
338 lines
7.1 KiB

copyright 1991, Michael D. Brennan
This is a source file for mawk, an implementation of
the AWK programming language.
Mawk is distributed without warranty under the terms of
the GNU General Public License, version 2, 1991.
/* $Log: re_cmpl.c,v $
/* Revision 1.2 1993/07/02 23:57:49 jtc
/* Updated to mawk 1.1.4
* Revision 5.1 1991/12/05 07:56:25 brennan
* 1.1 pre-release
/* re_cmpl.c */
#include "mawk.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "scan.h"
#include "regexp.h"
#include "repl.h"
static CELL *PROTO( REPL_compile, (STRING *) ) ;
typedef struct re_node {
STRING *sval ;
PTR re ;
struct re_node *link ;
static RE_NODE *re_list ; /* a list of compiled regular expressions */
static char efmt[] = "regular expression compile failed (%s)\n%s" ;
PTR re_compile( sval )
STRING *sval ;
{ register RE_NODE *p ;
RE_NODE *q ;
char *s ;
/* search list */
s = sval->str ;
p = re_list ;
q = (RE_NODE *) 0 ;
while ( p )
if ( strcmp(s, p->sval->str) == 0 ) /* found */
if ( !q ) /* already at front */ goto _return ;
else /* delete from list for move to front */
{ q->link = p->link ; goto found ; }
{ q = p ; p = p->link ; }
/* not found */
p = (RE_NODE *) zmalloc( sizeof(RE_NODE) ) ;
p->sval = sval ;
sval->ref_cnt++ ;
if( !(p->re = REcompile(s)) )
if ( mawk_state == EXECUTION )
rt_error(efmt, REerrlist[REerrno] , s) ;
else /* compiling */
{ compile_error(efmt, REerrlist[REerrno] , s) ;
return (PTR) 0 ;
found :
/* insert p at the front of the list */
p->link = re_list ; re_list = p ;
_return :
#ifdef DEBUG
if ( dump_RE ) REmprint(p->re, stderr) ;
return p->re ;
/* this is only used by da() */
#if ! SM_DOS
char *re_uncompile( m )
PTR m ;
{ register RE_NODE *p ;
for( p = re_list ; p ; p = p->link )
if ( p->re == m ) return p->sval->str ;
#ifdef DEBUG
bozo("non compiled machine") ;
#endif /* not SM_DOS */
/* replacement operations */
/* create a replacement CELL from a STRING * */
static CELL *REPL_compile( sval )
STRING *sval ;
{ int i = 0 ;
register char *p = sval->str ;
register char *q ;
char *xbuff ;
CELL *cp ;
q = xbuff = (char *) zmalloc( sval->len + 1 ) ;
while ( 1 )
switch( *p )
case 0 : *q = 0 ;
goto done ;
case '\\':
if ( p[1] == '&' )
{ *q++ = '&' ; p += 2 ; continue ; }
else break ;
case '&':
/* if empty we don't need to make a node */
if ( q != xbuff )
{ *q = 0 ;
split_buff[i++] = new_STRING(xbuff) ;
/* and a null node for the '&' */
split_buff[i++] = (STRING *) 0 ;
/* reset */
p++ ; q = xbuff ;
continue ;
default :
break ;
*q++ = *p++ ;
done :
/* if we have one empty string it will get made now */
if ( q > xbuff || i == 0 )
split_buff[i++] = new_STRING(xbuff) ;
/* This will never happen */
if ( i > MAX_SPLIT )
overflow("replacement pieces", MAX_SPLIT) ;
cp = new_CELL() ;
if ( i == 1 )
cp->type = C_REPL ;
cp->ptr = (PTR) split_buff[0] ;
STRING **sp = (STRING**)
(cp->ptr = zmalloc(sizeof(STRING *)*i)) ;
int j = 0 ;
while ( j < i ) *sp++ = split_buff[j++] ;
cp->type = C_REPLV ;
cp->vcnt = i ;
zfree(xbuff, sval->len+1) ;
