oster 1eecf8e491 RAIDframe cleanup, phase 1. Nuke simulator support, user-land driver,
out-dated comments, and other unneeded stuff.  This helps prepare
for cleaning up the rest of the code, and adding new functionality.

No functional changes to the kernel code in this commit.
1999-01-26 02:33:49 +00:00

2108 lines
81 KiB

/* $NetBSD: rf_dagffwr.c,v 1.2 1999/01/26 02:33:53 oster Exp $ */
* Copyright (c) 1995 Carnegie-Mellon University.
* All rights reserved.
* Author: Mark Holland, Daniel Stodolsky, William V. Courtright II
* Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and
* its documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright
* notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the
* software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions
* thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation.
* Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to
* Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU
* School of Computer Science
* Carnegie Mellon University
* Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
* any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the
* rights to redistribute these changes.
* rf_dagff.c
* code for creating fault-free DAGs
#include "rf_types.h"
#include "rf_raid.h"
#include "rf_dag.h"
#include "rf_dagutils.h"
#include "rf_dagfuncs.h"
#include "rf_threadid.h"
#include "rf_debugMem.h"
#include "rf_dagffrd.h"
#include "rf_memchunk.h"
#include "rf_general.h"
#include "rf_dagffwr.h"
* General comments on DAG creation:
* All DAGs in this file use roll-away error recovery. Each DAG has a single
* commit node, usually called "Cmt." If an error occurs before the Cmt node
* is reached, the execution engine will halt forward execution and work
* backward through the graph, executing the undo functions. Assuming that
* each node in the graph prior to the Cmt node are undoable and atomic - or -
* does not make changes to permanent state, the graph will fail atomically.
* If an error occurs after the Cmt node executes, the engine will roll-forward
* through the graph, blindly executing nodes until it reaches the end.
* If a graph reaches the end, it is assumed to have completed successfully.
* A graph has only 1 Cmt node.
* The following wrappers map the standard DAG creation interface to the
* DAG creation routines. Additionally, these wrappers enable experimentation
* with new DAG structures by providing an extra level of indirection, allowing
* the DAG creation routines to be replaced at this single point.
void rf_CreateNonRedundantWriteDAG(
RF_Raid_t *raidPtr,
RF_AccessStripeMap_t *asmap,
RF_DagHeader_t *dag_h,
void *bp,
RF_RaidAccessFlags_t flags,
RF_AllocListElem_t *allocList,
RF_IoType_t type)
rf_CreateNonredundantDAG(raidPtr, asmap, dag_h, bp, flags, allocList,
void rf_CreateRAID0WriteDAG(
RF_Raid_t *raidPtr,
RF_AccessStripeMap_t *asmap,
RF_DagHeader_t *dag_h,
void *bp,
RF_RaidAccessFlags_t flags,
RF_AllocListElem_t *allocList,
RF_IoType_t type)
rf_CreateNonredundantDAG(raidPtr, asmap, dag_h, bp, flags, allocList,
void rf_CreateSmallWriteDAG(
RF_Raid_t *raidPtr,
RF_AccessStripeMap_t *asmap,
RF_DagHeader_t *dag_h,
void *bp,
RF_RaidAccessFlags_t flags,
RF_AllocListElem_t *allocList)
#if RF_FORWARD > 0
rf_CommonCreateSmallWriteDAGFwd(raidPtr, asmap, dag_h, bp, flags, allocList,
&rf_xorFuncs, NULL);
#else /* RF_FORWARD > 0 */
rf_CommonCreateSmallWriteDAGFwd(raidPtr, asmap, dag_h, bp, flags, allocList,
&rf_xorFuncs, NULL);
#else /* RF_BACKWARD > 0 */
/* "normal" rollaway */
rf_CommonCreateSmallWriteDAG(raidPtr, asmap, dag_h, bp, flags, allocList,
&rf_xorFuncs, NULL);
#endif /* RF_BACKWARD > 0 */
#endif /* RF_FORWARD > 0 */
void rf_CreateLargeWriteDAG(
RF_Raid_t *raidPtr,
RF_AccessStripeMap_t *asmap,
RF_DagHeader_t *dag_h,
void *bp,
RF_RaidAccessFlags_t flags,
RF_AllocListElem_t *allocList)
#if RF_FORWARD > 0
rf_CommonCreateLargeWriteDAGFwd(raidPtr, asmap, dag_h, bp, flags, allocList,
1, rf_RegularXorFunc, RF_TRUE);
#else /* RF_FORWARD > 0 */
rf_CommonCreateLargeWriteDAGFwd(raidPtr, asmap, dag_h, bp, flags, allocList,
1, rf_RegularXorFunc, RF_TRUE);
#else /* RF_BACKWARD > 0 */
/* "normal" rollaway */
rf_CommonCreateLargeWriteDAG(raidPtr, asmap, dag_h, bp, flags, allocList,
1, rf_RegularXorFunc, RF_TRUE);
#endif /* RF_BACKWARD > 0 */
#endif /* RF_FORWARD > 0 */
* DAG creation code begins here
* creates a DAG to perform a large-write operation:
* / Rod \ / Wnd \
* H -- block- Rod - Xor - Cmt - Wnd --- T
* \ Rod / \ Wnp /
* \[Wnq]/
* The XOR node also does the Q calculation in the P+Q architecture.
* All nodes are before the commit node (Cmt) are assumed to be atomic and
* undoable - or - they make no changes to permanent state.
* Rod = read old data
* Cmt = commit node
* Wnp = write new parity
* Wnd = write new data
* Wnq = write new "q"
* [] denotes optional segments in the graph
* Parameters: raidPtr - description of the physical array
* asmap - logical & physical addresses for this access
* bp - buffer ptr (holds write data)
* flags - general flags (e.g. disk locking)
* allocList - list of memory allocated in DAG creation
* nfaults - number of faults array can tolerate
* (equal to # redundancy units in stripe)
* redfuncs - list of redundancy generating functions
void rf_CommonCreateLargeWriteDAG(
RF_Raid_t *raidPtr,
RF_AccessStripeMap_t *asmap,
RF_DagHeader_t *dag_h,
void *bp,
RF_RaidAccessFlags_t flags,
RF_AllocListElem_t *allocList,
int nfaults,
int (*redFunc)(RF_DagNode_t *),
int allowBufferRecycle)
RF_DagNode_t *nodes, *wndNodes, *rodNodes, *xorNode, *wnpNode;
RF_DagNode_t *wnqNode, *blockNode, *commitNode, *termNode;
int nWndNodes, nRodNodes, i, nodeNum, asmNum;
RF_AccessStripeMapHeader_t *new_asm_h[2];
RF_StripeNum_t parityStripeID;
char *sosBuffer, *eosBuffer;
RF_ReconUnitNum_t which_ru;
RF_RaidLayout_t *layoutPtr;
RF_PhysDiskAddr_t *pda;
layoutPtr = &(raidPtr->Layout);
parityStripeID = rf_RaidAddressToParityStripeID(layoutPtr, asmap->raidAddress,
if (rf_dagDebug) {
printf("[Creating large-write DAG]\n");
dag_h->creator = "LargeWriteDAG";
dag_h->numCommitNodes = 1;
dag_h->numCommits = 0;
dag_h->numSuccedents = 1;
/* alloc the nodes: Wnd, xor, commit, block, term, and Wnp */
nWndNodes = asmap->numStripeUnitsAccessed;
RF_CallocAndAdd(nodes, nWndNodes + 4 + nfaults, sizeof(RF_DagNode_t),
(RF_DagNode_t *), allocList);
i = 0;
wndNodes = &nodes[i]; i += nWndNodes;
xorNode = &nodes[i]; i += 1;
wnpNode = &nodes[i]; i += 1;
blockNode = &nodes[i]; i += 1;
commitNode = &nodes[i]; i += 1;
termNode = &nodes[i]; i += 1;
if (nfaults == 2) {
wnqNode = &nodes[i]; i += 1;
else {
wnqNode = NULL;
rf_MapUnaccessedPortionOfStripe(raidPtr, layoutPtr, asmap, dag_h, new_asm_h,
&nRodNodes, &sosBuffer, &eosBuffer, allocList);
if (nRodNodes > 0) {
RF_CallocAndAdd(rodNodes, nRodNodes, sizeof(RF_DagNode_t),
(RF_DagNode_t *), allocList);
else {
rodNodes = NULL;
/* begin node initialization */
if (nRodNodes > 0) {
rf_InitNode(blockNode, rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_NullNodeFunc, rf_NullNodeUndoFunc,
NULL, nRodNodes, 0, 0, 0, dag_h, "Nil", allocList);
else {
rf_InitNode(blockNode, rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_NullNodeFunc, rf_NullNodeUndoFunc,
NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, dag_h, "Nil", allocList);
rf_InitNode(commitNode, rf_wait, RF_TRUE, rf_NullNodeFunc, rf_NullNodeUndoFunc, NULL,
nWndNodes + nfaults, 1, 0, 0, dag_h, "Cmt", allocList);
rf_InitNode(termNode, rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_TerminateFunc, rf_TerminateUndoFunc, NULL,
0, nWndNodes + nfaults, 0, 0, dag_h, "Trm", allocList);
/* initialize the Rod nodes */
for (nodeNum = asmNum = 0; asmNum < 2; asmNum++) {
if (new_asm_h[asmNum]) {
pda = new_asm_h[asmNum]->stripeMap->physInfo;
while (pda) {
rf_InitNode(&rodNodes[nodeNum], rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_DiskReadFunc,
rf_DiskReadUndoFunc,rf_GenericWakeupFunc, 1, 1, 4, 0, dag_h,
"Rod", allocList);
rodNodes[nodeNum].params[0].p = pda;
rodNodes[nodeNum].params[1].p = pda->bufPtr;
rodNodes[nodeNum].params[2].v = parityStripeID;
rodNodes[nodeNum].params[3].v = RF_CREATE_PARAM3(RF_IO_NORMAL_PRIORITY,
0, 0, which_ru);
pda = pda->next;
RF_ASSERT(nodeNum == nRodNodes);
/* initialize the wnd nodes */
pda = asmap->physInfo;
for (i=0; i < nWndNodes; i++) {
rf_InitNode(&wndNodes[i], rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_DiskWriteFunc, rf_DiskWriteUndoFunc,
rf_GenericWakeupFunc, 1, 1, 4, 0, dag_h, "Wnd", allocList);
wndNodes[i].params[0].p = pda;
wndNodes[i].params[1].p = pda->bufPtr;
wndNodes[i].params[2].v = parityStripeID;
wndNodes[i].params[3].v = RF_CREATE_PARAM3(RF_IO_NORMAL_PRIORITY, 0, 0, which_ru);
pda = pda->next;
/* initialize the redundancy node */
if (nRodNodes > 0) {
rf_InitNode(xorNode, rf_wait, RF_FALSE, redFunc, rf_NullNodeUndoFunc, NULL, 1,
nRodNodes, 2 * (nWndNodes+nRodNodes) + 1, nfaults, dag_h,
"Xr ", allocList);
else {
rf_InitNode(xorNode, rf_wait, RF_FALSE, redFunc, rf_NullNodeUndoFunc, NULL, 1,
1, 2 * (nWndNodes+nRodNodes) + 1, nfaults, dag_h, "Xr ", allocList);
xorNode->flags |= RF_DAGNODE_FLAG_YIELD;
for (i=0; i < nWndNodes; i++) {
xorNode->params[2*i+0] = wndNodes[i].params[0]; /* pda */
xorNode->params[2*i+1] = wndNodes[i].params[1]; /* buf ptr */
for (i=0; i < nRodNodes; i++) {
xorNode->params[2*(nWndNodes+i)+0] = rodNodes[i].params[0]; /* pda */
xorNode->params[2*(nWndNodes+i)+1] = rodNodes[i].params[1]; /* buf ptr */
/* xor node needs to get at RAID information */
xorNode->params[2*(nWndNodes+nRodNodes)].p = raidPtr;
* Look for an Rod node that reads a complete SU. If none, alloc a buffer
* to receive the parity info. Note that we can't use a new data buffer
* because it will not have gotten written when the xor occurs.
if (allowBufferRecycle) {
for (i = 0; i < nRodNodes; i++) {
if (((RF_PhysDiskAddr_t *)rodNodes[i].params[0].p)->numSector == raidPtr->Layout.sectorsPerStripeUnit)
if ((!allowBufferRecycle) || (i == nRodNodes)) {
RF_CallocAndAdd(xorNode->results[0], 1,
rf_RaidAddressToByte(raidPtr, raidPtr->Layout.sectorsPerStripeUnit),
(void *), allocList);
else {
xorNode->results[0] = rodNodes[i].params[1].p;
/* initialize the Wnp node */
rf_InitNode(wnpNode, rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_DiskWriteFunc, rf_DiskWriteUndoFunc,
rf_GenericWakeupFunc, 1, 1, 4, 0, dag_h, "Wnp", allocList);
wnpNode->params[0].p = asmap->parityInfo;
wnpNode->params[1].p = xorNode->results[0];
wnpNode->params[2].v = parityStripeID;
wnpNode->params[3].v = RF_CREATE_PARAM3(RF_IO_NORMAL_PRIORITY, 0, 0, which_ru);
/* parityInfo must describe entire parity unit */
RF_ASSERT(asmap->parityInfo->next == NULL);
if (nfaults == 2) {
* We never try to recycle a buffer for the Q calcuation
* in addition to the parity. This would cause two buffers
* to get smashed during the P and Q calculation, guaranteeing
* one would be wrong.
