exitType to either vEARLY_EXIT, or vESCAPE_HIT when returning from a bound function. This had the unfortunate effect that when you hit F2 to refresh the screen in sushi, it would exit out immediately after refreshing the screen. This modification allows the programmer to still create an exit-causing bound function, by simply setting the exitType in the function, as was likely intended by the author. Many thanks to Charles Hannum for helping me figure this out. This should fix problems noted by itojun on tech-userlevel with the function keys.
623 lines
15 KiB
623 lines
15 KiB
#include <cdk.h>
* $Author: garbled $
* $Date: 2001/01/09 18:41:53 $
* $Revision: 1.3 $
* This returns a CDK buttonbox widget pointer.
CDKBUTTONBOX *newCDKButtonbox (CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen, int xPos, int yPos, int height, int width, char *title, int rows, int cols, char **buttons, int buttonCount, chtype highlight, boolean Box, boolean shadow)
/* Declare local variables. */
CDKBUTTONBOX *buttonbox = newCDKObject(CDKBUTTONBOX, &my_funcs);
int parentWidth = getmaxx(cdkscreen->window);
int parentHeight = getmaxy(cdkscreen->window);
int boxWidth = 0;
int boxHeight = 0;
int maxColWidth = INT_MIN;
int maxWidth = INT_MIN;
int colWidth = 0;
int xpos = xPos;
int ypos = yPos;
int currentButton = 0;
chtype *holder = 0;
char **temp = 0;
int x, y, len, junk;
/* Set some default values for the widget. */
buttonbox->rowAdjust = 0;
buttonbox->colAdjust = 0;
* If the height is a negative value, the height will
* be ROWS-height, otherwise, the height will be the
* given height.
boxHeight = setWidgetDimension (parentHeight, height, rows + 1);
* If the width is a negative value, the width will
* be COLS-width, otherwise, the width will be the
* given width.
boxWidth = setWidgetDimension (parentWidth, width, 0);
/* Translate the char * items to chtype * */
if (title != 0)
/* We need to split the title on \n. */
temp = CDKsplitString (title, '\n');
buttonbox->titleLines = CDKcountStrings (temp);
/* We need to determine the widest title line. */
for (x=0; x < buttonbox->titleLines; x++)
holder = char2Chtype (temp[x], &len, &junk);
maxWidth = MAXIMUM (maxWidth, len);
freeChtype (holder);
boxWidth = MAXIMUM (boxWidth, maxWidth + 2);
/* For each line in the title, convert from char * to chtype * */
for (x=0; x < buttonbox->titleLines; x++)
buttonbox->title[x] = char2Chtype (temp[x], &buttonbox->titleLen[x], &buttonbox->titlePos[x]);
buttonbox->titlePos[x] = justifyString (boxWidth - 2, buttonbox->titleLen[x], buttonbox->titlePos[x]);
/* No title? Set the required variables. */
buttonbox->titleLines = 0;
boxHeight += buttonbox->titleLines;
/* Translate the buttons char * to a chtype * */
for (x = 0; x < buttonCount; x++)
buttonbox->button[x] = char2Chtype (buttons[x], &buttonbox->buttonLen[x], &junk);
/* Set the button positions. */
for (x=0; x < cols; x++)
maxColWidth = INT_MIN;
/* Look for the widest item in this column. */
for (y=0; y < rows; y++)
if (currentButton < buttonCount)
maxColWidth = MAXIMUM (buttonbox->buttonLen[currentButton], maxColWidth);
/* Keep the maximum column width for this column. */
buttonbox->columnWidths[x] = maxColWidth;
colWidth += maxColWidth;
* Make sure we didn't extend beyond the dimensions of the window.
