1997-04-18 13:22:49 +00:00

876 lines
21 KiB

* refclock_true - clock driver for the Kinemetrics Truetime receivers
* Receiver Version 3.0C - tested plain, with CLKLDISC
* Developement work being done:
* - Properly handle varying satellite positions (more acurately)
* - Integrate GPSTM and/or OMEGA and/or TRAK and/or ??? drivers
#include <config.h>
#if defined(REFCLOCK) && defined(TRUETIME)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#ifdef __STDC__
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <varargs.h>
#include "ntpd.h"
#include "ntp_io.h"
#include "ntp_refclock.h"
#include "ntp_unixtime.h"
#include "ntp_stdlib.h"
/* This should be an atom clock but those are very hard to build.
* The PCL720 from P C Labs has an Intel 8253 lookalike, as well as a bunch
* of TTL input and output pins, all brought out to the back panel. If you
* wire a PPS signal (such as the TTL PPS coming out of a GOES or other
* Kinemetrics/Truetime clock) to the 8253's GATE0, and then also wire the
* 8253's OUT0 to the PCL720's INPUT3.BIT0, then we can read CTR0 to get the
* number of uSecs since the last PPS upward swing, mediated by reading OUT0
* to find out if the counter has wrapped around (this happens if more than
* 65535us (65ms) elapses between the PPS event and our being called.)
#ifdef PPS720
# undef min /* XXX */
# undef max /* XXX */
# include <machine/inline.h>
# include <sys/pcl720.h>
# include <sys/i8253.h>
# define PCL720_IOB 0x2a0 /* XXX */
# define PCL720_CTR 0 /* XXX */
* Support for Kinemetrics Truetime Receivers
* XL-DC (a 151-602-210, reported by the driver as a GPS/TM-TMD)
* GPS-800 TCU (an 805-957 with the RS232 Talker/Listener module)
* OM-DC: getting stale ("OMEGA")
* Most of this code is originally from refclock_wwvb.c with thanks.
* It has been so mangled that wwvb is not a recognizable ancestor.
* Timcode format: ADDD:HH:MM:SSQCL
* A - control A (this is stripped before we see it)
* Q - Quality indication (see below)
* C - Carriage return
* L - Line feed
* Quality codes indicate possible error of
* 468-DC GOES Receiver:
* GPS-TM/TMD Receiver:
* ? +/- 500 milliseconds # +/- 50 milliseconds
* * +/- 5 milliseconds . +/- 1 millisecond
* space less than 1 millisecond
* OM-DC OMEGA Receiver:
* > >+- 5 seconds
* ? >+/- 500 milliseconds # >+/- 50 milliseconds
* * >+/- 5 milliseconds . >+/- 1 millisecond
* A-H less than 1 millisecond. Character indicates which station
* is being received as follows:
* A = Norway, B = Liberia, C = Hawaii, D = North Dakota,
* E = La Reunion, F = Argentina, G = Australia, H = Japan.
* The carriage return start bit begins on 0 seconds and extends to 1 bit time.
* Notes on 468-DC and OMEGA receiver:
* Send the clock a 'R' or 'C' and once per second a timestamp will
* appear. Send a 'P' to get the satellite position once (GOES only.)
* Notes on the 468-DC receiver:
* Since the old east/west satellite locations are only historical, you can't
* set your clock propagation delay settings correctly and still use
* automatic mode. The manual says to use a compromise when setting the
* switches. This results in significant errors. The solution; use fudge
* time1 and time2 to incorporate corrections. If your clock is set for
* 50 and it should be 58 for using the west and 46 for using the east,
* use the line
* fudge time1 +0.008 time2 -0.004
* This corrects the 4 milliseconds advance and 8 milliseconds retard
* needed. The software will ask the clock which satellite it sees.
* Ntp.conf parameters:
* time1 - offset applied to samples when reading WEST satellite (default = 0)
* time2 - offset applied to samples when reading EAST satellite (default = 0)
* val1 - stratum to assign to this clock (default = 0)
* val2 - refid assigned to this clock (default = "TRUE", see below)
* flag1 - will silence the clock side of xntpd, just reading the clock
* without trying to write to it. (default = 0)
* flag2 - generate a debug file /tmp/true%d.
