lukem 534002bc26 Implement "expandtab" option:
expandtab, et [off]
          Prevent the use of <tab> characters in leading whitespace when
          shifting text, autoindenting, indenting with <control-T>, or
          outdenting with <control-D>.
2008-12-12 22:55:55 +00:00
2008-12-12 22:55:55 +00:00
2008-12-12 22:55:55 +00:00

# Id: README,v 8.1 1997/04/13 10:38:45 bostic Exp (Berkeley) Date: 1997/04/13 10:38:45

[USD stands for "User's Supplementary Documents".]

edit/   Roff source for "Edit: A tutorial".  This document was USD:14 in
	the 4.3BSD manuals, but was not distributed with 4.4BSD.

exref/  Roff source for "Ex Reference Manual -- Version 3.7".  This
	document was USD:16 in the 4.3BSD manuals, and USD tabbed 12 in
	the 4.4BSD manuals. Roff source for a UNIX manual page for nex/nvi.  An updated version
	of the 4.4BSD manual page.

vi.ref/ Roff source for the nex/nvi reference document.  An updated version
	of the 4.4BSD document, USD tabbed 13.

vitut/  Roff source for "An Introduction to Display Editing with Vi".  This
	document was USD:15 in the 4.3BSD manuals, but was not distributed
	with 4.4BSD.  It includes the historic "Vi Quick Reference" card.

PostScript preformatted versions of the nex/nvi reference manual and
manual page are in the files named with a ".ps" suffix, in their
respective source directories.  Flat text preformatted versions of the
nex/nvi reference manual and manual page are in the files named with a
".txt" suffix, in their respective source directories.