RF_CallocAndAdd(xorNode->results[1], 1,
rf_RaidAddressToByte(raidPtr, raidPtr->Layout.sectorsPerStripeUnit),
(void *),allocList);
rf_InitNode(wnqNode, rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_DiskWriteFunc, rf_DiskWriteUndoFunc,
rf_GenericWakeupFunc, 1, 1, 4, 0, dag_h, "Wnq", allocList);
wnqNode->params[0].p = asmap->qInfo;
wnqNode->params[1].p = xorNode->results[1];
wnqNode->params[2].v = parityStripeID;
wnqNode->params[3].v = RF_CREATE_PARAM3(RF_IO_NORMAL_PRIORITY, 0, 0, which_ru);
/* parityInfo must describe entire parity unit */
RF_ASSERT(asmap->parityInfo->next == NULL);
* Connect nodes to form graph.
/* connect dag header to block node */
RF_ASSERT(blockNode->numAntecedents == 0);
dag_h->succedents[0] = blockNode;
if (nRodNodes > 0) {
/* connect the block node to the Rod nodes */
RF_ASSERT(blockNode->numSuccedents == nRodNodes);
RF_ASSERT(xorNode->numAntecedents == nRodNodes);
for (i = 0; i < nRodNodes; i++) {
RF_ASSERT(rodNodes[i].numAntecedents == 1);
blockNode->succedents[i] = &rodNodes[i];
rodNodes[i].antecedents[0] = blockNode;
rodNodes[i].antType[0] = rf_control;
/* connect the Rod nodes to the Xor node */
RF_ASSERT(rodNodes[i].numSuccedents == 1);
rodNodes[i].succedents[0] = xorNode;
xorNode->antecedents[i] = &rodNodes[i];
xorNode->antType[i] = rf_trueData;
else {
/* connect the block node to the Xor node */
RF_ASSERT(blockNode->numSuccedents == 1);
RF_ASSERT(xorNode->numAntecedents == 1);
blockNode->succedents[0] = xorNode;
xorNode->antecedents[0] = blockNode;
xorNode->antType[0] = rf_control;
/* connect the xor node to the commit node */
RF_ASSERT(xorNode->numSuccedents == 1);
RF_ASSERT(commitNode->numAntecedents == 1);
xorNode->succedents[0] = commitNode;
commitNode->antecedents[0] = xorNode;
commitNode->antType[0] = rf_control;
/* connect the commit node to the write nodes */
RF_ASSERT(commitNode->numSuccedents == nWndNodes + nfaults);
for (i = 0; i < nWndNodes; i++) {
RF_ASSERT(wndNodes->numAntecedents == 1);
commitNode->succedents[i] = &wndNodes[i];
wndNodes[i].antecedents[0] = commitNode;
wndNodes[i].antType[0] = rf_control;
RF_ASSERT(wnpNode->numAntecedents == 1);
commitNode->succedents[nWndNodes] = wnpNode;
wnpNode->antecedents[0]= commitNode;
wnpNode->antType[0] = rf_trueData;
if (nfaults == 2) {
RF_ASSERT(wnqNode->numAntecedents == 1);
commitNode->succedents[nWndNodes + 1] = wnqNode;
wnqNode->antecedents[0] = commitNode;
wnqNode->antType[0] = rf_trueData;
/* connect the write nodes to the term node */
RF_ASSERT(termNode->numAntecedents == nWndNodes + nfaults);
RF_ASSERT(termNode->numSuccedents == 0);
for (i = 0; i < nWndNodes; i++) {
RF_ASSERT(wndNodes->numSuccedents == 1);
wndNodes[i].succedents[0] = termNode;
termNode->antecedents[i] = &wndNodes[i];
termNode->antType[i] = rf_control;
RF_ASSERT(wnpNode->numSuccedents == 1);
wnpNode->succedents[0] = termNode;
termNode->antecedents[nWndNodes] = wnpNode;
termNode->antType[nWndNodes] = rf_control;
if (nfaults == 2) {
RF_ASSERT(wnqNode->numSuccedents == 1);
wnqNode->succedents[0] = termNode;
termNode->antecedents[nWndNodes + 1] = wnqNode;
termNode->antType[nWndNodes + 1] = rf_control;
* creates a DAG to perform a small-write operation (either raid 5 or pq),
* which is as follows:
* Hdr -> Nil -> Rop -> Xor -> Cmt ----> Wnp [Unp] --> Trm
* \- Rod X / \----> Wnd [Und]-/
* [\- Rod X / \---> Wnd [Und]-/]
* [\- Roq -> Q / \--> Wnq [Unq]-/]
* Rop = read old parity
* Rod = read old data
* Roq = read old "q"
* Cmt = commit node
* Und = unlock data disk
* Unp = unlock parity disk
* Unq = unlock q disk
* Wnp = write new parity
* Wnd = write new data
* Wnq = write new "q"
* [ ] denotes optional segments in the graph
* Parameters: raidPtr - description of the physical array
* asmap - logical & physical addresses for this access
* bp - buffer ptr (holds write data)
* flags - general flags (e.g. disk locking)
* allocList - list of memory allocated in DAG creation
* pfuncs - list of parity generating functions
* qfuncs - list of q generating functions
* A null qfuncs indicates single fault tolerant
void rf_CommonCreateSmallWriteDAG(
RF_Raid_t *raidPtr,
RF_AccessStripeMap_t *asmap,
RF_DagHeader_t *dag_h,
void *bp,
RF_RaidAccessFlags_t flags,
RF_AllocListElem_t *allocList,
RF_RedFuncs_t *pfuncs,
RF_RedFuncs_t *qfuncs)
RF_DagNode_t *readDataNodes, *readParityNodes, *readQNodes, *termNode;
RF_DagNode_t *unlockDataNodes, *unlockParityNodes, *unlockQNodes;
RF_DagNode_t *xorNodes, *qNodes, *blockNode, *commitNode, *nodes;
RF_DagNode_t *writeDataNodes, *writeParityNodes, *writeQNodes;
int i, j, nNodes, totalNumNodes, lu_flag;
RF_ReconUnitNum_t which_ru;
int (*func)(RF_DagNode_t *), (*undoFunc)(RF_DagNode_t *);
int (*qfunc)(RF_DagNode_t *);
int numDataNodes, numParityNodes;
RF_StripeNum_t parityStripeID;
RF_PhysDiskAddr_t *pda;
char *name, *qname;
long nfaults;
nfaults = qfuncs ? 2 : 1;
lu_flag = (rf_enableAtomicRMW) ? 1 : 0; /* lock/unlock flag */
parityStripeID = rf_RaidAddressToParityStripeID(&(raidPtr->Layout),
asmap->raidAddress, &which_ru);
pda = asmap->physInfo;
numDataNodes = asmap->numStripeUnitsAccessed;
numParityNodes = (asmap->parityInfo->next) ? 2 : 1;
if (rf_dagDebug) {
printf("[Creating small-write DAG]\n");
RF_ASSERT(numDataNodes > 0);
dag_h->creator = "SmallWriteDAG";
dag_h->numCommitNodes = 1;
dag_h->numCommits = 0;
dag_h->numSuccedents = 1;
* DAG creation occurs in four steps:
* 1. count the number of nodes in the DAG
* 2. create the nodes
* 3. initialize the nodes
* 4. connect the nodes
* Step 1. compute number of nodes in the graph
/* number of nodes:
* a read and write for each data unit
* a redundancy computation node for each parity node (nfaults * nparity)
* a read and write for each parity unit
* a block and commit node (2)
* a terminate node
* if atomic RMW
* an unlock node for each data unit, redundancy unit
totalNumNodes = (2 * numDataNodes) + (nfaults * numParityNodes)
+ (nfaults * 2 * numParityNodes) + 3;
if (lu_flag) {
totalNumNodes += (numDataNodes + (nfaults * numParityNodes));
* Step 2. create the nodes
RF_CallocAndAdd(nodes, totalNumNodes, sizeof(RF_DagNode_t),
(RF_DagNode_t *), allocList);
i = 0;
blockNode = &nodes[i]; i += 1;
commitNode = &nodes[i]; i += 1;
readDataNodes = &nodes[i]; i += numDataNodes;
readParityNodes = &nodes[i]; i += numParityNodes;
writeDataNodes = &nodes[i]; i += numDataNodes;
writeParityNodes = &nodes[i]; i += numParityNodes;
xorNodes = &nodes[i]; i += numParityNodes;
termNode = &nodes[i]; i += 1;
if (lu_flag) {
unlockDataNodes = &nodes[i]; i += numDataNodes;
unlockParityNodes = &nodes[i]; i += numParityNodes;
else {
unlockDataNodes = unlockParityNodes = NULL;
if (nfaults == 2) {
readQNodes = &nodes[i]; i += numParityNodes;
writeQNodes = &nodes[i]; i += numParityNodes;
qNodes = &nodes[i]; i += numParityNodes;
if (lu_flag) {
unlockQNodes = &nodes[i]; i += numParityNodes;
else {
unlockQNodes = NULL;
else {
readQNodes = writeQNodes = qNodes = unlockQNodes = NULL;
RF_ASSERT(i == totalNumNodes);
* Step 3. initialize the nodes
/* initialize block node (Nil) */
nNodes = numDataNodes + (nfaults * numParityNodes);
rf_InitNode(blockNode, rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_NullNodeFunc, rf_NullNodeUndoFunc,
NULL, nNodes, 0, 0, 0, dag_h, "Nil", allocList);
/* initialize commit node (Cmt) */
rf_InitNode(commitNode, rf_wait, RF_TRUE, rf_NullNodeFunc, rf_NullNodeUndoFunc,
NULL, nNodes, (nfaults * numParityNodes), 0, 0, dag_h, "Cmt", allocList);
/* initialize terminate node (Trm) */
rf_InitNode(termNode, rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_TerminateFunc, rf_TerminateUndoFunc,
NULL, 0, nNodes, 0, 0, dag_h, "Trm", allocList);
/* initialize nodes which read old data (Rod) */
for (i = 0; i < numDataNodes; i++) {
rf_InitNode(&readDataNodes[i], rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_DiskReadFunc, rf_DiskReadUndoFunc,
rf_GenericWakeupFunc, (nfaults * numParityNodes), 1, 4, 0, dag_h,
"Rod", allocList);
/* physical disk addr desc */
readDataNodes[i].params[0].p = pda;
/* buffer to hold old data */
readDataNodes[i].params[1].p = rf_AllocBuffer(raidPtr,
dag_h, pda, allocList);
readDataNodes[i].params[2].v = parityStripeID;
readDataNodes[i].params[3].v = RF_CREATE_PARAM3(RF_IO_NORMAL_PRIORITY,
lu_flag, 0, which_ru);
pda = pda->next;
for (j = 0; j < readDataNodes[i].numSuccedents; j++) {
readDataNodes[i].propList[j] = NULL;
/* initialize nodes which read old parity (Rop) */
pda = asmap->parityInfo; i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < numParityNodes; i++) {