* flag3 - enable ppsclock streams module
* flag4 - use the PCL-720 (BSD/OS only)
* Definitions
#define DEVICE "/dev/true%d"
#define SPEED232 B9600 /* 9600 baud */
* Radio interface parameters
#define MAXDISPERSE (FP_SECOND>>1) /* max error for synchronized clock (0.5 s as an u_fp) */
#define PRECISION (-10) /* precision assumed (about 1 ms) */
#define REFID "TRUE" /* reference id */
#define DESCRIPTION "Kinemetrics/TrueTime Receiver"
#define NSAMPLES 3 /* stages of median filter */
* Tags which station (satellite) we see
#define GOES_WEST 0 /* Default to WEST satellite and apply time1 */
#define GOES_EAST 1 /* until you discover otherwise */
* used by the state machine
enum true_event {e_Init, e_Huh, e_F18, e_F50, e_F51, e_Satellite,
e_Poll, e_Location, e_TS, e_Max};
const char *events[] = {"Init", "Huh", "F18", "F50", "F51", "Satellite",
"Poll", "Location", "TS"};
#define eventStr(x) (((int)x<(int)e_Max) ? events[(int)x] : "?")
enum true_state {s_Base, s_InqTM, s_InqTCU, s_InqOmega, s_InqGOES,
s_Init, s_F18, s_F50, s_Start, s_Auto, s_Max};
const char *states[] = {"Base", "InqTM", "InqTCU", "InqOmega", "InqGOES",
"Init", "F18", "F50", "Start", "Auto"};
#define stateStr(x) (((int)x<(int)s_Max) ? states[(int)x] : "?")
enum true_type {t_unknown, t_goes, t_tm, t_tcu, t_omega, t_Max};
const char *types[] = {"unknown", "goes", "tm", "tcu", "omega"};
#define typeStr(x) (((int)x<(int)t_Max) ? types[(int)x] : "?")
* Imported from the timer module
extern u_long current_time;
* Imported from ntpd module
extern int debug; /* global debug flag */
* unit control structure
struct true_unit {
unsigned int pollcnt; /* poll message counter */
unsigned int station; /* which station we are on */
unsigned int polled; /* Hand in a time sample? */
enum true_state state; /* state machine */
enum true_type type; /* what kind of clock is it? */
int unit; /* save an extra copy of this */
FILE *debug; /* debug logging file */
#ifdef PPS720
int pcl720init; /* init flag for PCL 720 */
* Function prototypes
static int true_start P((int, struct peer *));
static void true_shutdown P((int, struct peer *));
static void true_receive P((struct recvbuf *));
static void true_poll P((int, struct peer *));
static void true_send P((struct peer *, char *));
static void true_doevent P((struct peer *, enum true_event));
#ifdef PPS720
static u_long true_sample720 P((void));
* Transfer vector
struct refclock refclock_true = {
true_start, /* start up driver */
true_shutdown, /* shut down driver */
true_poll, /* transmit poll message */
noentry, /* not used (old true_control) */
noentry, /* initialize driver (not used) */
noentry, /* not used (old true_buginfo) */
NOFLAGS /* not used */
#if !defined(__STDC__)
# define true_debug (void)
static void
true_debug(struct peer *peer, char *fmt, ...) {
va_list ap;
int want_debugging, now_debugging;
struct refclockproc *pp;
struct true_unit *up;
va_start(ap, fmt);
pp = peer->procptr;
up = (struct true_unit *)pp->unitptr;
want_debugging = (pp->sloppyclockflag & CLK_FLAG2) != 0;
now_debugging = (up->debug != NULL);
if (want_debugging != now_debugging)
if (want_debugging) {
char filename[20];
sprintf(filename, "/tmp/true%d.debug", up->unit);
up->debug = fopen(filename, "w");
if (up->debug) {
static char buf[BUFSIZ];
setvbuf(up->debug, buf, _IOLBF, BUFSIZ);
} else {
up->debug = NULL;
if (up->debug) {
fprintf(up->debug, "true%d: ", up->unit);
vfprintf(up->debug, fmt, ap);
#endif /*STDC*/
* true_start - open the devices and initialize data for processing
static int
true_start(unit, peer)
int unit;
struct peer *peer;
