minor of libc and the major of libutil). For little-endian architectures merge the bnswap() assembly versions with nto* and hton* using symbols aliasing. Use symbol renaming for the bswap function in this case to avoid namespace pollution. Declare bswap* in machine/bswap.h, not machine/endian.h. For little-endian machines, common code for inline macros go in machine/byte_swap.h Sync libkern with libc. Adjust #include in kernel sources for machine/bswap.h.
30 lines
857 B
30 lines
857 B
# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.21 1999/01/15 13:31:22 bouyer Exp $
# @(#)Makefile 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/4/93
LIB= util
SRCS= fparseln.c getmaxpartitions.c getrawpartition.c login.c login_tty.c \
logout.c logwtmp.c opendisk.c passwd.c pw_scan.c pidlock.c pty.c \
ttyaction.c ttymsg.c
MAN= fparseln.3 getmaxpartitions.3 getrawpartition.3 login.3 opendisk.3 \
openpty.3 pidlock.3 pw_init.3 pw_lock.3 ttyaction.3 ttymsg.3
.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../libc/gen
MLINKS+=login.3 logout.3
MLINKS+=login.3 logwtmp.3
MLINKS+=openpty.3 login_tty.3
MLINKS+=openpty.3 forkpty.3
MLINKS+=pw_init.3 pw_edit.3
MLINKS+=pw_init.3 pw_prompt.3
MLINKS+=pw_init.3 pw_copy.3
MLINKS+=pw_init.3 pw_scan.3
MLINKS+=pw_init.3 pw_error.3
MLINKS+=pw_lock.3 pw_mkdb.3
MLINKS+=pw_lock.3 pw_abort.3
MLINKS+=pidlock.3 ttylock.3
MLINKS+=pidlock.3 ttyunlock.3
.include <bsd.lib.mk>