1019 lines
28 KiB
1019 lines
28 KiB
$NetBSD: acronyms.comp,v 1.121 2011/03/03 18:40:23 jruoho Exp $
3WHS three-way handshake
AA anti-aliasing
AAT average access time
ABI application binary interface
ABR available bit rate
AC alternating current
ACID atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability
ACK acknowledgement
ACK Amsterdam compiler kit
ACL access control list
ACL active current loop
ACP auxillary control {program, process}
ACPI advanced configuration and power interface
ACS access control set
ACU automatic calling unit
ADB Apple desktop bus
ADC analog [to] digital converter
ADP automatic data processing
ADT abstract data type
ADO active data objects
ADP automatic data processing
ADPCM adaptive differential pulse code modulation
ADSL asymmetric digital subscriber line
AES Advanced Encryption Standard
AFS Andrew File System
AGC automatic gain control
AGP accelerated graphics port
AI analog input
AI artificial intelligence
AL access list
AL active link
ALE address latch enable
ALU arithmetic and logical unit
AM access method
AM amplitude modulation
AMI alternate mark inversion
AMT active management technology
AN Arabic number
ANSI American National Standards Institute
AO analog output
AOL alert on LAN
AOS add or subtract
AP access point
AP application processor
API application programming interface
APIC advanced programmable interrupt controller
ARAT always running APIC timer
ARC adaptive replacement cache
ARM Advanced RISC Machines
ARP address resolution protocol
ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency
ARQ automatic repeat request
ARU audio response unit
AS autonomous system
ASCII American standard code for information interchange
ASIC application-specific integrated circuit
ASK amplitude shif keying
ASLR address space layout randomization
ASN autonomous system number
ASR address space register
AST abstract syntax tree
AST asynchronous trap
AT access time
AT advanced technology
ATA advanced technology attachment
ATAPI advanced technology attachment packet interface
ATC address translation cache
ATM asynchronous transfer mode
ATX advanced technology extended
AWK Aho, Werner, and Kernighan
BAL basic assembly language
BAR base address register
BBS bulletin board system
BCC blind carbon copy
BCD binary coded decimal
BCR byte counte register
BCS base configuration space
BD baud
BEDO burst extended data output
BER basic encoding rules
BER bit error rate
BFD binary {file, format} descriptor
BFKL big fscking kernel lock
BFS breadth-first search
BFT binary file transfer
BGA ball grid array
BGP border gateway protocol
BIND Berkeley Internet Name Daemon
BIOS basic input/output system
BIST built-in self-test
BIU bus interface unit
BKDG BIOS and kernel developer's guide
BLAS basic linear algebra subprograms
BLOB binary large object
BM bus master
BMC baseboard management controller
BMIC bus master interface controller
BN boundary neutral
BNF Backus-Naur form
BO binary output
BOF beginning of file
BOM byte order mark
BOM beginning of message
BP base pointer
BP boot processor
BPF Berkeley packet filter
BPI bits per inch
BPS bits per second
BQS Berkeley quality software
BSD Berkeley software distribution
BSF bit scan forward
BSOD blue screen of death
BSP binary space partition
BSP boot strap processor
BSR bit scan reverse
BSS block started by symbol
BT Bluetooth
BT BitTorrent
BTS bits per second
BW bandwidth
BWM block-write mode
CAD computer-aided design
CAM computer assisted manufacturing
CAM content addressable memory
CARP common address redundancy protocol
CAS (atomic) compare and swap
CAS computer algebra system
CAS column address strobe
CAU control access unit
CAV constant angular velocity (as opposed to CLV)
CBC cipher block chaining
CBR constant bit rate
CCD charge coupled device
CC carbon coby
CD compact disc
CDDA compact disc digital audio
CDRAM cache dynamic random access memory
CER canonical encoding rules
CF compact flash
CFG context-free grammar
CFG control-flow graph
CG control gate
CGA color graphics {array,adapter}
CGI common gateway interface
CHAP challenge-handshake authentication protocol
CHS cylinder/head/sector