rf_InitNode(&readParityNodes[i], rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_DiskReadFunc,
rf_DiskReadUndoFunc, rf_GenericWakeupFunc, numParityNodes, 1, 4,
0, dag_h, "Rop", allocList);
readParityNodes[i].params[0].p = pda;
/* buffer to hold old parity */
readParityNodes[i].params[1].p = rf_AllocBuffer(raidPtr,
dag_h, pda, allocList);
readParityNodes[i].params[2].v = parityStripeID;
readParityNodes[i].params[3].v = RF_CREATE_PARAM3(RF_IO_NORMAL_PRIORITY,
lu_flag, 0, which_ru);
pda = pda->next;
for (j = 0; j < readParityNodes[i].numSuccedents; j++) {
readParityNodes[i].propList[0] = NULL;
/* initialize nodes which read old Q (Roq) */
if (nfaults == 2) {
pda = asmap->qInfo;
for (i = 0; i < numParityNodes; i++) {
rf_InitNode(&readQNodes[i], rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_DiskReadFunc, rf_DiskReadUndoFunc,
rf_GenericWakeupFunc, numParityNodes, 1, 4, 0, dag_h, "Roq", allocList);
readQNodes[i].params[0].p = pda;
/* buffer to hold old Q */
readQNodes[i].params[1].p = rf_AllocBuffer(raidPtr, dag_h, pda,
readQNodes[i].params[2].v = parityStripeID;
readQNodes[i].params[3].v = RF_CREATE_PARAM3(RF_IO_NORMAL_PRIORITY,
lu_flag, 0, which_ru);
pda = pda->next;
for (j = 0; j < readQNodes[i].numSuccedents; j++) {
readQNodes[i].propList[0] = NULL;
/* initialize nodes which write new data (Wnd) */
pda = asmap->physInfo;
for (i=0; i < numDataNodes; i++) {
rf_InitNode(&writeDataNodes[i], rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_DiskWriteFunc,
rf_DiskWriteUndoFunc, rf_GenericWakeupFunc, 1, 1, 4, 0, dag_h,
"Wnd", allocList);
/* physical disk addr desc */
writeDataNodes[i].params[0].p = pda;
/* buffer holding new data to be written */
writeDataNodes[i].params[1].p = pda->bufPtr;
writeDataNodes[i].params[2].v = parityStripeID;
writeDataNodes[i].params[3].v = RF_CREATE_PARAM3(RF_IO_NORMAL_PRIORITY,
0, 0, which_ru);
if (lu_flag) {
/* initialize node to unlock the disk queue */
rf_InitNode(&unlockDataNodes[i], rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_DiskUnlockFunc,
rf_DiskUnlockUndoFunc, rf_GenericWakeupFunc, 1, 1, 2, 0, dag_h,
"Und", allocList);
/* physical disk addr desc */
unlockDataNodes[i].params[0].p = pda;
unlockDataNodes[i].params[1].v = RF_CREATE_PARAM3(RF_IO_NORMAL_PRIORITY,
0, lu_flag, which_ru);
pda = pda->next;
* Initialize nodes which compute new parity and Q.
* We use the simple XOR func in the double-XOR case, and when
* we're accessing only a portion of one stripe unit. The distinction
* between the two is that the regular XOR func assumes that the targbuf
* is a full SU in size, and examines the pda associated with the buffer
* to decide where within the buffer to XOR the data, whereas
* the simple XOR func just XORs the data into the start of the buffer.
if ((numParityNodes==2) || ((numDataNodes == 1)
&& (asmap->totalSectorsAccessed < raidPtr->Layout.sectorsPerStripeUnit)))
func = pfuncs->simple; undoFunc = rf_NullNodeUndoFunc; name = pfuncs->SimpleName;
if (qfuncs) {
qfunc = qfuncs->simple;
qname = qfuncs->SimpleName;
else {
qfunc = NULL;
qname = NULL;
else {
func = pfuncs->regular;
undoFunc = rf_NullNodeUndoFunc;
name = pfuncs->RegularName;
if (qfuncs) {
qfunc = qfuncs->regular;
qname = qfuncs->RegularName;
else {
qfunc = NULL;
qname = NULL;
* Initialize the xor nodes: params are {pda,buf}
* from {Rod,Wnd,Rop} nodes, and raidPtr
if (numParityNodes==2) {
/* double-xor case */
for (i=0; i < numParityNodes; i++) {
/* note: no wakeup func for xor */
rf_InitNode(&xorNodes[i], rf_wait, RF_FALSE, func, undoFunc, NULL,
1, (numDataNodes + numParityNodes), 7, 1, dag_h, name, allocList);
xorNodes[i].flags |= RF_DAGNODE_FLAG_YIELD;
xorNodes[i].params[0] = readDataNodes[i].params[0];
xorNodes[i].params[1] = readDataNodes[i].params[1];
xorNodes[i].params[2] = readParityNodes[i].params[0];
xorNodes[i].params[3] = readParityNodes[i].params[1];
xorNodes[i].params[4] = writeDataNodes[i].params[0];
xorNodes[i].params[5] = writeDataNodes[i].params[1];
xorNodes[i].params[6].p = raidPtr;
/* use old parity buf as target buf */
xorNodes[i].results[0] = readParityNodes[i].params[1].p;
if (nfaults == 2) {
/* note: no wakeup func for qor */
rf_InitNode(&qNodes[i], rf_wait, RF_FALSE, qfunc, undoFunc, NULL, 1,
(numDataNodes + numParityNodes), 7, 1, dag_h, qname, allocList);
qNodes[i].params[0] = readDataNodes[i].params[0];
qNodes[i].params[1] = readDataNodes[i].params[1];
qNodes[i].params[2] = readQNodes[i].params[0];
qNodes[i].params[3] = readQNodes[i].params[1];
qNodes[i].params[4] = writeDataNodes[i].params[0];
qNodes[i].params[5] = writeDataNodes[i].params[1];
qNodes[i].params[6].p = raidPtr;
/* use old Q buf as target buf */
qNodes[i].results[0] = readQNodes[i].params[1].p;
else {
/* there is only one xor node in this case */
rf_InitNode(&xorNodes[0], rf_wait, RF_FALSE, func, undoFunc, NULL, 1,
(numDataNodes + numParityNodes),
(2 * (numDataNodes + numDataNodes + 1) + 1), 1, dag_h, name, allocList);
xorNodes[0].flags |= RF_DAGNODE_FLAG_YIELD;
for (i=0; i < numDataNodes + 1; i++) {
/* set up params related to Rod and Rop nodes */
xorNodes[0].params[2*i+0] = readDataNodes[i].params[0]; /* pda */
xorNodes[0].params[2*i+1] = readDataNodes[i].params[1]; /* buffer ptr */
for (i=0; i < numDataNodes; i++) {
/* set up params related to Wnd and Wnp nodes */
xorNodes[0].params[2*(numDataNodes+1+i)+0] = /* pda */
xorNodes[0].params[2*(numDataNodes+1+i)+1] = /* buffer ptr */
/* xor node needs to get at RAID information */
xorNodes[0].params[2*(numDataNodes+numDataNodes+1)].p = raidPtr;
xorNodes[0].results[0] = readParityNodes[0].params[1].p;
if (nfaults == 2) {
rf_InitNode(&qNodes[0], rf_wait, RF_FALSE, qfunc, undoFunc, NULL, 1,
(numDataNodes + numParityNodes),
(2 * (numDataNodes + numDataNodes + 1) + 1), 1, dag_h,
qname, allocList);
for (i=0; i<numDataNodes; i++) {
/* set up params related to Rod */
qNodes[0].params[2*i+0] = readDataNodes[i].params[0]; /* pda */
qNodes[0].params[2*i+1] = readDataNodes[i].params[1]; /* buffer ptr */
/* and read old q */
qNodes[0].params[2*numDataNodes + 0] = /* pda */
qNodes[0].params[2*numDataNodes + 1] = /* buffer ptr */
for (i=0; i < numDataNodes; i++) {
/* set up params related to Wnd nodes */
qNodes[0].params[2*(numDataNodes+1+i)+0] = /* pda */
qNodes[0].params[2*(numDataNodes+1+i)+1] = /* buffer ptr */
/* xor node needs to get at RAID information */
qNodes[0].params[2*(numDataNodes+numDataNodes+1)].p = raidPtr;
qNodes[0].results[0] = readQNodes[0].params[1].p;
/* initialize nodes which write new parity (Wnp) */
pda = asmap->parityInfo;
for (i=0; i < numParityNodes; i++) {
rf_InitNode(&writeParityNodes[i], rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_DiskWriteFunc,
rf_DiskWriteUndoFunc, rf_GenericWakeupFunc, 1, 1, 4, 0, dag_h,
"Wnp", allocList);
writeParityNodes[i].params[0].p = pda; /* param 1 (bufPtr) filled in by xor node */
writeParityNodes[i].params[1].p = xorNodes[i].results[0]; /* buffer pointer for parity write operation */
writeParityNodes[i].params[2].v = parityStripeID;
writeParityNodes[i].params[3].v = RF_CREATE_PARAM3(RF_IO_NORMAL_PRIORITY,
0, 0, which_ru);
if (lu_flag) {
/* initialize node to unlock the disk queue */
rf_InitNode(&unlockParityNodes[i], rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_DiskUnlockFunc,
rf_DiskUnlockUndoFunc, rf_GenericWakeupFunc, 1, 1, 2, 0, dag_h,
"Unp", allocList);
unlockParityNodes[i].params[0].p = pda; /* physical disk addr desc */
unlockParityNodes[i].params[1].v = RF_CREATE_PARAM3(RF_IO_NORMAL_PRIORITY,
0, lu_flag, which_ru);
pda = pda->next;
/* initialize nodes which write new Q (Wnq) */
if (nfaults == 2) {
pda = asmap->qInfo;
for (i=0; i < numParityNodes; i++) {
rf_InitNode(&writeQNodes[i], rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_DiskWriteFunc,
rf_DiskWriteUndoFunc, rf_GenericWakeupFunc, 1, 1, 4, 0, dag_h,
"Wnq", allocList);
writeQNodes[i].params[0].p = pda; /* param 1 (bufPtr) filled in by xor node */
writeQNodes[i].params[1].p = qNodes[i].results[0]; /* buffer pointer for parity write operation */
writeQNodes[i].params[2].v = parityStripeID;
writeQNodes[i].params[3].v = RF_CREATE_PARAM3(RF_IO_NORMAL_PRIORITY,
0, 0, which_ru);
if (lu_flag) {
/* initialize node to unlock the disk queue */
rf_InitNode(&unlockQNodes[i], rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_DiskUnlockFunc,
rf_DiskUnlockUndoFunc, rf_GenericWakeupFunc, 1, 1, 2, 0, dag_h,
"Unq", allocList);
unlockQNodes[i].params[0].p = pda; /* physical disk addr desc */
unlockQNodes[i].params[1].v = RF_CREATE_PARAM3(RF_IO_NORMAL_PRIORITY,
0, lu_flag, which_ru);
pda = pda->next;
* Step 4. connect the nodes.
