GCC_NO_FORMAT_TRUNCATION -Wno-format-truncation (GCC 7/8) GCC_NO_STRINGOP_TRUNCATION -Wno-stringop-truncation (GCC 8) GCC_NO_STRINGOP_OVERFLOW -Wno-stringop-overflow (GCC 8) GCC_NO_CAST_FUNCTION_TYPE -Wno-cast-function-type (GCC 8) use these to turn off warnings for most GCC-8 complaints. many of these are false positives, most of the real bugs are already commited, or are yet to come. we plan to introduce versions of (some?) of these that use the "-Wno-error=" form, which still displays the warnings but does not make it an error, and all of the above will be re-considered as either being "fix me" (warning still displayed) or "warning is wrong."
$NetBSD: README.compileopts,v 1.1 2016/01/25 00:24:23 pooka Exp $ This file describes compile-time options (make variables) for the rumpuser POSIX implementation. Note: after changing an option, do a clean build. Global options: RUMPUSER_THREADS values: pthread/none/fiber or <undefined> defval: <undefined> effect: Define the way threading is implemented in the rumpuser hypercall implmentation. <undefined> - use default implementation (currently "pthread") pthread - use pthreads to implement threading none - do not support kernel threads at all fiber - user a fiber interface, cooperatively scheduled contexts