boxWidth = MINIMUM (boxWidth, parentWidth);
boxHeight = MINIMUM (boxHeight, parentHeight);
/* Now we have to readjust the x and y positions. */
alignxy (cdkscreen->window, &xpos, &ypos, boxWidth, boxHeight);
/* Set up the buttonbox box attributes. */
ScreenOf(buttonbox) = cdkscreen;
buttonbox->parent = cdkscreen->window;
buttonbox->win = newwin (boxHeight + !!shadow, boxWidth + !!shadow, ypos, xpos);
buttonbox->buttonCount = buttonCount;
buttonbox->currentButton = 0;
buttonbox->rows = rows;
buttonbox->cols = (buttonCount < cols ? buttonCount : cols);
buttonbox->boxHeight = boxHeight;
buttonbox->boxWidth = boxWidth;
buttonbox->highlight = highlight;
buttonbox->exitType = vNEVER_ACTIVATED;
ObjOf(buttonbox)->box = Box;
buttonbox->shadow = shadow;
buttonbox->ULChar = ACS_ULCORNER;
buttonbox->URChar = ACS_URCORNER;
buttonbox->LLChar = ACS_LLCORNER;
buttonbox->LRChar = ACS_LRCORNER;
buttonbox->HChar = ACS_HLINE;
buttonbox->VChar = ACS_VLINE;
buttonbox->BoxAttrib = A_NORMAL;
buttonbox->preProcessFunction = 0;
buttonbox->preProcessData = 0;
buttonbox->postProcessFunction = 0;
buttonbox->postProcessData = 0;
/* Set up the row adjustment. */
if (boxHeight - rows - buttonbox->titleLines > 0)
buttonbox->rowAdjust = (int)((boxHeight-rows-buttonbox->titleLines) / buttonbox->rows);
/* Set the col adjustment. */
if (boxWidth - colWidth > 0)
buttonbox->colAdjust = (int)((boxWidth-colWidth) / buttonbox->cols);
/* If we couldn't create the window, we should return a null value. */
if (buttonbox->win == 0)
/* Couldn't create the window. Clean up used memory. */
for (x=0; x < buttonbox->buttonCount; x++)
freeChtype (buttonbox->button[x]);
/* Remove the memory used by the buttonbox pointer. */
free (buttonbox);
/* Return a null buttonbox box. */
return (0);
keypad (buttonbox->win, TRUE);
leaveok (buttonbox->win, TRUE);
if (buttonbox->titleLines > 0)
/* Make the title window. */
buttonbox->titleWin = subwin (buttonbox->win,
buttonbox->titleLines, boxWidth - 2,
ypos + 1, xpos + 1);
/* Empty the key bindings. */
cleanCDKObjectBindings (vBUTTONBOX, buttonbox);
/* Register this baby. */
registerCDKObject (cdkscreen, vBUTTONBOX, buttonbox);
/* Return the buttonbox box pointer. */
return (buttonbox);
* This activates the widget.
int activateCDKButtonbox (CDKBUTTONBOX *buttonbox, chtype *actions)
/* Declare local variables. */
chtype input = 0;
int ret;
/* Draw the buttonbox box. */
drawCDKButtonbox (buttonbox, ObjOf(buttonbox)->box);
/* Check if actions is null. */
if (actions == 0)
for (;;)
/* Get the input. */
wrefresh (buttonbox->win);
input = wgetch (buttonbox->win);
/* Inject the character into the widget. */
ret = injectCDKButtonbox (buttonbox, input);
if (buttonbox->exitType != vEARLY_EXIT)
return ret;
int length = chlen (actions);
int x = 0;
/* Inject each character one at a time. */
for (x=0; x < length; x++)
ret = injectCDKButtonbox (buttonbox, actions[x]);
if (buttonbox->exitType != vEARLY_EXIT)
return ret;
/* Set the exit type and exit. */
buttonbox->exitType = vEARLY_EXIT;
return -1;
* This injects a single character into the widget.