/* connect header to block node */
dag_h->succedents[0] = blockNode;
/* connect block node to read old data nodes */
RF_ASSERT(blockNode->numSuccedents == (numDataNodes + (numParityNodes * nfaults)));
for (i = 0; i < numDataNodes; i++) {
blockNode->succedents[i] = &readDataNodes[i];
RF_ASSERT(readDataNodes[i].numAntecedents == 1);
readDataNodes[i].antecedents[0]= blockNode;
readDataNodes[i].antType[0] = rf_control;
/* connect block node to read old parity nodes */
for (i = 0; i < numParityNodes; i++) {
blockNode->succedents[numDataNodes + i] = &readParityNodes[i];
RF_ASSERT(readParityNodes[i].numAntecedents == 1);
readParityNodes[i].antecedents[0] = blockNode;
readParityNodes[i].antType[0] = rf_control;
/* connect block node to read old Q nodes */
if (nfaults == 2) {
for (i = 0; i < numParityNodes; i++) {
blockNode->succedents[numDataNodes + numParityNodes + i] = &readQNodes[i];
RF_ASSERT(readQNodes[i].numAntecedents == 1);
readQNodes[i].antecedents[0] = blockNode;
readQNodes[i].antType[0] = rf_control;
/* connect read old data nodes to xor nodes */
for (i = 0; i < numDataNodes; i++) {
RF_ASSERT(readDataNodes[i].numSuccedents == (nfaults * numParityNodes));
for (j = 0; j < numParityNodes; j++){
RF_ASSERT(xorNodes[j].numAntecedents == numDataNodes + numParityNodes);
readDataNodes[i].succedents[j] = &xorNodes[j];
xorNodes[j].antecedents[i] = &readDataNodes[i];
xorNodes[j].antType[i] = rf_trueData;
/* connect read old data nodes to q nodes */
if (nfaults == 2) {
for (i = 0; i < numDataNodes; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < numParityNodes; j++) {
RF_ASSERT(qNodes[j].numAntecedents == numDataNodes + numParityNodes);
readDataNodes[i].succedents[numParityNodes + j] = &qNodes[j];
qNodes[j].antecedents[i] = &readDataNodes[i];
qNodes[j].antType[i] = rf_trueData;
/* connect read old parity nodes to xor nodes */
for (i = 0; i < numParityNodes; i++) {
RF_ASSERT(readParityNodes[i].numSuccedents == numParityNodes);
for (j = 0; j < numParityNodes; j++) {
readParityNodes[i].succedents[j] = &xorNodes[j];
xorNodes[j].antecedents[numDataNodes + i] = &readParityNodes[i];
xorNodes[j].antType[numDataNodes + i] = rf_trueData;
/* connect read old q nodes to q nodes */
if (nfaults == 2) {
for (i = 0; i < numParityNodes; i++) {
RF_ASSERT(readParityNodes[i].numSuccedents == numParityNodes);
for (j = 0; j < numParityNodes; j++) {
readQNodes[i].succedents[j] = &qNodes[j];
qNodes[j].antecedents[numDataNodes + i] = &readQNodes[i];
qNodes[j].antType[numDataNodes + i] = rf_trueData;
/* connect xor nodes to commit node */
RF_ASSERT(commitNode->numAntecedents == (nfaults * numParityNodes));
for (i = 0; i < numParityNodes; i++) {
RF_ASSERT(xorNodes[i].numSuccedents == 1);
xorNodes[i].succedents[0] = commitNode;
commitNode->antecedents[i] = &xorNodes[i];
commitNode->antType[i] = rf_control;
/* connect q nodes to commit node */
if (nfaults == 2) {
for (i = 0; i < numParityNodes; i++) {
RF_ASSERT(qNodes[i].numSuccedents == 1);
qNodes[i].succedents[0] = commitNode;
commitNode->antecedents[i + numParityNodes] = &qNodes[i];
commitNode->antType[i + numParityNodes] = rf_control;
/* connect commit node to write nodes */
RF_ASSERT(commitNode->numSuccedents == (numDataNodes + (nfaults * numParityNodes)));
for (i = 0; i < numDataNodes; i++) {
RF_ASSERT(writeDataNodes[i].numAntecedents == 1);
commitNode->succedents[i] = &writeDataNodes[i];
writeDataNodes[i].antecedents[0] = commitNode;
writeDataNodes[i].antType[0] = rf_trueData;
for (i = 0; i < numParityNodes; i++) {
RF_ASSERT(writeParityNodes[i].numAntecedents == 1);
commitNode->succedents[i + numDataNodes] = &writeParityNodes[i];
writeParityNodes[i].antecedents[0] = commitNode;
writeParityNodes[i].antType[0] = rf_trueData;
if (nfaults == 2) {
for (i = 0; i < numParityNodes; i++) {
RF_ASSERT(writeQNodes[i].numAntecedents == 1);
commitNode->succedents[i + numDataNodes + numParityNodes] = &writeQNodes[i];
writeQNodes[i].antecedents[0] = commitNode;
writeQNodes[i].antType[0] = rf_trueData;
RF_ASSERT(termNode->numAntecedents == (numDataNodes + (nfaults * numParityNodes)));
RF_ASSERT(termNode->numSuccedents == 0);
for (i = 0; i < numDataNodes; i++) {
if (lu_flag) {
/* connect write new data nodes to unlock nodes */
RF_ASSERT(writeDataNodes[i].numSuccedents == 1);
RF_ASSERT(unlockDataNodes[i].numAntecedents == 1);
writeDataNodes[i].succedents[0] = &unlockDataNodes[i];
unlockDataNodes[i].antecedents[0] = &writeDataNodes[i];
unlockDataNodes[i].antType[0] = rf_control;
/* connect unlock nodes to term node */
RF_ASSERT(unlockDataNodes[i].numSuccedents == 1);
unlockDataNodes[i].succedents[0] = termNode;
termNode->antecedents[i] = &unlockDataNodes[i];
termNode->antType[i] = rf_control;
else {
/* connect write new data nodes to term node */
RF_ASSERT(writeDataNodes[i].numSuccedents == 1);
RF_ASSERT(termNode->numAntecedents == (numDataNodes + (nfaults * numParityNodes)));
writeDataNodes[i].succedents[0] = termNode;
termNode->antecedents[i] = &writeDataNodes[i];
termNode->antType[i] = rf_control;
for (i = 0; i < numParityNodes; i++) {
if (lu_flag) {
/* connect write new parity nodes to unlock nodes */
RF_ASSERT(writeParityNodes[i].numSuccedents == 1);
RF_ASSERT(unlockParityNodes[i].numAntecedents == 1);
writeParityNodes[i].succedents[0] = &unlockParityNodes[i];
unlockParityNodes[i].antecedents[0] = &writeParityNodes[i];
unlockParityNodes[i].antType[0] = rf_control;
/* connect unlock nodes to term node */
RF_ASSERT(unlockParityNodes[i].numSuccedents == 1);
unlockParityNodes[i].succedents[0] = termNode;
termNode->antecedents[numDataNodes + i] = &unlockParityNodes[i];
termNode->antType[numDataNodes + i] = rf_control;
else {
RF_ASSERT(writeParityNodes[i].numSuccedents == 1);
writeParityNodes[i].succedents[0] = termNode;
termNode->antecedents[numDataNodes + i] = &writeParityNodes[i];
termNode->antType[numDataNodes + i] = rf_control;
if (nfaults == 2) {
for (i = 0; i < numParityNodes; i++) {
if (lu_flag) {
/* connect write new Q nodes to unlock nodes */
RF_ASSERT(writeQNodes[i].numSuccedents == 1);
RF_ASSERT(unlockQNodes[i].numAntecedents == 1);
writeQNodes[i].succedents[0] = &unlockQNodes[i];
unlockQNodes[i].antecedents[0] = &writeQNodes[i];
unlockQNodes[i].antType[0] = rf_control;
/* connect unlock nodes to unblock node */
RF_ASSERT(unlockQNodes[i].numSuccedents == 1);
unlockQNodes[i].succedents[0] = termNode;
termNode->antecedents[numDataNodes + numParityNodes + i] = &unlockQNodes[i];
termNode->antType[numDataNodes + numParityNodes + i] = rf_control;
else {
RF_ASSERT(writeQNodes[i].numSuccedents == 1);
writeQNodes[i].succedents[0] = termNode;
termNode->antecedents[numDataNodes + numParityNodes + i] = &writeQNodes[i];
termNode->antType[numDataNodes + numParityNodes + i] = rf_control;
* create a write graph (fault-free or degraded) for RAID level 1
* Hdr -> Commit -> Wpd -> Nil -> Trm
* -> Wsd ->
* The "Wpd" node writes data to the primary copy in the mirror pair
* The "Wsd" node writes data to the secondary copy in the mirror pair
* Parameters: raidPtr - description of the physical array
* asmap - logical & physical addresses for this access
* bp - buffer ptr (holds write data)
* flags - general flags (e.g. disk locking)
* allocList - list of memory allocated in DAG creation
void rf_CreateRaidOneWriteDAG(
RF_Raid_t *raidPtr,
RF_AccessStripeMap_t *asmap,
RF_DagHeader_t *dag_h,
void *bp,
RF_RaidAccessFlags_t flags,
RF_AllocListElem_t *allocList)
RF_DagNode_t *unblockNode, *termNode, *commitNode;
RF_DagNode_t *nodes, *wndNode, *wmirNode;
int nWndNodes, nWmirNodes, i;
RF_ReconUnitNum_t which_ru;
RF_PhysDiskAddr_t *pda, *pdaP;
RF_StripeNum_t parityStripeID;
parityStripeID = rf_RaidAddressToParityStripeID(&(raidPtr->Layout),
asmap->raidAddress, &which_ru);
if (rf_dagDebug) {
printf("[Creating RAID level 1 write DAG]\n");
dag_h->creator = "RaidOneWriteDAG";
/* 2 implies access not SU aligned */
nWmirNodes = (asmap->parityInfo->next) ? 2 : 1;
nWndNodes = (asmap->physInfo->next) ? 2 : 1;
/* alloc the Wnd nodes and the Wmir node */
if (asmap->numDataFailed == 1)
if (asmap->numParityFailed == 1)
/* total number of nodes = nWndNodes + nWmirNodes + (commit + unblock + terminator) */
RF_CallocAndAdd(nodes, nWndNodes + nWmirNodes + 3, sizeof(RF_DagNode_t),
(RF_DagNode_t *), allocList);
i = 0;
wndNode = &nodes[i]; i += nWndNodes;
wmirNode = &nodes[i]; i += nWmirNodes;
commitNode = &nodes[i]; i += 1;
unblockNode = &nodes[i]; i += 1;
termNode = &nodes[i]; i += 1;
RF_ASSERT(i == (nWndNodes + nWmirNodes + 3));
/* this dag can commit immediately */
dag_h->numCommitNodes = 1;
dag_h->numCommits = 0;
dag_h->numSuccedents = 1;
/* initialize the commit, unblock, and term nodes */
rf_InitNode(commitNode, rf_wait, RF_TRUE, rf_NullNodeFunc, rf_NullNodeUndoFunc,
NULL, (nWndNodes + nWmirNodes), 0, 0, 0, dag_h, "Cmt", allocList);
rf_InitNode(unblockNode, rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_NullNodeFunc, rf_NullNodeUndoFunc,
NULL, 1, (nWndNodes + nWmirNodes), 0, 0, dag_h, "Nil", allocList);
rf_InitNode(termNode, rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_TerminateFunc, rf_TerminateUndoFunc,
NULL, 0, 1, 0, 0, dag_h, "Trm", allocList);
/* initialize the wnd nodes */
if (nWndNodes > 0) {
pda = asmap->physInfo;
for (i = 0; i < nWndNodes; i++) {
rf_InitNode(&wndNode[i], rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_DiskWriteFunc, rf_DiskWriteUndoFunc,
rf_GenericWakeupFunc, 1, 1, 4, 0, dag_h, "Wpd", allocList);
wndNode[i].params[0].p = pda;
wndNode[i].params[1].p = pda->bufPtr;
wndNode[i].params[2].v = parityStripeID;
wndNode[i].params[3].v = RF_CREATE_PARAM3(RF_IO_NORMAL_PRIORITY, 0, 0, which_ru);
pda = pda->next;
/* initialize the mirror nodes */
if (nWmirNodes > 0) {
pda = asmap->physInfo;
pdaP = asmap->parityInfo;
for (i = 0; i < nWmirNodes; i++) {
rf_InitNode(&wmirNode[i], rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_DiskWriteFunc, rf_DiskWriteUndoFunc,
rf_GenericWakeupFunc, 1, 1, 4, 0, dag_h, "Wsd", allocList);
wmirNode[i].params[0].p = pdaP;
wmirNode[i].params[1].p = pda->bufPtr;
wmirNode[i].params[2].v = parityStripeID;
wmirNode[i].params[3].v = RF_CREATE_PARAM3(RF_IO_NORMAL_PRIORITY, 0, 0, which_ru);
pda = pda->next;
pdaP = pdaP->next;
/* link the header node to the commit node */
RF_ASSERT(dag_h->numSuccedents == 1);
RF_ASSERT(commitNode->numAntecedents == 0);
dag_h->succedents[0] = commitNode;
/* link the commit node to the write nodes */
RF_ASSERT(commitNode->numSuccedents == (nWndNodes + nWmirNodes));
for (i = 0; i < nWndNodes; i++) {
RF_ASSERT(wndNode[i].numAntecedents == 1);
commitNode->succedents[i] = &wndNode[i];
wndNode[i].antecedents[0] = commitNode;
wndNode[i].antType[0] = rf_control;
for (i = 0; i < nWmirNodes; i++) {
RF_ASSERT(wmirNode[i].numAntecedents == 1);
commitNode->succedents[i + nWndNodes] = &wmirNode[i];
wmirNode[i].antecedents[0] = commitNode;
wmirNode[i].antType[0] = rf_control;
/* link the write nodes to the unblock node */
RF_ASSERT(unblockNode->numAntecedents == (nWndNodes + nWmirNodes));
for (i = 0; i < nWndNodes; i++) {
RF_ASSERT(wndNode[i].numSuccedents == 1);
wndNode[i].succedents[0] = unblockNode;
unblockNode->antecedents[i] = &wndNode[i];
unblockNode->antType[i] = rf_control;
for (i = 0; i < nWmirNodes; i++) {
RF_ASSERT(wmirNode[i].numSuccedents == 1);
wmirNode[i].succedents[0] = unblockNode;
unblockNode->antecedents[i + nWndNodes] = &wmirNode[i];
unblockNode->antType[i + nWndNodes] = rf_control;
/* link the unblock node to the term node */
RF_ASSERT(unblockNode->numSuccedents == 1);
RF_ASSERT(termNode->numAntecedents == 1);
RF_ASSERT(termNode->numSuccedents == 0);
unblockNode->succedents[0] = termNode;
termNode->antecedents[0] = unblockNode;
termNode->antType[0] = rf_control;
/* DAGs which have no commit points.