register struct true_unit *up;
struct refclockproc *pp;
char device[20];
int fd;
* Open serial port
(void)sprintf(device, DEVICE, unit);
#ifdef TTYCLK
if (!(fd = refclock_open(device, SPEED232, LDISC_CLK)))
if (!(fd = refclock_open(device, SPEED232, 0)))
#endif /* TTYCLK */
return (0);
* Allocate and initialize unit structure
if (!(up = (struct true_unit *)
emalloc(sizeof(struct true_unit)))) {
(void) close(fd);
return (0);
memset((char *)up, 0, sizeof(struct true_unit));
pp = peer->procptr;
pp->io.clock_recv = true_receive;
pp->io.srcclock = (caddr_t)peer;
pp->io.datalen = 0;
pp->io.fd = fd;
if (!io_addclock(&pp->io)) {
(void) close(fd);
return (0);
pp->unitptr = (caddr_t)up;
* Initialize miscellaneous variables
peer->precision = PRECISION;
pp->clockdesc = DESCRIPTION;
memcpy((char *)&pp->refid, REFID, 4);
up->pollcnt = 2;
up->type = t_unknown;
up->state = s_Base;
true_doevent(peer, e_Init);
return (1);
* true_shutdown - shut down the clock
static void
true_shutdown(unit, peer)
int unit;
struct peer *peer;
register struct true_unit *up;
struct refclockproc *pp;
pp = peer->procptr;
up = (struct true_unit *)pp->unitptr;
* true_receive - receive data from the serial interface on a clock
static void
struct recvbuf *rbufp;
register struct true_unit *up;
struct refclockproc *pp;
struct peer *peer;
l_fp tmp_l_fp;
u_short new_station;
char sync;
int i;
int lat, lon, off; /* GOES Satellite position */
* Get the clock this applies to and pointers to the data.
peer = (struct peer *)rbufp->recv_srcclock;
pp = peer->procptr;
up = (struct true_unit *)pp->unitptr;
* Read clock output. Automatically handles STREAMS, CLKLDISC.
pp->lencode = refclock_gtlin(rbufp, pp->lastcode, BMAX, &pp->lastrec);
* There is a case where <cr><lf> generates 2 timestamps.
if (pp->lencode == 0)
pp->lastcode[pp->lencode] = '\0';
true_debug(peer, "receive(%s) [%d]\n", pp->lastcode, pp->lencode);
up->pollcnt = 2;
record_clock_stats(&peer->srcadr, pp->lastcode);
* We get down to business, check the timecode format and decode
* its contents. This code decodes a multitude of different
* clock messages. Timecodes are processed if needed. All replies
* will be run through the state machine to tweak driver options
* and program the clock.
* Clock misunderstood our last command?
if (pp->lastcode[0] == '?') {
true_doevent(peer, e_Huh);
* Timecode: "nnnnn+nnn-nnn"
* (from GOES clock when asked about satellite position)
if ((pp->lastcode[5] == '+' || pp->lastcode[5] == '-') &&
(pp->lastcode[9] == '+' || pp->lastcode[9] == '-') &&
sscanf(pp->lastcode, "%5d%*c%3d%*c%3d", &lon, &lat, &off) == 3
) {
char *label = "Botch!";
* This is less than perfect. Call the (satellite)
* either EAST or WEST and adjust slop accodingly
* Perfectionists would recalculate the exact delay
* and adjust accordingly...
if (lon > 7000 && lon < 14000) {
if (lon < 10000) {
new_station = GOES_EAST;
label = "EAST";
} else {
new_station = GOES_WEST;
label = "WEST";
if (new_station != up->station) {
tmp_l_fp = pp->fudgetime1;
pp->fudgetime1 = pp->fudgetime2;
pp->fudgetime2 = tmp_l_fp;
up->station = new_station;
else {
refclock_report(peer, CEVNT_BADREPLY);
label = "UNKNOWN";
true_debug(peer, "GOES: station %s\n", label);
true_doevent(peer, e_Satellite);
* Timecode: "Fnn"
* (from TM/TMD clock when it wants to tell us what it's up to.)
if (sscanf(pp->lastcode, "F%2d", &i) == 1 && i > 0 && i < 80) {
switch (i) {
case 50:
true_doevent(peer, e_F50);
case 51:
true_doevent(peer, e_F51);
true_debug(peer, "got F%02d - ignoring\n", i);
* Timecode: " TRUETIME Mk III"
* (from a TM/TMD clock during initialization.)
