
out-dated comments, and other unneeded stuff. This helps prepare for cleaning up the rest of the code, and adding new functionality. No functional changes to the kernel code in this commit.
465 lines
20 KiB
465 lines
20 KiB
/* $NetBSD: rf_declusterPQ.c,v 1.2 1999/01/26 02:33:55 oster Exp $ */
* Copyright (c) 1995 Carnegie-Mellon University.
* All rights reserved.
* Authors: Daniel Stodolsky, Mark Holland, Jim Zelenka
* Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and
* its documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright
* notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the
* software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions
* thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation.
* Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to
* Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU
* School of Computer Science
* Carnegie Mellon University
* Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
* any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the
* rights to redistribute these changes.
* rf_declusterPQ.c
* mapping code for declustered P & Q or declustered EvenOdd
* much code borrowed from rf_decluster.c
#include "rf_types.h"
#include "rf_raid.h"
#include "rf_configure.h"
#include "rf_decluster.h"
#include "rf_declusterPQ.h"
#include "rf_debugMem.h"
#include "rf_utils.h"
#include "rf_alloclist.h"
#include "rf_general.h"
/* configuration code */
int rf_ConfigureDeclusteredPQ(
RF_ShutdownList_t **listp,
RF_Raid_t *raidPtr,
RF_Config_t *cfgPtr)
RF_RaidLayout_t *layoutPtr = &(raidPtr->Layout);
int b, v, k, r, lambda; /* block design params */
int i, j, l;
int *first_avail_slot;
int complete_FT_count, SUID;
RF_DeclusteredConfigInfo_t *info;
int numCompleteFullTablesPerDisk;
int PUsPerDisk, spareRegionDepthInPUs, numCompleteSpareRegionsPerDisk = 0, extraPUsPerDisk;
int totSparePUsPerDisk;
int diskOffsetOfLastFullTableInSUs, SpareSpaceInSUs;
char *cfgBuf = (char *) (cfgPtr->layoutSpecific);
b = *( (int *) cfgBuf); cfgBuf += sizeof(int);
v = *( (int *) cfgBuf); cfgBuf += sizeof(int);
k = *( (int *) cfgBuf); cfgBuf += sizeof(int);
r = *( (int *) cfgBuf); cfgBuf += sizeof(int);
lambda = *( (int *) cfgBuf); cfgBuf += sizeof(int);
raidPtr->noRotate = *( (int *) cfgBuf); cfgBuf += sizeof(int);
if (k <= 2) {
printf("RAIDFRAME: k=%d, minimum value 2\n", k);
/* 1. create layout specific structure */
RF_MallocAndAdd(info, sizeof(RF_DeclusteredConfigInfo_t), (RF_DeclusteredConfigInfo_t *), raidPtr->cleanupList);
if (info == NULL)
layoutPtr->layoutSpecificInfo = (void *) info;
/* the sparemaps are generated assuming that parity is rotated, so we issue
* a warning if both distributed sparing and no-rotate are on at the same time
if ((raidPtr->Layout.map->flags & RF_DISTRIBUTE_SPARE) && raidPtr->noRotate) {
RF_ERRORMSG("Warning: distributed sparing specified without parity rotation.\n");
if (raidPtr->numCol != v) {
RF_ERRORMSG2("RAID: config error: table element count (%d) not equal to no. of cols (%d)\n", v, raidPtr->numCol);