int injectCDKButtonbox (CDKBUTTONBOX *buttonbox, chtype input)
int firstButton = 0;
int lastButton = buttonbox->buttonCount - 1;
int ppReturn = 1;
/* Set the exit type. */
buttonbox->exitType = vEARLY_EXIT;
/* Check if there is a pre-process function to be called. */
if (buttonbox->preProcessFunction != 0)
ppReturn = ((PROCESSFN)(buttonbox->preProcessFunction)) (vBUTTONBOX, buttonbox, buttonbox->preProcessData, input);
/* Should we continue? */
if (ppReturn != 0)
/* Check for a key binding. */
if (checkCDKObjectBind (vBUTTONBOX, buttonbox, input) != 0)
return -1;
switch (input)
case KEY_LEFT : case CDK_PREV :
if ((buttonbox->currentButton-buttonbox->rows) < firstButton)
buttonbox->currentButton = lastButton;
buttonbox->currentButton -= buttonbox->rows;
case KEY_RIGHT : case CDK_NEXT : case KEY_TAB : case ' ' :
if ((buttonbox->currentButton + buttonbox->rows) > lastButton)
buttonbox->currentButton = firstButton;
buttonbox->currentButton += buttonbox->rows;
case KEY_UP :
if ((buttonbox->currentButton-1) < firstButton)
buttonbox->currentButton = lastButton;
case KEY_DOWN :
if ((buttonbox->currentButton + 1) > lastButton)
buttonbox->currentButton = firstButton;
case KEY_ESC :
buttonbox->exitType = vESCAPE_HIT;
return -1;
case KEY_RETURN : case KEY_ENTER : case KEY_CR :
buttonbox->exitType = vNORMAL;
return buttonbox->currentButton;
eraseCDKScreen (ScreenOf(buttonbox));
refreshCDKScreen (ScreenOf(buttonbox));
default :
/* Should we call a post-process? */
if (buttonbox->postProcessFunction != 0)
((PROCESSFN)(buttonbox->postProcessFunction)) (vBUTTONBOX, buttonbox, buttonbox->postProcessData, input);
/* Redraw the buttons. */
drawCDKButtonboxButtons (buttonbox);
/* Exit the buttonbox box. */
buttonbox->exitType = vEARLY_EXIT;
return -1;
* This sets multiple attributes of the widget.
void setCDKButtonbox (CDKBUTTONBOX *buttonbox, chtype highlight, boolean Box)
setCDKButtonboxHighlight (buttonbox, highlight);
setCDKButtonboxBox (buttonbox, Box);
* This sets the highlight attribute for the buttonboxs.
void setCDKButtonboxHighlight (CDKBUTTONBOX *buttonbox, chtype highlight)
buttonbox->highlight = highlight;
chtype getCDKButtonboxHighlight (CDKBUTTONBOX *buttonbox)
return (chtype)buttonbox->highlight;
* This sets the box attribute of the widget.
void setCDKButtonboxBox (CDKBUTTONBOX *buttonbox, boolean Box)
ObjOf(buttonbox)->box = Box;
boolean getCDKButtonboxBox (CDKBUTTONBOX *buttonbox)
return ObjOf(buttonbox)->box;
* This sets the background color of the widget.
void setCDKButtonboxBackgroundColor (CDKBUTTONBOX *buttonbox, char *color)
chtype *holder = 0;
int junk1, junk2;
/* Make sure the color isn't null. */
if (color == 0)
/* Convert the value of the environment variable to a chtype. */
holder = char2Chtype (color, &junk1, &junk2);
/* Set the widgets background color. */
wbkgd (buttonbox->win, holder[0]);
/* Clean up. */
freeChtype (holder);
* This draws the buttonbox box widget.
void _drawCDKButtonbox (CDKOBJS *object, boolean Box)
CDKBUTTONBOX *buttonbox = (CDKBUTTONBOX *)object;
int x = 0;
/* Box the widget if they asked. */
if (Box)
attrbox (buttonbox->win,
buttonbox->ULChar, buttonbox->URChar,
buttonbox->LLChar, buttonbox->LRChar,
buttonbox->HChar, buttonbox->VChar,
if (buttonbox->titleLines > 0)
/* Draw in the title if there is one. */
for (x=0; x < buttonbox->titleLines; x++)
writeChtype (buttonbox->titleWin,
buttonbox->titlePos[x], x,
wnoutrefresh (buttonbox->titleWin);
/* Draw in the buttons. */
drawCDKButtonboxButtons (buttonbox);
* This draws the buttons on the button box widget.