* The following DAGs are used in forward and backward error recovery experiments.
* They are identical to the DAGs above this comment with the exception that the
* the commit points have been removed.
void rf_CommonCreateLargeWriteDAGFwd(
RF_Raid_t *raidPtr,
RF_AccessStripeMap_t *asmap,
RF_DagHeader_t *dag_h,
void *bp,
RF_RaidAccessFlags_t flags,
RF_AllocListElem_t *allocList,
int nfaults,
int (*redFunc)(RF_DagNode_t *),
int allowBufferRecycle)
RF_DagNode_t *nodes, *wndNodes, *rodNodes, *xorNode, *wnpNode;
RF_DagNode_t *wnqNode, *blockNode, *syncNode, *termNode;
int nWndNodes, nRodNodes, i, nodeNum, asmNum;
RF_AccessStripeMapHeader_t *new_asm_h[2];
RF_StripeNum_t parityStripeID;
char *sosBuffer, *eosBuffer;
RF_ReconUnitNum_t which_ru;
RF_RaidLayout_t *layoutPtr;
RF_PhysDiskAddr_t *pda;
layoutPtr = &(raidPtr->Layout);
parityStripeID = rf_RaidAddressToParityStripeID(&(raidPtr->Layout), asmap->raidAddress, &which_ru);
if (rf_dagDebug)
printf("[Creating large-write DAG]\n");
dag_h->creator = "LargeWriteDAGFwd";
dag_h->numCommitNodes = 0;
dag_h->numCommits = 0;
dag_h->numSuccedents = 1;
/* alloc the nodes: Wnd, xor, commit, block, term, and Wnp */
nWndNodes = asmap->numStripeUnitsAccessed;
RF_CallocAndAdd(nodes, nWndNodes + 4 + nfaults, sizeof(RF_DagNode_t), (RF_DagNode_t *), allocList);
i = 0;
wndNodes = &nodes[i]; i += nWndNodes;
xorNode = &nodes[i]; i += 1;
wnpNode = &nodes[i]; i += 1;
blockNode = &nodes[i]; i += 1;
syncNode = &nodes[i]; i += 1;
termNode = &nodes[i]; i += 1;
if (nfaults == 2) {
wnqNode = &nodes[i]; i += 1;
else {
wnqNode = NULL;
rf_MapUnaccessedPortionOfStripe(raidPtr, layoutPtr, asmap, dag_h, new_asm_h, &nRodNodes, &sosBuffer, &eosBuffer, allocList);
if (nRodNodes > 0) {
RF_CallocAndAdd(rodNodes, nRodNodes, sizeof(RF_DagNode_t), (RF_DagNode_t *), allocList);
else {
rodNodes = NULL;
/* begin node initialization */
if (nRodNodes > 0) {
rf_InitNode(blockNode, rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_NullNodeFunc, rf_NullNodeUndoFunc, NULL, nRodNodes, 0, 0, 0, dag_h, "Nil", allocList);
rf_InitNode(syncNode, rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_NullNodeFunc, rf_NullNodeUndoFunc, NULL, nWndNodes + 1, nRodNodes, 0, 0, dag_h, "Nil", allocList);
else {
rf_InitNode(blockNode, rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_NullNodeFunc, rf_NullNodeUndoFunc, NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, dag_h, "Nil", allocList);
rf_InitNode(syncNode, rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_NullNodeFunc, rf_NullNodeUndoFunc, NULL, nWndNodes + 1, 1, 0, 0, dag_h, "Nil", allocList);
rf_InitNode(termNode, rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_TerminateFunc, rf_TerminateUndoFunc, NULL, 0, nWndNodes + nfaults, 0, 0, dag_h, "Trm", allocList);
/* initialize the Rod nodes */
for (nodeNum = asmNum = 0; asmNum < 2; asmNum++) {
if (new_asm_h[asmNum]) {
pda = new_asm_h[asmNum]->stripeMap->physInfo;
while (pda) {
rf_InitNode(&rodNodes[nodeNum], rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_DiskReadFunc, rf_DiskReadUndoFunc, rf_GenericWakeupFunc, 1, 1, 4, 0, dag_h, "Rod", allocList);
rodNodes[nodeNum].params[0].p = pda;
rodNodes[nodeNum].params[1].p = pda->bufPtr;
rodNodes[nodeNum].params[2].v = parityStripeID;
rodNodes[nodeNum].params[3].v = RF_CREATE_PARAM3(RF_IO_NORMAL_PRIORITY, 0, 0, which_ru);
RF_ASSERT(nodeNum == nRodNodes);
/* initialize the wnd nodes */
pda = asmap->physInfo;
for (i=0; i < nWndNodes; i++) {
rf_InitNode(&wndNodes[i], rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_DiskWriteFunc, rf_DiskWriteUndoFunc, rf_GenericWakeupFunc, 1, 1, 4, 0, dag_h, "Wnd", allocList);
wndNodes[i].params[0].p = pda;
wndNodes[i].params[1].p = pda->bufPtr;
wndNodes[i].params[2].v = parityStripeID;
wndNodes[i].params[3].v = RF_CREATE_PARAM3(RF_IO_NORMAL_PRIORITY, 0, 0, which_ru);
pda = pda->next;
/* initialize the redundancy node */
rf_InitNode(xorNode, rf_wait, RF_FALSE, redFunc, rf_NullNodeUndoFunc, NULL, 1, nfaults, 2 * (nWndNodes + nRodNodes) + 1, nfaults, dag_h, "Xr ", allocList);
xorNode->flags |= RF_DAGNODE_FLAG_YIELD;
for (i=0; i < nWndNodes; i++) {
xorNode->params[2*i+0] = wndNodes[i].params[0]; /* pda */
xorNode->params[2*i+1] = wndNodes[i].params[1]; /* buf ptr */
for (i=0; i < nRodNodes; i++) {
xorNode->params[2*(nWndNodes+i)+0] = rodNodes[i].params[0]; /* pda */
xorNode->params[2*(nWndNodes+i)+1] = rodNodes[i].params[1]; /* buf ptr */
xorNode->params[2*(nWndNodes+nRodNodes)].p = raidPtr; /* xor node needs to get at RAID information */
/* look for an Rod node that reads a complete SU. If none, alloc a buffer to receive the parity info.
* Note that we can't use a new data buffer because it will not have gotten written when the xor occurs.
if (allowBufferRecycle) {
for (i = 0; i < nRodNodes; i++)
if (((RF_PhysDiskAddr_t *) rodNodes[i].params[0].p)->numSector == raidPtr->Layout.sectorsPerStripeUnit)
if ((!allowBufferRecycle) || (i == nRodNodes)) {
RF_CallocAndAdd(xorNode->results[0], 1, rf_RaidAddressToByte(raidPtr, raidPtr->Layout.sectorsPerStripeUnit), (void *), allocList);
xorNode->results[0] = rodNodes[i].params[1].p;
/* initialize the Wnp node */
rf_InitNode(wnpNode, rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_DiskWriteFunc, rf_DiskWriteUndoFunc, rf_GenericWakeupFunc, 1, 1, 4, 0, dag_h, "Wnp", allocList);
wnpNode->params[0].p = asmap->parityInfo;
wnpNode->params[1].p = xorNode->results[0];
wnpNode->params[2].v = parityStripeID;
wnpNode->params[3].v = RF_CREATE_PARAM3(RF_IO_NORMAL_PRIORITY, 0, 0, which_ru);
RF_ASSERT(asmap->parityInfo->next == NULL); /* parityInfo must describe entire parity unit */
if (nfaults == 2)
/* we never try to recycle a buffer for the Q calcuation in addition to the parity.
This would cause two buffers to get smashed during the P and Q calculation,
guaranteeing one would be wrong.