CI {common, component} interface
CIDR classless inter-domain routing
CIFS common internet file system
CIL common intermediate language
CIS contact image sensor
CJK Chinese, Japanese, and Korean
CLI command line interface
CLR common language runtime
CLUT color look-up table
CLV constant linear velocity (as opposed to CAV)
CMI control management interface
CMI control method interface
CMOS complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor
CMP chip multi-processing
CMS content management system
CMYK cyan magenta yellow black
CN {common, canonical} name
CNC computer numerical control
COF current operating frequency
COFF common object file format
COMA cache-only memory architecture
COW copy-on-write
CPB core performance boost
CPG clock pulse generator
CPL current privilege level
CPS characters per second
CPT command pass through
CPU central processing unit
CR carriage return
CRC cyclic redundancy check
CRLF carriage return line feed
CRT cathode ray tube
CS computer science
CS cable select
CS chip select
CS code segment
CSI common system interface
CSMA carrier sense multiple access
CSMA/CA carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance
CSMA/CD carrier sense multiple access with collision detection
CSS cascading style sheets
CTM close to metal
CTS clear to send
CUA common user access
CVS concurrent versions system
DAC discretionary access control
DAC digital [to] analog converter
DAO disk at once
DAP directory access protocol
DAT digital audio tape
DAT dynamic acceleration technology
DB database
DBMS database management system
DBS database server
DC direct current
DCC direct client [to] client
DCC direct cable connect
DCD data carrier detect
DCE data control equipment
DCE distributed computing environment
DCS data collection systems
DCT discrete cosine transform
DCU data cache unit
DDC display data channel
DDE dynamic data exchange
DDK device driver kit
DDR double data rate
DDS direct digital sound
DDWG digital display working group
DE desktop environment
DE debugging extensions
DEK data encryption key
DEP data execution prevention
DER distinguished encoding rules
DES Data Encryption Standard
DFA deterministic finite automaton
DFC data flow control
DFS depth first search
DFS distributed file system
DFT discrete Fourier transform
DFT diagnostic function test
DHCP dynamic host configuration protocol
DIFS distributed inter-frame space
DIMM dual inline memory module
DL download
DL diode logic
DLE data link escape
DLL dynamic link library
DMA direct memory access
DMI desktop management interface
DNARD Digital network appliance reference design
DNS domain name system
DOF data over fibre
DOM document object model
DOS denial of service
DOS disk operating system
DPC deferred procedure call
DPCM differential pulse code modulation
DPD dead peer detection
DPI dots per inch
DPI deep packet inspection
DPL descriptor privilege level
DRAM dynamic random access memory
DRI direct rendering infrastructure
DRM digital rights management
DS debug store
DSDT differentiated system descriptor table
DSL digital subscriber line
DSL domain specific language
DSLAM digital subscriber line access multiplexer
DSO dynamic shared object
DSP digital signal processor
DSSS direct sequence spread spectrum
DTD document type definition
DTE data terminal equipment
DTE dumb terminal emulator
DTL diode-transistor logic
DVB digital video broadcasting
DVD digital versatile disc
DVFS dynamic voltage and frequency scaling
DVR digital video recorder
DVI digital visual interface
E-XER extended XML encoding rules
EAP extensible authentication protocol
ECC error correction code
ECL emitter-coupled logic
ECN explicit congestion notification
ECP enhanced capability port
ECS enhanced chip set
ECS extended configuration space
EDAT enhanced dynamic acceleration technology
EDID extended display identification data
EDO extended data out
EDS electronical data sheet
EEPROM electrically erasable programmable read only memory
EFI extensible firmware interface
EFL emitter follower logic
EFM eight to fourteen modulation
EGA enhanced graphics {array,adapter}
EGP exterior gateway protocol
EIDE enchanced IDE
