
208 lines
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/* qmgr_entry 3
/* per-site queue entries
/* #include "qmgr.h"
/* QMGR_ENTRY *qmgr_entry_create(queue, message)
/* QMGR_QUEUE *queue;
/* QMGR_MESSAGE *message;
/* void qmgr_entry_done(entry, which)
/* QMGR_ENTRY *entry;
/* int which;
/* QMGR_ENTRY *qmgr_entry_select(queue)
/* QMGR_QUEUE *queue;
/* void qmgr_entry_unselect(queue, entry)
/* QMGR_QUEUE *queue;
/* QMGR_ENTRY *entry;
/* These routines add/delete/manipulate per-site message
/* delivery requests.
/* qmgr_entry_create() creates an entry for the named queue and
/* message, and appends the entry to the queue's todo list.
/* Filling in and cleaning up the recipients is the responsibility
/* of the caller.
/* qmgr_entry_done() discards a per-site queue entry. The
/* \fIwhich\fR argument is either QMGR_QUEUE_BUSY for an entry
/* of the site's `busy' list (i.e. queue entries that have been
/* selected for actual delivery), or QMGR_QUEUE_TODO for an entry
/* of the site's `todo' list (i.e. queue entries awaiting selection
/* for actual delivery).
/* qmgr_entry_done() triggers cleanup of the per-site queue when
/* the site has no pending deliveries, and the site is either
/* alive, or the site is dead and the number of in-core queues
/* exceeds a configurable limit (see qmgr_queue_done()).
/* qmgr_entry_done() triggers special action when the last in-core
/* queue entry for a message is done with: either read more
/* recipients from the queue file, delete the queue file, or move
/* the queue file to the deferred queue; send bounce reports to the
/* message originator (see qmgr_active_done()).
/* qmgr_entry_select() randomly selects one entry from the named
/* per-site queue's `todo' list for actual delivery. The entry is
/* moved to the queue's `busy' list: the list of messages being
/* delivered.
/* qmgr_entry_unselect() takes the named entry off the named
/* per-site queue's `busy' list and moves it to the queue's
/* `todo' list.
/* Panic: interface violations, internal inconsistencies.
/* .ad
/* .fi
/* The Secure Mailer license must be distributed with this software.
/* Wietse Venema
/* IBM T.J. Watson Research
/* P.O. Box 704
/* Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA
/* System library. */
#include <sys_defs.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
/* Utility library. */
#include <msg.h>
#include <mymalloc.h>
#include <events.h>
#include <vstream.h>
/* Global library. */
#include <mail_params.h>
/* Application-specific. */
#include "qmgr.h"
/* qmgr_entry_select - select queue entry for delivery */
QMGR_ENTRY *qmgr_entry_select(QMGR_QUEUE *queue)
QMGR_ENTRY *entry;
if ((entry = queue->todo.prev) != 0) {
QMGR_LIST_UNLINK(queue->todo, QMGR_ENTRY *, entry);
QMGR_LIST_APPEND(queue->busy, entry);
return (entry);
/* qmgr_entry_unselect - unselect queue entry for delivery */
void qmgr_entry_unselect(QMGR_QUEUE *queue, QMGR_ENTRY *entry)
QMGR_LIST_UNLINK(queue->busy, QMGR_ENTRY *, entry);
QMGR_LIST_APPEND(queue->todo, entry);
/* qmgr_entry_done - dispose of queue entry */
void qmgr_entry_done(QMGR_ENTRY *entry, int which)
QMGR_QUEUE *queue = entry->queue;
QMGR_MESSAGE *message = entry->message;
* Take this entry off the in-core queue.
if (entry->stream != 0)
msg_panic("qmgr_entry_done: file is open");
if (which == QMGR_QUEUE_BUSY) {
QMGR_LIST_UNLINK(queue->busy, QMGR_ENTRY *, entry);
} else if (which == QMGR_QUEUE_TODO) {
QMGR_LIST_UNLINK(queue->todo, QMGR_ENTRY *, entry);
} else {
msg_panic("qmgr_entry_done: bad queue spec: %d", which);
* Free the recipient list and decrease the in-core recipient count
* accordingly.
qmgr_recipient_count -= entry->rcpt_list.len;
myfree((char *) entry);
* When the in-core queue for this site is empty and when this site is
* not dead, discard the in-core queue. When this site is dead, but the
* number of in-core queues exceeds some threshold, get rid of this
* in-core queue anyway, in order to avoid running out of memory.
if (queue-> == 0 && queue-> == 0) {
if (queue->window == 0 && qmgr_queue_count > 2 * var_qmgr_rcpt_limit)
if (queue->window > 0)
* Update the in-core message reference count. When the in-core message
* structure has no more references, dispose of the message.
* When the in-core recipient count falls below a threshold, and this
* message has more recipients, read more recipients now. If we read more
* recipients as soon as the recipient count falls below the in-core
* recipient limit, we do not give other messages a chance until this
* message is delivered. That's good for mailing list deliveries, bad for
* one-to-one mail. If we wait until the in-core recipient count drops
* well below the in-core recipient limit, we give other mail a chance,
* but we also allow list deliveries to become interleaved. In the worst
* case, people near the start of a mailing list get a burst of postings
* today, while people near the end of the list get that same burst of
* postings a whole day later.
#define FUDGE(x) ((x) * (var_qmgr_fudge / 100.0))
if (message->rcpt_offset > 0
&& qmgr_recipient_count < FUDGE(var_qmgr_rcpt_limit))
if (message->refcount == 0)
/* qmgr_entry_create - create queue todo entry */
QMGR_ENTRY *qmgr_entry_create(QMGR_QUEUE *queue, QMGR_MESSAGE *message)
QMGR_ENTRY *entry;
* Sanity check.
if (queue->window == 0)
msg_panic("qmgr_entry_create: dead queue: %s", queue->name);
entry = (QMGR_ENTRY *) mymalloc(sizeof(QMGR_ENTRY));
entry->stream = 0;
entry->message = message;
entry->queue = queue;
QMGR_LIST_APPEND(queue->todo, entry);
return (entry);