if (strcmp(pp->lastcode, " TRUETIME Mk III") == 0) {
true_doevent(peer, e_F18);
msyslog(LOG_INFO, "TM/TMD: %s", pp->lastcode);
* Timecode: "N03726428W12209421+000033"
* 1 2
* 0123456789012345678901234
* (from a TCU during initialization)
if ((pp->lastcode[0] == 'N' || pp->lastcode[0] == 'S') &&
(pp->lastcode[9] == 'W' || pp->lastcode[9] == 'E') &&
pp->lastcode[18] == '+') {
true_doevent(peer, e_Location);
msyslog(LOG_INFO, "TCU-800: %s", pp->lastcode);
* Timecode: "ddd:hh:mm:ssQ"
* (from all clocks supported by this driver.)
if (pp->lastcode[3] == ':' &&
pp->lastcode[6] == ':' &&
pp->lastcode[9] == ':' &&
sscanf(pp->lastcode, "%3d:%2d:%2d:%2d%c",
&pp->day, &pp->hour, &pp->minute,
&pp->second, &sync) == 5) {
* Adjust the synchronize indicator according to timecode
if (sync != ' ' && sync != '.' && sync != '*')
pp->leap = LEAP_NOTINSYNC;
else {
pp->leap = 0;
pp->lasttime = current_time;
true_doevent(peer, e_TS);
#ifdef PPS720
/* If it's taken more than 65ms to get here, we'll lose. */
if ((pp->sloppyclockflag & CLK_FLAG4) && up->pcl720init) {
l_fp off;
#ifdef ATOM
* find out what time it really is. Include
* the count from the PCL720
if (!clocktime(pp->day, pp->hour, pp->minute,
pp->second, GMT, pp->lastrec.l_ui,
&pp->yearstart, &off.l_ui)) {
refclock_report(peer, CEVNT_BADTIME);
pp->usec = true_sample720();
#ifdef ATOM
TVUTOTSF(pp->usec, off.l_uf);
* Stomp all over the timestamp that was pulled out
* of the input stream. It's irrelevant since we've
* adjusted the input time to reflect now (via pp->usec)
* rather than when the data was collected.
#ifdef ATOM
* Create a true offset for feeding to pps_sample()
L_SUB(&off, &pp->lastrec);
true_debug(peer, "true_sample720: %luus\n", pp->usec);
* The clock will blurt a timecode every second but we only
* want one when polled. If we havn't been polled, bail out.
if (!up->polled)
true_doevent(peer, e_Poll);
* Process the new sample in the median filter and determine
* the reference clock offset and dispersion. We use lastrec
* as both the reference time and receive time in order to
* avoid being cute, like setting the reference time later
* than the receive time, which may cause a paranoid protocol
* module to chuck out the data.
if (!refclock_process(pp, NSAMPLES, NSAMPLES)) {
refclock_report(peer, CEVNT_BADTIME);
refclock_receive(peer, &pp->offset, 0, pp->dispersion,
&pp->lastrec, &pp->lastrec, pp->leap);
* We have succedded in answering the poll.
* Turn off the flag and return
up->polled = 0;
* No match to known timecodes, report failure and return
refclock_report(peer, CEVNT_BADREPLY);
* true_send - time to send the clock a signal to cough up a time sample
static void
true_send(peer, cmd)
struct peer *peer;
char *cmd;
struct refclockproc *pp;
pp = peer->procptr;
if (!(pp->sloppyclockflag & CLK_FLAG1)) {
register int len = strlen(cmd);
true_debug(peer, "Send '%s'\n", cmd);
if (write(pp->io.fd, cmd, len) != len)
refclock_report(peer, CEVNT_FAULT);
* state machine for initializing and controlling a clock
static void
true_doevent(peer, event)
struct peer *peer;
enum true_event event;
struct true_unit *up;
struct refclockproc *pp;
pp = peer->procptr;
up = (struct true_unit *)pp->unitptr;
if (event != e_TS) {
msyslog(LOG_INFO, "TRUE: clock %s, state %s, event %s",
true_debug(peer, "clock %s, state %s, event %s\n",
typeStr(up->type), stateStr(up->state), eventStr(event));
switch (up->type) {
case t_goes:
switch (event) {
case e_Init: /* FALLTHROUGH */
case e_Satellite:
* Switch back to on-second time codes and return.
true_send(peer, "C");
up->state = s_Start;
case e_Poll:
* After each poll, check the station (satellite).