/* 3. set up the values used in devRaidMap */
info->BlocksPerTable = b;
info->NumParityReps = info->groupSize = k;
info->PUsPerBlock = k-2; /* PQ */
info->SUsPerTable = b * info->PUsPerBlock * layoutPtr->SUsPerPU;/* b blks, k-1 SUs each */
info->SUsPerFullTable = k * info->SUsPerTable; /* rot k times */
info->SUsPerBlock = info->PUsPerBlock * layoutPtr->SUsPerPU;
info->TableDepthInPUs = (b*k) / v;
info->FullTableDepthInPUs = info->TableDepthInPUs * k; /* k repetitions */
/* used only in distributed sparing case */
info->FullTablesPerSpareRegion = (v-1) / rf_gcd(r, v-1); /* (v-1)/gcd fulltables */
info->TablesPerSpareRegion = k * info->FullTablesPerSpareRegion;
info->SpareSpaceDepthPerRegionInSUs = (r * info->TablesPerSpareRegion / (v-1)) * layoutPtr->SUsPerPU;
/* check to make sure the block design is sufficiently small */
if ((raidPtr->Layout.map->flags & RF_DISTRIBUTE_SPARE)) {
if (info->FullTableDepthInPUs * layoutPtr->SUsPerPU + info->SpareSpaceDepthPerRegionInSUs > layoutPtr->stripeUnitsPerDisk) {
RF_ERRORMSG3("RAID: config error: Full Table depth (%d) + Spare Space (%d) larger than disk size (%d) (BD too big)\n",
} else {
if (info->TableDepthInPUs * layoutPtr->SUsPerPU > layoutPtr->stripeUnitsPerDisk) {
RF_ERRORMSG2("RAID: config error: Table depth (%d) larger than disk size (%d) (BD too big)\n",
(int)(info->TableDepthInPUs * layoutPtr->SUsPerPU),
/* compute the size of each disk, and the number of tables in the last fulltable (which
* need not be complete)
if ((raidPtr->Layout.map->flags & RF_DISTRIBUTE_SPARE)) {
PUsPerDisk = layoutPtr->stripeUnitsPerDisk / layoutPtr->SUsPerPU;
spareRegionDepthInPUs = (info->TablesPerSpareRegion * info->TableDepthInPUs +
(info->TablesPerSpareRegion * info->TableDepthInPUs) / (v-1));
info->SpareRegionDepthInSUs = spareRegionDepthInPUs * layoutPtr->SUsPerPU;
numCompleteSpareRegionsPerDisk = PUsPerDisk / spareRegionDepthInPUs;
info->NumCompleteSRs = numCompleteSpareRegionsPerDisk;
extraPUsPerDisk = PUsPerDisk % spareRegionDepthInPUs;
/* assume conservatively that we need the full amount of spare space in one region in order
* to provide spares for the partial spare region at the end of the array. We set "i" to
* the number of tables in the partial spare region. This may actually include some fulltables.
extraPUsPerDisk -= (info->SpareSpaceDepthPerRegionInSUs / layoutPtr->SUsPerPU);
if (extraPUsPerDisk <= 0) i = 0;
else i = extraPUsPerDisk/info->TableDepthInPUs;
complete_FT_count = raidPtr->numRow * (numCompleteSpareRegionsPerDisk * (info->TablesPerSpareRegion/k) + i/k);
info->FullTableLimitSUID = complete_FT_count * info->SUsPerFullTable;
info->ExtraTablesPerDisk = i % k;
/* note that in the last spare region, the spare space is complete even though data/parity space is not */
totSparePUsPerDisk = (numCompleteSpareRegionsPerDisk+1) * (info->SpareSpaceDepthPerRegionInSUs / layoutPtr->SUsPerPU);
info->TotSparePUsPerDisk = totSparePUsPerDisk;
layoutPtr->stripeUnitsPerDisk =