return cp ;
/* free memory used by a replacement CELL */
void repl_destroy( cp )
register CELL *cp ;
{ register STRING **p ;
unsigned cnt ;
if ( cp->type == C_REPL ) free_STRING(string(cp)) ;
else /* an C_REPLV */
p = (STRING **) cp->ptr ;
for( cnt = cp->vcnt ; cnt ; cnt--)
if ( *p ) free_STRING( *p ) ;
p++ ;
zfree( cp->ptr, cp->vcnt * sizeof(STRING *) ) ;
/* copy a C_REPLV cell to another CELL */
CELL *replv_cpy( target, source )
CELL *target , *source ;
{ STRING **t, **s ;
unsigned cnt ;
target->type = C_REPLV ;
target->vcnt = source->vcnt ;
target->ptr = (PTR) zmalloc( target->vcnt * sizeof(STRING *) ) ;
cnt = target->vcnt ;
t = (STRING **) target->ptr ;
s = (STRING **) source->ptr ;
while ( cnt-- )
if ( *t = *s++ ) (*t)->ref_cnt++ ;
t++ ;
return target ;
/* here's our old friend linked linear list with move to the front
for compilation of replacement CELLs */
typedef struct repl_node {
struct repl_node *link ;
STRING *sval ; /* the input */
CELL *cp ; /* the output */
static REPL_NODE *repl_list ;
/* search the list (with move to the front) for a compiled
return a ptr to a CELL (C_REPL or C_REPLV)
CELL *repl_compile( sval )
STRING *sval ;
{ register REPL_NODE *p ;
char *s ;
/* search the list */
s = sval->str ;
p = repl_list ;
q = (REPL_NODE *) 0 ;
while ( p )
if ( strcmp(s, p->sval->str) == 0 ) /* found */
if ( !q ) /* already at front */ return p->cp ;
else /* delete from list for move to front */
{ q->link = p->link ; goto found ; }
{ q = p ; p = p->link ; }
/* not found */
p = (REPL_NODE *) zmalloc( sizeof(REPL_NODE) ) ;
p->sval = sval ;
sval->ref_cnt++ ;
p->cp = REPL_compile(sval) ;
found :
/* insert p at the front of the list */
p->link = repl_list ; repl_list = p ;
return p->cp ;
/* return the string for a CELL or type REPL or REPLV,
this is only used by da() */
#if ! SM_DOS
char *repl_uncompile( cp )
CELL *cp ;
register REPL_NODE *p = repl_list ;
if ( cp->type == C_REPL )
while ( p )
if ( p->cp->type == C_REPL &&
p->cp->ptr == cp->ptr ) return p->sval->str ;
else p = p->link ;
while ( p )
if ( p->cp->type == C_REPLV &&
memcmp( cp->ptr, p->cp->ptr, SIZE_T(cp->vcnt * sizeof(STRING*)))
== 0 ) return p->sval->str ;
else p = p->link ;
bozo("unable to uncompile an repl") ;
#endif /* ! SM_DOS */
convert a C_REPLV to C_REPL
replacing the &s with sval
CELL *replv_to_repl( cp, sval)
CELL *cp ; STRING *sval ;
{ register STRING **p ;
STRING **sblock = (STRING **) cp->ptr ;
unsigned cnt , vcnt = cp->vcnt ;
unsigned len ;
char *target ;
#ifdef DEBUG
if ( cp->type != C_REPLV ) bozo("not replv") ;
p = sblock ; cnt = vcnt ; len = 0 ;
while ( cnt-- )
if ( *p ) len += (*p++)->len ;
{ *p++ = sval ; sval->ref_cnt++ ; len += sval->len ; }
cp->type = C_REPL ;
cp->ptr = (PTR) new_STRING((char *) 0, len) ;
p = sblock ; cnt = vcnt ; target = string(cp)->str ;
while ( cnt-- )
{ (void) memcpy(target, (*p)->str, SIZE_T((*p)->len)) ;
target += (*p)->len ;
free_STRING(*p) ;
p++ ;
zfree( sblock, vcnt * sizeof(STRING *) ) ;
return cp ;