EISA extended industry standard architecture
ELF executable and linking format
ELS entry level system
EMP electro-magnetic pulse
EOF end of file
EOL end of line
EOL end of life
EOT end of transmission
EPIC explicitly parallel instruction computing
EPP enhanced parallel port
EPRML extended partial response, maximum likelihood
EPROM erasable programmable read only memory
ERD emergency recovery disk
ESDRAM enhanced synchronous dynamic random access memory
ESS electronic switching system
EST enhanced speedstep
ETL extract, transform, load
EU execution unit
EULA end user license agreement
FAT file allocation table
FBRAM frame buffer random access memory
FCL fiber channel loop
FCS frame check sequence
FDC floppy disk controller
FDD floppy disk drive
FDDI fiber distributed data interface
FEC forward error correction
FFH functional fixed hardware
FFI foreign function interface
FFS fast file system
FFS find first set
FFT fast Fourier transform
FG floating gate
FHSS frequency hop spread spectrum
FID frequency identifier
FIFO first in, first out
FILO first in, last out
FIR fast infrared
FLOPS floating [point] operations per second
FM frequency modulation
FOSS free / open source software
FPGA field programmable gate array
FPM fast page mode
FPR floating point register
FPU floating point unit
FQDN fully qualified domain name
FRU field replaceable unit
FSB front side bus
FSCK file system check
FSM finite-state machine
FTP file transfer protocol
FTPS file transfer protocol, secure
FWH firmware hub
FWS folding white space
GAS generic address structure
GC garbage collector
GCR group-coded recording
GDT global descriptor table
GEM graphics execution manager
GEM graphics environment manager
GID group identifier
GIF graphics interchange format
GMCH graphics and memory controller hub
GNU GNU's not Unix
GOT global offset table
GPE general purpose event
GPF general protection fault
GPL GNU/general public license
GPR general purpose register
GPT GUID partition table
GPU graphics processing unit
GRE generic routing encapsulation
GSI global system interrupt
GUI graphics user interface
GUID globally unique identifier
HA high availability
HAL hardware abstraction layer
HAT hashed array tree
HBA host bus adapter
HCI host controller interface
HCI human-computer interaction
HCL hardware compatibility list
HCF halt and catch fire
HDD hard disk drive
HDCP high-bandwidth digital content protection
HF high frequency
HFM highest frequency mode
HID human interface device
HLL high-level language
HMA high memory area
HMI human-machine interface
HP Hewlett-Packard
HPC high performance computing
HPET high precision event timer
HT hyper-threading
HTC hardware thermal control
HTML hyper-text markup language
HTT hyper-threading technology
HTTP hyper-text transfer protocol
HTTPS hyper-text transfer protocol, secure
HZ Hertz
I2O intelligent input/output
IANA Internet assigned number authority
IBM International Business Machines
IBS instruction based sampling
ICA independent computer architecture
IC integrated circuit
ICB Internet citizen's band
ICE in-circuit emulator
ICH I/O controller hub
ICE internal compiler error
ICE in-circuit emulator
ICMP Internet control message protocol
IDA Intel dynamic acceleration
IDE integrated drive electronics
IDE integrated development environment
IDRP inter-domain routing protocol
IDS intrusion detection system
IDT interrupt descriptor table
IE Internet Explorer
IEC international electrotechnical commission
IEEE Institute [of] Electrical [and] Electronics Engineers
IESG Internet Engineering Steering Group
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
IFCM isochronous flow control mode
IGMP Internet group management protocol
IGP interior gateway protocol
IHV independent hardware vendor
IKE Internet key exchange
ILM internal loopback mode
ILP instruction level parallelism
IM instant messaging
IMC integrated memory controller
IMCR interrupt mode configuration register
IMAP Internet mail access protocol
INCITS international committee on information technology standards
IO input/output
IOCTL input/output control
IOMMU input/output memory management unit