((complete_FT_count/raidPtr->numRow) * info->FullTableDepthInPUs + /* data & parity space */
info->ExtraTablesPerDisk * info->TableDepthInPUs +
totSparePUsPerDisk /* spare space */
) * layoutPtr->SUsPerPU;
layoutPtr->dataStripeUnitsPerDisk =
(complete_FT_count * info->FullTableDepthInPUs + info->ExtraTablesPerDisk * info->TableDepthInPUs)
* layoutPtr->SUsPerPU * (k-1) / k;
} else {
/* non-dist spare case: force each disk to contain an integral number of tables */
layoutPtr->stripeUnitsPerDisk /= (info->TableDepthInPUs * layoutPtr->SUsPerPU);
layoutPtr->stripeUnitsPerDisk *= (info->TableDepthInPUs * layoutPtr->SUsPerPU);
/* compute the number of tables in the last fulltable, which need not be complete */
complete_FT_count =
((layoutPtr->stripeUnitsPerDisk/layoutPtr->SUsPerPU) / info->FullTableDepthInPUs) * raidPtr->numRow;
info->FullTableLimitSUID = complete_FT_count * info->SUsPerFullTable;
info->ExtraTablesPerDisk =
((layoutPtr->stripeUnitsPerDisk/layoutPtr->SUsPerPU) / info->TableDepthInPUs) % k;
raidPtr->sectorsPerDisk = layoutPtr->stripeUnitsPerDisk * layoutPtr->sectorsPerStripeUnit;
/* find the disk offset of the stripe unit where the last fulltable starts */
numCompleteFullTablesPerDisk = complete_FT_count / raidPtr->numRow;
diskOffsetOfLastFullTableInSUs = numCompleteFullTablesPerDisk * info->FullTableDepthInPUs * layoutPtr->SUsPerPU;
if ((raidPtr->Layout.map->flags & RF_DISTRIBUTE_SPARE)) {
SpareSpaceInSUs = numCompleteSpareRegionsPerDisk * info->SpareSpaceDepthPerRegionInSUs;
diskOffsetOfLastFullTableInSUs += SpareSpaceInSUs;
info->DiskOffsetOfLastSpareSpaceChunkInSUs =
diskOffsetOfLastFullTableInSUs + info->ExtraTablesPerDisk * info->TableDepthInPUs * layoutPtr->SUsPerPU;
info->DiskOffsetOfLastFullTableInSUs = diskOffsetOfLastFullTableInSUs;
info->numCompleteFullTablesPerDisk = numCompleteFullTablesPerDisk;
/* 4. create and initialize the lookup tables */
info->LayoutTable = rf_make_2d_array(b, k, raidPtr->cleanupList);
if (info->LayoutTable == NULL)
info->OffsetTable = rf_make_2d_array(b, k, raidPtr->cleanupList);
if (info->OffsetTable == NULL)
info->BlockTable = rf_make_2d_array(info->TableDepthInPUs*layoutPtr->SUsPerPU, raidPtr->numCol, raidPtr->cleanupList);
if (info->BlockTable == NULL)
first_avail_slot = (int *) rf_make_1d_array(v, NULL);
if (first_avail_slot == NULL)
for (i=0; i<b; i++)
for (j=0; j<k; j++)
info->LayoutTable[i][j] = *cfgBuf++;
/* initialize offset table */
for (i=0; i<b; i++) for (j=0; j<k; j++) {
info->OffsetTable[i][j] = first_avail_slot[ info->LayoutTable[i][j] ];
first_avail_slot[ info->LayoutTable[i][j] ]++;
/* initialize block table */
for (SUID=l=0; l<layoutPtr->SUsPerPU; l++) {
for (i=0; i<b; i++) {
for (j=0; j<k; j++) {
info->BlockTable[ (info->OffsetTable[i][j] * layoutPtr->SUsPerPU) + l ]
[ info->LayoutTable[i][j] ] = SUID;
rf_free_1d_array(first_avail_slot, v);
/* 5. set up the remaining redundant-but-useful parameters */
raidPtr->totalSectors = (k*complete_FT_count + raidPtr->numRow*info->ExtraTablesPerDisk) *