true_send(peer, "P");
/* No state change needed. */
case t_omega:
switch (event) {
case e_Init:
true_send(peer, "C");
up->state = s_Start;
case e_TS:
if (up->state != s_Start && up->state != s_Auto) {
true_send(peer, "\03\r");
up->state = s_Auto;
case t_tm:
switch (event) {
case e_Init:
true_send(peer, "F18\r");
up->state = s_Init;
case e_F18:
true_send(peer, "F50\r");
up->state = s_F18;
case e_F50:
true_send(peer, "F51\r");
up->state = s_F50;
case e_F51:
true_send(peer, "F08\r");
up->state = s_Start;
case e_TS:
if (up->state != s_Start && up->state != s_Auto) {
true_send(peer, "\03\r");
up->state = s_Auto;
case t_tcu:
switch (event) {
case e_Init:
true_send(peer, "MD3\r"); /* GPS Synch'd Gen. */
true_send(peer, "TSU\r"); /* UTC, not GPS. */
true_send(peer, "AU\r"); /* Auto Timestamps. */
up->state = s_Start;
case e_TS:
if (up->state != s_Start && up->state != s_Auto) {
true_send(peer, "\03\r");
up->state = s_Auto;
case t_unknown:
switch (up->state) {
case s_Base:
if (event != e_Init)
true_send(peer, "P\r");
up->state = s_InqGOES;
case s_InqGOES:
switch (event) {
case e_Satellite:
up->type = t_goes;
true_doevent(peer, e_Init);
case e_Init: /*FALLTHROUGH*/
case e_Huh: /*FALLTHROUGH*/
case e_TS:
up->state = s_InqOmega;
true_send(peer, "C\r");
case s_InqOmega:
switch (event) {
case e_TS:
up->type = t_omega;
up->state = s_Auto; /* Inq side-effect. */
case e_Init: /*FALLTHROUGH*/
case e_Huh:
up->state = s_InqTM;
true_send(peer, "F18\r");
case s_InqTM:
switch (event) {
case e_F18:
up->type = t_tm;
true_doevent(peer, e_Init);
case e_Init: /*FALLTHROUGH*/
case e_Huh:
true_send(peer, "PO\r");
up->state = s_InqTCU;
case s_InqTCU:
switch (event) {
case e_Location:
up->type = t_tcu;
true_doevent(peer, e_Init);
case e_Init: /*FALLTHROUGH*/
case e_Huh:
up->state = s_Base;
sleep(1); /* XXX */
* An expedient hack to prevent lint complaints,
* these don't actually need to be used here...
case s_Init:
case s_F18:
case s_F50:
case s_Start:
case s_Auto:
case s_Max:
msyslog(LOG_INFO, "TRUE: state %s is unexpected!", stateStr(up->state));
#ifdef PPS720
if ((pp->sloppyclockflag & CLK_FLAG4) && !up->pcl720init) {
/* Make counter trigger on gate0, count down from 65535. */
pcl720_load(PCL720_IOB, PCL720_CTR, i8253_oneshot, 65535);
* (These constants are OK since
* they represent hardware maximums.)
msyslog(LOG_NOTICE, "PCL-720 initialized");
* true_poll - called by the transmit procedure
static void
true_poll(unit, peer)
int unit;
struct peer *peer;
struct true_unit *up;
struct refclockproc *pp;
* You don't need to poll this clock. It puts out timecodes
* once per second. If asked for a timestamp, take note.
* The next time a timecode comes in, it will be fed back.
pp = peer->procptr;
up = (struct true_unit *)pp->unitptr;
if (up->pollcnt > 0)
else {
true_doevent(peer, e_Init);
refclock_report(peer, CEVNT_TIMEOUT);
* polled every 64 seconds. Ask true_receive to hand in a
* timestamp.
up->polled = 1;
#ifdef PPS720
* true_sample720 - sample the PCL-720
static u_long
unsigned long f;
/* We wire the PCL-720's 8253.OUT0 to bit 0 of connector 3.
* If it is not being held low now, we did not get called
* within 65535us.
if (inb(pcl720_data_16_23(PCL720_IOB)) & 0x01) {
msyslog(LOG_NOTICE, "PCL-720 out of synch");
return (0);
f = (65536 - pcl720_read(PCL720_IOB, PCL720_CTR));
#ifdef PPS720_DEBUG
msyslog(LOG_DEBUG, "PCL-720: %luus", f);
return (f);
#endif /*defined(REFCLOCK) && defined(TRUETIME)*/