IP Internet Protocol
IP intellectual property
IPC interprocess communication
IPI interprocessor interrupt
IPNG Internet protocol, next generation
IPS intrusion prevention system
IPS in-plane switching
IPSEC Internet protocol security
IRC Internet relay chat
IRDA infrared data association
IRQ interrupt request
IRQL interrupt request level
IRTF Internet research task force
ISA industry standard architecture
ISA instruction set architecture
ISDN integrated services digital network
ISI inter-symbol interference
ISM industrial, scientific and medical
ISN initial serial number
ISO international standards organization
ISOC Internet society
ISP Internet service provider
ISR interrupt service routine
IST interrupt stack table
ISV independent software vendor
ITB Intel turbo boost
IVT interrupt vector table
JBOD just a bunch of disks
JIT just in time
JPEG joint photographic experts group
JRE Java runtime environment
JTAG joint test action group
KB keyboard
KB kilobyte
KBD keyboard
KBD kilobaud
KLOC thousand lines of code
KMS kernel-mode setting
KPI kernel programming interface
KVA kernel virtual address
KVM kernel virtual memory
KVM keyboard, video, mouse switch
LAMP Linux Apache MySQL {Perl,PHP,Python}
LAN local area network
LAPIC local advanced programmable interrupt controller
LBA logical block addressing
LCD liquid crystal display
LCP link control protocol
LDAP lightweight directory access protocol
LDT local descriptor table
LE logical extent
LED light emitting diode
LER label edge router
LF line feed
LF low frequency
LFM lowest frequency mode
LFN long file names
LFS log-structured file system
LFU least frequently used
LIFO last in, first out
LILO last in, last out
LILO Linux loader
LINT local interrupt
LIR local Internet registry
LKM {Linux, loadable} kernel module
LKML Linux kernel mailing list
LL/SC load linked / store conditional
LLC logical link control
LLF low level format
LLVM Low Level Virtual Machine
LMM link management mode
LNO loop nest optimization
LOC lines of code
LPC low pin count
LRC longitudinal redundancy check
LRM left-to-right mark
LRO left-to-right override
LRU least recently used
LSB least significant bit [or: byte]
LSB Linux standards base
LSI large scale integration
LSR label switch router
LTR left to right
LTR load task register
LUN logical unit number
LV logical volume
LVM logical volume management
LVT local vector table
LZW Lempel Ziv Welch
MAC medium access control
MAC mandatory access control
MADT multiple APIC descriptor table
MB megabyte
MBR master boot record
MBS megabits per second
MC memory controller
MCA machine check architecture
MCC multiversion concurrency control
MCE machine check exception
MCGA multicolor graphics adapter
MCH memory controller hub
MCQ memory controlled queue
MD machine-dependent
MDA mail delivery agent
MDA monochrome display adapter
MDRAM multibank dynamic random access memory
MESI modified, exclusive, shared, invalid
MFC merge from current
MFM modified frequency modulation
MI machine-independent
MIB management information base
MID mobile internet device
MIDI musical instrument digital interface
MIF management information format
MIMD multiple instruction stream, multiple data stream
MIME multipurpose Internet mail extensions
MIMO multiple input multiple output
MIPS million instructions per second
MISD multiple instruction, single data
MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology
ML mailing list
ML machine language
ML machine learning
ML markup language
ML maximum likelihood
MLC multi-level cell
MMIO memory mapped input/output
MMU memory management unit
MMX multimedia extension
MMX multiple math extension
MMX matrix math extension
MOESI modified, owned, exclusive, shared, invalid
MOF maximum operating frequency
MOSI modified, owned, shared, invalid
MP multiprocessor
MP multiprocessing
MP multi-platform
MP multiplayer
MPEG moving picture experts group
MPI message passing interface
MPLS multiprotocol label switching
MPP massively parallel processor
MPS multiprocessor specification
MPS memory pool system
MR modem ready
MRU most recently used
MS Microsoft
MSB most significant bit [or: byte]