void drawCDKButtonboxButtons (CDKBUTTONBOX *buttonbox)
int row = buttonbox->titleLines + 1;
int col = (int)(buttonbox->colAdjust / 2);
int currentButton = 0;
int x, y;
/* Draw the buttons. */
while (currentButton < buttonbox->buttonCount)
for (x=0; x < buttonbox->cols; x++)
row = buttonbox->titleLines + 1;
for (y=0; y < buttonbox->rows; y++)
if (currentButton == buttonbox->currentButton)
writeChtypeAttrib (buttonbox->win,
col, row,
writeChtype (buttonbox->win,
col, row,
row += (1 + buttonbox->rowAdjust);
col += buttonbox->columnWidths[x] + buttonbox->colAdjust + 1;
/* Refresh the window. */
wnoutrefresh (buttonbox->win);
* This erases the buttonbox box from the screen.
void _eraseCDKButtonbox (CDKOBJS *object)
CDKBUTTONBOX *buttonbox = (CDKBUTTONBOX *)object;
eraseCursesWindow (buttonbox->win);
* This moves the buttonbox box to a new screen location.
void _moveCDKButtonbox (CDKOBJS *object, int xplace, int yplace, boolean relative, boolean refresh_flag)
CDKBUTTONBOX *buttonbox = (CDKBUTTONBOX *)object;
* If this is a relative move, then we will adjust where we want
* to move to.
if (relative)
xplace += getbegx(buttonbox->win);
yplace += getbegy(buttonbox->win);
/* Adjust the window if we need to. */
alignxy (WindowOf(buttonbox), &xplace, &yplace, buttonbox->boxWidth, buttonbox->boxHeight);
/* Move the window to the new location. */
moveCursesWindow(buttonbox->win, xplace, yplace);
/* Redraw the window, if they asked for it. */
if (refresh_flag)
drawCDKButtonbox (buttonbox, ObjOf(buttonbox)->box);
* This destroys the widget and all the memory associated with it.
void destroyCDKButtonbox (CDKBUTTONBOX *buttonbox)
int x;
/* Erase the widget. */
eraseCDKButtonbox (buttonbox);
/* Free up some memory. */
for (x=0; x < buttonbox->titleLines; x++)
freeChtype (buttonbox->title[x]);
for (x=0; x < buttonbox->buttonCount; x++)
freeChtype (buttonbox->button[x]);
/* Delete the windows. */
deleteCursesWindow (buttonbox->win);
/* Unregister this object. */
unregisterCDKObject (vBUTTONBOX, buttonbox);
/* Finish cleaning up. */
free (buttonbox);
* These functions set the drawing characters of the widget.
void setCDKButtonboxULChar (CDKBUTTONBOX *buttonbox, chtype character)
buttonbox->ULChar = character;
void setCDKButtonboxURChar (CDKBUTTONBOX *buttonbox, chtype character)
buttonbox->URChar = character;
void setCDKButtonboxLLChar (CDKBUTTONBOX *buttonbox, chtype character)
buttonbox->LLChar = character;
void setCDKButtonboxLRChar (CDKBUTTONBOX *buttonbox, chtype character)
buttonbox->LRChar = character;
void setCDKButtonboxVerticalChar (CDKBUTTONBOX *buttonbox, chtype character)
buttonbox->VChar = character;
void setCDKButtonboxHorizontalChar (CDKBUTTONBOX *buttonbox, chtype character)
buttonbox->HChar = character;
void setCDKButtonboxBoxAttribute (CDKBUTTONBOX *buttonbox, chtype character)
buttonbox->BoxAttrib = character;
* These set the pre/post process functions of the buttonbox widget.
void setCDKButtonboxPreProcess (CDKBUTTONBOX *buttonbox, PROCESSFN callback, void *data)
buttonbox->preProcessFunction = callback;
buttonbox->preProcessData = data;
void setCDKButtonboxPostProcess (CDKBUTTONBOX *buttonbox, PROCESSFN callback, void *data)
buttonbox->postProcessFunction = callback;
buttonbox->postProcessData = data;
void setCDKButtonboxCurrentButton (CDKBUTTONBOX *buttonbox, int button)
if ((button >= 0) && (button < buttonbox->buttonCount))
buttonbox->currentButton = button;
int getCDKButtonboxCurrentButton (CDKBUTTONBOX *buttonbox)
return buttonbox->currentButton;
int getCDKButtonboxButtonCount (CDKBUTTONBOX *buttonbox)
return buttonbox->buttonCount;