(currently only CD-ROM drives on i386). The sys/dev/scsipi system provides 2 busses to which devices can attach (scsibus and atapibus). This needed to change some include files and structure names in the low level scsi drivers.
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# $NetBSD: files.pc532,v 1.31 1997/08/27 11:25:53 bouyer Exp $
# new style config file for pc532 architecture
# maxpartitions must be first item in files.${ARCH}.newconf
maxpartitions 8
maxusers 2 16 64
device mainbus {[addr = -1], [irq = -1]}
attach mainbus at root
file arch/pc532/pc532/mainbus.c
major {vnd = 5}
# Memory Disk for install floppy
file arch/pc532/dev/md_root.c memory_disk_hooks
major {md = 3}
device rtc
attach rtc at mainbus
device clock
attach clock at mainbus
file dev/clock_subr.c
file arch/pc532/pc532/clock.c
device scn: tty
attach scn at mainbus
file arch/pc532/dev/scn.c scn needs-flag
device lpt: ether, ifnet, arp
attach lpt at mainbus
file arch/pc532/dev/lpt.c lpt needs-flag
include "../../../dev/scsipi/files.scsipi"
major {sd = 0}
major {st = 2}
major {cd = 4}
device ncr: scsi, ncr5380sbc
attach ncr at mainbus
file arch/pc532/dev/ncr.c ncr needs-flag
device aic: scsi
attach aic at mainbus
file arch/pc532/dev/aic.c aic needs-flag
file arch/pc532/fpu/ieee_dze.c
file arch/pc532/fpu/ieee_handler.c
file arch/pc532/fpu/ieee_invop.c
file arch/pc532/fpu/ieee_ovfl.c
file arch/pc532/fpu/ieee_subnormal.c
file dev/cons.c
file dev/cninit.c
file arch/pc532/pc532/autoconf.c
file arch/pc532/pc532/conf.c
file arch/pc532/pc532/db_disasm.c ddb
file arch/pc532/pc532/db_interface.c ddb
file arch/pc532/pc532/db_trace.c ddb
file arch/pc532/pc532/db_memrw.c ddb | kgdb
file arch/pc532/pc532/kgdb_machdep.c kgdb
file arch/pc532/pc532/disksubr.c disk
file arch/pc532/pc532/in_cksum.c inet
file arch/pc532/pc532/intr.c
file arch/pc532/pc532/machdep.c
file arch/pc532/pc532/mem.c
file arch/pc532/pc532/pmap.c
file arch/pc532/pc532/process_machdep.c
file arch/pc532/pc532/random.s
file arch/pc532/pc532/sys_machdep.c
file arch/pc532/pc532/trap.c
file arch/pc532/pc532/vm_machdep.c
file netns/ns_cksum.c ns