MSF minutes seconds frames
MSI message signaled interrupt
MSI modified, shared, invalid
MSR machine state register
MSS maximum segment size
MT machine translation
MTA mail transfer agent
MTBF mean time between failures
MTRR memory type range register
MTTF mean time to failure
MTU maximum transmission unit
MUA mail user agent
MUD multi-user domain
MVCC multiversion concurrency control
MWE module width encoding
MX mail exchange
NACK negative acknowledgement
NAN not a number
NAS network attached storage
NAT network address translation
NAV network allocation vector
NC numerical control
NCP network control protocol
NCQ native command queuing
NFA nondeterministic finite automaton
NFS network file system
NIA next instruction address
NIC network interface card
NIP network interface protocol
NIS network information service
NLS native language support
NMI non-maskable interrupt
NNTP network news transfer protocol
NOP no operation
NP nondeterministic polynomial time
NRZ non-return to zero
NSA National Security Agency
NTM non-deterministic Turing machine
NTP network time protocol
NUMA non-uniform memory access
NVRAM non-volatile random access memory
NX no execute
OAEP optimal asymmetric encryption padding
OBO off by one
OBOE off by one error
OCL object constraint language
OCR optical character recognition
ODCM on-demand clock modulation
ODT on-die termination
OEM original equipment manufacturer
OFDM orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
ONFI open nand flash interface
OO object oriented
OO OpenOffice
OOB out of band
OOE out of order execution
OOM out of memory
OOP object oriented programming
OOSE object oriented software engineering
OPS operations per second
OPM operations per minute
OQL object query language
ORM object-relational mapping
OS operating system
OSD open source definition
OSF open software foundation
OSI open systems interconnection
OSI open-source initiative
OSPF open shortest path first
OSPM OS power management
OSS open source software
OSS open sound system
OSVW operating system visible workarounds
OTP one time password
OUI organizationally unique identifier
OWL Web ontology language
P2P peer to peer
PA physical address
PAE physical address extension
PAM pluggable authentication modules
PAM pulse amplitude modulation
PAP password authentication protocol
PAT page attribute table
PAT port address translation
PATA parallel ATA
PAX portable archive exchange
PBE pending break encoding
PBE programming by example
PC personal computer
PCB printed circuit board
PCC Portable C Compiler
PCI peripheral component interconnect
PCM pulse code modulation
PCMCIA personal computer memory card international association
PD public domain
PDA personal digital assistant
PDA pushdown automaton
PDF portable document format
PDN pull-down network
PDP page descriptor page
PDS product data sheet
PDU protocol data unit
PER packed encoding rules
PERL practical extraction [and] report language
PFS perfect forward secrecy
PGAS partitioned global address space
PGP pretty good privacy
PHB PCI host bridge
PIC programmable interrupt controller
PIC position independent code
PID process id
PIE position independent executable
PIM personal information manager
PIN personal identification number
PIO programmed input/output
PIPT physically indexed, physically tagged
PKI public key infrastructure
PKCS public-key cryptography standards
PLC programmable logic controller
PLL phase locked loop
PLRU pseudo LRU
PM power management
PME power management event
PMI platform management interrupt
PMIO port-mapped input/output
PMT photo-multiplier tube
PMU power management unit
PNG portable network graphics
PNP plug and play
POE power over ethernet
POP post office protocol
POP power on password
POSIX portable operating system interface [for] Unix
POST power on self test
POTS plain old telephone system
PPB PCI [to] PCI bridge
PPI pixels per inch
PPM pages per minute
PPP point-to-point protocol
PPPOA point-to-point protocol over ATM
PPPOE point-to-point protocol over ethernet
PPU physics processing unit
PRBS pseudo-random bit sequence
PRML partial response, maximum likelihood