RF_CallocAndAdd(xorNode->results[1], 1, rf_RaidAddressToByte(raidPtr, raidPtr->Layout.sectorsPerStripeUnit), (void *), allocList);
rf_InitNode(wnqNode, rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_DiskWriteFunc, rf_DiskWriteUndoFunc, rf_GenericWakeupFunc, 1, 1, 4, 0, dag_h, "Wnq", allocList);
wnqNode->params[0].p = asmap->qInfo;
wnqNode->params[1].p = xorNode->results[1];
wnqNode->params[2].v = parityStripeID;
wnqNode->params[3].v = RF_CREATE_PARAM3(RF_IO_NORMAL_PRIORITY, 0, 0, which_ru);
RF_ASSERT(asmap->parityInfo->next == NULL); /* parityInfo must describe entire parity unit */
/* connect nodes to form graph */
/* connect dag header to block node */
RF_ASSERT(blockNode->numAntecedents == 0);
dag_h->succedents[0] = blockNode;
if (nRodNodes > 0) {
/* connect the block node to the Rod nodes */
RF_ASSERT(blockNode->numSuccedents == nRodNodes);
RF_ASSERT(syncNode->numAntecedents == nRodNodes);
for (i = 0; i < nRodNodes; i++) {
RF_ASSERT(rodNodes[i].numAntecedents == 1);
blockNode->succedents[i] = &rodNodes[i];
rodNodes[i].antecedents[0] = blockNode;
rodNodes[i].antType[0] = rf_control;
/* connect the Rod nodes to the Nil node */
RF_ASSERT(rodNodes[i].numSuccedents == 1);
rodNodes[i].succedents[0] = syncNode;
syncNode->antecedents[i] = &rodNodes[i];
syncNode->antType[i] = rf_trueData;
else {
/* connect the block node to the Nil node */
RF_ASSERT(blockNode->numSuccedents == 1);
RF_ASSERT(syncNode->numAntecedents == 1);
blockNode->succedents[0] = syncNode;
syncNode->antecedents[0] = blockNode;
syncNode->antType[0] = rf_control;
/* connect the sync node to the Wnd nodes */
RF_ASSERT(syncNode->numSuccedents == (1 + nWndNodes));
for (i = 0; i < nWndNodes; i++) {
RF_ASSERT(wndNodes->numAntecedents == 1);
syncNode->succedents[i] = &wndNodes[i];
wndNodes[i].antecedents[0] = syncNode;
wndNodes[i].antType[0] = rf_control;
/* connect the sync node to the Xor node */
RF_ASSERT(xorNode->numAntecedents == 1);
syncNode->succedents[nWndNodes] = xorNode;
xorNode->antecedents[0] = syncNode;
xorNode->antType[0] = rf_control;
/* connect the xor node to the write parity node */
RF_ASSERT(xorNode->numSuccedents == nfaults);
RF_ASSERT(wnpNode->numAntecedents == 1);
xorNode->succedents[0] = wnpNode;
wnpNode->antecedents[0]= xorNode;
wnpNode->antType[0] = rf_trueData;
if (nfaults == 2) {
RF_ASSERT(wnqNode->numAntecedents == 1);
xorNode->succedents[1] = wnqNode;
wnqNode->antecedents[0] = xorNode;
wnqNode->antType[0] = rf_trueData;
/* connect the write nodes to the term node */
RF_ASSERT(termNode->numAntecedents == nWndNodes + nfaults);
RF_ASSERT(termNode->numSuccedents == 0);
for (i = 0; i < nWndNodes; i++) {
RF_ASSERT(wndNodes->numSuccedents == 1);
wndNodes[i].succedents[0] = termNode;
termNode->antecedents[i] = &wndNodes[i];
termNode->antType[i] = rf_control;
RF_ASSERT(wnpNode->numSuccedents == 1);
wnpNode->succedents[0] = termNode;
termNode->antecedents[nWndNodes] = wnpNode;
termNode->antType[nWndNodes] = rf_control;
if (nfaults == 2) {
RF_ASSERT(wnqNode->numSuccedents == 1);
wnqNode->succedents[0] = termNode;
termNode->antecedents[nWndNodes + 1] = wnqNode;
termNode->antType[nWndNodes + 1] = rf_control;
* creates a DAG to perform a small-write operation (either raid 5 or pq),
* which is as follows:
* Hdr -> Nil -> Rop - Xor - Wnp [Unp] -- Trm
* \- Rod X- Wnd [Und] -------/
* [\- Rod X- Wnd [Und] ------/]
* [\- Roq - Q --> Wnq [Unq]-/]
* Rop = read old parity
* Rod = read old data
* Roq = read old "q"
* Cmt = commit node
* Und = unlock data disk
* Unp = unlock parity disk
* Unq = unlock q disk
* Wnp = write new parity
* Wnd = write new data
* Wnq = write new "q"
* [ ] denotes optional segments in the graph
* Parameters: raidPtr - description of the physical array
* asmap - logical & physical addresses for this access
* bp - buffer ptr (holds write data)
* flags - general flags (e.g. disk locking)
* allocList - list of memory allocated in DAG creation
* pfuncs - list of parity generating functions
* qfuncs - list of q generating functions
* A null qfuncs indicates single fault tolerant
void rf_CommonCreateSmallWriteDAGFwd(
RF_Raid_t *raidPtr,
RF_AccessStripeMap_t *asmap,
RF_DagHeader_t *dag_h,
void *bp,
RF_RaidAccessFlags_t flags,
RF_AllocListElem_t *allocList,
RF_RedFuncs_t *pfuncs,
RF_RedFuncs_t *qfuncs)
RF_DagNode_t *readDataNodes, *readParityNodes, *readQNodes, *termNode;
RF_DagNode_t *unlockDataNodes, *unlockParityNodes, *unlockQNodes;
RF_DagNode_t *xorNodes, *qNodes, *blockNode, *nodes;
RF_DagNode_t *writeDataNodes, *writeParityNodes, *writeQNodes;
int i, j, nNodes, totalNumNodes, lu_flag;
RF_ReconUnitNum_t which_ru;
int (*func)(RF_DagNode_t *), (*undoFunc)(RF_DagNode_t *);
int (*qfunc)(RF_DagNode_t *);
int numDataNodes, numParityNodes;
RF_StripeNum_t parityStripeID;
RF_PhysDiskAddr_t *pda;
char *name, *qname;
long nfaults;
nfaults = qfuncs ? 2 : 1;
lu_flag = (rf_enableAtomicRMW) ? 1 : 0; /* lock/unlock flag */
parityStripeID = rf_RaidAddressToParityStripeID(&(raidPtr->Layout), asmap->raidAddress, &which_ru);
pda = asmap->physInfo;
numDataNodes = asmap->numStripeUnitsAccessed;
numParityNodes = (asmap->parityInfo->next) ? 2 : 1;
if (rf_dagDebug) printf("[Creating small-write DAG]\n");
RF_ASSERT(numDataNodes > 0);
dag_h->creator = "SmallWriteDAGFwd";
dag_h->numCommitNodes = 0;
dag_h->numCommits = 0;
dag_h->numSuccedents = 1;
qfunc = NULL;
qname = NULL;
/* DAG creation occurs in four steps:
1. count the number of nodes in the DAG
2. create the nodes
3. initialize the nodes
4. connect the nodes
/* Step 1. compute number of nodes in the graph */
/* number of nodes:
a read and write for each data unit
a redundancy computation node for each parity node (nfaults * nparity)
a read and write for each parity unit
a block node
a terminate node
if atomic RMW
an unlock node for each data unit, redundancy unit
totalNumNodes = (2 * numDataNodes) + (nfaults * numParityNodes) + (nfaults * 2 * numParityNodes) + 2;
if (lu_flag)
totalNumNodes += (numDataNodes + (nfaults * numParityNodes));
/* Step 2. create the nodes */
RF_CallocAndAdd(nodes, totalNumNodes, sizeof(RF_DagNode_t), (RF_DagNode_t *), allocList);
i = 0;
blockNode = &nodes[i]; i += 1;
readDataNodes = &nodes[i]; i += numDataNodes;
readParityNodes = &nodes[i]; i += numParityNodes;
writeDataNodes = &nodes[i]; i += numDataNodes;
writeParityNodes = &nodes[i]; i += numParityNodes;
xorNodes = &nodes[i]; i += numParityNodes;
termNode = &nodes[i]; i += 1;
if (lu_flag) {
unlockDataNodes = &nodes[i]; i += numDataNodes;
unlockParityNodes = &nodes[i]; i += numParityNodes;
else {
unlockDataNodes = unlockParityNodes = NULL;
if (nfaults == 2) {
readQNodes = &nodes[i]; i += numParityNodes;
writeQNodes = &nodes[i]; i += numParityNodes;
qNodes = &nodes[i]; i += numParityNodes;
if (lu_flag) {
unlockQNodes = &nodes[i]; i += numParityNodes;
else {
unlockQNodes = NULL;
else {
readQNodes = writeQNodes = qNodes = unlockQNodes = NULL;
RF_ASSERT(i == totalNumNodes);
/* Step 3. initialize the nodes */
/* initialize block node (Nil) */
nNodes = numDataNodes + (nfaults * numParityNodes);
rf_InitNode(blockNode, rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_NullNodeFunc, rf_NullNodeUndoFunc, NULL, nNodes, 0, 0, 0, dag_h, "Nil", allocList);
/* initialize terminate node (Trm) */
rf_InitNode(termNode, rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_TerminateFunc, rf_TerminateUndoFunc, NULL, 0, nNodes, 0, 0, dag_h, "Trm", allocList);
/* initialize nodes which read old data (Rod) */
for (i = 0; i < numDataNodes; i++) {
rf_InitNode(&readDataNodes[i], rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_DiskReadFunc, rf_DiskReadUndoFunc, rf_GenericWakeupFunc, (numParityNodes * nfaults) + 1, 1, 4, 0, dag_h, "Rod", allocList);
readDataNodes[i].params[0].p = pda; /* physical disk addr desc */
readDataNodes[i].params[1].p = rf_AllocBuffer(raidPtr, dag_h, pda, allocList); /* buffer to hold old data */
readDataNodes[i].params[2].v = parityStripeID;
readDataNodes[i].params[3].v = RF_CREATE_PARAM3(RF_IO_NORMAL_PRIORITY, lu_flag, 0, which_ru);
for (j = 0; j < readDataNodes[i].numSuccedents; j++)
readDataNodes[i].propList[j] = NULL;
/* initialize nodes which read old parity (Rop) */
pda = asmap->parityInfo; i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < numParityNodes; i++) {
rf_InitNode(&readParityNodes[i], rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_DiskReadFunc, rf_DiskReadUndoFunc, rf_GenericWakeupFunc, numParityNodes, 1, 4, 0, dag_h, "Rop", allocList);
readParityNodes[i].params[0].p = pda;
readParityNodes[i].params[1].p = rf_AllocBuffer(raidPtr, dag_h, pda, allocList); /* buffer to hold old parity */
readParityNodes[i].params[2].v = parityStripeID;
readParityNodes[i].params[3].v = RF_CREATE_PARAM3(RF_IO_NORMAL_PRIORITY, lu_flag, 0, which_ru);
for (j = 0; j < readParityNodes[i].numSuccedents; j++)
readParityNodes[i].propList[0] = NULL;
/* initialize nodes which read old Q (Roq) */
if (nfaults == 2)
pda = asmap->qInfo;
for (i = 0; i < numParityNodes; i++) {
rf_InitNode(&readQNodes[i], rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_DiskReadFunc, rf_DiskReadUndoFunc, rf_GenericWakeupFunc, numParityNodes, 1, 4, 0, dag_h, "Roq", allocList);
readQNodes[i].params[0].p = pda;
readQNodes[i].params[1].p = rf_AllocBuffer(raidPtr, dag_h, pda, allocList); /* buffer to hold old Q */
readQNodes[i].params[2].v = parityStripeID;
readQNodes[i].params[3].v = RF_CREATE_PARAM3(RF_IO_NORMAL_PRIORITY, lu_flag, 0, which_ru);
for (j = 0; j < readQNodes[i].numSuccedents; j++)
readQNodes[i].propList[0] = NULL;
/* initialize nodes which write new data (Wnd) */
pda = asmap->physInfo;
for (i=0; i < numDataNodes; i++) {
rf_InitNode(&writeDataNodes[i], rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_DiskWriteFunc, rf_DiskWriteUndoFunc, rf_GenericWakeupFunc, 1, 1, 4, 0, dag_h, "Wnd", allocList);
writeDataNodes[i].params[0].p = pda; /* physical disk addr desc */
writeDataNodes[i].params[1].p = pda->bufPtr; /* buffer holding new data to be written */
writeDataNodes[i].params[2].v = parityStripeID;
writeDataNodes[i].params[3].v = RF_CREATE_PARAM3(RF_IO_NORMAL_PRIORITY, 0, 0, which_ru);
if (lu_flag) {
/* initialize node to unlock the disk queue */
rf_InitNode(&unlockDataNodes[i], rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_DiskUnlockFunc, rf_DiskUnlockUndoFunc, rf_GenericWakeupFunc, 1, 1, 2, 0, dag_h, "Und", allocList);
unlockDataNodes[i].params[0].p = pda; /* physical disk addr desc */
unlockDataNodes[i].params[1].v = RF_CREATE_PARAM3(RF_IO_NORMAL_PRIORITY, 0, lu_flag, which_ru);
pda = pda->next;
/* initialize nodes which compute new parity and Q */
/* we use the simple XOR func in the double-XOR case, and when we're accessing only a portion of one stripe unit.
