thorpej 838edf78fd Snapshot of new config for NetBSD/hp300. This isn't quite finished yet.
We're about 75% there.  SCSI and HP-IB are not yet supported in a new
config kernel; some autoconfiguration hackery has to be done there, yet.
These changes are enough to network boot a diskless kernel.

New config glue is enabled with the "NEWCONFIG" kernel option.  If that
option is not present, an old config kernel will be built.  Any kernel
configured with config(8) will automatically pick up the NEWCONFIG
option from std.hp300.
1996-12-17 08:40:56 +00:00

186 lines
3.9 KiB

# $NetBSD: files.hp300,v 1.20 1996/12/17 08:40:57 thorpej Exp $
# hp300-specific configuration info
# maxpartitions must be the first item in files.${ARCH}
maxpartitions 8
maxusers 2 8 64
# NOTE! The order of these lines is significant! Don't change them
# unless you absolutely know what you're doing!
# Frame buffer attribute
define grfdev { }
# Frame buffer devices
device dvbox: grfdev
file arch/hp300/dev/grf_dv.c dvbox needs-flag
device gbox: grfdev
file arch/hp300/dev/grf_gb.c gbox needs-flag
device hyper: grfdev
file arch/hp300/dev/grf_hy.c hyper needs-flag
device rbox: grfdev
file arch/hp300/dev/grf_rb.c rbox needs-flag
device topcat: grfdev
file arch/hp300/dev/grf_tc.c topcat needs-flag
# `grf' framebuffer abstraction
device grf { }
attach grf at grfdev
file arch/hp300/dev/grf.c grf needs-flag
file arch/hp300/dev/grf_subr.c grf
# Internal Terminal Emulator
device ite
attach ite at grf
file arch/hp300/dev/ite.c ite needs-flag
file arch/hp300/dev/ite_subr.c ite
# Mainbus
device mainbus { }
attach mainbus at root
# Internal i/o space
device intio { }
attach intio at mainbus
file arch/hp300/dev/intio.c intio
# Internal i/o framebuffer attachments
attach dvbox at intio with dvbox_intio
attach gbox at intio with gbox_intio
attach rbox at intio with rbox_intio
attach topcat at intio with topcat_intio
# DIO bus
device dio { scode = -1 }
attach dio at mainbus
file arch/hp300/dev/dio.c dio
# DIO framebuffer attachments
attach dvbox at dio with dvbox_dio
attach gbox at dio with gbox_dio
attach hyper at dio with hyper_dio
attach rbox at dio with rbox_dio
attach topcat at dio with topcat_dio
# DCA serial interface
device dca: tty
attach dca at dio
file arch/hp300/dev/dca.c dca needs-flag
# DCM serial interface
device dcm: tty
attach dcm at dio
file arch/hp300/dev/dcm.c dcm needs-flag
# LANCE ethernet
attach le at dio
file arch/hp300/dev/if_le.c le
# HP-IB interfaces
define hpibdev { }
device nhpib: hpibdev
attach nhpib at dio
file arch/hp300/dev/nhpib.c nhpib
device fhpib: hpibdev
attach fhpib at dio
file arch/hp300/dev/fhpib.c fhpib
# HP-IB bus layer
device hpibbus { slave = -1, punit = -1 }
attach hpibbus at hpibdev
file arch/hp300/dev/hpib.c hpibbus
# HP-IB devices
device ct: tape
attach ct at hpibbus
file arch/hp300/dev/ct.c ct needs-flag
device mt: tape
attach mt at hpibbus
file arch/hp300/dev/mt.c mt needs-flag
device rd: disk
attach rd at hpibbus
file arch/hp300/dev/rd.c rd needs-flag
file arch/hp300/dev/rd_compat.c rd # XXX
device ppi
attach ppi at hpibbus
file arch/hp300/dev/ppi.c ppi needs-flag
# Old HP SCSI layer
device oscsi { target = -1, lun = -1 }
attach oscsi at dio
file arch/hp300/dev/scsi.c scsi
# Old HP SCSI devices
device sd: disk
attach sd at oscsi
file arch/hp300/dev/sd.c sd needs-flag
file arch/hp300/dev/sd_compat.c sd # XXX
device st: tape
attach st at oscsi
file arch/hp300/dev/st.c st needs-flag
device ac
attach ac at oscsi
file arch/hp300/dev/ac.c ac needs-flag
# Human (Hilarious) Interface Loop
# XXX should be a real device
file arch/hp300/dev/hil.c
file arch/hp300/dev/hil_keymaps.c
# Non-device files
file arch/hp300/hp300/autoconf.c
file arch/hp300/hp300/clock.c
file arch/hp300/hp300/conf.c
file arch/hp300/hp300/db_memrw.c ddb | kgdb
file arch/hp300/hp300/dkbad.c
file arch/hp300/hp300/kgdb_glue.c kgdb compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -fno-defer-pop"
file arch/hp300/hp300/kgdb_stub.c kgdb
file arch/hp300/hp300/machdep.c
file arch/hp300/hp300/isr.c
file arch/hp300/hp300/mem.c
file arch/hp300/hp300/pmap.c
file arch/hp300/hp300/pmap_bootstrap.c
file arch/hp300/hp300/sys_machdep.c
file arch/hp300/hp300/trap.c
file arch/hp300/hp300/vm_machdep.c
file arch/hp300/hp300/disksubr.c
file arch/hp300/dev/dma.c
file arch/m68k/m68k/copy.s
file dev/cons.c
file dev/cninit.c
file kludge_for_in_proto.c hy needs-flag
# HP-UX binary compatibility
include "compat/hpux/files.hpux"
file arch/hp300/hp300/hpux_machdep.c compat_hpux