PRNG pseudo random number generator
PROM programmable read only memory
PSE page size extensions
PSK pre-shared key
PSTN public switched telephone network
PSW program status word
PTE page table entry
PTLA pseudo top level aggregator
PTP page table page
PU processing unit
PUN physical unit number
PV physical volume
PVG physical volume group
PWM pulse width modulation
PXE preboot execution environment
QA quality assurance
QAM quadrature amplitude modulation
QBE query by example
QC quality control
QOS quality of service
RAD rapid application development
RAID redundant array of inexpensive disks
RAM random access memory
RAS restartable atomic sequence
RAS remote access service
RAS row address strobe
RC release candidate
RC remote control
RCS revision control system
RCU read-copy-update
RDF resource description format
RDM relational data model
RDMA remote direct memory access
REST representational state transfer
RF radio frequency
RFO request for ownership
RGB red green blue
RH read hit
RHL Red Hat Linux
RIFF Resource Interchange File Format
RIP routing information protocol
RIR regional Internet registry
RISC reduced instruction set computing
RKM ROM Kernel Manual
RLE run length encoding
RLL run length limited
RLO right-to-left override
RM read miss
RNG random number generator
ROM read only memory
RPC remote procedure call
RPL requested privilege level
RPM revolutions per minute
RR random replacement
RSA Rivest, Shamir and Adleman
RSS really simple syndication
RSS residual sum of squares
RT real time
RTC real time clock
RTC real time computing
RTF rich text format
RTL resistor-transistor logic
RTOS real time operating system
RTS {ready, request} to send
RTT round time trip
RUP rational unified process
RWM read-write memory
RX receive, receiver
S/PDIF Sony/Phillips digital interface
SAAS software as a service
SACD super audio compact disc
SAD security association database
SAM serial access memory
SAM sum addressed memory
SAN storage area network
SAPIC streamlined advanced programmable interrupt controller
SASI shugart associates system interface (predecessor to SCSI)
SATA serial advanced technology attachment
SB sound blaster
SBU standard build unit
SCM software configuration management
SCM source code management
SCP secure copy
SCI system control interrupt
SCI scalable coherent interface
SCSI small computer system interface
SCTP stream control transmission protocol
SDK software development kit
SDL simple declarative language
SDRAM synchronous dynamic random access memory
SDT syntax-directed translation
SEGV segmentation violation
SFI simple firmware interface
SFC sequential function chart
SGRAM synchronous graphics random access memory
SIFS short inter-frame space
SIMD single instruction, multiple data
SIMM single inline memory module
SIP session initiation protocol
SIR slow infrared
SISD single instruction, single data
SLC single-level cell
SLDRAM synchronous-link dynamic random access memory
SLI scalable link interface
SLI scan-line interleave
SLOC source lines of code
SLRU segmented LRU
SMAF system management action field
SMART self-monitoring analysis and reporting technology
SMBIOS system management BIOS
SMC system management controller
SMI system management interrupt
SMI structure of management information
SMM system management mode
SMP symmetric multiprocessing
SMT simultaneous multithreading
SMTP simple mail transfer protocol
SMU system management unit
SNMP simple network management protocol
SOA service oriented architecture
SOAP simple object access protocol
SOHO small office / home office
SOL serial over LAN
SP stack pointer
SP service pack
SPARC scalable processor architecture
SPARQL SPARQL protocol and RDF query language
SPD security policy database
SPD serial presence detect
SPI serial peripheral interface
SPI stateful packet inspection
SPMD single process, multiple data
SPR special purpose register
SPT sectors per track
SQL structured query language
SRAM static random access memory
SRC sample rate conversion
SS stack segment
SSD solid state drive
SSE streaming SIMD extensions
SSFDC solid state floppy disc card
SSH secure shell
SSI server side includes