info->SUsPerTable * layoutPtr->sectorsPerStripeUnit;
layoutPtr->numStripe = (raidPtr->totalSectors / layoutPtr->sectorsPerStripeUnit) / (k-2);
/* strange evaluation order below to try and minimize overflow problems */
layoutPtr->dataSectorsPerStripe = (k-2) * layoutPtr->sectorsPerStripeUnit;
layoutPtr->bytesPerStripeUnit = layoutPtr->sectorsPerStripeUnit << raidPtr->logBytesPerSector;
layoutPtr->numDataCol = k-2;
layoutPtr->numParityCol = 2;
int rf_GetDefaultNumFloatingReconBuffersPQ(RF_Raid_t *raidPtr)
int def_decl;
def_decl = rf_GetDefaultNumFloatingReconBuffersDeclustered(raidPtr);
return(RF_MAX(3 * raidPtr->numCol, def_decl));
void rf_MapSectorDeclusteredPQ(
RF_Raid_t *raidPtr,
RF_RaidAddr_t raidSector,
RF_RowCol_t *row,
RF_RowCol_t *col,
RF_SectorNum_t *diskSector,
int remap)
RF_RaidLayout_t *layoutPtr = &(raidPtr->Layout);
RF_DeclusteredConfigInfo_t *info = (RF_DeclusteredConfigInfo_t *) layoutPtr->layoutSpecificInfo;
RF_StripeNum_t SUID = raidSector / layoutPtr->sectorsPerStripeUnit;
RF_StripeNum_t FullTableID, FullTableOffset, TableID, TableOffset;
RF_StripeNum_t BlockID, BlockOffset, RepIndex;
RF_StripeCount_t sus_per_fulltable = info->SUsPerFullTable;
RF_StripeCount_t fulltable_depth = info->FullTableDepthInPUs * layoutPtr->SUsPerPU;
RF_StripeNum_t base_suid = 0, outSU, SpareRegion=0, SpareSpace=0;
rf_decluster_adjust_params(layoutPtr, &SUID, &sus_per_fulltable, &fulltable_depth, &base_suid);
FullTableID = SUID / sus_per_fulltable; /* fulltable ID within array (across rows) */
*row = FullTableID % raidPtr->numRow;
FullTableID /= raidPtr->numRow; /* convert to fulltable ID on this disk */
if ((raidPtr->Layout.map->flags & RF_DISTRIBUTE_SPARE)) {
SpareRegion = FullTableID / info->FullTablesPerSpareRegion;
SpareSpace = SpareRegion * info->SpareSpaceDepthPerRegionInSUs;
FullTableOffset = SUID % sus_per_fulltable;
TableID = FullTableOffset / info->SUsPerTable;
TableOffset = FullTableOffset - TableID * info->SUsPerTable;
BlockID = TableOffset / info->PUsPerBlock;
BlockOffset = TableOffset - BlockID * info->PUsPerBlock;
BlockID %= info->BlocksPerTable;
RF_ASSERT(BlockOffset < info->groupSize-2 );
TableIDs go from 0 .. GroupSize-1 inclusive.
PUsPerBlock is k-2.
We want the tableIDs to rotate from the
right, so use GroupSize
RepIndex = info->groupSize - 1 - TableID;
RF_ASSERT(RepIndex >= 0);
if (!raidPtr->noRotate)
if (TableID==0)
BlockOffset++; /* P on last drive, Q on first */
BlockOffset += ((BlockOffset >= RepIndex) ? 2 : 0); /* skip over PQ */
RF_ASSERT(BlockOffset < info->groupSize);
*col = info->LayoutTable[BlockID][BlockOffset];
/* remap to distributed spare space if indicated */
if (remap) {
rf_remap_to_spare_space(layoutPtr, info, *row, FullTableID, TableID, BlockID, (base_suid) ? 1 : 0, SpareRegion, col, &outSU);
} else {
outSU = base_suid;
outSU += FullTableID * fulltable_depth; /* offs to strt of FT */
outSU += SpareSpace; /* skip rsvd spare space */
outSU += TableID * info->TableDepthInPUs * layoutPtr->SUsPerPU; /* offs to strt of tble */
