Only sun3[x] was building it anyway, and now it's converted to USE_NEW_TOOLCHAIN, where all ports (will) have it. The other reason to descend is the man page, but what use is a man page if the program doesn't get installed? [gnu/usr.sbin/dbsym has its own copy of the man page.] Ok'd by thorpej.
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39 lines
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# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.169 2001/12/17 21:22:51 wiz Exp $
# from: @(#)Makefile 5.20 (Berkeley) 6/12/93
.include <bsd.own.mk>
SUBDIR= ac accton altq amd apm apmd arp bad144 bind bootp catman \
chown chroot chrtbl cnwctl config cron dev_mkdb \
dhcp diskpart dumpfs dumplfs edquota eeprom \
envstat eshconfig greconfig grfconfig \
grfinfo gspa hilinfo ifwatchd inetd iopctl iostat ipf \
irdaattach isdn iteconfig \
kgmon kvm_mkdb lastlogin link lpr mailwrapper makefs map-mbone \
mdconfig memswitch mlxctl mopd mountd moused mrinfo mrouted mtrace \
mtree ndbootd netgroup_mkdb nfsd ntp pcictl pkg_install pppd pstat \
pwd_mkdb quot quotacheck quotaon rarpd rbootd rdate \
repquota rmt rpc.bootparamd rpc.lockd rpc.pcnfsd \
rpc.statd rpc.yppasswdd rpcbind rwhod sa screenblank sesd \
sliplogin slstats spray sup sushi syslogd tadpolectl tcpdchk \
tcpdmatch tcpdump timed traceroute trpt trsp unlink \
usbdevs user videomode vipw vnconfig wiconfig wsconscfg \
wsfontload wsmuxctl ypbind yppoll ypserv ypset zdump zic
.if !defined(USE_NEW_TOOLCHAIN)
SUBDIR+= mdsetimage
# IPv6
SUBDIR+=faithd ifmcstat mld6query ndp \
rip6query route6d rtadvd traceroute6 rtsold
SUBDIR+=pvcsif pvctxctl
.if (${MKCRYPTO} != "no")
SUBDIR+= hprop kadmin kdc kstash ktutil racoon
.include <bsd.subdir.mk>