a line listing
this manual by name and topic to the top-level `info' node in
`/usr/info/dir'. That way, users can find `g77' documentation more
easily. *Note Updating Your Info Directory: Updating
This is the short man page for `g77'. It is not always kept
up-to-date, but you might as well include it for people who really
like "man" pages.
This is the directory containing the "private" files installed by
and for `gcc', `g77', `g++', and other GNU compilers.
This is the actual Fortran compiler.
This is the run-time library for `g77'-compiled programs.
Whether you want to include the slightly updated (and possibly
improved) versions of `cc1', `cc1plus', and whatever other binaries get
rebuilt with the changes the GNU Fortran distribution makes to the GNU
back end, is up to you. These changes are highly unlikely to break any
compilers, because they involve doing things like adding to the list of
acceptable compiler options (so, for example, `cc1plus' accepts, and
ignores, options that only `f771' actually processes).
Please assure users that unless they have a specific need for their
existing, older versions of `gcc' command, they are unlikely to
experience any problems by overwriting it with your version--though
they could certainly protect themselves by making backup copies first!
Otherwise, users might try and install your binaries in a "safe"
place, find they cannot compile Fortran programs with your distribution
(because, perhaps, they're invoking their old version of the `gcc'
command, which does not recognize Fortran programs), and assume that
your binaries (or, more generally, GNU Fortran distributions in
general) are broken, at least for their system.
Finally, *please* ask for bug reports to go to you first, at least
until you're sure your distribution is widely used and has been well
tested. This especially goes for those of you making any changes to
the `g77' sources to port `g77', e.g. to OS/2. <> has
received a fair number of bug reports that turned out to be problems
with other peoples' ports and distributions, about which nothing could
be done for the user. Once you are quite certain a bug report does not
involve your efforts, you can forward it to us.