outSU += info->OffsetTable[BlockID][BlockOffset] * layoutPtr->SUsPerPU; /* offs to the PU */
outSU += TableOffset / (info->BlocksPerTable * info->PUsPerBlock); /* offs to the SU within a PU */
/* convert SUs to sectors, and, if not aligned to SU boundary, add in offset to sector */
*diskSector = outSU*layoutPtr->sectorsPerStripeUnit + (raidSector % layoutPtr->sectorsPerStripeUnit);
void rf_MapParityDeclusteredPQ(
RF_Raid_t *raidPtr,
RF_RaidAddr_t raidSector,
RF_RowCol_t *row,
RF_RowCol_t *col,
RF_SectorNum_t *diskSector,
int remap)
RF_RaidLayout_t *layoutPtr = &(raidPtr->Layout);
RF_DeclusteredConfigInfo_t *info = (RF_DeclusteredConfigInfo_t *) layoutPtr->layoutSpecificInfo;
RF_StripeNum_t SUID = raidSector / layoutPtr->sectorsPerStripeUnit;
RF_StripeNum_t FullTableID, FullTableOffset, TableID, TableOffset;
RF_StripeNum_t BlockID, BlockOffset, RepIndex;
RF_StripeCount_t sus_per_fulltable = info->SUsPerFullTable;
RF_StripeCount_t fulltable_depth = info->FullTableDepthInPUs * layoutPtr->SUsPerPU;
RF_StripeNum_t base_suid = 0, outSU, SpareRegion, SpareSpace=0;
rf_decluster_adjust_params(layoutPtr, &SUID, &sus_per_fulltable, &fulltable_depth, &base_suid);
/* compute row & (possibly) spare space exactly as before */
FullTableID = SUID / sus_per_fulltable;
*row = FullTableID % raidPtr->numRow;
FullTableID /= raidPtr->numRow; /* convert to fulltable ID on this disk */
if ((raidPtr->Layout.map->flags & RF_DISTRIBUTE_SPARE)) {
SpareRegion = FullTableID / info->FullTablesPerSpareRegion;
SpareSpace = SpareRegion * info->SpareSpaceDepthPerRegionInSUs;
/* compute BlockID and RepIndex exactly as before */
FullTableOffset = SUID % sus_per_fulltable;
TableID = FullTableOffset / info->SUsPerTable;
TableOffset = FullTableOffset - TableID * info->SUsPerTable;
BlockID = TableOffset / info->PUsPerBlock;
BlockOffset = TableOffset - BlockID * info->PUsPerBlock;
BlockID %= info->BlocksPerTable;
/* the parity block is in the position indicated by RepIndex */
RepIndex = (raidPtr->noRotate) ? info->PUsPerBlock : info->groupSize - 1 - TableID;
*col = info->LayoutTable[BlockID][RepIndex];
if (remap)
/* compute sector as before, except use RepIndex instead of BlockOffset */
outSU = base_suid;
outSU += FullTableID * fulltable_depth;
outSU += SpareSpace; /* skip rsvd spare space */
outSU += TableID * info->TableDepthInPUs * layoutPtr->SUsPerPU;
outSU += info->OffsetTable[BlockID][RepIndex] * layoutPtr->SUsPerPU;
outSU += TableOffset / (info->BlocksPerTable * info->PUsPerBlock);
*diskSector = outSU*layoutPtr->sectorsPerStripeUnit + (raidSector % layoutPtr->sectorsPerStripeUnit);
void rf_MapQDeclusteredPQ(
RF_Raid_t *raidPtr,
RF_RaidAddr_t raidSector,
RF_RowCol_t *row,
RF_RowCol_t *col,
RF_SectorNum_t *diskSector,
int remap)
RF_RaidLayout_t *layoutPtr = &(raidPtr->Layout);
RF_DeclusteredConfigInfo_t *info = (RF_DeclusteredConfigInfo_t *) layoutPtr->layoutSpecificInfo;
RF_StripeNum_t SUID = raidSector / layoutPtr->sectorsPerStripeUnit;
RF_StripeNum_t FullTableID, FullTableOffset, TableID, TableOffset;