SSL secure sockets layer
SSP stack smashing protection
STP shielded twisted pair
STP spanning-tree protocol
SUS Single Unix Specification
SVG scalable vector graphics
SVGA super video graphics {array,adapter}
SVM secure virtual machine
SVM support vector machine
SWF Shockwave Flash
TAS test and set
TAO track at once
TAOCP The Art of Computer Programming
TCB trace capture buffer
TCB trusted computing base
TCC thermal control circuit
TCL tool command language
TCP transmission control protocol
TCQ tagged command queueing
TDD test driven development
TDP thermal design {point, power}
TECO Text Editor and Corrector
TFT thin film transistor
TFTP trivial file transfer protocol
TIAS try it and see
TIFF tagged image file format
TITS try it to see
TLA top level aggregator
TLB transition lookaside buffer
TLD top level domain
TLS transport layer security
TLS thread local storage
TM Turing machine
TMDS transition minimized differential signaling
TMO timeout
TOD time of day
TOS terms of service
TOS type of service
TP transaction processing
TPM trusted platform module
TPM transactions per minute
TPR task priority register
TR token ring
TR task register
TRNG true random number generator
TS time stamp
TS time series
TS terminal services
TSC time stamp counter
TSO time sharing option
TSP time stamp protocol
TSP tunnel setup protocol
TSP traveling salesman problem
TSS task state segment
TTL time to live
TTL transistor-transistor logic
TTM translation table maps
TTY teletype
TX transmit out, transmitter
TZ time zone
UAC user {account, access} control
UART universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter
UC uncacheable
UCS uniform-cost search
UDMA ultra DMA
UDO ultra density optical (storage)
UDP user datagram protocol
UFS Unix file system
UI user interface
UI unit interval
UID user identifier
UID unique identifier
UL upload
UMA uniform memory access
UMA upper memory area
UMB upper memory block
UML unified modeling language
UPS uninterruptible power supply
URI uniform resource identifier
URL uniform resource locator
URN uniform resource name
USART universal synchronous/asynchronous receiver/transmitter
USB universal serial bus
USWC uncacheable speculative write combining
UTC coordinated universal time
UTP unshielded twisted pair
UUCP Unix-to-Unix copy protocol
UUID universally unique identifier
UUOC useless use of cat
VA virtual address
VA vertical alignment
VAX virtual address extension
VB Visual Basic
VCC common collector voltage
VCM virtual channel memory
VESA video electronics standards association
VG volume group
VGA video graphics {array,adapter}
VHDCI very high density cable interconnect
VID voltage level identifier
VIPT virtually indexed, physically tagged
VIVT virtually indexed, virtually tagged
VLAN virtual local area network
VLIW very long instruction word
VLSI very large scale integration
VLSM variable length subnet mask
VOD video on demand
VM virtual {machine,memory}
VMX virtual machine extensions
VMX vector multimedia extensions
VPN virtual private network
VR virtual reality
VRAM video random access memory
VRM voltage regulator module
VRRP virtual router redundancy protocol
W3C World Wide Web Consortium
WAN wide area network
WAP wireless application protocol
WEP wired equivalent privacy
WFI wait for interrupt
WH write hit
WIFI wireless fidelity
WLAN wireless local area network
WDT watchdog timer
WM write miss
WOL wake on LAN
WOR wake on ring
WORM write once read many
WPA wi-fi protected access
WRAM window random access memory
WTC write through caching
WWAN wireless wide area network
WWW world wide web
WYSIWYG what you see is what you get
XBAR crossbar
XER XML encoding rules
XGA extended graphics {array,adapter}
XIP execute in place
XML extensible markup language
XOR exclusive or
XP extreme programming
XSL extensible stylesheet language
XSS cross site scripting
XT extended technology
XUL XML user interface language
YACC yet another compiler compiler
YAWPFAPR you are welcome; please file a problem report
YP yellow pages (aka NIS)
YTD year to date
ZFOD zero-filled on demand
ZIF zero insertion force
ZIFS zero insertion force socket
ZMA zone multicast address