23 lines
702 B
23 lines
702 B
# $NetBSD: dot.profile,v 1.32 2020/08/24 12:46:57 nia Exp $
export PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/pkg/sbin:/usr/pkg/bin
export PATH=${PATH}:/usr/X11R7/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin
# Uncomment the following line(s) to install binary packages
# from cdn.NetBSD.org via pkg_add. (See also pkg_install.conf)
#export PKG_PATH="https://cdn.NetBSD.org/pub/pkgsrc/packages/NetBSD/$(uname -p)/$(uname -r|cut -f '1 2' -d.|cut -f 1 -d_)/All"
export BLOCKSIZE=1k
export HOST="$(hostname)"
umask 022
#ulimit -c 0
export ENV=/root/.shrc
# Do not display in 'su -' case
if [ -z "$SU_FROM" ]; then
echo "We recommend that you create a non-root account and use su(1) for root access."