Looked into making it 64 bit clean, but it is hopeless. Added little program to convert from the old timestamp files into the new ones.
266 lines
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266 lines
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* Copyright (c) 1992 Carnegie Mellon University
* All Rights Reserved.
* Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
* documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright
* notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the
* software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions
* thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation.
* Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to
* Software Distribution Coordinator or Software_Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU
* School of Computer Science
* Carnegie Mellon University
* Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
* any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon
* the rights to redistribute these changes.
/* sup.h -- declarations for sup, supnamesrv, supfilesrv
* VERSION NUMBER for any program is given by: a.b (c)
* where a = PROTOVERSION is the protocol version #
* b = PGMVERSION is program # within protocol
* c = scmversion is communication module version
* (i.e. operating system for which scm is configured)
* 13-Sep-92 Mary Thompson (mrt) at Carnegie-Mellon University
* Changed name of DEFDIR from /usr/cs to /usr.
* 7-July-93 Nate Williams at Montana State University
* Modified SUP to use gzip based compression when sending files
* across the network to save BandWidth
* $Log: sup.h,v $
* Revision 1.3 1995/06/03 21:21:54 christos
* Changes to write ascii timestamps in the when files.
* Looked into making it 64 bit clean, but it is hopeless.
* Added little program to convert from the old timestamp files
* into the new ones.
* Revision 1.2 1993/08/04 17:46:15 brezak
* Changes from nate for gzip'ed sup
* Revision 1993/05/21 14:52:18 cgd
* initial import of CMU's SUP to NetBSD
* Revision 1.10 92/08/11 12:06:42 mrt
* Added definition for DEBUGFPORTNUM, the debugging port number.
* Changed so that last and when file names could include
* the relase name if any.
* [92/07/23 mrt]
* Revision 1.9 91/04/29 14:39:03 mja
* Reduce MAXCHILDREN from 8 to 3.
* Revision 1.8 89/08/23 14:55:30 gm0w
* Moved coll.dir from supservers to supfiles.
* [89/08/23 gm0w]
* 18-Mar-88 Glenn Marcy (gm0w) at Carnegie-Mellon University
* Added host=<hostfile> support to releases file.
* 27-Dec-87 Glenn Marcy (gm0w) at Carnegie-Mellon University
* Added crosspatch support. Removed nameserver support.
* 27-Jun-87 Glenn Marcy (gm0w) at Carnegie-Mellon University
* Added TREELIST and other changes for "release" support.
* 25-May-87 Doug Philips (dwp) at Carnegie-Mellon University
* Version 6 of the network protocol, better support to reflect errors
* back to server logfile.
* 21-May-87 Chriss Stephens (chriss) at Carnegie Mellon University
* Merged divergent CS and EE versions.
* 19-Sep-86 Mike Accetta (mja) at Carnegie-Mellon University
* Added FILESUPTDEFAULT definition.
* 07-Jun-86 Glenn Marcy (gm0w) at Carnegie-Mellon University
* Removed FILESRVBUSYWAIT. Now uses exponential backoff.
* 30-May-86 Glenn Marcy (gm0w) at Carnegie-Mellon University
* Added numeric port numbers to use when port names are not in the
* host table.
* 04-Jan-86 Glenn Marcy (gm0w) at Carnegie-Mellon University
* Update protocol version to 5 for name server protocol change to
* allow multiple repositories per collection. Added FILESRVBUSYWAIT
* of 5 minutes. Added FILELOCK file to indicate collections that
* should be exclusively locked when upgraded.
* 22-Sep-85 Glenn Marcy (gm0w) at Carnegie-Mellon University
* Merged 4.1 and 4.2 versions together.
* 04-Jun-85 Steven Shafer (sas) at Carnegie-Mellon University
* Created for 4.2 BSD.
