
526 lines
13 KiB

.\" $NetBSD: prep,v 1.4 2002/06/29 08:57:21 lukem Exp $
First and foremost, before beginning the installation process,
.Em make sure you have a reliable backup
of any data on your hard disk that you
wish to keep.
Repartitioning your hard disk is an excellent way to destroy important data.
.Ss2 Software requirements
You will need the following RiscOS software:
.Bl -bullet
A program that will unpack sparchives.
We recommend that you get David Pilling's !SparkPlug.
A self-extracting version of this
can be found at David Pilling's W3 site
.Pq Lk .
A program that can uncompress gzip files, because the current bootloader
can't read gzip'ed kernels (yet!).
.Bl -bullet
The included command line gzip program
.Pa installation/misc/gzip_ff8
(!) which is a mirror a version
that Laurent Domisse has patched to work on SA.
This is also available from:
.Lk .
Just set the type of the file to
.Ql ff8 .
SparkFS from David Pilling (commercial) (v1.28 for SA-110).
!Gzip from HENSA (; is it still alive
A program to report your disk's geometry:
.Bl -bullet
Not really needed, you can simply boot the installation
kernel and look for the geometry in the boot messages.
Sergio Monesi's fsck suite (a good thing to have around
Available from:
!Zap (The read disk facility).
Available from HENSA.
The partition software/formatter for your desired installation
.Bl -bullet
IDE disks on motherboard interface: !HForm
IDE disks on Simtec interface: UNKNOWN
IDE disks on ICS interface: UNKNOWN
IDE disks on RapIDE interface: UNKNOWN
Acorn SCSI cards: ScsiDM
Power-tec SCSI cards: !PowerMgr
Cumana SCSI-2: !SCSIMgr
oak SCSI-1 card: UNKNOWN
An installation kernel for your platform:
RiscPC/A7000(+)/NC's : INSTALL kernel
The Bootloader and RiscOS tools:
.Pa BtNetBSD.tar.gz
as found in the
.Pa installation/misc
(This should be pre-extracted if you're installing from CD-ROM).
distribution sets (Will be on the CD-ROM, or
available from your nearest
ftp site).
A hardcopy of this document
.Ss2 Preliminary steps
Unpack your BtNetBSD archive in whatever way, set the type of the
.Pa Settype
file in the
.Pa BtNetBSD
directory to
.Ql Obey
and run it.
This will make the files RISC OS typed correctly.
This is also explained in a bit more detail in the enclosed
.Ss2 Preparing your hard disk
.Bl -tag -width "File system"
.It Device
The actual physical hard disk
.It Partition
A section of a device.
.It File system
A structured partition that is able to hold files.
.It Disc
A RiscOS file system in a partition.
There can be more than one Disc per Device.
You will have to decide which device you wish to install
You will also have to decide whether you want to split the device
between one or more RiscOS Discs and
or dedicate a whole
Device for
.Nx .
In making this decision you should consider the possibility that if
is incorrectly configured on a shared device then your shared
data is at risk.
It is still recommended that if you decide to dedicate a device to
that you set aside a small RISC OS partition at the beginning
of the device.
This is a useful place to store the RiscOS side of
.Nx ,
and will make the use of UnixFS easier to configure.
If you do decide to create a minimal RiscOS partition at the beginning of
the device, a size of 10-20 MB is recommended (some partitioning
software has problems with partitions smaller than this).
The point is that you will have to repartition your device to make
room for a separate partition after the RISC OS one for
.Nx .
means backing up your device, re-partitioning it and then copying all
the data back afterwards.
We recommend that you only copy the needed
data back and put off installing the rest until you have
and running.
This way you will save yourself a lot of work if
something goes wrong and you have to start all over again.
.Ss2 Sharing your device
2.1.1 Acorn IDE
Use !HForm for this interface.
This is a program that is delivered with your computer and is located in the
.Pa Utilities
directory on your
hard disk.
With this software you only have the possibility of using one
partition for RISC OS, so you have to set the rest aside for
.Nx .
Use this procedure to set up your device:
.Bl -bullet
Start !HForm by double-clicking on its icon.
Choose the "custom" or "other" option when prompted (usually
the last).
Use the default values for the geometry but do not enter the
full number of cylinders.
Just enter the number you want to use for RISC OS.
Make a note of this number.
Continue to accept the default answers until you're asked
whether you want to format or initialize, choose initialize.
Go to the section about running
.Ic bb_riscbsd .
2.1.2 Cumana SCSI-2 card
It is recommended that you use a newer version of !SCSIMgr (newer
than v1.55) since this will be easier to use when you want to leave
part of the device unused by RISC OS.
You should check for the latest version of this software at the following URL:
You need to create one or more RISC OS partitions, and you do it in
in the following way:
.Bl -bullet
Run !SCSIMgr by double-clicking on it.
Select the device you wish to repartition.
Click on the clear icon in the partitions subwindow.
This will give you a dialogue box where you can specify the
size of the RISC OS partitions.
Do not select all since you want to use part of it for
.Nx .
Enter the amount of the device you wish to reserve for RiscOS.
This will be the whole device size less the amount you want to reserve for
.Nx .
Make a note of this number.
If you like, split the RISC OS portion of the device into
several partition (you should only "see" the RiscOS portion).
Click on Execute when you are happy with the partitions.
This will create your partitions, and wipe your device.
Go to the section about running
.Ic bb_riscbsd .
2.1.3 Alsystems Power-tec SCSI-2 card
You must use the !PowerMgr program to partition the device.
The RISC OS partitions should be called
.Ql RiscOs: ,
and the
one should be called
.Ql Empty: .
Here is the procedure you should use:
.Bl -bullet
Start !PowerMgr by double-clicking on its icon.