RF_StripeNum_t BlockID, BlockOffset, RepIndex, RepIndexQ;
RF_StripeCount_t sus_per_fulltable = info->SUsPerFullTable;
RF_StripeCount_t fulltable_depth = info->FullTableDepthInPUs * layoutPtr->SUsPerPU;
RF_StripeNum_t base_suid = 0, outSU, SpareRegion, SpareSpace=0;
rf_decluster_adjust_params(layoutPtr, &SUID, &sus_per_fulltable, &fulltable_depth, &base_suid);
/* compute row & (possibly) spare space exactly as before */
FullTableID = SUID / sus_per_fulltable;
*row = FullTableID % raidPtr->numRow;
FullTableID /= raidPtr->numRow; /* convert to fulltable ID on this disk */
if ((raidPtr->Layout.map->flags & RF_DISTRIBUTE_SPARE)) {
SpareRegion = FullTableID / info->FullTablesPerSpareRegion;
SpareSpace = SpareRegion * info->SpareSpaceDepthPerRegionInSUs;
/* compute BlockID and RepIndex exactly as before */
FullTableOffset = SUID % sus_per_fulltable;
TableID = FullTableOffset / info->SUsPerTable;
TableOffset = FullTableOffset - TableID * info->SUsPerTable;
BlockID = TableOffset / info->PUsPerBlock;
BlockOffset = TableOffset - BlockID * info->PUsPerBlock;
BlockID %= info->BlocksPerTable;
/* the q block is in the position indicated by RepIndex */
RepIndex = (raidPtr->noRotate) ? info->PUsPerBlock : info->groupSize - 1 - TableID;
RepIndexQ = ((RepIndex == (info->groupSize-1)) ? 0 : RepIndex+1);
*col = info->LayoutTable[BlockID][RepIndexQ];
if (remap)
/* compute sector as before, except use RepIndex instead of BlockOffset */
outSU = base_suid;
outSU += FullTableID * fulltable_depth;
outSU += SpareSpace; /* skip rsvd spare space */
outSU += TableID * info->TableDepthInPUs * layoutPtr->SUsPerPU;
outSU += TableOffset / (info->BlocksPerTable * info->PUsPerBlock);
outSU += info->OffsetTable[BlockID][RepIndexQ] * layoutPtr->SUsPerPU;
*diskSector = outSU*layoutPtr->sectorsPerStripeUnit + (raidSector % layoutPtr->sectorsPerStripeUnit);
/* returns an array of ints identifying the disks that comprise the stripe containing the indicated address.
* the caller must _never_ attempt to modify this array.
void rf_IdentifyStripeDeclusteredPQ(
RF_Raid_t *raidPtr,
RF_RaidAddr_t addr,
RF_RowCol_t **diskids,
RF_RowCol_t *outRow)
RF_RaidLayout_t *layoutPtr = &(raidPtr->Layout);
RF_DeclusteredConfigInfo_t *info = (RF_DeclusteredConfigInfo_t *) layoutPtr->layoutSpecificInfo;
RF_StripeCount_t sus_per_fulltable = info->SUsPerFullTable;
RF_StripeCount_t fulltable_depth = info->FullTableDepthInPUs * layoutPtr->SUsPerPU;
RF_StripeNum_t base_suid = 0;
RF_StripeNum_t SUID = rf_RaidAddressToStripeUnitID(layoutPtr, addr);
RF_StripeNum_t stripeID, FullTableID;
int tableOffset;
rf_decluster_adjust_params(layoutPtr, &SUID, &sus_per_fulltable, &fulltable_depth, &base_suid);
FullTableID = SUID / sus_per_fulltable; /* fulltable ID within array (across rows) */
*outRow = FullTableID % raidPtr->numRow;
stripeID = rf_StripeUnitIDToStripeID(layoutPtr, SUID); /* find stripe offset into array */
tableOffset = (stripeID % info->BlocksPerTable); /* find offset into block design table */
*diskids = info->LayoutTable[tableOffset];