/* PGMVERSION is defined separately in each program */
extern char scmversion[]; /* string version of scm */
#define PROTOVERSION 8 /* version of network protocol */
#define SCANVERSION 2 /* version of scan file format */
/* TCP servers for name server and file server */
#define FILEPORT "supfilesrv"
#define FILEPORTNUM 871
#define DEBUGFPORT "supfiledbg"
#define DEBUGFPORTNUM 1127
/* Data files used in scan.c */
#define FILELIST "sup/%s/%s"
#define FILESCAN "sup/%s/%s"
#define FILEHOST "sup/%s/%s"
#define FILELISTDEF "list"
#define FILESCANDEF "scan"
#define FILEHOSTDEF "host"
#define DEFRELEASE "default"
/* Data files used in sup.c */
#define FILEBASEDEFAULT "/usr/%s" /* also supfilesrv and supscan */
#ifdef EE_XXX
#define FILESUPDEFAULT "%s/supfiles/coll.list"
#define FILESUPTDEFAULT "%s/supfiles/coll.what"
#define FILEHOSTS "%s/supfiles/coll.host"
#else EE_XXX
#define FILESUPDEFAULT "%s/lib/supfiles/coll.list"
#define FILESUPTDEFAULT "%s/lib/supfiles/coll.what"
#define FILEHOSTS "%s/lib/supfiles/coll.host"
#endif EE_XXX
#define FILEBACKUP "%s/BACKUP/%s"
#define FILELAST "sup/%s/last%s"
#define FILELASTTEMP "sup/%s/last.temp"
#define FILELOCK "sup/%s/lock" /* also supfilesrv */
#define FILEREFUSE "sup/%s/refuse"
#define FILEWHEN "sup/%s/when%s"
/* Data files used in supfilesrv.c */
#define FILEXPATCH "%s/sup/xpatch.host"
#ifdef EE_XXX
#define FILEDIRS "%s/supfiles/coll.dir" /* also supscan */
#else EE_XXX
#define FILEDIRS "%s/lib/supfiles/coll.dir" /* also supscan */
#endif EE_XXX
#define FILECRYPT "sup/%s/crypt"
#define FILELOGFILE "sup/%s/logfile"
#define FILEPREFIX "sup/%s/prefix" /* also supscan */
#define FILERELEASES "sup/%s/releases" /* also supscan */
/* String length */
#define STRINGLENGTH 2000
/* Password transmission encryption key */
#define PSWDCRYPT "SuperMan"
/* Test string for encryption */
#define CRYPTTEST "Hello there, Sailor Boy!"
/* Default directory for system sup information */
#ifndef DEFDIR
#ifdef EE_XXX
#define DEFDIR "/etc"
#else EE_XXX
#define DEFDIR "/usr"
#endif EE_XXX
#endif DEFDIR
/* Default login account for file server */
#ifndef DEFUSER
#define DEFUSER "anon"
#endif DEFUSER
/* subroutine return codes */
#define SCMOK (1) /* routine performed correctly */
#define SCMEOF (0) /* read EOF on network connection */
#define SCMERR (-1) /* error occurred during routine */
/* data structure for describing a file being upgraded */
struct treestruct {
/* fields for file information */
char *Tname; /* path component name */
int Tflags; /* flags of file */
int Tmode; /* st_mode of file */
char *Tuser; /* owner of file */
int Tuid; /* owner id of file */
char *Tgroup; /* group of file */
int Tgid; /* group id of file */
int Tctime; /* inode modification time */
int Tmtime; /* data modification time */
struct treestruct *Tlink; /* tree of link names */
struct treestruct *Texec; /* tree of execute commands */
/* fields for sibling AVL tree */
int Tbf; /* balance factor */
struct treestruct *Tlo,*Thi; /* ordered sibling tree */
typedef struct treestruct TREE;
/* data structure to represent a list of trees to upgrade */
struct tliststruct {
struct tliststruct *TLnext; /* next entry in tree list */
/* fields for tree information */
char *TLname; /* release name for tree */
char *TLprefix; /* prefix of tree */
char *TLlist; /* name of list file */
char *TLscan; /* name of scan file */
char *TLhost; /* name of host file */
TREE *TLtree; /* tree of files to upgrade */
typedef struct tliststruct TREELIST;
/* bitfield not defined in stat.h */
#define S_IMODE 07777 /* part of st_mode that chmod sets */
/* flag bits for files */
#define FNEW 01 /* ctime of file has changed */
#define FBACKUP 02 /* backup of file is allowed */
#define FNOACCT 04 /* don't set file information */
#define FUPDATE 010 /* only set file information */
#define FNEEDED 0100000 /* file needed for upgrade */
/* version 3 compatability */
#define FCOMPAT 0010000 /* Added to detect execute commands to send */
/* message types now obsolete */
#define MSGFEXECQ (115)
#define MSGFEXECNAMES (116)
/* flag bits for files in list of all files */
#define ALLNEW 01
#define ALLBACKUP 02
#define ALLEND 04
#define ALLDIR 010
#define ALLNOACCT 020
#define ALLSLINK 0100
/* flag bits for file mode word */
#define MODELINK 010000
#define MODEDIR 040000
#define MODESYM 0100000
#define MODENOACCT 0200000
#define MODEUPDATE 01000000
/* blocking factor for filenames in list of all file names */
#define BLOCKALL 32
/* end version 3 compatability */
#define MAXCHILDREN 3 /* maximum number of children allowed
to sup at the same time */
/* scm and stree external declarations */
char *remotehost();
TREE *Tinsert(),*Tsearch(),*Tlookup();
long getwhen();
int putwhen();