Click on advanced in the main window
Click on Define/create partitions
.Bl -bullet
Click on the device you want to set up for NetBSD.
Set up the RISC OS partitions as
.Ql RiscOs:
and the remaining one as
.Ql Empty: .
Click on each figure and press RETURN.
Click on partition drive.
Click on yes to warning as you really want to wipe
the device.
Click on yes to proceed, this will lead you to the
partition init.
Partition init
.Bl -bullet
Set a tick on all
.Ql RiscOs:
partitions, give them a name and set LFAU to auto.
Unset the tick on your
.Ql Empty:
Click on Inititialize selected partitions.
Click on yes to proceed init as you want to wipe the
selected partitions.
Click on yes to proceed to configure.
.Bl -bullet
Here you should set up the RISC OS partitions as you like them.
Normally the default will be ok.
Click on configure.
This will configure your computer and give you access to the Discs.
.Em must not
.Ic bb_riscbsd .
2.1.4 Acorn SCSI card
You can only have one RISC OS partition with this card.
The rest has to be set aside for
.Nx .
This card does not have a friendly WIMP-based interface on the SCSI
management program, but the command line version is very good.
You should run this in a task window (press
.Key CTRL-F12 ) :
.Bd -ragged
.Li *dir Ar location_of_scsidm
.Li *scsidm
You will get the following prompt:
.Dl scsidm>
Now you should enter the following commands:
.Bl -tag -width Ic
.It Ic probe
(to see which devices are available)
.It Ic device Ar no
.Ar no
with the no of your device)
.It Ic section
(to divide the device between RISC OS and
.Nx )
.Bl -bullet
Answer yes to the question:
.Dl Include RISCiX partitions?
Enter the size of the RISC OS area in blocks
SCSIDM will round this up to the nearest cylinder
Answer yes to the question:
.Bd -ragged -offset indent
.Li "Do you really want to section device" Ar no Ns Li "?"
This will section the device into two partitions.
.It Ic quit
Go to the section on running
.Ic bb_riscbsd .
2.1.5 Other interfaces
It may not be possible to partition devices on other interface.
If you are using a different interface you have 2 options:
.Bl -bullet
Try to work out how to partition devices on it
Use the entire device for
.Ss2 Using a whole device for NetBSD
As a safety precaution
looks for a filecore bootblock
at the beginning of any device it labels.
If it finds one and it looks as though it is in use then
will not touch it.
Because of this, if you've ever used your device for RiscOS, you will
need to invalidate this bootblock.
To do this you need to:
.Bl -bullet
Be absolutely sure you want to do this.
.Ic bb_trash
and follow the instructions.
Ensure that this device is now not configured for RiscOS.
You are now ready to boot
and continue the installation.
.Ss2 Running bb_riscbsd
When you run this program, you will first be asked whether you are
installing to an ADFS drive or a SCSI drive.
You can just press
.Ql A
.Ql S
.Ic bb_riscbsd
program assumes that you are using a
non-Acorn SCSI card, so if you are using an Acorn card, then you may
have to edit this program and replace
.Ql SCSI_DiscOp
.Ql SCSIFS_DiscOp . )
Then you will be asked which Disc you want to install
.Em must
be the first Disc on the device.
.Ic bb_riscbsd
will now scrutinize the device and see how it has been laid out.
It will then tell you how much of the device is occupied by RiscOS in
cylinders, and you will then be asked for the
starting cylinder.
Normally you should just enter the number given to you
since the RISC OS starting cylinder is 0 and therefore the last
cylinder in use is one less than the figure given.
If no figure is displayed, then your partitioning software failed to
fill in the bootblock completely
(it doesn't have to do this for you but most do)
or you selected the wrong device.
If you are convinced that this is the correct device then you must
calculate a cylinder offset using the numbers noted down during
partitioning (if it is not a whole number
.Em always
round up, you might waste a little of the device but
it'll be safer).
Make a note of this number.
.Ic bb_riscbsd
will make a backup of the original bootblock, but it
can be non-trivial to put it back.
.Ss2 Booting
Now that your device is ready for the installation you need to
unpack the bootloader archive.
Pick either
.Pa BtNetBSD.tgz
depending on which type of archive you can extract easiest.
(If you're installing from CD-ROM then this should be unpacked already),
copy the directory to your hard disk.
In the archive you'll find the tools
mentioned in this document as well as the bootloader
.Pa !BtNetBSD
.Ss2 Configuring the !BtNetBSD bootloader before installation
Open the
.Pa !BtNetBSD
application and edit the
.Pa fastboot
file to specify
the installation kernel location; an example is already given.
You can also set other details like tweaking with the amount of memory in
the WimpSlot of the bootloader when this is too much.
Remember however that this shouldn't be set too low for it can crash
the bootloader.
When you think you've filled in the proper details save the file again
and proceed.
.Ss2 Running !BtNetBSD
Double click on the !BtNetBSD icon (or the !Run file in it) to start it
should now start to boot, install
as per the
installation notes.
When you finish the installation you can restarted the computer as
.Ss2 Configuring !BtNetBSD after installation
Open the
.Pa !BtNetBSD
application again and edit the
.Pa fastboot
file again to fill in the normal kernel name.
Specify the device
.Nx NetBSD
should be looking for its kernel in.
This is the
.Ql "Run <BtNetBSD$Dir>.native.mountufs ADFS 4"
line that is there by default.
See this document for other names.
Set the kernel as
.Pa UnixFS:$.netbsd .
Save the file and run !BtNetBSD again (see above).
Finally, when you are happy with your
installation, do whatever
is necessary to restore order to the partition you took space away from.
This will most likely involve restoring files, but might involve some
.Dq house-work .
Your hard disk is now prepared to have
installed on it, and you should proceed with the installation instructions.