* the distinction between the two is that the regular XOR func assumes that the targbuf is a full SU in size,
* and examines the pda associated with the buffer to decide where within the buffer to XOR the data, whereas
* the simple XOR func just XORs the data into the start of the buffer.
if ((numParityNodes==2) || ((numDataNodes == 1) && (asmap->totalSectorsAccessed < raidPtr->Layout.sectorsPerStripeUnit))) {
func = pfuncs->simple; undoFunc = rf_NullNodeUndoFunc; name = pfuncs->SimpleName;
if (qfuncs) {
qfunc = qfuncs->simple;
qname = qfuncs->SimpleName;
else {
func = pfuncs->regular; undoFunc = rf_NullNodeUndoFunc; name = pfuncs->RegularName;
if (qfuncs) { qfunc = qfuncs->regular; qname = qfuncs->RegularName;}
/* initialize the xor nodes: params are {pda,buf} from {Rod,Wnd,Rop} nodes, and raidPtr */
if (numParityNodes==2) { /* double-xor case */
for (i=0; i < numParityNodes; i++) {
rf_InitNode(&xorNodes[i], rf_wait, RF_FALSE, func, undoFunc, NULL, numParityNodes, numParityNodes + numDataNodes, 7, 1, dag_h, name, allocList); /* no wakeup func for xor */
xorNodes[i].flags |= RF_DAGNODE_FLAG_YIELD;
xorNodes[i].params[0] = readDataNodes[i].params[0];
xorNodes[i].params[1] = readDataNodes[i].params[1];
xorNodes[i].params[2] = readParityNodes[i].params[0];
xorNodes[i].params[3] = readParityNodes[i].params[1];
xorNodes[i].params[4] = writeDataNodes[i].params[0];
xorNodes[i].params[5] = writeDataNodes[i].params[1];
xorNodes[i].params[6].p = raidPtr;
xorNodes[i].results[0] = readParityNodes[i].params[1].p; /* use old parity buf as target buf */
if (nfaults==2)
rf_InitNode(&qNodes[i], rf_wait, RF_FALSE, qfunc, undoFunc, NULL, numParityNodes, numParityNodes + numDataNodes, 7, 1, dag_h, qname, allocList); /* no wakeup func for xor */
qNodes[i].params[0] = readDataNodes[i].params[0];
qNodes[i].params[1] = readDataNodes[i].params[1];
qNodes[i].params[2] = readQNodes[i].params[0];
qNodes[i].params[3] = readQNodes[i].params[1];
qNodes[i].params[4] = writeDataNodes[i].params[0];
qNodes[i].params[5] = writeDataNodes[i].params[1];
qNodes[i].params[6].p = raidPtr;
qNodes[i].results[0] = readQNodes[i].params[1].p; /* use old Q buf as target buf */
else {
/* there is only one xor node in this case */
rf_InitNode(&xorNodes[0], rf_wait, RF_FALSE, func, undoFunc, NULL, numParityNodes, numParityNodes + numDataNodes, (2 * (numDataNodes + numDataNodes + 1) + 1), 1, dag_h, name, allocList);
xorNodes[0].flags |= RF_DAGNODE_FLAG_YIELD;
for (i=0; i < numDataNodes + 1; i++) {
/* set up params related to Rod and Rop nodes */
xorNodes[0].params[2*i+0] = readDataNodes[i].params[0]; /* pda */
xorNodes[0].params[2*i+1] = readDataNodes[i].params[1]; /* buffer pointer */
for (i=0; i < numDataNodes; i++) {
/* set up params related to Wnd and Wnp nodes */
xorNodes[0].params[2*(numDataNodes+1+i)+0] = writeDataNodes[i].params[0]; /* pda */
xorNodes[0].params[2*(numDataNodes+1+i)+1] = writeDataNodes[i].params[1]; /* buffer pointer */
xorNodes[0].params[2*(numDataNodes+numDataNodes+1)].p = raidPtr; /* xor node needs to get at RAID information */
xorNodes[0].results[0] = readParityNodes[0].params[1].p;
if (nfaults==2)
rf_InitNode(&qNodes[0], rf_wait, RF_FALSE, qfunc, undoFunc, NULL, numParityNodes, numParityNodes + numDataNodes, (2 * (numDataNodes + numDataNodes + 1) + 1), 1, dag_h, qname, allocList);
for (i=0; i<numDataNodes; i++) {
/* set up params related to Rod */
qNodes[0].params[2*i+0] = readDataNodes[i].params[0]; /* pda */
qNodes[0].params[2*i+1] = readDataNodes[i].params[1]; /* buffer pointer */
/* and read old q */
qNodes[0].params[2*numDataNodes + 0] = readQNodes[0].params[0]; /* pda */
qNodes[0].params[2*numDataNodes + 1] = readQNodes[0].params[1]; /* buffer pointer */
for (i=0; i < numDataNodes; i++) {
/* set up params related to Wnd nodes */
qNodes[0].params[2*(numDataNodes+1+i)+0] = writeDataNodes[i].params[0]; /* pda */
qNodes[0].params[2*(numDataNodes+1+i)+1] = writeDataNodes[i].params[1]; /* buffer pointer */
qNodes[0].params[2*(numDataNodes+numDataNodes+1)].p = raidPtr; /* xor node needs to get at RAID information */
qNodes[0].results[0] = readQNodes[0].params[1].p;
/* initialize nodes which write new parity (Wnp) */
pda = asmap->parityInfo;
for (i=0; i < numParityNodes; i++) {
rf_InitNode(&writeParityNodes[i], rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_DiskWriteFunc, rf_DiskWriteUndoFunc, rf_GenericWakeupFunc, 1, numParityNodes, 4, 0, dag_h, "Wnp", allocList);
writeParityNodes[i].params[0].p = pda; /* param 1 (bufPtr) filled in by xor node */
writeParityNodes[i].params[1].p = xorNodes[i].results[0]; /* buffer pointer for parity write operation */
writeParityNodes[i].params[2].v = parityStripeID;
writeParityNodes[i].params[3].v = RF_CREATE_PARAM3(RF_IO_NORMAL_PRIORITY, 0, 0, which_ru);
if (lu_flag) {
/* initialize node to unlock the disk queue */
rf_InitNode(&unlockParityNodes[i], rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_DiskUnlockFunc, rf_DiskUnlockUndoFunc, rf_GenericWakeupFunc, 1, 1, 2, 0, dag_h, "Unp", allocList);
unlockParityNodes[i].params[0].p = pda; /* physical disk addr desc */
unlockParityNodes[i].params[1].v = RF_CREATE_PARAM3(RF_IO_NORMAL_PRIORITY, 0, lu_flag, which_ru);
pda = pda->next;
/* initialize nodes which write new Q (Wnq) */
if (nfaults == 2)
pda = asmap->qInfo;
for (i=0; i < numParityNodes; i++) {
rf_InitNode(&writeQNodes[i], rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_DiskWriteFunc, rf_DiskWriteUndoFunc, rf_GenericWakeupFunc, 1, numParityNodes, 4, 0, dag_h, "Wnq", allocList);
writeQNodes[i].params[0].p = pda; /* param 1 (bufPtr) filled in by xor node */
writeQNodes[i].params[1].p = qNodes[i].results[0]; /* buffer pointer for parity write operation */
writeQNodes[i].params[2].v = parityStripeID;
writeQNodes[i].params[3].v = RF_CREATE_PARAM3(RF_IO_NORMAL_PRIORITY, 0, 0, which_ru);
if (lu_flag) {
/* initialize node to unlock the disk queue */
rf_InitNode(&unlockQNodes[i], rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_DiskUnlockFunc, rf_DiskUnlockUndoFunc, rf_GenericWakeupFunc, 1, 1, 2, 0, dag_h, "Unq", allocList);
unlockQNodes[i].params[0].p = pda; /* physical disk addr desc */
unlockQNodes[i].params[1].v = RF_CREATE_PARAM3(RF_IO_NORMAL_PRIORITY, 0, lu_flag, which_ru);
pda = pda->next;
/* Step 4. connect the nodes */
/* connect header to block node */
dag_h->succedents[0] = blockNode;
/* connect block node to read old data nodes */
RF_ASSERT(blockNode->numSuccedents == (numDataNodes + (numParityNodes * nfaults)));
for (i = 0; i < numDataNodes; i++) {
blockNode->succedents[i] = &readDataNodes[i];
RF_ASSERT(readDataNodes[i].numAntecedents == 1);
readDataNodes[i].antecedents[0]= blockNode;
readDataNodes[i].antType[0] = rf_control;
/* connect block node to read old parity nodes */
for (i = 0; i < numParityNodes; i++) {
blockNode->succedents[numDataNodes + i] = &readParityNodes[i];
RF_ASSERT(readParityNodes[i].numAntecedents == 1);
readParityNodes[i].antecedents[0] = blockNode;
readParityNodes[i].antType[0] = rf_control;
/* connect block node to read old Q nodes */
if (nfaults == 2)
for (i = 0; i < numParityNodes; i++) {
blockNode->succedents[numDataNodes + numParityNodes + i] = &readQNodes[i];
RF_ASSERT(readQNodes[i].numAntecedents == 1);
readQNodes[i].antecedents[0] = blockNode;
readQNodes[i].antType[0] = rf_control;
/* connect read old data nodes to write new data nodes */
for (i = 0; i < numDataNodes; i++) {
RF_ASSERT(readDataNodes[i].numSuccedents == ((nfaults * numParityNodes) + 1));
RF_ASSERT(writeDataNodes[i].numAntecedents == 1);
readDataNodes[i].succedents[0] = &writeDataNodes[i];
writeDataNodes[i].antecedents[0] = &readDataNodes[i];
writeDataNodes[i].antType[0] = rf_antiData;
/* connect read old data nodes to xor nodes */
for (i = 0; i < numDataNodes; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < numParityNodes; j++){
RF_ASSERT(xorNodes[j].numAntecedents == numDataNodes + numParityNodes);
readDataNodes[i].succedents[1 + j] = &xorNodes[j];
xorNodes[j].antecedents[i] = &readDataNodes[i];
xorNodes[j].antType[i] = rf_trueData;
/* connect read old data nodes to q nodes */
if (nfaults == 2)
for (i = 0; i < numDataNodes; i++)
for (j = 0; j < numParityNodes; j++){
RF_ASSERT(qNodes[j].numAntecedents == numDataNodes + numParityNodes);
readDataNodes[i].succedents[1 + numParityNodes + j] = &qNodes[j];
qNodes[j].antecedents[i] = &readDataNodes[i];
qNodes[j].antType[i] = rf_trueData;
/* connect read old parity nodes to xor nodes */
for (i = 0; i < numParityNodes; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < numParityNodes; j++) {
RF_ASSERT(readParityNodes[i].numSuccedents == numParityNodes);
readParityNodes[i].succedents[j] = &xorNodes[j];
xorNodes[j].antecedents[numDataNodes + i] = &readParityNodes[i];
xorNodes[j].antType[numDataNodes + i] = rf_trueData;
