case: MKBFD If set to "no", disables building of libbfd, libiberty, and all things that depend on them (binutils/gas/ld, gdb, dbsym, mdsetimage). MKGDB If set to "no", disables bulding of gdb. MKGCC If set to "no", disables building of gcc and the gcc-related libraries (libg2c, libgcc, libobjc, libstdc++). These are useful for building platforms for which either of the following situations are true: (1) You have no userland from which to run toolchain2netbsd in order to build the appropriate toolchain build framework. (2) The platform which you are building requires a newer set of tools than are currently in the tree (e.g. x86-64, ia64).
37 lines
750 B
37 lines
750 B
# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.29 2001/12/31 23:04:12 thorpej Exp $
.include <bsd.own.mk>
.if defined(USE_NEW_TOOLCHAIN)
.if ${MKBFD} != "no"
SUBDIR+= libbfd libiberty
.if ${MKGCC} != "no"
SUBDIR+= libg2c libgcc libobjc libstdc++
SUBDIR+= libmalloc
# XXX - BEGIN - Old toolchain build goop - delete when everything migrated - XXX
HAVE_GCC29!= ${CXX} --version | egrep "^(2\.9)" ; echo
SUBDIR+= libbfd libmalloc
.if empty(HAVE_GCC29) || make (obj) || make(cleandir) || make(clean)
SUBDIR+= libg2c libgcc libobjc
.if (${MACHINE_ARCH} != "sparc64") && (${MACHINE_ARCH} != "arm")
SUBDIR+= libstdc++
# XXX - END - Old toolchain build goop - delete when everything migrated - XXX
.include <bsd.subdir.mk>