/* connect read old q nodes to q nodes */
if (nfaults == 2)
for (i = 0; i < numParityNodes; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < numParityNodes; j++) {
RF_ASSERT(readQNodes[i].numSuccedents == numParityNodes);
readQNodes[i].succedents[j] = &qNodes[j];
qNodes[j].antecedents[numDataNodes + i] = &readQNodes[i];
qNodes[j].antType[numDataNodes + i] = rf_trueData;
/* connect xor nodes to the write new parity nodes */
for (i = 0; i < numParityNodes; i++) {
RF_ASSERT(writeParityNodes[i].numAntecedents == numParityNodes);
for (j = 0; j < numParityNodes; j++) {
RF_ASSERT(xorNodes[j].numSuccedents == numParityNodes);
xorNodes[i].succedents[j] = &writeParityNodes[j];
writeParityNodes[j].antecedents[i] = &xorNodes[i];
writeParityNodes[j].antType[i] = rf_trueData;
/* connect q nodes to the write new q nodes */
if (nfaults == 2)
for (i = 0; i < numParityNodes; i++) {
RF_ASSERT(writeQNodes[i].numAntecedents == numParityNodes);
for (j = 0; j < numParityNodes; j++) {
RF_ASSERT(qNodes[j].numSuccedents == 1);
qNodes[i].succedents[j] = &writeQNodes[j];
writeQNodes[j].antecedents[i] = &qNodes[i];
writeQNodes[j].antType[i] = rf_trueData;
RF_ASSERT(termNode->numAntecedents == (numDataNodes + (nfaults * numParityNodes)));
RF_ASSERT(termNode->numSuccedents == 0);
for (i = 0; i < numDataNodes; i++) {
if (lu_flag) {
/* connect write new data nodes to unlock nodes */
RF_ASSERT(writeDataNodes[i].numSuccedents == 1);
RF_ASSERT(unlockDataNodes[i].numAntecedents == 1);
writeDataNodes[i].succedents[0] = &unlockDataNodes[i];
unlockDataNodes[i].antecedents[0] = &writeDataNodes[i];
unlockDataNodes[i].antType[0] = rf_control;
/* connect unlock nodes to term node */
RF_ASSERT(unlockDataNodes[i].numSuccedents == 1);
unlockDataNodes[i].succedents[0] = termNode;
termNode->antecedents[i] = &unlockDataNodes[i];
termNode->antType[i] = rf_control;
else {
/* connect write new data nodes to term node */
RF_ASSERT(writeDataNodes[i].numSuccedents == 1);
RF_ASSERT(termNode->numAntecedents == (numDataNodes + (nfaults * numParityNodes)));
writeDataNodes[i].succedents[0] = termNode;
termNode->antecedents[i] = &writeDataNodes[i];
termNode->antType[i] = rf_control;
for (i = 0; i < numParityNodes; i++) {
if (lu_flag) {
/* connect write new parity nodes to unlock nodes */
RF_ASSERT(writeParityNodes[i].numSuccedents == 1);
RF_ASSERT(unlockParityNodes[i].numAntecedents == 1);
writeParityNodes[i].succedents[0] = &unlockParityNodes[i];
unlockParityNodes[i].antecedents[0] = &writeParityNodes[i];
unlockParityNodes[i].antType[0] = rf_control;
/* connect unlock nodes to term node */
RF_ASSERT(unlockParityNodes[i].numSuccedents == 1);
unlockParityNodes[i].succedents[0] = termNode;
termNode->antecedents[numDataNodes + i] = &unlockParityNodes[i];
termNode->antType[numDataNodes + i] = rf_control;
else {
RF_ASSERT(writeParityNodes[i].numSuccedents == 1);
writeParityNodes[i].succedents[0] = termNode;
termNode->antecedents[numDataNodes + i] = &writeParityNodes[i];
termNode->antType[numDataNodes + i] = rf_control;
if (nfaults == 2)
for (i = 0; i < numParityNodes; i++) {
if (lu_flag) {
/* connect write new Q nodes to unlock nodes */
RF_ASSERT(writeQNodes[i].numSuccedents == 1);
RF_ASSERT(unlockQNodes[i].numAntecedents == 1);
writeQNodes[i].succedents[0] = &unlockQNodes[i];
unlockQNodes[i].antecedents[0] = &writeQNodes[i];
unlockQNodes[i].antType[0] = rf_control;
/* connect unlock nodes to unblock node */
RF_ASSERT(unlockQNodes[i].numSuccedents == 1);
unlockQNodes[i].succedents[0] = termNode;
termNode->antecedents[numDataNodes + numParityNodes + i] = &unlockQNodes[i];
termNode->antType[numDataNodes + numParityNodes + i] = rf_control;
else {
RF_ASSERT(writeQNodes[i].numSuccedents == 1);
writeQNodes[i].succedents[0] = termNode;
termNode->antecedents[numDataNodes + numParityNodes + i] = &writeQNodes[i];
termNode->antType[numDataNodes + numParityNodes + i] = rf_control;
* create a write graph (fault-free or degraded) for RAID level 1
* Hdr Nil -> Wpd -> Nil -> Trm
* Nil -> Wsd ->
* The "Wpd" node writes data to the primary copy in the mirror pair
* The "Wsd" node writes data to the secondary copy in the mirror pair
* Parameters: raidPtr - description of the physical array
* asmap - logical & physical addresses for this access
* bp - buffer ptr (holds write data)
* flags - general flags (e.g. disk locking)
* allocList - list of memory allocated in DAG creation
void rf_CreateRaidOneWriteDAGFwd(
RF_Raid_t *raidPtr,
RF_AccessStripeMap_t *asmap,
RF_DagHeader_t *dag_h,
void *bp,
RF_RaidAccessFlags_t flags,
RF_AllocListElem_t *allocList)
RF_DagNode_t *blockNode, *unblockNode, *termNode;
RF_DagNode_t *nodes, *wndNode, *wmirNode;
int nWndNodes, nWmirNodes, i;
RF_ReconUnitNum_t which_ru;
RF_PhysDiskAddr_t *pda, *pdaP;
RF_StripeNum_t parityStripeID;
parityStripeID = rf_RaidAddressToParityStripeID(&(raidPtr->Layout),
asmap->raidAddress, &which_ru);
if (rf_dagDebug) {
printf("[Creating RAID level 1 write DAG]\n");
nWmirNodes = (asmap->parityInfo->next) ? 2 : 1; /* 2 implies access not SU aligned */
nWndNodes = (asmap->physInfo->next) ? 2 : 1;
/* alloc the Wnd nodes and the Wmir node */
if (asmap->numDataFailed == 1)
if (asmap->numParityFailed == 1)
/* total number of nodes = nWndNodes + nWmirNodes + (block + unblock + terminator) */
RF_CallocAndAdd(nodes, nWndNodes + nWmirNodes + 3, sizeof(RF_DagNode_t), (RF_DagNode_t *), allocList);
i = 0;
wndNode = &nodes[i]; i += nWndNodes;
wmirNode = &nodes[i]; i += nWmirNodes;
blockNode = &nodes[i]; i += 1;
unblockNode = &nodes[i]; i += 1;
termNode = &nodes[i]; i += 1;
RF_ASSERT(i == (nWndNodes + nWmirNodes + 3));
/* this dag can commit immediately */
dag_h->numCommitNodes = 0;
dag_h->numCommits = 0;
dag_h->numSuccedents = 1;
/* initialize the unblock and term nodes */
rf_InitNode(blockNode, rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_NullNodeFunc, rf_NullNodeUndoFunc, NULL, (nWndNodes + nWmirNodes), 0, 0, 0, dag_h, "Nil", allocList);
rf_InitNode(unblockNode, rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_NullNodeFunc, rf_NullNodeUndoFunc, NULL, 1, (nWndNodes + nWmirNodes), 0, 0, dag_h, "Nil", allocList);
rf_InitNode(termNode, rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_TerminateFunc, rf_TerminateUndoFunc, NULL, 0, 1, 0, 0, dag_h, "Trm", allocList);
/* initialize the wnd nodes */
if (nWndNodes > 0) {
pda = asmap->physInfo;
for (i = 0; i < nWndNodes; i++) {
rf_InitNode(&wndNode[i], rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_DiskWriteFunc, rf_DiskWriteUndoFunc, rf_GenericWakeupFunc, 1, 1, 4, 0, dag_h, "Wpd", allocList);
wndNode[i].params[0].p = pda;
wndNode[i].params[1].p = pda->bufPtr;
wndNode[i].params[2].v = parityStripeID;
wndNode[i].params[3].v = RF_CREATE_PARAM3(RF_IO_NORMAL_PRIORITY, 0, 0, which_ru);
pda = pda->next;
/* initialize the mirror nodes */
if (nWmirNodes > 0) {
pda = asmap->physInfo;
pdaP = asmap->parityInfo;
for (i = 0; i < nWmirNodes; i++) {
rf_InitNode(&wmirNode[i], rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_DiskWriteFunc, rf_DiskWriteUndoFunc, rf_GenericWakeupFunc, 1, 1, 4, 0, dag_h, "Wsd", allocList);
wmirNode[i].params[0].p = pdaP;
wmirNode[i].params[1].p = pda->bufPtr;
wmirNode[i].params[2].v = parityStripeID;
wmirNode[i].params[3].v = RF_CREATE_PARAM3(RF_IO_NORMAL_PRIORITY, 0, 0, which_ru);
pda = pda->next;
pdaP = pdaP->next;
/* link the header node to the block node */
RF_ASSERT(dag_h->numSuccedents == 1);
RF_ASSERT(blockNode->numAntecedents == 0);
dag_h->succedents[0] = blockNode;
/* link the block node to the write nodes */
RF_ASSERT(blockNode->numSuccedents == (nWndNodes + nWmirNodes));
for (i = 0; i < nWndNodes; i++) {
RF_ASSERT(wndNode[i].numAntecedents == 1);
blockNode->succedents[i] = &wndNode[i];
wndNode[i].antecedents[0] = blockNode;
wndNode[i].antType[0] = rf_control;
for (i = 0; i < nWmirNodes; i++) {
RF_ASSERT(wmirNode[i].numAntecedents == 1);
blockNode->succedents[i + nWndNodes] = &wmirNode[i];
wmirNode[i].antecedents[0] = blockNode;
wmirNode[i].antType[0] = rf_control;
/* link the write nodes to the unblock node */
RF_ASSERT(unblockNode->numAntecedents == (nWndNodes + nWmirNodes));
for (i = 0; i < nWndNodes; i++) {
RF_ASSERT(wndNode[i].numSuccedents == 1);
wndNode[i].succedents[0] = unblockNode;
unblockNode->antecedents[i] = &wndNode[i];
unblockNode->antType[i] = rf_control;
for (i = 0; i < nWmirNodes; i++) {
RF_ASSERT(wmirNode[i].numSuccedents == 1);
wmirNode[i].succedents[0] = unblockNode;
unblockNode->antecedents[i + nWndNodes] = &wmirNode[i];
unblockNode->antType[i + nWndNodes] = rf_control;
/* link the unblock node to the term node */
RF_ASSERT(unblockNode->numSuccedents == 1);
RF_ASSERT(termNode->numAntecedents == 1);
RF_ASSERT(termNode->numSuccedents == 0);
unblockNode->succedents[0] = termNode;
termNode->antecedents[0] = unblockNode;
termNode->antType[0] = rf_control;